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Supreme Court to Strike Down Roe v. Wade

ATRL Moderation Team

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This is the second thread to discuss the overthrowing of Roe v. Wade.  The last thread was closed due to out of control behavior.  To clarify a few things,


1. We believe a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body.  If your opinion differs and suggests the government should be in control of those decisions, be warned of blowback from most members.  This is not necessarily an argument about your own personal opinion about abortion.


2. Regardless of what side of this issue, responding with death threats is not acceptable.  You are welcome to debate, but do not cross the line or else you will receive harsh warnings and/or other penalties.  

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Let’s try this again

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Women's Rights  


If they can get away with this they'll come for gay marriage next



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13 minutes ago, slik said:

Women's Rights  


If they can get away with this they'll come for gay marriage next




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Horizon Flame


1 hour ago, slik said:

Women's Rights  


If they can get away with this they'll come for gay marriage next



They’re going for that one too. This court will end up leaving everything to the states. 

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Death threats aren't appropriate but there were some great convos in the last thread. Oh well. Meanwhile....




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1 minute ago, Espresso said:



West Coast representing :heart2:

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lol took 3 posts for someone to shift the convo to gay rights. never change ATRL!

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7 minutes ago, Lost In Paradise said:

lol took 3 posts for someone to shift the convo to gay rights. never change ATRL!

No shifting conversation. Literally that is the conversation when 50 year precedent is overturned. legal experts across the political spectrum are saying that . Everything’s on the table.


Not sure where you’re getting at here.

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17 minutes ago, Lost In Paradise said:

lol took 3 posts for someone to shift the convo to gay rights. never change ATRL!

you realize this topic went on for 20+ pages earlier before it got closed, yes?

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23 minutes ago, Horizon Flame said:


And the DEMOCRAT governor will probably sign it in a heartbeat.

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Very class warfare

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A bit too little too late for that isn’t it. Anything to placate critics trying to hold them accountable I guess :zzz:

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Horizon Flame
1 hour ago, DAP said:

A bit too little too late for that isn’t it. Anything to placate critics trying to hold them accountable I guess :zzz:

You know they tried this a few months ago, right? It was shot down. 

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22 minutes ago, Horizon Flame said:

You know they tried this a few months ago, right? It was shot down. 

By pro-choice Democrats. They have control of the Senate, but what good is that control, really? They're showing themselves incapable of doing anything with it.

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Women's rights.... What about the babies rights? Life is important.

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3 minutes ago, hardbrit said:

Women's rights.... What about the babies rights? Life is important.


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1 minute ago, infrared said:



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8 minutes ago, hardbrit said:


This video is misleading, a vast majority of abortions are in the first trimester - and also, medical procedures are not necessarily procedures that are going to be all nice. There are many procedures which are gruesome, that doesn't mean that they are not viable or necessary to be performed.

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17 minutes ago, hardbrit said:

Women's rights.... What about the babies rights? Life is important.

How can something have rights if it itself cannot survive on its own once removed from its host? 

Viability isn't even a concept derived re: sentience from those who support women's autonomy.


The vast majority of births before the 24-week mark (aka the end of the 2nd trimester as seen in your video) end in death due to unviable health issues because the fetus often simply has not developed to the point of being biologically self-sustaining, let alone sentient and actually a person.


If something cannot biologically survive on its own without being tethered physically to another physical being, the autonomy is then that of the pregnant person's, not that of the fetus who cannot survive and develop on its own. 

Edited by Communion
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55 minutes ago, hardbrit said:

Women's rights.... What about the babies rights? Life is important.

:ahh:Posting twice in different threads for some attention. Its giving mommy issues. Maybe have a convo about it with her???

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