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Controversial Rep. Madison Cawthorn Tape Leaks Depicting Gay Activity


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1 hour ago, Starchild said:

It’s his COUSIN, do y’all not get that? And yea I’m aware of humor that bros use  I’m bi and my roommates were bros but it’s not like that and not with their cousins

Idk where people think this is str8 bro humor like at all. ATRL is surely out if touch with reality

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10 minutes ago, By the Water said:

Girl, I don't care if he's a closeted gay or a str8 bro. He's trash. Why some of y'all are going the 'that's normal, I've done that with my cousins' route over this is beyond me



Oh yes he’s trash but all I’m saying this video has nothing to do with that :rip: 

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1 hour ago, nadiamendell said:

But the real question is.... who was filming? 



His dad

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41 minutes ago, DAP said:

Well this is the old mod that let his dog lick peanut butter off his balls so





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The defense of this man is very telling. Who the **** is really doing something like that to their own “cousin”?! :bibliahh:

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Someone made a great point about the big picture here. Who cares if he’s not str8, it’s giving the lgbt+ community a horrible image.


it’s fueling that stigma that nazi republicans are raging closeted homosexuals 

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46 minutes ago, DAP said:

Well this is the old mod that let his dog lick peanut butter off his balls so



I had to see who you was talking about and I didn’t know that was Reinvention omg wtf?!! :bibliahh:

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48 minutes ago, DAP said:

Well this is the old mod that let his dog lick peanut butter off his balls so



Wasn't that the Juanny guy or what?




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48 minutes ago, DAP said:

Well this is the old mod that let his dog lick peanut butter off his balls so



And we shan't forget.


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21 minutes ago, khalyan said:

Frat culture is a group of guys mooning someone on the highway, not laying in bed naked next to your relative and humping their face :rip: 

Right? This is literally sexual assault (unless the cousin is consenting to it :eli:).



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2 minutes ago, nadiamendell said:

Right? This is literally sexual assault (unless the cousin is consenting to it :eli:).



Girl with the noises that cousin makes :eli:


Giving prized piggy c*mslut at the baths :eli:

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29 minutes ago, Gaia said:

Having a hairy ass and having Mount Everest between your cheeks are two separate things. He doesn’t look hairy to have his ass crack magically look like the Amazon rainforest 


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"this is what straight guys do!"


Baby where? This thread is giving white dude bro vibes because they're the only ones who think getting naked, humping, groping and touching your friends d*ck is "bro" stuff.


I don't think Madison is gay nor do I care, but putting your d*ck on your cousins face and humping is not anything I've ever witnessed or heard of before between two friends better yet cousins.


It's weirdo behavior.

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33 minutes ago, khalyan said:

Frat culture is a group of guys mooning someone on the highway, not laying in bed naked next to your relative and humping their face :rip: 

I don’t get what part of this this website isn’t getting. This isn’t “normal frat boy humor” by a long shot. It’s weird as ****

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3 hours ago, Tropical said:

Gawd the puritanical anti-sex brigade comes out yet again. :rip: ATRL wants Gilead theocracy so bad.


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i swear this is what a LOT of weird conservative super Christian white people in middle America do... my best friend (progressive, not religious) had to literally break out of what she calls the "cult" that is her family of 6 siblings and lets just say that family has.. some skeletons in their closet. its really sick and repressed and weird

Edited by Orsay
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Just now, Orsay said:

i swear this is what a LOT of weird conservative super Christian white people in middle America do... my best friend (progressive, not religious) had to literally break out of what she calls the "cult" that is her family of 6 kids and lets just say her family has.. some skeletons in their closet. its really sick and repressed and weird




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55 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

Cousin. Naked in bed with your cousin is not “bro culture”. It’s ******* weird. Jesus Christ 


1 hour ago, Bears01 said:

I don’t know how many damn times I have to say this in this thread: being in bed naked and putting your dick in the face of your own COUSIN is WEIRD


2 hours ago, Bears01 said:

This. Doing this with your cousin is what makes this a 10000 times weird, but ATRL thinks most “dumb straight people” act like this, first off they don’t, and If they did, doing it with their cousins would be described as “weird” by just about anyone :rip:


2 hours ago, Bears01 said:

Being in bed naked next to your COUSIN is not normal . Like, at all :rip:


2 hours ago, Bears01 said:

I don’t care if he’s gay or not, just doing this with your cousin alone is what’s weird. Being in bed naked next to your cousin is weird as ****


2 hours ago, Bears01 said:

ATRL trying to find it normal that a guy is naked in bed with his cousin and calling it “straight humor” :rip: being in a bed naked next to your cousin is WEIRD and no straight person would find it normal :rip:


2 hours ago, Bears01 said:

With their literal family :rip: that’s his cousin. His COUSIN. 


2 hours ago, Bears01 said:

Dawg, being in bed naked next to your COUSIN and putting your dick in his face is weird, don’t try and talk sense into it. I know “moronic straight boy humor”, I’ve been around it my whole life, and trust me, they would consider being in bed naked next to your COUSIN weird beyond words. As they should because it is 


2 hours ago, Bears01 said:

This. Beyond this. There’s no straight person on earth that would willingly get in bed naked with their cousin and think it’s “normal bro behavior” 


2 hours ago, Bears01 said:

1.) I’m bi 


2.) I’m friends with nothing but straight people, and they would not do that **** with their cousins :rip:


2 hours ago, Bears01 said:

It’s still ******* WEIRD :rip: you would never catch me doing that with my COUSIN 



No one is saying it's "normal" :rip: Just pointing out that acting like he's in a Jackass movie doesn't automatically make him a closet case. The cousin element is its own separate weird thing regardless of gender :rip: 


But the number of times you've posted COUSIN in this thread... You good? 

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Just now, Douglas Booth said:




not sure what you mean by quoting with my avi but... obviously I wouldn't share that if it wasn't an anonymous forum. but its not funny, she's a victim of abuse. and her male family members all hold the same political beliefs as Madison.

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10 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

I don’t get what part of this this website isn’t getting. This isn’t “normal frat boy humor” by a long shot. It’s weird as ****

I just watched again on YouTube and nothing about this is frat boy behavior. The noises uhm yeah. 

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3 minutes ago, Vespertine said:













No one is saying it's "normal" :rip: Just pointing out that acting like he's in a Jackass movie doesn't automatically make him a closet case. The cousin element is its own separate weird thing regardless of gender :rip: 


But the number of times you've posted COUSIN in this thread... You good? 

I can post as many times as I want, maybe stop thinking you speak for “frat, str8 bros who do this all the time”. Newsflash DAWG: they don’t. Go meet people 

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Does he have a furry butt plug in :deadbanana4:

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where's the video? is it just me or is the embedded tweet glitched/not appearing?

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