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Do straight women care way less about their partners physique compared to gay people?


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Straight women just give up and settle with whatever there is at some point.

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yes well no! I wouldn't date a guy im not attracted too! my men are always 10s! 


but us women cant be fussy! most guys are either not into women, or treat us like crap!

I got a 10 sure but he isnt so fond of me :weeps:

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14 hours ago, Protocol said:

Men fall in lust first, then in love. They are by and large visual creatures. The exception is some bottoms who care more about the 'vibe' of the guy. But for tops, it's a visual thing. You need to maintain your erection with what's in front of you.

I absolutely hate this comment even if it has some truth to this but I think it's mostly absurd. Don't bottoms also want guys to be attractive? Is your vision of sex being on all fours wanting to be ****** without seeing, kissing or touching your partner? lol


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From what I have observed, straight guys and girls can easily date a person who is more or less attractive than them, while gays usually date someone who is on the same level, look-wise. If you get what I mean. 

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8 hours ago, Breathe On Moi said:

Also to add, women bare children, at some point in their lives that just what they want to do and they know they can’t do that with dickhead muscle head guys that keeps cheating on them every five seconds. They know the homely looking guy will be more loyal and stick through it and build a family.


jokes on them tho unfortunately, because even those motherfuckers cheat :emofish:

This makes a lot of sense tbh. I know quite a few women who dated hot guys but then they settled with much less attractive guys.

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16 hours ago, Last Boy on Earth said:

It’s not the gays, it’s men. There’s a reason women have so much pressure to ‘look good’, men are just more shallow in general, both gay and straight. stop belittling your own community so much 


16 hours ago, katara said:

Yes men in general care about the looks of their potential partners while women care more about the social status, power and wealth the potential partner has. 


16 hours ago, BlackAura said:

I personally believe that many beautiful women can't accept not being the "pretty one" in the relationship. Their ego wouldn't allow them to be with a man who would get the same amount of attention from other people because of  his looks, so they settle for average looking guys.

Interesting take. However I think this also applies to gay couples? Me and my bf constantly jokes

about who's hotter, albeit in a joking way

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15 hours ago, Bloodflowers. said:

Because women want real men who can fix their car tire and repair broken stuff in the house, not men who spend most of their time plucking their eyebrows in bathroom

Nnn. I always hear straight women complaining about the hot guys are always gay. I think it's always funny whenever a girl says that

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