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Jeffree “Star” (MySpace) releases racist photo shoot


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Are those black men? I can't tell. If they are... jesus christ, what an idiot. If they aren't, he's still an idiot for not making sure it's clear they're white men.


All in all, it's just a dumb, ugly photo. The men are way too big to be realistic, everyone is photoshopped to high heavens, and it's just a bad photograph and theme.

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People still stanning Jeffree in 2022 is the most surprising thing here :rip: 

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It never even crossed my mind when I saw the photo that it could be seen as racist. I don’t think that was his intent? Like…if he was in the jungle then maybe??

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You ******* being blind and not seeing the racial undertones of this:deadbanana4: like why he didn't use pale white models for this instead of black/tanned men.

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I'm speechless


he's lower than low

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1 hour ago, Jack. said:

Oh please shut up. This is pathetic. Racism over bananas and tanned white dudes? These assumptions are such a reach. You honestly think Jeff purposely went out of his way to hurt a community with these images? Like this was planned to ATTACK a race?:ahh: Absolutely not. Just because your offended doesn’t mean your right. It’s a raunchy photo that you’ve managed to find correlations with your experiences and knowledge. You can literally find correlations with anything if you try hard enough. You are quite literally acting outraged over nothing but something you’ve assumed. Please get a grip, and stop making people feel bad for purely existing and expressing themselves through art. Accusing people of racism when there intentions are obviously pure, is wrong. Stop gaslighting white people. I’m getting so ******* sick of reading this nonsense. 

the fact that you actually pressed “submit reply” on this post is embarassing :deadbanana2: tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist

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18 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

the fact that you actually pressed “submit reply” on this post is embarassing :deadbanana2: tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist


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Yall arguing if they are black and I am here wondering if they are even real

those look CGI created :deadbanana:

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Can anyone explain what is actually racist about this picture? 

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4 hours ago, Erreur2 La Nature said:

I don't get your comment, Mast. Are you sure I'm the one you wanted to quote ? I am not defending nor attacking anyone in my previous post. I just stated that the men on the picture are white. There are a few horizontal shadows projected on them that make some parts look slightly darker than it is but their skin is very clearly white.

The men in the picture are not real people. So this "but the models are white" point is moot. They are 3D models with darkened skin. Next question.

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3 hours ago, psychodj said:

Telling black people they're “overreacting” and “complaining about anything” when there’s legit history behind black people being called monkeys or compared to monkeys (which can be found by merely searching google, there’s a link above) is the weirdest **** you can say. And at first glance, the men in the image are dark-skinned. Let’s not be obtuse here.


And then to follow it up with “there’s actual racist stuff going on” is even weirder because when it gets threaded or brought up on this website, y’all ignore that as well and say we’re still complaining then. Y’all said we were complaining during the BLM protests, y’all said we were complaining during the Blackface/blackfishing  threads, etc…Like, I’m convinced some of y’all just love saying we complaining. :coffee:

Interesting. It’s funny how y’all lust over black men and our “BBC’s” (again, another stereotype which contributes to our sexualization because not all black men have that) all the time but when it comes time to address the racism we experience, y’all are silent, nowhere to be found or dismissive.  :zzz:

SPEAK ON IT. I literally was about to say this but chose to go to sleep because I knew the girls would miss the point yet again. They say the same **** in these threads  all the ******* time and act as if there’s better things to be discussed but can sit in a Demi Lovato thread for 4 weeks talking about ******* yogurt or half the day arguing over who’s a MPG :rip: There’s always “better” things to be discussed but they’re never the ones talking about it :gaycat6: 


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Take the bait if you guys want to lol

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This is a very low effort attempt to get a controversy and y'all are giving him the attention he craves and needs to sell the products. That being said, seeing POC and bananas and immediately making a connection to monkeys is weird in itself, just so you know.

