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Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard Trial

Coma Baby
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3 hours ago, Redstreak said:

Unless you have magical knowledge of where Ambers bruises came from maybe you should set your opinions out until they can be backed up with presented evidence 

I was talking about a broken nose. Not sure about the bruises. Although if she took one of her arm bruise then why not her face too when she claimed it was beaten in? A lot of the pics she claimed to have weren’t presented 


That’s what I’m saying about her evidence not really matching up to her storyline 

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2 hours ago, brraap said:

I was talking about a broken nose. Not sure about the bruises. Although if she took one of her arm bruise then why not her face too when she claimed it was beaten in? A lot of the pics she claimed to have weren’t presented 


That’s what I’m saying about her evidence not really matching up to her storyline 

There is actuall medical record that shows Amber had a broken nose, she produced that in discovery so Depp's team have it and they objected to Amber talking about it on the grounds of hear say. Amber's team didn't produce the document as evidence for I don't know what reason... maybe incompetence

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5 hours ago, brazil said:

There is actual medical record that shows Amber had a broken nose, she produced that in discovery so Depp's team have it and they objected to Amber talking about it on the grounds of hear say. Amber's team didn't produce the document as evidence for I don't know what reason... maybe incompetence

This is a bit fantasmic


They somehow overlooked the most important thing that would help them? Not credible to believe that scenario.


Medical evidence is not something minor. It is in fact highly sought after in cases. Because it's one certain guaranteed way to elevate the case from just being a "he said she said" contest. Hard to believe highly competent people like Rotten and Elaine (and that hot Aussie lawyer in the British case) would gloss over it.


In any case we can't say Depp's team would overlook such a thing. Look how they quickly reacted (literally overnight) in order to put that blonde guy to testify when evidence emerged of Amber's coordination with TMZ. To me that is one of the most damning things about this whole thing. That in combination with Amber's behaviour, not just her lies but also her other conduct that can only be deemed like an abuser's rather than a victim's behaviour (when she went out of her way to say "I did'n punch you, I just clocked you" or however she put it — very deliberate and calculating, the way a victimizer behaves rather than a victim. In similar vein is the stuff she said along the lines of "go on, tell the world you are a victim of DV, let's see who will believe you". That is textbook abuser behaviour. A victim just never thinks that way ever, That's unheard of — inconceivable even to come up in their thoughts. The calculating victimizer however DOES go thru all these things — for them it's like doing a rehearsal of what's to come. Clearly Amber planned and carried out to turn a "two to tango" messy relationship into a one sided "I'm the victim" thing. A toxic "couple who fight" truth was carefully and premeditatedly subverted by Amber into a one sided episoide. Therefore it does qualify as defamation IMHO. Amber did it because opportunity arose: she wanted to ride the #metoo wave. She in fact wanted to be the crest of the wave — the face of it next to Rose McGowan & co. Except that Amber is already disqualified based on her previous relationship with that woman. She was the baddie then — she is the baddie now.



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3 minutes ago, Raiden said:

This is a bit fantasmic


They somehow overlooked the most important thing that would help them? Not credible to believe that scenario.


Medical evidence is not something minor. It is in fact highly sought after in cases. Because it's one certain guaranteed way to elevate the case from just being a "he said she said" contest. Hard to believe highly competent people like Rotten and Elaine (and that hot Aussie lawyer in the British case) would gloss over it.


