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Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial

Coma Baby
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2 hours ago, Mobility Mary said:

Yet that’s not what they said about it on the tape. Interesting.

It’s exactly what was said on the tape? He said he opened the door slightly after she claims the door went over her foot, he then said she kicked the door and it hit him in the head. He said “wtf”  and then she started punching him (according to her it was a hit). 

She also acknowledges this by saying she didn’t mean to hit him with the door but she did mean to punch him

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10 hours ago, brazil said:

That video sent me too sis, the Depp apologists are too much :deadbanana4:

The youtube clips insinuating that there is a love affair or even flirting between Johnny and Camille is for clicks.


No one actually seriously believes it.


As that would be unprofessional for the best lawyer in the case Camille to do it — and also for Depp it would only be a liability for him (the next thing you know he'll be accused of committing sexual advances or worse, harassment in the courtroom in front of a female judge.


TeamDepp has been perfect. Both in their treatment of each other and also their respectful treatment of Heard and her team. That also sends a message what type of person he is.


Also props to Johnny's "silent treatment" of the defendant. That was a top move — it too sends the message, in a polite way, that he has zero need for her and doesn't want even the most minimal validation by her or from her. It directly nullifies her constant obsessive need to manipulate him. She had planned to pull his strings by acting and interacting in front of him. Make an impression beyond the courtroom and to the public. Make no mistake about it: her lawyers may be stressed and all but Amber herself is enjoying all this attention. The way she constantly looks for his eyes is so craven.

Edited by Raiden
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18 hours ago, Mobility Mary said:

She was not abused “as well”, she was abused period. Mutual abuse is not a thing and all the evidence and basic logic show who was the abuser in this relationship. All the accusations from Johnny’s side like pooping in bed, Amber cutting his finger off or Amber admitting that she’s an abuser, but no one will believe it cause he’s a man can easily be proven wrong. I hate the “both sides bad” narrative cause it’s such a dangerous mentality often used by abusers to make their victims look worse and is one of the main reason why barely any abusers get charged for their crimes.

That vested interest-group logic is flawed.


Both sides can be abusive in a relationship — that does exist. However at the same time, there is no reason to insist that that must be happening every time someone retaliates after the other side instigates aggression. Some cases are clearly self defence type retaliatory actions and so indeed those should not be looked at as a "both sides" thing — they are clearly an attempt to push back against the instigator's aggressive instincts.


It's simple who should be regarded as the abuser: the one who instigates over and over again. No ifs and buts. No piss poor pulling out of a roll-up tape and measure the height or size of biceps or any other activist trick or gimmick in order to determine who is the victim. Abuse is not merely a physical power thing but a power thing, period. Whoever feels safe and entitled enough to abuse will abuse. Anyone who denies this is a lying sack of dog mess.


At the same time in some relationships that's not the case: there both sides can legitimately be described as abusive to each other, but only if both sides are constantly instigating the abuses. That does happen (typically this occurs when two ambitious identical personality types try to control each other because of their obsessive competitive mentality). But obviously that is not necessarily the case every time, and it may not be the case either in this Hollywood couple's relationship, or it could be — I don't know. I'm fine admitting that fact. I'm not the type who likes to pretend to know what went on and then, in a flawed attempt at logic, trot out some general "theory" that purports to apply in many abuse cases, forgetting that it still does not apply in many others.


What we all and certainly I do know and can judge is what they do in public, and in the courtrooms. The truths........ or lies they tell.

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3 hours ago, Ari29 said:

It’s exactly what was said on the tape? He said he opened the door slightly after she claims the door went over her foot, he then said she kicked the door and it hit him in the head. He said “wtf”  and then she started punching him (according to her it was a hit). 

She also acknowledges this by saying she didn’t mean to hit him with the door but she did mean to punch him

Yet that is different than what the member claimed. It’s yet another confirmation of him being an abuser.

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2 hours ago, Raiden said:

The youtube clips insinuating that there is a love affair or even flirting between Johnny and Camille is for clicks.


