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YouTuber "Todd In The Shadows" comments on Depp v Heard after reading UK ruling


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Someone who actually did research. Rare.


Honestly, there's no way anyone with any sense can read through ALL the evidence, testimonies (and how he's contradicted himself multiple times), and still think he's an innocent victim.


The deification of him because people need a good guy/bad guy, black and white in every situation is embarrassing and harmful.

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Just now, anastasha said:

Someone who actually did research. Rare.


Honestly, there's no way anyone with any sense can read through ALL the evidence, testimonies (and how he's contradicted himself multiple times), and still think he's an innocent victim.


The deification of him because people need a good guy/bad guy, black and white in every situation is embarrassing and harmful.

It's terrible that people are treating this trial like a movie and Depp has been cast as the HERO and Heard as the EVIL VILLAIN, when the reality is much more complex than that. 


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Yeah. I think they are both abusive. But the way some of these ppl believe and tried to portray Johnny is an innocent angel who never abused Amber and was the victim is :rip:. These 2 deserved each other and I hope no one will become a victim to these two abusers

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3 minutes ago, NausAllien said:

It's terrible that people are treating this trial like a movie and Depp has been cast as the HERO and Heard as the EVIL VILLAIN, when the reality is much more complex than that. 


Yep, there are no grey areas. This is also the result of pent up frustration, people have been holding back and pretending to care about victims when it comes to #MeToo, people being called out for misogyny etc and it feels like it's all coming to a head tbh. This case is the perfect combination of factors for people to channel their misogyny into. I'm not claiming Amber is a great person, nor even a good person, but the way this case has been twisted so much is scary.


The way it's been turned into memes and "savage" moment edits, the desensitisation to the seriousness of domestic violence showing through... is scary.


I was in an emotionally abusive relationship, and I would tell people nothing triggered me and nothing did until this case and the reaction to it. Seeing people defend abusive actions on his end or justify/downright ignore them, how they twist things, and how they talk about/post about the case is triggering as hell. And it's all anyone can talk about, whilst being uninformed about the case itself. Someone I know said "she admitted to shitting in the bed and said she thought it would be a funny joke!" like, no she didn't, she never said that. People just parroting information with no research.

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It's crazy how much money Depp is shelling out to the media and unfortunately it's working. Even the YT algorithm is pushing on me pro Depp videos and 'owned" compilations when I have been specifically avoiding the topic on that platform and marking all videos as not interested. There are people really treating him like he's some hurt little child that can't be blamed while outright lying and making up stories about Amber and the majority do not even care to fact check them. And worst of all now Pitt and Manson stans are coming forward to try and start up "conversations" about their own situations where it wasn't even a question of who was at fault ... 


Amber isn't blameless, but people are actively pushing the narrative that Depp is an angel which couldn't be farther from the truth and it's gonna set things back by a lot... 


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30 minutes ago, Moon said:

It's crazy how much money Depp is shelling out to the media and unfortunately it's working. Even the YT algorithm is pushing on me pro Depp videos and 'owned" compilations when I have been specifically avoiding the topic on that platform and marking all videos as not interested. There are people really treating him like he's some hurt little child that can't be blamed while outright lying and making up stories about Amber and the majority do not even care to fact check them. And worst of all now Pitt and Manson stans are coming forward to try and start up "conversations" about their own situations where it wasn't even a question of who was at fault ... 


Amber isn't blameless, but people are actively pushing the narrative that Depp is an angel which couldn't be farther from the truth and it's gonna set things back by a lot... 


The climate and the timing is so tricky that to be quite honest, I don't think he has to pay anyone. We're witnessing the 'rebirth of the oppressed man, a victim of feminism', after the Me Too wave. Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Johnny Depp, the biggest men in media currently are lowkey misogynistic at best.

Amber Heard doesn't stand a chance. It's obvious she's no angel, but I fear she's gonna be shattered by this trial. Hopefully her defense will be strong, and we'll see where the media stands when she gets her spotlight at the stand. 

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Yeah I had talked about this case a few times a while back but at this point I think the fact that everyone is taking sides on it based on incomplete info about people they don't know is damaging. 


I can see the point that Depp was roundly demonised initially and lost work because of the accusations and then those recordings came out which seemed to be strong evidence that Heard was not 100 percent always the victim in this situation and people felt it was hypocrisy that she did not also lose work. 


Trial by social media is not the answer though, people are twisting facts, leaving out context and clearly injecting their own biases into this discussion. Believe the victim doesn't have to mean siding with them publicly. It's about giving those who claim to be victims space to express their grievances without being dismissed or treated like a liar. Both of them claim victimhood and they both deserve their chance to make their case for that. 

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Being in a relationship with someone with BPD/Narcissism is crazy-making - especially if you already have your own issues and if they're not actively addressing it. It's not an excuse, but speaking from experience, you get to such a hopeless place, you just give in and begin behaving like them, sometimes as a defence, sometimes thinking it's the only way you'll get through, sometimes because they're so beyond comprehension you begin to take on aspects of them in hopes you'll be able to understand why someone you love is hurting you.


