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Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial

Coma Baby
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8 minutes ago, Looolqueen said:

He asked for an impartial source and this ain't it.

debunk a single claim in that reddit post


or do deppsters mental capabilities end at engaging with actual facts? 

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6 minutes ago, Nexto said:

is the verdict coming today?

This, is today the series finale of the trial?

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57 minutes ago, Dark Phoenix said:

This, is today the series finale of the trial?

I think we'll only know that later. I think we don't know for certain.

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I don't think they will have a verdict today. There's too much evidence they have to go through but maybe they will. 

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3 minutes ago, MasterExpose said:

I don't think they will have a verdict today. There's too much evidence they have to go through but maybe they will. 

I think they started deliberating since thursday

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2 minutes ago, Bacratto said:

I think they started deliberating since thursday

No, just two hours on Friday.

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6 hours ago, emile20 said:

My opinion on the matter was based when I read a 180 page document that found him GUILTY of being a wife beater and I stand by Amber and the law not whatever weird logic you're on trying to make a privileged drug addict and WIFE BEATER seem like a saint

So again your opinion wasnt based on the actual evidence but one that was basically given to you. Because if you actually could form an opinion of your own you wouldn’t be parroting her lawyer and actually wouldve responded to my post based on what was said. You chose instead to take all of that and try to discredit Dr. Curry when her testimony was a very small part of my post.


So where have I ever made Johnny out to be a saint?

I have NEVER once said what I actually think about Johnny Depp, you and the other ones believing her full stop have been too consumed with labeling me this or that because I call out Amber’s inconsistencies and assuming what I think. Funny how that works 

Edited by Ari29
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Ok i’m terrified for the verdict actually but i also don’t want to have the stream open 24/7?? :deadbanana2:

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7 hours ago, Weld_E said:

Yah and I guess the pictures and witnesses of Ambers bruises, texts of him admitting to beating her, and medical records hold no value next to an edited voice recording.

“An” as if I talked about one singular recording.

Pictures where 2 sets of them are identical, when called out on this she again lied even when one set of pictures everything is the same from the date to the minute and second as well as the same hairs in the same place. 


Witnesses that when they don’t corroborate her story she then undermines them. 

These are glaring holes you have to be incredibly dense to overlook and that’s before we get into her “performance” under oath. 

I hope you guys aren’t this naive when dealing with people irl. If so, that’s honestly concerning. 

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18 minutes ago, simon_xcx said:

Ok i’m terrified for the verdict actually but i also don’t want to have the stream open 24/7?? :deadbanana2:

Usually when they do reach a verdict they have the floor person tell the bailiff, who then tells the judge and then she will announce it to the attorneys and so on. There's a routine that takes around 30+ minutes because everyone has to get back to the courthouse. I'm there will be a post on social media stating the time for verdict reading so you don't have to be perched on a stream all day. But if you want to be perched with context - Legal Bytes and Emily D Baker are lawyer based youtube channels that live stream and discuss the case through their lawyer eyes. 

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Once a decision is reached, the Judge has stated she’s allowing for the round-up of the hour + an entire additional hour for the media to set up, for the reading of the verdict. 


For example, if the jury reach a decision at 3:45pm, the court will have 15 mins + an hour, before the result is read. 

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6 hours ago, Patient Zero said:

Deppsters acknowledge Depp’s mistakes.

Then why is #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent trending every hour of the day, everyday?



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5 hours ago, favorite crime said:


Doesn’t this go against her testimony that she didn’t chase him around 7 rooms in the house? This audio aligns with my opinion (him running away from her and being the victim) more closely than yours. She said she didn’t chase him and the punch/“hit” was to keep him out of the room. Here she admits to chasing him…and we also know when she did catch him he was hit in the head with a door and then punched in the face. 


Also, imo, his account of the headbutt isn’t that far of a stretch; not at all like the stretches you’d have to make to believe Amber’s inconsistencies. From

the recorded audio conversations to the depositions to now on the stand the story has changed…that’s unusual for the truth.

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1 hour ago, Ari29 said:

So again your opinion wasnt based on the actual evidence but one that was basically given to you. Because if you actually could form an opinion of your own you wouldn’t be parroting her lawyer and actually wouldve responded to my post based on what was said. You chose instead to take all of that and try to discredit Dr. Curry when her testimony was a very small part of my post.


So where have I ever made Johnny out to be a saint?

I have NEVER once said what I actually think about Johnny Depp, you and the other ones believing her full stop have been too consumed with labeling me this or that because I call out Amber’s inconsistencies and assuming what I think. Funny how that works 

and you discredit Dr Hughes who has worked in over 50 cases and put many domestic abusers away including R Kelly? or Did you miss that testimony? 

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Watching Emily D. Baker, has she made her stance public? Or is she just unbiased

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21 minutes ago, clee95 said:

The vile-trash wife beater defenders are braindead.:coffee2:



A court-certified WIFE BEATER


Fun Fact: Google "wife beater actor" and see who pops up... :gaycat2:




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1 hour ago, Ari29 said:

These are glaring holes you have to be incredibly dense to overlook and that’s before we get into her “performance” under oath. 

I hope you guys aren’t this naive when dealing with people irl. If so, that’s honestly concerning. 

I never claimed that Amber had no flaws or made some questionable statements. However, that does not negate the evidence that she was in fact abused by Depp, which the whole world conveniently ignores.


You can save your condescending comments as you are in no position to be making them

or questioning other people’s judgement. You think you are assessing the situation “objectively” but you fail to acknowledge your own bias in your assessment. The fact that you are focused on finding and pointing out any of Ambers slight inconsistencies, but fail to acknowledge or discuss the disturbing evidence presented of Depps abuse shows your bias and compliance to the skewed facts the GP is pushing. So you are in fact just following the narrative being pushed by the GP’s but somehow think you are being “objective”, that’s what’s concerning.

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1 hour ago, Ari29 said:

Doesn’t this go against her testimony that she didn’t chase him around 7 rooms in the house? This audio aligns with my opinion (him running away from her and being the victim) more closely than yours. She said she didn’t chase him and the punch/“hit” was to keep him out of the room. Here she admits to chasing him…and we also know when she did catch him he was hit in the head with a door and then punched in the face. 


Also, imo, his account of the headbutt isn’t that far of a stretch; not at all like the stretches you’d have to make to believe Amber’s inconsistencies. From

the recorded audio conversations to the depositions to now on the stand the story has changed…that’s unusual for the truth.

You do realize he lied under oath about  heatbutting her, right? He said that it had never happened and only changed his story to the current version after being presented with the audio recording that he wasn’t aware of.

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7 hours ago, suburbannature said:

No, just two hours on Friday.

I forgot Monday was a holiday in the US.

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4 hours ago, NausAllien said:



A court-certified WIFE BEATER


Fun Fact: Google "wife beater actor" and see who pops up... :gaycat2:




And I oop.

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6 hours ago, emile20 said:

and you discredit Dr Hughes who has worked in over 50 cases and put many domestic abusers away including R Kelly? or Did you miss that testimony? 

Where have I discredited Dr. Hughes? You can’t just keep throwing accusations hoping something sticks. The only thing I’ve said about Dr. Hughes is that Amber discredited her testimony during her second cross. 

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