In any case we can't say Depp's team would overlook such a thing. Look how they quickly reacted (literally overnight) in order to put that blonde guy to testify when evidence emerged of Amber's coordination with TMZ. To me that is one of the most damning things about this whole thing. That in combination with Amber's behaviour, not just her lies but also her other conduct that can only be deemed like an abuser's rather than a victim's behaviour (when she went out of her way to say "I did'n punch you, I just clocked you" or however she put it — very deliberate and calculating, the way a victimizer behaves rather than a victim. In similar vein is the stuff she said along the lines of "go on, tell the world you are a victim of DV, let's see who will believe you". That is textbook abuser behaviour. A victim just never thinks that way ever, That's unheard of — inconceivable even to come up in their thoughts. The calculating victimizer however DOES go thru all these things — for them it's like doing a rehearsal of what's to come. Clearly Amber planned and carried out to turn a "two to tango" messy relationship into a one sided "I'm the victim" thing. A toxic "couple who fight" truth was carefully and premeditatedly subverted by Amber into a one sided episoide. Therefore it does qualify as defamation IMHO. Amber did it because opportunity arose: she wanted to ride the #metoo wave. She in fact wanted to be the crest of the wave — the face of it next to Rose McGowan & co. Except that Amber is already disqualified based on her previous relationship with that woman. She was the baddie then — she is the baddie now.



Yeah how convenient is that they left out the most important evidence because the lawyers “forgot to submit” :deadbanana2:

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I haven't payed attention to this enough to have a solid opinion of who's at fault (although it seems like both were bad towards each other) however I have to say its scary how many people will believe anything they watch on the internet when so many of these video's have been catered towards painting the narrative of Amber being the villain. Facebook is a cesspool of gullible people :rip:  

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15 hours ago, Raiden said:

So is Amber.


That's why she hobnobbed with Elon Musk.


Made the richest man in the world to do all sorts of things like donating money to who knows where. That indicates Amber's power and privilege. She grew up richer — came from a more privileged family than him.




Yes. Even the perpetrator, Amber Heard, feels safe enough to admit it without repercussions.


We are indeed still a long way away from taking domestic abuse seriously.



I do agree that in a DV based suit she knew she’d have an easier time because there is hardly anything out there done to support male victims of DV. She definitely did try pandering to the metoo wave. But with her it’s more performative rather than actually wanting action taken like Rose McGowan and other spokespeople for the movement have demonstrated. Especially with the way she times her charity appearances around her movie releases. She got massively clocked in court when she said she donated the money, when in reality she hadn’t. 

Her ability to gaslight was definitely seen for what it was on the stand. How can everyone else lie or get the story wrong except her? Including her own witnesses and Depp’s. Something ain’t adding up…

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I'm starting to see more and more posts in support of Elaine, which makes me really happy. This case must've been truly draining and I feel for her.

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One thing I just wanna ask is if Amber has something against men in power, and was traumatised by one why date elon musk, the worst of them all :rip:

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1 hour ago, Looolqueen said:

I'm starting to see more and more posts in support of Elaine, which makes me really happy. This case must've been truly draining and I feel for her.

I hope she keeps getting clients and glad there's support for her. It's not her fault, it's her job. Lawyers have to do everything in their power for their client even if they don't agree with the person

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57 minutes ago, brraap said:

One thing I just wanna ask is if Amber has something against men in power, and was traumatised by one why date elon musk, the worst of them all :rip:

Good question.

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Little Deppter lost again i guest! Talent is always win:clap3:

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2 hours ago, Raiden said:

This is a bit fantasmic


They somehow overlooked the most important thing that would help them? Not credible to believe that scenario.


Medical evidence is not something minor. It is in fact highly sought after in cases. Because it's one certain guaranteed way to elevate the case from just being a "he said she said" contest. Hard to believe highly competent people like Rotten and Elaine (and that hot Aussie lawyer in the British case) would gloss over it.


