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Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial

Coma Baby
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28 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

Let me guess, since the “isms” and “ists” name calling by heard Stan’s flopped like a fish in finding an excuse for why the overwhelming majority of people who aren’t on ATRL didn’t believe her, the next thing to do is to call anybody who doesn’t believe her bs, it to call them “Republicans”!!!


Nice try, it’ll flop just like the last attempts by salty heard Stan’s :cm:

I was not attempting anything, you were using conservative talking points so naturally I called you a conservative ? 

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13 minutes ago, brazil said:

I was not attempting anything, you were using conservative talking points so naturally I called you a conservative ? 

Yes, somebody like me who supports universal healthcare, higher taxes on the wealthy, heavy investments for clean energy; is 1000% conservative, just because I wasn’t up and down this thread screaming “end him queenT”! Over a rich white woman who couldn’t even donate $$ to charity that she said she would donate to…..:rip:

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As few as they may be the amber apologists that for some reason only exist on this site make me so uncomfortable... so narrow sighted

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2 hours ago, Communion said:

I don't know what's worse or more absurd- that other user likening Depp facing consequences for beating Amber to a black man experiencing racism or the suggestion that Amber deserved to be beat by Depp because..of China?? HUH?. :deadbanana4:


You: *mocks people upset and say you can't grasp why people would be upset*


Multiple people: *politely articulate how regardless of people's feelings towards Amber, it's concerning that Depp still physically abused Amber like kicking her and headbutting her and failed to disprove this didnt happen in a court of law and what this means if a person noq has to react in a specific way to experiencing that violence for a jury to find you have the right to call yourself a victim of domestic violence without being defaming*


You: *mocks people upset and says you can't grasp why people would be upset*


Just say you hate those of us who know the horrors of domestic violence first-hand. :skull:

That is not what was said but you are too dense and consumed with being right to actually try to understand anyone that doesn’t agree with you. 

The topic, again, is beyond your limited scope.

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People in here who think Amber is completely innocent and thinks the evidence, witness and testimonies presented in is her favour, are we even watching the same trial? I'm ******* confused :skull: 

The judge deserves praise for being impartial during the trial though, can't believe people are calling her biased and misogynistic :skull: 

Edited by ScarletWitch
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1 hour ago, Machete said:

A forum full of old bitter gay men celebrating a woman being failed by society... who is shocked? Y'all do this for fun on the daily for pop girls :rip:


This entire case was the biggest joke ever. The fact that the jury wasn't sequestered and subjugated to the shameless MASSIVE online misinformation campaign by Depp should be grounds alone for a mistrial.


I feel so sorry for Amber, and hope she can be vindicated one day. :heart:

Its not like Amber didn't do any wrong here. I heard those audio tapes anyone who heard it can tell there both sociopaths.  Team NoOne

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38 minutes ago, Communion said:

Why did you avoid answering to the fact that your claims that there's countless of wrongful domestic violence convictions in America is largely unfounded?


It's called sequestering the jury, which is literally common practice. People can't make ridiculous comments like claiming the UK justice system is worse than the US while ignoring that Depp's success was essentially from exploiting holes within the US legal framework over how powerful people can manipulate the law.

  • This only being a public affair because Herd's op-ed was for the Washington Post, whose headquarters are located in Virginia (which in itself is damning for WaPo whose credibility with survivors is trash now for setting up those who trust their publication to speak their truth about abuse for failure) and Depp re-litigating the matter despite literally losing the same case already in the UK;
  • Depp then exploiting that the judge didn't feel the need to sequester a jury in a civil case over defamation, unbeknownst to her that the plaintiff was planning a massive image rehab campaign with a PR team.
  • Depp's team exploiting that the result of his team literally leaking *edited* audio and video clips from evidence was not a dismissal of Depp's case, but simply a requirement to switch representation; the same lawyer who Amber quite literally won her own defamation suit against today was the one forced off the case, but whose actions in leaking manipulated clips from evidence and the impact this would have on public opinion and thus the jury is apparently null.

Same people who go "how can anyone not support Johnny??" then turnaround and go "how is someone like Donald Trump so popular despite his crimes", not realizing they're two sides of the same coin. :toofunny3:

You writing out a damn book everytime you type=me not having the energy to keep talking to you, you’re just too dense to anyone who doesn’t bow down to your (weird) beliefs, and expertly trying to twist words to get a good “aha”! So, goodnight  communion, don’t bother typing out the Bible to try and respond, I wish you goodnight :heart2:

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Seriously i don't understand how people are celebrating Depp win when he IS a verified ABUSER.:rip:Amber is not a saint but you guys acting like Johnny was 100% innocent on this. You guys are supporting an abuser not matter how you spin it.