Amber is a horrible person beyond rehabilitation. Johnny is at least able to admit and recognise his faults and has the capacity to strive to do better. 

Edited by FOCK
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Yeah, Amber has no chance. Even if she wins this case (i'm afraid she won't), she's going to need some time off and some rebranding in order to find some good work again.


She's a fresh mother, she should take some time off and focus on that.


I don't care for either of them and honestly this is a circus and a freak show and beyond cringe with the open court and all that.

But honestly two troubled people created troubles.

Now they have to deal with it.

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Look what she made him do! She needs to pay for both her own actions as well as the ones she purposely triggered out of him in order to be able to villainize him! Turd is evil! 

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7 hours ago, anastasha said:

Someone who actually did research. Rare.


Honestly, there's no way anyone with any sense can read through ALL the evidence, testimonies (and how he's contradicted himself multiple times), and still think he's an innocent victim.


The deification of him because people need a good guy/bad guy, black and white in every situation is embarrassing and harmful.

It’s because gross men need a high profile “evil woman abusing man” story they can pull out anytime people talk about abused women

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4 hours ago, FOCK said:

Being in a relationship with someone with BPD/Narcissism is crazy-making - especially if you already have your own issues and if they're not actively addressing it. It's not an excuse, but speaking from experience, you get to such a hopeless place, you just give in and begin behaving like them, sometimes as a defence, sometimes thinking it's the only way you'll get through, sometimes because they're so beyond comprehension you begin to take on aspects of them in hopes you'll be able to understand why someone you love is hurting you.


Amber is a horrible person beyond rehabilitation. Johnny is at least able to admit and recognise his faults and has the capacity to strive to do better. 

And already in this thread we have an incel…

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4 hours ago, FOCK said:

Amber is a horrible person beyond rehabilitation. Johnny is at least able to admit and recognise his faults and has the capacity to strive to do better. 

And here you are pushing a false narrative. How is Depp able to admit his fault when he has denied OVER AND OVER UNDER OATH that he hit her, and yet there's a mountain of evidence that shows that he did indeed hit her? Heard ever since her pre-divorce trial deposition has admitted to hitting him, even though she claims it was in self-defense or to defend her sister. 

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35 minutes ago, Coma Baby said:

Look what she made him do! She needs to pay for both her own actions as well as the ones she purposely triggered out of him in order to be able to villainize him! Turd is evil! 

And just like clockwork, the #1 misogynist on this forum has arrived...


@ATRL Administration Are yo going to allow this blatant misogyny and victim-blaming narrative? Women don't make men do anything. Every person is responsible for their actions. Amber is responsible for hers, and Johnny is responsible for his. This narrative that SHE made him do something and that she needs to pay for both of their actions is toxic, offensive and triggering. MODS, are you going to do your damn job or what?

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1 hour ago, NausAllien said:

And just like clockwork, the #1 misogynist on this forum has arrived...


@ATRL Administration Are yo going to allow this blatant misogyny and victim-blaming narrative? Women don't make men do anything. Every person is responsible for their actions. Amber is responsible for hers, and Johnny is responsible for his. This narrative that SHE made him do something and that she needs to pay for both of their actions is toxic, offensive and triggering. MODS, are you going to do your damn job or what?

Touch grass, truly. :bibliahh:

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1 hour ago, NausAllien said:

And just like clockwork, the #1 misogynist on this forum has arrived...


@ATRL Administration Are yo going to allow this blatant misogyny and victim-blaming narrative? Women don't make men do anything. Every person is responsible for their actions. Amber is responsible for hers, and Johnny is responsible for his. This narrative that SHE made him do something and that she needs to pay for both of their actions is toxic, offensive and triggering. MODS, are you going to do your damn job or what?

Thank you. The only time men care about abuse is when they can use it to minimize the abuse women face from men. Once this trial is over, they won’t care about abuse anymore. But millions of women will still face it. Misogynists are piggybacking on Depp to make him a martyr for this fictional idea of mens rights, and that “misandry” is a real thing. 

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This case is pretty crazy because it shows you that anyone with enough money (and it really doesn't take that much to begin with) can astroturf social media to control the narrative around any situation you want. Depp's attorney being a Russian oligarch who is an expert in using bot armies is not a coincidence.


Reminder that the whole "nobody will believe you" audio tape that's been circulated online has been cut up to remove context. Johnny Depp was claiming that he and Amber Heard physically fighting is a "fair fight" and Amber correctly mocks him by saying how could a woman 'fairly fight' against a man, particularly one that is taller and heavier than her.



It's going to be hilarious when the internet collectively melts down when Depp loses this case. And he will lose, the bar for defamation is much lower in the UK than it is in the US and he lost the UK case horribly.

Edited by Pie-kun
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Something was always off about this trial and it had to do with the witnesses testifying for Depp.


Seemed too convenient at a time when the MeToo movement is facing a great deal of animosity.