In any case we can't say Depp's team would overlook such a thing. Look how they quickly reacted (literally overnight) in order to put that blonde guy to testify when evidence emerged of Amber's coordination with TMZ. To me that is one of the most damning things about this whole thing. That in combination with Amber's behaviour, not just her lies but also her other conduct that can only be deemed like an abuser's rather than a victim's behaviour (when she went out of her way to say "I did'n punch you, I just clocked you" or however she put it — very deliberate and calculating, the way a victimizer behaves rather than a victim. In similar vein is the stuff she said along the lines of "go on, tell the world you are a victim of DV, let's see who will believe you". That is textbook abuser behaviour. A victim just never thinks that way ever, That's unheard of — inconceivable even to come up in their thoughts. The calculating victimizer however DOES go thru all these things — for them it's like doing a rehearsal of what's to come. Clearly Amber planned and carried out to turn a "two to tango" messy relationship into a one sided "I'm the victim" thing. A toxic "couple who fight" truth was carefully and premeditatedly subverted by Amber into a one sided episoide. Therefore it does qualify as defamation IMHO. Amber did it because opportunity arose: she wanted to ride the #metoo wave. She in fact wanted to be the crest of the wave — the face of it next to Rose McGowan & co. Except that Amber is already disqualified based on her previous relationship with that woman. She was the baddie then — she is the baddie now.




2 hours ago, Pans Labyrinth said:

Yeah how convenient is that they left out the most important evidence because the lawyers “forgot to submit” :deadbanana2:

Actually it's my mistake, I was just remembering Ambers testminony to Camille, they actually did produce the medical report. 5:56 onwards in the video below



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Amber did have a medical records from a consultation with a doctor about her nose in 2016 and she did produce those records to the defendants.


The reason they couldn't be shown is because the judge decided all medical records were "hearsay."


In this video Amber's lawyer lists all the medical records favorable to Amber that the judge decided to exclude, but it'll be grounds for appeal if she loses the trial:





Camille talking about how she didn't have any medical records was extremely disturbing, because she knew that they existed but have been excluded.


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33 minutes ago, NausAllien said:

Amber did have a medical records from a consultation with a doctor about her nose in 2016 and she did produce those records to the defendants.


The reason they couldn't be shown is because the judge decided all medical records were "hearsay."


In this video Amber's lawyer lists all the medical records favorable to Amber that the judge decided to exclude, but it'll be grounds for appeal if she loses the trial:





Camille talking about how she didn't have any medical records was extremely disturbing, because she knew that they existed but have been excluded.


You seem to be the only one in this thread who's following this case to a T and knows what's going on. :clap3:

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One thing I love about this ordeal is how is making MISOGYNISTS give themselves away:



If you read this tweet and don't understand how misogynistic it is, I feel sorry for you... 

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40 minutes ago, NausAllien said:

One thing I love about this ordeal is how is making MISOGYNISTS give themselves away:



If you read this tweet and don't understand how misogynistic it is, I feel sorry for you... 

His statements against Amber are the types of statements that will be considered good rather than bad for Amber hahaha

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1 hour ago, NausAllien said:

One thing I love about this ordeal is how is making MISOGYNISTS give themselves away:



If you read this tweet and don't understand how misogynistic it is, I feel sorry for you... 

That guy and that other clown Ben Shapiro's "Daily Wire" have been trying hard to jump in and take side in this trial.


But nobody asked their intervention. Their services aren't needed.






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2 hours ago, NausAllien said:

One thing I love about this ordeal is how is making MISOGYNISTS give themselves away:



If you read this tweet and don't understand how misogynistic it is, I feel sorry for you... 

The amount of men who have so much to say about this trial but were radio silent when it came to Epstein, Weinstein, Cosby and many others is very telling.

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1 hour ago, Raiden said:

That guy and that other clown Ben Shapiro's "Daily Wire" have been trying hard to jump in and take side in this trial.


But nobody asked their intervention. Their services aren't needed.



The inability to realize him and you are one in the same. :skull:

Serving "TERFs get mad at anti-feminists joining their movement". A little self-awareness please!

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The WINNERS and LOSERS according to me, the unbiased trial warrior :celestial2:

I know this is a serious trial, but it was a public one..and very entertaining.

The Winners


– Judge Penney Azcarate
The way she clocked, gathered and educated everyone with patience and kindness.  Very professional, but also witty and funny at times. She did her job very well.


– Dr. Shannon Curry
The best witness BY FAR. The way she explained and articulated during her testimonies makes her the most elegant witness. She handled questions professionaly and always displayed class.


