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Have you ever sent a risky text to someone ? What was the response you got ?


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Have you ever sent a risky text to someone ? What was the response you got  ? :coffee2:









Edited by MoonGoodandHappy
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No I’ve never taken a risk. 

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Yes but that's a story for The Roof 

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Oh God, yes. Once they simply didn't reply. 

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Yes, when I was young. I can see now that it was very much unsolicited. 

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yeah, I did it two days ago. It wasn't the response I wanted but it was better than I expected.

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Yes, specifically twice when I was younger but both of those guys where like actual people I loved not just a crush - neither responded :deadbanana4: it hurt in the moment but looking back I don’t think I would’ve been able to move on unless I got my feelings out instead of bottling them in.

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sometimes I do but I quickly delete them later and pray they didn't read it

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not really risky but i texted this guy that i ghosted after like months because i realized how much i actually like him and the new owner of the number replied and said “cool bro but it’s not ______ work number anymore”


what’s more humiliating is he knows the guy i ghosted nnnn



Edited by Taylucifer
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Yea all the time. If I got some **** to say then I’m gonna say it :bunny:

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Hot Engineer:

Next time they’re sending you someone else



Ah I understand, too bad because I always preferred you to come







Thank you for suggesting me jazz music


Straight hot daddy:

Its amazing during sex!



Oh, where do I find someone like you then? 



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Does "risky text" mean like asking someone out over text? If so then yeah when I was younger, it was reciprocated at the time but it was overall messy. Things felt more risky in general in like high school/early college because of the type of games young people play with potential love interests like hard-to-get, the type Lorde sings about on "Loveless". Now as an adult if I was on the market looking for a new relationship I would imagine things would be much more direct, I don't have time for games.

Edited by Beyonnaise
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3 hours ago, MoonGoodandHappy said:



is this Jay Z taking a pic of Beyonce?? :ahh:

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3 hours ago, hurricane326 said:

I wonder why...

the company had to change for some time, it had nothing to do with me :gaycat3:

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Yes. I had crushes (borderline obsessions :smile:) on 2 guys who I admired from afar. I messaged them. I forgot exactly what I told them and what their reactions were because I deleted the messages but it didn’t end well. I can still feel that feeling in my stomach waiting hours for their responses :clownny:

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Yes, but it is a bit complex to explain. I was still a teenager (16), and I was using Windows Live Messenger, and I had suspicions that one of my neighbors (15) was sexually abusing his little brother (5), and I wrote him that I knew about it and that I had seen him doing something, but I immediately regretted and flooded the conversation window with one of those idiotic messages that were sent massively to all your contacts (usually by email), until he didn't feel like reading all the above and seeing the message. He didn't read it, because we continued talking normally. But my suspicions were just that and I never confirmed it. I still think he was abusing his brother.

Edited by bliaz
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4 years ago I decided to open my heart and confess to this guy I liked. It was a brave thing for me to do cuz I'm not this out there at all. I actually wasn't expecting him to even reply, but he DID! And he was pretty nice. I wasn't expecting that. He even said that he was not gonna unfriend or block me (it was on Facebook) cuz I did mention that on my text and all...


He unfriended me a few weeks later.

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I literally typed a whole damn wall of text confessing my love to a guy, only to receive a message back saying "I'm not gay." :rip:

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e even said that he was not gonna unfriend or block me (it was on Facebook) cuz I did mention that on my text and all...



He unfriended me a few weeks late


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On 5/2/2022 at 9:17 PM, SwiftLover said:

*read yesterday*

Idk what’s worse, that or unread or just a like

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On 5/3/2022 at 7:23 AM, bliaz said:

Yes, but it is a bit complex to explain. I was still a teenager (16), and I was using Windows Live Messenger, and I had suspicions that one of my neighbors (15) was sexually abusing his little brother (5), and I wrote him that I knew about it and that I had seen him doing something, but I immediately regretted and flooded the conversation window with one of those idiotic messages that were sent massively to all your contacts (usually by email), until he didn't feel like reading all the above and seeing the message. He didn't read it, because we continued talking normally. But my suspicions were just that and I never confirmed it. I still think he was abusing his brother.


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On 5/3/2022 at 12:23 AM, bliaz said:

Yes, but it is a bit complex to explain. I was still a teenager (16), and I was using Windows Live Messenger, and I had suspicions that one of my neighbors (15) was sexually abusing his little brother (5), and I wrote him that I knew about it and that I had seen him doing something, but I immediately regretted and flooded the conversation window with one of those idiotic messages that were sent massively to all your contacts (usually by email), until he didn't feel like reading all the above and seeing the message. He didn't read it, because we continued talking normally. But my suspicions were just that and I never confirmed it. I still think he was abusing his brother.

How did you suspect something like that?:dancehall: Unless you saw it

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