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8 hours ago, Redstreak said:

And already in this thread we have an incel…

You wish That word doesn’t mean what you think it means. Highly presumptions - I don’t even know you. I suggest you read up on ATRL rules concerning personal insults of members. This is nothing to do with her gender. 

8 hours ago, NausAllien said:

And here you are pushing a false narrative. How is Depp able to admit his fault when he has denied OVER AND OVER UNDER OATH that he hit her, and yet there's a mountain of evidence that shows that he did indeed hit her? Heard ever since her pre-divorce trial deposition has admitted to hitting him, even though she claims it was in self-defense or to defend her sister. 

My opinion is based on personal experience in a long-term relationship with somebody who behaves like Amber & the evidence presented thus far in this case. 


They’re both clearly at fault for several reasons, but I find her to be the instigator where it pertains to physical assault. Amber’s evidence in this case thus far has been refuted, unreliable & even has a precedence of being faked (nail polish, make up etc). If she was to present irrefutable evidence this coming week, my perspective on Johnny would change, though not my judgement of her established character. She’s still horrible & by nature of her disease, manipulative. 

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This case is a perfect example of how a wrong narrative can spin out of control in the public sphere.

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16 minutes ago, FOCK said:

They’re both clearly at fault for several reasons, but I find her to be the instigator where it pertains to physical assault. Amber’s evidence in this case thus far has been refuted, unreliable & even has a precedence of being faked (nail polish, make up etc). If she was to present irrefutable evidence this coming week, my perspective on Johnny would change, though not my judgement of her established character. She’s still horrible & by nature of her disease, manipulative. 

You do realize she hasn't presented ANY evidence yet? All the evidence has come from Depp's side because that's the way trials work. First the plaintiff presents their side, and then the defendant presents theirs. Amber Heard's team will start presenting her evidence and calling on their witnesses tomorrow.


I also love how you cherry pick evidence according to what fits your narrative. The UK case and its findings don't matter because it doesn't fit your narrative.

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15 minutes ago, NausAllien said:

You do realize she hasn't presented ANY evidence yet? All the evidence has come from Depp's side because that's the way trials work. First the plaintiff presents their side, and then the defendant presents theirs. Amber Heard's team will start presenting her evidence and calling on their witnesses tomorrow.


I also love how you cherry pick evidence according to what fits your narrative. The UK case and its findings don't matter because it doesn't fit your narrative.

Precisely why I clearly stated “this case” and “thus far”, and even clarified that Amber will have the opportunity to present her perspective this week. What’s not clicking? 


She may prove that Johnny is an abusive monster, it doesn’t make her any less of one. I haven’t followed the UK case nor have I cared to comment on it - so you’re reaching, I was clear that my opinion is based on what has been presented in this one so far and it was enough for me to recognise established patterns of behaviour. 


Good day to you. 

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1 minute ago, FOCK said:

Precisely why I clearly stated “this case” and “thus far”, and even clarified that Amber will have the opportunity to present her perspective this week. What’s not clicking? 


She may prove that Johnny is an abusive monster, it doesn’t make her any less of one. I haven’t followed the UK case nor have I cared to comment on it - so you’re reaching, I was clear that my opinion is based on what has been presented in this one so far and it was enough for me to recognise established patterns of behaviour. 


Good day to you. 

Once again, you're proving my point. Your cherry picking whatever suits you (in this case Depp's evidence since Heard hasn't had the chance to show hers) and ignoring the mountain of evidence from both sides that was presented in the UK trial, as well as the judge's ruling and the 129 pages he wrote about the case because looking AT EVERYTHING objectively doesn't fit your narrative of Heard being an EVIL DEVIL and DEPP being a poor victim.


I'm not reaching, you clearly have an agenda, your projecting your own experiences onto a completely different situation, and your reaching conclusions that aren't based on facts for the most part, but on your own feelings and what it seems to you, rather than on what really happen and the facts.

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2 minutes ago, NausAllien said:

Once again, you're proving my point. Your cherry picking whatever suits you (in this case Depp's evidence since Heard hasn't had the chance to show hers) and ignoring the mountain of evidence from both sides that was presented in the UK trial, as well as the judge's ruling and the 129 pages he wrote about the case because looking AT EVERYTHING objectively doesn't fit your narrative of Heard being an EVIL DEVIL and DEPP being a poor victim.


I'm not reaching, you clearly have an agenda, your projecting your own experiences onto a completely different situation, and your reaching conclusions that aren't based on facts for the most part, but on your own feelings and what it seems to you, rather than on what really happen and the facts.

Please show me where I classified Depp as a “poor victim.” He has and had the privilege and resources to remove himself from the situation and chose not to. 


I genuinely do not care enough about either of these people - my only interest in this case lies in my ability to relate to the psychological aspects at play and that’s what I’ve shared my opinion on.


A random opinion. That holds no weight. By someone you don’t know. On a pop forum. It’s not a ruling, so maybe calm tf down & take a breather. 

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