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Will Apple Be The Next Nokia?


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My  sis always spills nothing but :coffee:


I been saying how Apple hasn't done anything innovative in almost a decade and they only sale cause of the name at this point ... every yr its the same thing in brand new packaging & The Sheep flocks to the nearest store.


Idk that the iPhone 5 was Apple's peak and every yr since they have been on a slow decline specially the last 2 yrs.


Everyone should check this 8m video out!


Do U think Apple will share the same fate as Nokia?


IMO I think Apple is gonna price themselves out like they did in the 90s when they stuff started to get outrageously high & turned customers off and also customers are tired of Apple nickel and dime'n them to death ... like the no charger and headphones anymore with new phones ... Apple makes an extra 800M a yr as a result of them not doing that anymore ... Brazil made them add chargers with new phones and tbh more Countries should do this.


So I spend 1200USD on a phone and I still have to turn around and pay extra for a charger and headphones?  Thats asinine and these huge corps are getting more and more greedy so its nice that Brazil stood up to Apple and said NO U have to include at least a charger with new iPhones. 



All that aside do U think Apple will share the same fate as Nokia?    


What can Apple do to become innovative and exciting again?


At least Samsung have tried a lot of new things like The Iris scanner, The foldable phone etc meanwhile Apple is giving us more megapixels and better battery life y'all. ????‍♂️


Even Motorola did something exciting reintroducing The new all touchscreen flip Razr.


Don't get me wrong I like Apple I have all they products (MacBook, iPhone & iPad) and have supported since I got my 1st one which was the 4 back in 2011  ... I also have had Samsung Galaxy as a backup during that time too like The Galaxy S5 and The S8 or S9 cause I wanted to try the IRIS scanner .. I'm thinking about getting the RAZR or Galaxy fold as my next backup.

Edited by Materialboy215
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Samsung >

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no. Apple’s ecosystem is too integrated in too many peoples lives for it die out.


While the hardware isn’t the most innovative thing, that’s not what draws people into Apple anyway.


I also think the problem with things like Samsung’s foldable phone is it’s too gimmicky. It’s not necessary at all. “innovation” for the sake of innovating isn’t always good.

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I echo the comment regarding Apple's ecosystem. This video explains it really nicely. It's not about innovation anymore (unfortunately), and more about connectivity and the convenience associated with Apple devices. 

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Y’all remember when every year IPhones we’re becoming so much more advanced. I was sure we would have hologram phones at the rate we were going. But by the iPhone 10, Apple just stop caring. I still feel like the last 3 Gen phones are the same. I know the techs are obviously better, but I feel like they stop innovating as much. iPhone 12 and 13 are so similar 

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No. Apple has never built something with as much quality as a Nokia :sorry:

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Nokia? No. But it will definitely lose market share. In the 2010s so many people who had no business owning a MacBook or iPhone bought them for brand recognition. As their brand lessens, there’s less of a desire to pay a premium on basically the same or worse hardware as a competitor. The Surface tablets and Samsung phones will become the norm, I think unless Apple really has something special up their sleeves.


EDIT: As for the “ecosystem”, I believe the utility of this is a bit inflated. While it’s nice, it’s by no means a dealbreaker for most consumers and while I think people who currently have a MacBook/iPhone/AppleTV/etc. will continue to purchase those products, I can’t see someone who wants to spend less money finding this to be a must have feature worth shelling out hundreds of more dollars for because there are workarounds, some of which work better than the interactions between Apple products.

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I've never seen this woman but I loved her attitude lol, can she replace James Corden??

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they just hit another all time high during today’s earnings calls beating Wall St’s expectation again despite a slower growth; accumulating record breaking revenue in services & not to mention becoming the first streaming company to win an Oscar for BP :cm:



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Nope. Apple has figured out that there will always be a market for those people who just want devices to work the way they’re intended to. Why anyone would need a foldable screen is beyond me. 




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This is so funny bc they've been saying the same thing for an entire decade. "Apple isn't the same since Steve Jobs died".


Yet, Tim Cook took this company to the highest heights at $3 trillion and reported a record breaking quarter literally today. :rip: 


And no, Apple will not become Nokia since Nokia was never a well-rounded company with a cult ecosystem and there's nothing on the market like it. Every company is trying to mimic this seamless integration model, even other industries like Tesla. Apple simply can't lose market-share because it literally doesn't have a huge market share to begin with. Android and Microsoft is dominating with low-end options while Apple has a small chokehold with record profits/revenue. What we will see is Apple GAINING global marketshare with their phones, ARM Macs, wearables, etc. and that's the most absurd thing because this is already a $3 trillion company with so much headroom to grow. It's a US centric company, but Apple is gaining traction in East Asia while Huawei and Samsung are on their toes because they're losing their domestic countries. I mean the AirPods business alone is comparable to Twitter, Spotify, Square, etc. combined. People don't realize how huge this company is. 