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1 hour ago, Pans Labyrinth said:

Awful verdict. The jury ruled Amber lied about being abused by Johnny AND Johnny lied about her abuse allegations being a hoax. Make it make sense. Two things can’t be true at the same time. They should’ve both lost in the sense that none of them won anything. Both are abusers and liars

Wrong. The jury ruled that the allegation that Johnny's ex lawyer made about Amber and her friends intentionally staging a trashed penthouse and calling the police to somehow create a scene of domestic abuse a hoax are unfounded.

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13 minutes ago, Ari29 said:

That is not what was said

It quite literally was, and your refusal to answer to the absurd **** you defended by dodging posts who call you out on it does not mean that you defending such nonsense will just magically go away:


3 hours ago, Communion said:

You're not conceding - you're trying to still justify that user's insane and ridiculous claim that "white feminism' accurately describes Amber's situation when again white women cannot weaponize whiteness against white men. :skull:


That you're trying to connect this civil trial to a literal murder trial on the basis that both involve "white blonde women" shows that none of you believe there is individual merit to claim Depp a victim of his own. 


To highlight the differences:

- Depp is literally white, again; he is literally not black despite this absurd suggestion his experiences are akin to experiencing racism. 

- Depp was found to be abusive in this case and such was never challenged; Amber fighting back is relevant only in regards to if it is then truthful for her to call herself a victim of domestic violence. You're not being serious by arguing that Amber arguing that it was not malicious for her to call herself a survivor is the same legal idea as another lawyer arguing that being beaten and retaliating back justifies murdering someone. 

You literally compared the idea that Amber could view herself as a victim of domestic violence despite often reacting back to Depp's instigations and assaults to a random white woman who murdered her black boyfriend, making this absurd comparison literally on the basis of both Amber and the woman "being blonde and white" to defend that other user not being able to answer for the absurdity in their "white feminism" post when called out.


The irony to try and misappropriate social justice jargon regarding identity to try and defend an empty vessel of a broken man when he constantly degraded Amber for her sexuality, calling her and her friends homophobic slurs the entire time of their relationship and the paranoia that fueled much of Depp's sexual abuse against Amber (which Depp's team quite literally failed to disprove) being his PARANOIA OVER HER ATTRACTION TO WOMEN.


Before white feminism, maybe we should talk about incel activism that makes self-hating queer men defend straight men who view same-sex attraction in women to be a form of sexual promiscuity in and of itself:


Edited by Communion
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1 minute ago, BIAATCH said:

Seriously i don't understand how people are celebrating Depp win when he IS a verified ABUSER.:rip:Amber is not a saint but you guys acting like Johnny was 100% innocent on this. You guys are supporting an abuser not matter how you spin it.

This case had no winners.

Both scum

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There is really no nuance to be had in here :skull: 

Sure, he's probably abusive in many ways to her too and the relationship was a toxic mess perpetrated by two toxic, drugged up, drunk narcissistic individuals, but to outright reject the body of evidence presented and thinking that most of the witnesses, who overwhelmingly either supported Depp, or debunked Heard's statements, is pure insanity. :skull: 


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5 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

your (weird) beliefs,

You, literally: *makes a claim that many domestic violence convictions are overturned and "many people unfairly spend decades behind bars"*


Anyone with common sense: "I.. don't think that's true and I think you should double-check before claiming so if you don't have a source you can provide for that...."


You: "Odd how me writing one sentence can get you so upset to write 3! Ha! I win! You lose like Amber!"



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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

You, literally: *makes a claim that many domestic violence convictions are overturned and "many people unfairly spend decades behind bars"*


Anyone with common sense: "I.. don't think that's true and I think you should double-check before claiming so if you don't have a source you can provide for that...."


You: "Odd how me writing one sentence can get you so upset to write 3! Ha! I win! You lose like Amber!"



I was specifically referring to how our Justice system works overall as a whole, I never specifically said anything about DV cases……nice try though! Maybe while typing out those endless, never ending paragraphs, you can truly READ the entire context of what was being said in the first place beforehand :cm:

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This thread shows one thing and that it that a lot of you would fall for anything. Men can be victims of DA just as much as women. She mocked him and told him that he wouldn’t dare tell the world he was a survivor of DA and guess what, HE DID! I totally believed when Amber made her allegations that Depp was guilty. But after reading things and watching the trial it’s SO clear who the abuser is in this situation and it wasn’t Johnny. 

The only thing that worries me is that women that have ACTUALLY experienced the abuse that Amber alleges happened, will be afraid to tell their stories. 

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6 minutes ago, Communion said:

It quite literally was, and your refusal to answer to the absurd **** you defended by dodging posts who call you out on it does not mean that you defending such nonsense will just magically go away:


You literally compared the idea that Amber could view herself as a victim of domestic violence despite often reacting back to Depp's instigations and assaults to a random white woman who murdered her black boyfriend, making this absurd comparison literally on the basis of both Amber and the woman "being blonde and white" to defend that other user not being able to answer for the absurdity in their "white feminism" post when called out.