No one actually seriously believes it.


As that would be unprofessional for the best lawyer in the case Camille to do it — and also for Depp it would only be a liability for him (the next thing you know he'll be accused of committing sexual advances or worse, harassment in the courtroom in front of a female judge.


TeamDepp has been perfect. Both in their treatment of each other and also their respectful treatment of Heard and her team. That also sends a message what type of person he is.

Please, these videos are full of comments about how they would make a cute couple and she would be a good woman for him, yall unhinged 


And I've seen the two flirting with each other on more than one occasion while watching the trial

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6 minutes ago, brazil said:

Please, these videos are full of comments about how they would make a cute couple and she would be a good woman for him, yall unhinged 


And I've seen the two flirting with each other on more than one occasion while watching the trial

That's just simps fangirling.


Here is your side doing nasty stuff on social — in other words stop pretending as if the Amber army are "above" from getting dirty and indulging in sexist misogynistic and even racist/ethnic stereotyping



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18 minutes ago, brazil said:

Please, these videos are full of comments about how they would make a cute couple and she would be a good woman for him, yall unhinged 


And I've seen the two flirting with each other on more than one occasion while watching the trial

Confirmation bias :celestial2:

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It’ll be interesting to see how Heard’s team manages their remaining 4 hours, against Depp’s 16 hours and line up of testimonies today. 

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can someone please help me understand: the entire case is about whether amber defamed depp or not. even if she's the worse abuser of the two, that has nothing to do with whether what she said about him is true or not? or am i misunderstanding something?


like, let's say news comes out she attempted to murder him, wouldn't that have to be a separate suit/trial/whatever? why are they dealing with info such as her shitting on his bed? isn't it completely irrelevant to the question of whether she defamed him or not?


like, if she shat on his bed and said online he hit her daily or whatever, then it turns out he did actually hit her daily, wouldn't that mean that there was no defamation and case closed? make it make sense


i'm not taking anybody's side, i'm just really curious as to how this system works

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16 minutes ago, Raiden said:

That's just simps fangirling.


Here is your side doing nasty stuff on social — in other words stop pretending as if the Amber army are "above" from getting dirty and indulging in sexist misogynistic and even racist/ethnic stereotyping



A random tweet with no traction vs. videos with millions of views and tens of thousands of comments :eddie:

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2 minutes ago, Rihabelye said:

can someone please help me understand: the entire case is about whether amber defamed depp or not. even if she's the worse abuser of the two, that has nothing to do with whether what she said about him is true or not? or am i misunderstanding something?


like, let's say news comes out she attempted to murder him, wouldn't that have to be a separate suit/trial/whatever? why are they dealing with info such as her shitting on his bed? isn't it completely irrelevant to the question of whether she defamed him or not?


like, if she shat on his bed and said online he hit her daily or whatever, then it turns out he did actually hit her daily, wouldn't that mean that there was no defamation and case closed? make it make sense


i'm not taking anybody's side, i'm just really curious as to how this system works

Actually under common law it has everything to do with whether it's true or not, because defamation is characterized by a false statement, that's why both in the UK and now US, much of the discussion was/is surrounding whether or not Johnny Depp abused Amber Heard, and thats why the judge dismissed Johnny Depp's claim against The Sun in the UK after understanding that the evidence pointed to the fact that the abuse against Amber did happen and The Sun had every right to call him a wife beater.

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Amber's legal team are not gonna have jobs after this is all over.

wtf were they thinking putting this "expert" on the stand? :lmao::lmao:



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10 minutes ago, kawk said:

Amber's legal team are not gonna have jobs after this is all over.

wtf were they thinking putting this "expert" on the stand? :lmao::lmao:



Imagine wasting precious court time on THAT :bibliahh:


The self-sabotage :rip:

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43 minutes ago, kawk said:

Amber's legal team are not gonna have jobs after this is all over.

wtf were they thinking putting this "expert" on the stand? :lmao::lmao:



You cannot make this up. That muppet calls himself Dr. David R. Spiegel, MD


LMAO — he must be one of those Bush & Trump type huckster charlatans who get their fancy degrees via a combination of privilege and scam: legacy admission + cheating (someone does your exams and dissertations for you).