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i don't think those men are supposed to be black,  bodybuilding dudes are always painting their bodies a dark shade of brown/gold color for those competitions (and I've always thought it was funny af that no one comes for them) the pic does look gross and disgusting af tho

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3 hours ago, BIAATCH said:

You ******* being blind and not seeing the racial undertones of this:deadbanana4: like why he didn't use pale white models for this instead of black/tanned men.

this a clear result of p*rn's effect on their minds tho, these people can't spend a day without watching p*rn which... promotes the worst racial tropes ever, so I'm not surprised they think tis normal ? 

Edited by fagsturbation
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“kim there’s people dying!”


people are dying every day but y’all still insist on making 500 surprised?/how?/what went wrong? threads a day instead?


”you’re just giving him the attention he wants! congrats! he’s winning!!!”


I had no idea there was a shortage on attention. but seeing as how y’all stay threading charlie puth tragic attempts at thirst tweets, id be tired of giving attention starved people attention too, I guess.



:toofunny2:   at this point just say you don’t care and move on. i’d respect you much more instead of trying to gaslight. y’all ain’t doing **** but bickering over sales and chart positions while constantly trying to tell black people that they’re’s

better things to discuss and there’s real problems going on. a joke :toofunny2: 

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19 minutes ago, Hephaestus said:

This is a very low effort attempt to get a controversy and y'all are giving him the attention he craves and needs to sell the products. That being said, seeing POC and bananas and immediately making a connection to monkeys is weird in itself, just so you know.

This is about BLACK MEN, stop using trendy catchphrases that make no sense lmao, other groups that wokes classiry under 'POC' have NOT historically been associated with monkeys, some of these groups' ''scientists'' and 'thinkers' even originate these theories about black people which later on reached europe/the west, let's not :)

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17 minutes ago, Bussea said:

“kim there’s people dying!”


people are dying every day but y’all still insist on making 500 surprised?/how?/what went wrong? threads a day instead?


”you’re just giving him the attention he wants! congrats! he’s winning!!!”


I had no idea there was a shortage on attention. but seeing as how y’all stay threading charlie puth tragic attempts at thirst tweets, id be tired of giving attention starved people attention too, I guess.



:toofunny2:   at this point just say you don’t care and move on. i’d respect you much more instead of trying to gaslight. y’all ain’t doing **** but bickering over sales and chart positions while constantly trying to tell black people that they’re’s

better things to discuss and there’s real problems going on. a joke :toofunny2: 

they were even saying that on that other thread about p*do-p*rn and child-cosplaying p*rn, like OK they're dying what are we suppoed to do lmaooo p*dophilia and racism are worse than death and even murder :cm:

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2 minutes ago, fagsturbation said:

they were even saying that on that other thread about p*do-p*rn and child-cosplating p*rn, like OK they're dying what are we suppoed to do lmaooo p*dophilia and racism are worse than death and even murder :cm:

UMMMM which thread :biblio:


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5 minutes ago, Bussea said:

UMMMM which thread :biblio:


that jinkx monsoon one 

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14 minutes ago, fagsturbation said:

This is about BLACK MEN, stop using trendy catchphrases that make no sense lmao, other groups that wokes classiry under 'POC' have NOT historically been associated with monkeys, some of these groups' ''scientists'' and 'thinkers' even originate these theories about black people which later on reached europe/the west, let's not :)

Is "POC" a trendy catchphrase now? :deadbanana4:


I agree it might be too generic and "black men" would've fit the context better, but it's not like it's completely out of place either.



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5 hours ago, Papa said:

Yall honestly just be complaining about anything at this point. There is nothing racist about that. Banana has been used as a metaphor for D since history began. You are just forcing some monkey narrative on it when there is none there at all, you are the actual racists for that. There is actual racist crap going on in the world and this is not that. You guys don't even know if those men are black, they could be white guys with tans, not that it would matter 

Embarrassing comment. The gaslighting is DISGUSTING. :biblio:

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The repeat 'I don't know how this is racist' and the 'its not racist stop overreacting' is literally tone deaf especially when black members in this thread have time and time again explained why what he did was racist in this thread. At this point you guys are just refusing to listen and act dumb. 

Edited by Gwendolyn
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