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House of the Dragon | Season 2 begins June 16th | Final Trailer Out | GoT Prequel

Message added by Tsareena,

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So for the book girlies, if Alicent is going to be a Cersei/Margaery hybrid, is it right to assume Rhaenyra will be a Daenerys-type? It seems that way but I have to be sure.


I know they’ll be their own person but I want to know what kind of women they’ll grow up to be. Sunday is so far away.

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Another great episode.  I really liked how we saw more of the Velaryons and Strongs.  I love Alicent's portrayal so far.  Personally I am finding her very sympathetic.  She took Rhaenyra's side, defended her, indirectly caused her own father's dismissal, and then found out that Rhaenyra lied to her.  She has every right to be pissed.  And her big green entrance was A MOMENT :clap3:  So glad they're doing the colors already!


I feel like a lot of people are just blindly devoted to the Targaryens.  Yes they are fun and I like them too, but they are not infallible, and everyone who goes against them isn't automatically evil.  That's the great thing about GOT, the complexity.


Criston also has every right to be upset.  Obviously he shouldn't have killed Joffrey, but he was seduced and then cruelly dumped.  Rhaenyra should have handled that more gently.


Meanwhile people are still dickriding for Daemon when he killed his own wife and is now flirting with a 16 year old :rip: 


Unfortunately, this was another great episode marred by something small that could have easily been fixed, just like the last two (Daemon somehow avoiding all those arrows in E3, the confusing brothel scene in E4).  In this one, of course, it's the fact that Criston killed Joffrey and struck Laenor, the future king-consort, in the middle of a wedding for all to see and will face no repercussions from it.  Even if they didn't want to spend the money on another tourney, they should've found a way to do it where it looked more plausibly "accidental."  


Still loving this though!  Can't wait for the next ep!  Especially the introduction of the kids.  So many important characters are about to join the show!


I really hope they make Rhaenyra, Laenor, and Harwin a fun little coparenting unit where they all like each other.

Also, if people are mad about the "bury your gays" thing now,

they're going to really hate the next few eps when Qarl Correy is introduced, and then both he and Laenor are quickly dispatched


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26 minutes ago, Venom said:

So for the book girlies, if Alicent is going to be a Cersei/Margaery hybrid, is it right to assume Rhaenyra will be a Daenerys-type? It seems that way but I have to be sure.


I know they’ll be their own person but I want to know what kind of women they’ll grow up to be. Sunday is so far away.


Not really, unless they change the character for the tv show. 

adult Rhaenyra is pretty different to how they portrayed her in the show as a girl so far. 


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3 hours ago, Destiny said:





-I took a lance through the shoulder once.


-...My deepest sympathies



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Emma looks AMAZING. They have an amazing voice ad tone; very regal. 

Edited by Blade Runner
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I’m on team where Princess  Rhaenys and Valeryon gays are :jonnycat:


but I hope adult Allicent don’t become bat **** crazy like Cersei. 
give me nuanced character villain! 

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Almost every review says that Emma was vastly overshadowed by Olivia Cooke tho. Apparently Alicent feels like a fully realized character now. 

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Finally watched the last ep and Leanor's bf was doing far too much at the party. Didn't think he'd be beat to death tho OOOOP.


Still salty that Tywin's ancestors are losers. 



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4 hours ago, Venom said:

So for the book girlies, if Alicent is going to be a Cersei/Margaery hybrid, is it right to assume Rhaenyra will be a Daenerys-type? It seems that way but I have to be sure.


I know they’ll be their own person but I want to know what kind of women they’ll grow up to be. Sunday is so far away.

No, Rhaenyra doesn’t fight for the poor / oppressed, she fights for herself and her family. If anything she’s more like Stannis, she does things without malice, but she will take the bad oath if necessary to get the throne.

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I'm fine realtime talking about the series even as it airs. but please put book character descriptions/development in spoilers



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Am I the only one who wants to see that weaselly little gremlin with a cane get lit the **** up by a dragon? I can't stand him. 

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2 hours ago, M André said:

No, Rhaenyra doesn’t fight for the poor / oppressed, she fights for herself and her family. If anything she’s more like Stannis, she does things without malice, but she will take the bad oath if necessary to get the throne.


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Alicunt Hagtower is such a petty nasty woman


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6 hours ago, Gaia said:

I'm fine realtime talking about the series even as it airs. but please put book character descriptions/development in spoilers



This! I really don't want anything about this show to be spoiled for me. Part of the thrill of watching GoT was not knowing what the next crazy event would be after all.

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1 hour ago, Witnessuss said:


Alicunt Hagtower is such a petty nasty woman


IKR i wanna slap that *****. Imagine being petty over your step daughter 17 yrs old white lie :cm: should grow a backbone and tell your father "NO I dont wanna get married to a rotting living corpse" instead of seething over your ex best friend who you stabbed in the back having the time of her life

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OMG Ep 5 was amazing, enjoyed everything

The show has been quite decent, an 8 over 10 for me :clap:

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15 hours ago, Burqaswag said:

how much did GOT get?

I think GOT got around 10-12M

But that was in the cable era, and USA number only. Don´t know about the numbers WW

The actual number for HOTD is from HBOMax mainly, and WW.

Amazing numbers tho :clap3:

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30 minutes ago, Madonno said:

I think GOT got around 10-12M

But that was in the cable era, and USA number only. Don´t know about the numbers WW

The actual number for HOTD is from HBOMax mainly, and WW.

Amazing numbers tho :clap3:

It’s not WW. All numbers reported are from US only. HBOMax isn’t like Amazon Prime or Netflix which are available in almost all countries. They license out their shows through other providers in other countries.

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So all her kids are basic and white? 

laenor couldn’t just put one baby in her?


we’re gonna looose the next generation of beautiful white haired black dragonriders….. 


i can’t wait for Alicent to read them for filth

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Another great episode.


Ser Criston Cole feels like such a loser to me. I can't stand his annoying attitude anymore. 

Will we get more episodes with the actresses who play young Alicent and young Rhaenera? I quite liked them.

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4 hours ago, Gaia said:

It’s not WW. All numbers reported are from US only. HBOMax isn’t like Amazon Prime or Netflix which are available in almost all countries. They license out their shows through other providers in other countries.

Yes, Amazon and Netflix are available for more countries, but HBOMax is still available for 60+ countries.

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