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Amber Heard's "legal team" (and I do quote those) are incompetent, especially when their witnesses are weak. That so-called "doctor" yesterday was appalling.

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9 hours ago, Wizard said:

this is the last week of the trial right? thank god this horse **** is ending :celestial3:

Thursday is the last day of testimony. Friday is for closing arguments and then the jury will begin deliberation on Tuesday.

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1 hour ago, Rihabelye said:

can someone please help me understand: the entire case is about whether amber defamed depp or not. even if she's the worse abuser of the two, that has nothing to do with whether what she said about him is true or not? or am i misunderstanding something?


like, let's say news comes out she attempted to murder him, wouldn't that have to be a separate suit/trial/whatever? why are they dealing with info such as her shitting on his bed? isn't it completely irrelevant to the question of whether she defamed him or not?


like, if she shat on his bed and said online he hit her daily or whatever, then it turns out he did actually hit her daily, wouldn't that mean that there was no defamation and case closed? make it make sense


i'm not taking anybody's side, i'm just really curious as to how this system works

Johnny Depp, in his suit, has made claim for three counts of defamation for "$50,000,000 +" in damages from Amber Heard (who is counterclaiming $100 million). Depp blamed Heard's op-ed for extensive financial losses to his career and claimed it damaged his ability to profit from his vocation. His suit claims Heard's abuse allegations were an "elaborate hoax" that cost the actor his career and reputation. To prove it was an "elaborative hoax," they have to bring everything into the picture to prove her op-ed was defamatory and had no basis.

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15 minutes ago, livelikemusic said:

Johnny Depp, in his suit, has made claim for three counts of defamation for "$50,000,000 +" in damages from Amber Heard (who is counterclaiming $100 million). Depp blamed Heard's op-ed for extensive financial losses to his career and claimed it damaged his ability to profit from his vocation. His suit claims Heard's abuse allegations were an "elaborate hoax" that cost the actor his career and reputation. To prove it was an "elaborative hoax," they have to bring everything into the picture to prove her op-ed was defamatory and had no basis.

But Amber doesn’t have 50 million?

If he wins will she be homeless? :skull:

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20 minutes ago, livelikemusic said:

Johnny Depp, in his suit, has made claim for three counts of defamation for "$50,000,000 +" in damages from Amber Heard (who is counterclaiming $100 million). Depp blamed Heard's op-ed for extensive financial losses to his career and claimed it damaged his ability to profit from his vocation. His suit claims Heard's abuse allegations were an "elaborate hoax" that cost the actor his career and reputation. To prove it was an "elaborative hoax," they have to bring everything into the picture to prove her op-ed was defamatory and had no basis.

Interesting, thanks

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Will we now get viral videos titled “Johnny Depp’s defense team FAILS to toss the case!!”? :dancehall2:


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Judge Azcarate rejected Depp's team request to dismiss Heard's counterclaim. The jury will decide on both matters. Now rebuttal begins.

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7 minutes ago, kawk said:

not the DC Films PRESIDENT exposing Amber's lies  :bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh:


This was addressed in detail yesterday. He's not going to acknowledge that they pared down her role because of a public scandal. :rip: 


He borderline committed perjury denying that her role was diminished because there's script evidence of that. The chemistry argument is pretty transparent considering the success of the original film. He couldn't even provide an example.

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The witness spending five minutes talking about how they do not renegotiate anymore and then admitting they renegotiated Momoa's salary :deadvision:

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11 minutes ago, suburbannature said:

He borderline committed perjury denying that her role was diminished because there's script evidence of that. The chemistry argument is pretty transparent considering the success of the original film. He couldn't even provide an example.

Except he discredited Head's witness, who stated there was a chem test between Heard and Jason Momoa (spl?), and that there was chemistry. The Warner witness for Depp's team just testified there was a lack of chemistry.

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