The irony to try and misappropriate social justice jargon regarding identity to try and defend an empty vessel of a broken man when he constantly degraded Amber for her sexuality, calling her and her friends homophobic slurs the entire time of their relationship and the paranoia that fueled much of Depp's sexual abuse against Amber (which Depp's team quite literally failed to disprove) being his PARANOIA OVER HER ATTRACTION TO WOMEN.


Before white feminism, maybe we should talk about incel activism that makes self-hating queer men defend straight men who view same-sex attraction in women to be a form of sexual promiscuity in and of itself:


Again, you’re too focused on being right to even try to have a conversation. 

To be able to draw the connection you’d need to: 

1. Actually be familiar with the case beyond a quick Google search. Her comments made on a 3hr+ podcast prior to his killing are important to know.


2. Have read the Georgetown Law Center at Georgetown University’s report on how black girls are viewed compared to white girls and how that perception follows them into adulthood. (Speaks to why they under report DV and SA) 


3. Understand that when someone mentions “white feminism” it’s about intersectionality, which means it’s related to other women not men. I say this because you continued to make reference about her weaponizing her whiteness against another white man…when that’s not the point.


I keep saying it and you keep proving it true; this is a topic beyond your capacity. And I’m not saying that to be offensive, it’s just beyond clear you don’t know what’s being talked about or even care to try to figure out. You just want to be right in an argument 

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Just now, Bears01 said:

I was specifically referring to how our Justice system works overall as a whole

You quite literally did not specify anything:

In fact, your entire paragraph (ironic) was a vague attempt to claim those upset wrt the implications of the verdict were stupid and "did not understand how the US justice system works", citing the importance for Depp to be "judged by a jury of his peers" because he "has the right to state his case" due to "how multiple innocent people are wrongly convicted and sent away for decades". :skull: Why would wrongful convictions be noteworthy or important to understanding this case? Or were you just typing **** because it sounded good?


Wanna know where wrongful convictions can really take ahold? When public opinion becomes influential. Ironic.


Of course this nasty, condescending post of yours only came because someone pointed out that you had just spent the last hour making posts that amounted to "haha Amber Heard is a loser! All you people upset are losers!" :skull:

"I'm enjoying this site's meltdowns" while people are articulating in this thread the impact the trial has had on them as survivors and victims of domestic violence, explaining why they're upset. :skull:


The 4chan behavior is tiring. Stop it. "Haha, you write a lot". You've sat in this thread for 4 hours mocking a victim of domestic abuse. You've probably spent more in this thread than me; the difference being that you feel satiated to simply reply to every post with mocking Amber as a loser because you're privileged enough for none of this to impact you; myself and others writing more to explain our experiences in regards to domestic violence may take a few more characters and words per line than "haha Amber Turd ;)", if that's confusing for you.


And as long as you or any other alt-right troll continues to mock victims of domestic violence, you'll find 8 more MLA-style formatted ******* essays in your replies because the lived experiences and material realities of people who deal with IPV are not some game for you to get some weird ******* entertainment from. :skull:

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15 minutes ago, ryanmj1993 said:

This thread shows one thing and that it that a lot of you would fall for anything. Men can be victims of DA just as much as women. She mocked him and told him that he wouldn’t dare tell the world he was a survivor of DA and guess what, HE DID! I totally believed when Amber made her allegations that Depp was guilty. But after reading things and watching the trial it’s SO clear who the abuser is in this situation and it wasn’t Johnny. 

The only thing that worries me is that women that have ACTUALLY experienced the abuse that Amber alleges happened, will be afraid to tell their stories. 

Basically this but Amber blind stan will ignore this. I always supporting/believe women but there's a lot evidences suggesting that Amber is the more aggressive and manipulative ones. :celestial5:

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34 minutes ago, BIAATCH said:

Seriously i don't understand how people are celebrating Depp win when he IS a verified ABUSER.:rip:Amber is not a saint but you guys acting like Johnny was 100% innocent on this. You guys are supporting an abuser not matter how you spin it.

Well Amber stans also celebrated like she was innocent before although some of us believe that they both were abusive but only Johnny got the punishment meanwhile she got away with it.

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1 hour ago, Machete said:

A forum full of old bitter gay men celebrating a woman being failed by society... who is shocked? Y'all do this for fun on the daily for pop girls :rip:


I don’t know about the old part cause I don’t know the ages of people here, but this pretty much sums it up :rip:

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2 hours ago, brazil said:

Can someone explain how the US jury system work? Did they get to go home during the holiday weekend? I mean it's pretty obvious that they would talk to people/read about it online to form opinions on the matter. 

They were apparently not sequestered at all. Which is alarming for such a highly publicized case that was inescapable in social media. 


I hope her appeal is successful. 

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