Apple will be worth $5-10 trillion when their AR glasses (that will inevitably replace phones) and possibly an EV to compete with Tesla are out. I'll be a happy shareholder. :giraffe:




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31 minutes ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

Y’all remember when every year IPhones we’re becoming so much more advanced. I was sure we would have hologram phones at the rate we were going. But by the iPhone 10, Apple just stop caring. I still feel like the last 3 Gen phones are the same. I know the techs are obviously better, but I feel like they stop innovating as much. iPhone 12 and 13 are so similar 

AND thats exactly why I haven't bought a iPhone since my 10 Xs Max. '


I refuse to buy another iPhone unless I have to I.E its broken or they do something exciting or innovative and a better battery life (which I always side eye anyway) & more MP's isn't going to do it for me. 

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No, especially when they move into cars, glasses, and God knows what else. They're here to stay.


The "Apple doesn't innovate anymore" argument is really lazy IMO. Smartphones are at a place where most updates are incremental because most of what we could ask for in a phone already exists. If I think of my iPhone right now, I can't really think of much more I'd want in terms of hardware. A foldable phone? Seems gimmicky, and admittedly I can't see Apple making a foldable phone that wouldn't be 1.5x the price of their regular phones. I guess there's an argument that it would be nice to have the notch gone, and maybe the ability to charge Airpods from an iPhone, but these, to me, aren't really MAJOR jaw-dropping improvements the way early iPhones were. The smartphone industry is just kind of stagnating for the time being, until we find the technology for the next major leap (and the ability to make it affordable for the masses, something that I think we may finally see with VR in the coming years).


And as another user mentioned, the Apple ecosystem is just too good at this point. Their products are notoriously expensive, an argument I can't refute, but their devices are always high-quality and won't die on you within a year from purchase. Their products just work, interact seamlessly with one another, and last a LONG time and that's why people pay the premium. Plus for a lot of people they're very much attached to the brand and "status symbol" effect of Apple products. I genuinely don't see Apple going under anytime soon, especially as they're trying to get into other industries.

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Have you seen their earnings today :ahh:

Cutting edge hardware tech companies have been trying for a decade+ to take Apple down with no success

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Lol she just sounds like the typical Apple hater.


and how can you compare them to Nokia :skull: what did they ever innovate? 

A Microsoft situation I could see happening but not anytime soon. 

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It's about the interconnected "ecosystem" as others have said, the ease of customer service which is pretty excellent, and also as a status marker within certain industries, where not being able to be part of the iMessage group chat could limit you. In those cases, the price is a feature not a bug. Is it right? No. But it's the reality. Just like some jobs won't even look at resumes that don't have a degree from a top school.

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I don’t think so, but everything is possible. Not long ago BlackBerry was IT girl of the phone companies and lo and behold it vanished as fast as it came.

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Nope. If and when Apple dies, it will because of a new major shift in tech (like the advent of smartphones) and it will kill Samsung etc too. But considering how Apple's business is so well spread across so many things, it's hard to think that it will die any time soon due to its own shortcomings.

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Laptop/PC: Apple currently has a massive lead on performance and efficiency that will grow more apparent as windows moves more towards ARM. If they continue to maintain those there will always be a demand


iPhone: The product has stagnated because it meets the needs of most consumers, much like their laptops, improvements are going to be incremental from now on. Other than gimmicks like folding, this is how the whole smartphone market operates now.


Subscriptions: As long as the previous two remain relevant, icloud will always have people willing to pay. Apple Music is a superior product in many ways to the competition and will only gain market share as they work on ironing out the ways in which it’s worse. The other services offered seem weak but that won’t kill the company.


Watch/ipad/AirPods: They are so far and away better than the closest competition that they could stop releasing new products for years and still be the leaders in each category



Apple’s in the best position it’s ever been in right now. Barring some paradigm shift that apple hasn’t foreseen(unlikely because they’re one of the top r&d spenders in tech) where they get left behind, they’ll remain top dog.

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17 minutes ago, Lazuli said:

Nope. If and when Apple dies, it will because of a new major shift in tech (like the advent of smartphones) and it will kill Samsung etc too. But considering how Apple's business is so well spread across so many things, it's hard to think that it will die any time soon due to its own shortcomings.

Microsoft should've killed Apple when they had the chance, goddamnit.

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People will continue buying iPhones as long as they do what needs to be done: function like a normal working phone, be efficient etc etc. Samsung will always be behind Apple because of pointless innovation like folding phones blah blah 


They should work on improving the efficiency and smoothness of their systems if they wanna compete with Apple. 

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Nokia failed because they weren't able to transition into the smartphone era properly. They were torn inside between their few operating systems (Symbian and MeeGo) and made fun of Android. Without clear vision for those, both failed. 


That doesn't compare to Apple at all. 


And innovation doesn't matter much in the industry because LG was the most innovative phone manufacturer till their very last day. 

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