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What do you believe lies beyond death?


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I've struggled with suicidal thoughts all my life for various reasons, and they've amplified many, many fold recently. Even as I type this. 


Perhaps this is just me, but I find the idea of what lies beyond both appealing, and simultaneously a deterrent to acting on those thoughts. And reading across testimonies of survivors (as in, those who failed their attempts), it seems a lot of the times ideas of the beyond can govern behaviour...a lot of the times, people have distinct ideas and expectations. 


So, what do you personally believe lies beyond death? Is it just... Nothing? Like existing pre-birth? Or do you think there is something more/less? 

Edited by Phantom
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12 minutes ago, Phantom said:

I've struggled with suicidal thoughts all my life for various reasons, and they've amplified many, many fold recently. 


I hope you doing well right now :dancehall:


There's literally nothing. I believe in reincarnation and when we die, it only will take us a couple of seconds to be born into a new body. I actually have a theory of what it's like to be dead (I mean what happens after we die): it's simple and in fact we all "experience" it every time we go to sleep. I divided the sleep process into 3 categories:
1. We lie on the bed, trying to fall asleep but at the same time we are still conscious
2. Abrupt falling asleep (unconsciousness). We don't understand that we were already falling asleep. We don’t feel anything, we don’t hear, and we don’t even see (darkness). In simple words, we do not remember this process and we will never be able to remember it
3. After few hours, we begin to dream. We are in "consciousness", some of us during sleep realize that they are dreaming. We can say that we are "awake" but still asleep


My conclusion is that after we die, we'll have a 2nd category of "sleep". We'll not be able to understand that we are dead, we'll not even see the darkness and it will take us a few seconds to wake up in a new body

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Hope you are doing well 

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I wish with all my heart that you are well at this time. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.


I believe faithfully that there is another life, however I don't know and no one knows exactly what it is like. But I am more inclined to say that we reincarnate in another body. 

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I wanna say a name, but let me not get a wp :celestial5:


OT: your soul transfers to a newborn 

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When I'm feeling good: We all return to a pool of souls waiting for their turn to get another chance at the carousel of life 

When I'm feeling not good: There's nothing, your body rots and the world moves on without you 


I try not to dwell on it too much


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I really hope you're feeling better. You can message me if you need someone to talk to or just vent.


I don't think there's much beyond but I was raised believing in reincarnation so there's that ingrained in me. I think we're only here once but if there's something after, I welcome it. Hope its nice.

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well we don't remember our previous life if reincarnation does exist, so it doesn't matter anyways.  There certainly isn't a biblical heaven/hell, as that is just nonsense.  Our energy will pass into the ground into something else, but I don't think we'll be living thru it like a dream.  But no one knows for sure.

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There is no such thing as nothing. Nothing or non-existence doesn’t exist. 

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i want to believe in the reincarnation

i think it doesn't even have to be a new-born and it doesn't have to be our universe

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We'll stop existing as a conscious being just like for those billions of years before we were born.


We'll only continue to exist physically as the atoms that made up our bodies.

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35 minutes ago, Samsara said:

There is no such thing as nothing. Nothing or non-existence doesn’t exist. 

Nothing for us means lack of conscience and self-awareness. Once our brains die we will stop existing as a counscoius being. What does it matter that we will continue to exists as a bunch of atoms when we aren't aware of our own existence?

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nothing. Im atheist so i don't really believe in heaven or hell! however I like to wish I would see my dad again :( 

I kinda do believe in ghosts and spirits! I mean my father haunted the house a bit afterwards and I saw my cousins ghost 2 days after she passed


So im like an atheist that kinda believes in afterlife. 

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When you die you're dead. The whole afterlife fantasy beats the purpose of death. When I stomp on a cockroach, I don't see it ever having another chance at life.

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I hope you are doing well. :dancehall:

2 hours ago, John Slayne said:

The same thing that was there before your birth.

basically, this.

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I've read stories of children remembering their lives before they were born and how some of them tell their parents, "I'm so glad I chose you to be my mom." Or how they recognize family members who have passed long before they were born.


idk, maybe there's reincarnation or a choice in an afterlife which I want to be real bc I'd want to see my loved ones again. I tend to believe literally nothing happens after death, but after experiencing loss recently... I just hope I'm wrong.


There is evidence that our brain replays memories when we die: the saying your life flashes before your eyes has been scientifically proven recently. Maybe we're in an endless loop that feels like eternity and we're able to redo things and our purpose is to create the best life possible for ourselves. Maybe that's what deja vu is. Or the way some dreams feel like forever is also unexplainable when you've only been asleep for a few hours. Like Miss Billie said, when we all fall asleep, where do we go?

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On 4/21/2022 at 4:09 PM, Samsara said:

There is no such thing as nothing. Nothing or non-existence doesn’t exist. 

Yeah, nothing is ever lost only transformed.


I believe when I die, I evolve into a higher state of being. 

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