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Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial

Coma Baby
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Wow... truly shocking verdict.


It is what it is. Jury trials can be unpredictable like this.


It doesn't change my mind at all. Jurors can be wrong and in my opinion this is the case here. I think this verdict will have terrible consequences for victims in the future and it will roll back anything the #MeToo movement achieved.


Amber was really brave in the face of a terrible outcome. I hope she can put everything behind her and find happiness and peace with her daughter.

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3 minutes ago, ang said:

manson literally suing his victims as we speak


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Well I'm just glad this is over I couldn't going through posts about this trial on social media anymore, the way people treated this case of abuse and violence as a quick grab for likes and clout was disgusting tbh 

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7 minutes ago, State of Grace. said:

Feminism has been set back a century. Congrats America, you've done it once again :heart2:


My heart goes out to all victims of DV who had to watch this circus.

You can thank Amber Heard for that

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Pride month cancelled 

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This whole trial has set us back years, it's just sad.

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People ignoring that Johnny's lawyers will have to pay Amber for defamation. :deadbanana4:


The wah the jury admits this was less about truthfulness and more about sexual politics between men and women and that a woman viewing herself as a victom of abuse is conditional as true dependent on the reaction she had back.  :deadbanana4: 


They'll end up both having to pay each other a max of $350k per a specific statute it seems. :skull:

Edited by Communion
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4 minutes ago, Trent W said:

This is really good Amber is a psychopath.


The fake feminism crowd really really lost.


It is a win when women like this are exposed.


We don’t have to believe every single fake victim like her.

:clap3: Ding dong the Witch has lost! 

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It's interesting that she actually won one of her claims.


So the total sum she'll have to pay is 8M + 350K for punitive damages (jurors set it at 5M but in Virginia the max amount is 350K)

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Finally justice for him. This is a good day for all the men out there that are abused by women and hopefully it gives them hope to come forward as well. 

Women aren't the only victims out there.

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But the Heard stans in here were so adamant that she'd win. What happened? :skull:

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The meltdown from that misogynistic user above, as if this site wasnt full of them already:rip: 

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8 minutes ago, Trent W said:

This is really good Amber is a psychopath.


The fake feminism crowd really really lost.


It is a win when women like this are exposed.


We don’t have to believe every single fake victim like her.


7 minutes ago, MasterExpose said:

Great news for victims. Amber is disgusting for trying to ride the metoo movement. ABUSERS LOST


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At the end of the day society just hates women and that's it. It reminds me of the Brangelina divorce, Brad literally assaulted one of their children and still Angelina faced a witch hunt and had to go low profile for some time while Brad was going to all the cerimonies getting awards and praise from everybody. So yeah as I said even if Amber was the clear victim here I couldn't see a different outcome :michael:

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The way Amber Heard will NEVER work again.



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5 minutes ago, NausAllien said:

Wow... truly shocking verdict.


It is what it is. Jury trials can be unpredictable like this.


It doesn't change my mind at all. Jurors can be wrong and in my opinion this is the case here. I think this verdict will have terrible consequences for victims in the future and it will roll back anything the #MeToo movement achieved.


Amber was really brave in the face of a terrible outcome. I hope she can put everything behind her and find happiness and peace with her daughter.

This is what delusion looks like, kids. 

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Welp i knew it, something about Amber Heard just wasn't believable. She should consider consider changing careers cause acting clearly isn't her thing. 

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The jury filled out the paperwork wrong TWICE. Gives you an idea of how many braincells they put into this deliberation.

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3 minutes ago, kawk said:





GET FCKED AMBER TURD STANS! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO:bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh:

People who are acting like this should be banned from this site forever. This is still a thread about a serious topic.

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Amber really set back feminism so many decades. Johnny is trash too but what Amber did trying to hide behind feminism was actually very detrimental for actual DV victims 

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4 minutes ago, kawk said:





GET FCKED AMBER TURD STANS! LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO:bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh::bibliahh:



ot: the circus is over finally :mazen: the fallout from this will be...interesting to see



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I'm not surprised that the website built on trashing female pop singers is displaying such a high level of misogyny. Imagine carrying water for bigoted straight men. 

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ATRL gays siding with nazis, rapists and abusers :rip:

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