– Camille Vasquez
If I would ever need a lawyer, I would pick her. She can come across as agressive, intimidating. That’s part of her job, I guess. But she’s not rude. She’s a very…VERY smart woman. Definitely having her “a star is born” moment.


– Elaine Bredehoft
A good lawyer with a terrible client. The “I’m trying, your honor” lawyer really did try her best. The “what if any?”- investigator and Johnny Depp’s occasianal voice replacement actor is charming and unintentionally funny. She’s very hard to hate.


– The Kate Moss
“Oops yes I fell BYEEEEEEEEE”

The Losers


– Amber Heard
This trial exposed her so hard.  Everyone seems to hate her now. The masses are asses, I know. But she didn’t seem likeable in the way she delivered her victim role. “Witnesses seen/heard something else? Well, they’re all lying!”
How many times has she been caught lying herself? Couple everything with the damning audio files then it’s clear she had a very toxic input in this relationship and was also abusive herself.. She’s over.


– Johnny Depp
Arrogant and rude. He tried to be charming and funny at times, but it wasn’t appropriate. And I do believe he hit Amber. That makes him automatically a LOSER.


– Dr Spiegel
Did they accidentally hire a mental patient instead of a psychiater? He was unhinged, rude and very unprofessional. Back to the cell!

– Amber Cult
For blindingly supporting her, not acknowlegding her behaviour during the toxic relationship and her lies during trial. Just supporting her because “she’s a woman!!!”...UGH please..


– Deppsters
For blindingly supporting a wife beater.


I think both won’t win their claims by the way.


Edited by Patient Zero
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25 minutes ago, Patient Zero said:


The Winners



– Dr. Shannon Curry
The best witness BY FAR. The way she explained and articulated during her testimonies makes her the most elegant witness. She handled questions professionaly and always displayed class.




THIS honestly


As a psychologist myself, her testimony was the most interesting to me and despite being hired by Depp's team she used objective measures and always took into account the viability and validity of the procedures and instruments



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@Patient Zero I STRONGLY disagree about Camille. I thought she was RUDE AF and very unprofessional most of the time, especially with her smirking and rolling her eyes all the time while other lawyers/witnesses were talking. She's just rude and aggressive, that doesn't make her smart. A smart person doesn't need to resort to low blows and snarky comments. They are able to persuade people with convincing arguments. She didn't do that at any point. Her arguments were 99% of the time fallacious. I could find an example of every fallacy in existence in her arguments, from red herring to appeals to purity.


She was by far the worst thing about this trial.

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1 hour ago, Patient Zero said:

The WINNERS and LOSERS according to me, the unbiased trial warrior 

I know this is a serious trial, but it was a public one..and very entertaining.

I wouldn't say that the general public laughing at a husband beating his wife because she's annoying and cringe to be entertaining in general, no. 

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1 hour ago, Patient Zero said:

The WINNERS and LOSERS according to me, the unbiased trial warrior :celestial2:

I know this is a serious trial, but it was a public one..and very entertaining.

The Winners


– Judge Penney Azcarate
The way she clocked, gathered and educated everyone with patience and kindness.  Very professional, but also witty and funny at times. She did her job very well.


– Dr. Shannon Curry
The best witness BY FAR. The way she explained and articulated during her testimonies makes her the most elegant witness. She handled questions professionaly and always displayed class.


– Camille Vasquez
If I would ever need a lawyer, I would pick her. She can come across as agressive, intimidating. That’s part of her job, I guess. But she’s not rude. She’s a very…VERY smart woman. Definitely having her “a star is born” moment.


– Elaine Bredehoft
A good lawyer with a terrible client. The “I’m trying, your honor” lawyer really did try her best. The “what if any?”- investigator and Johnny Depp’s occasianal voice replacement actor is charming and unintentionally funny. She’s very hard to hate.


– The Kate Moss
“Oops yes I fell BYEEEEEEEEE”

The Losers


– Amber Heard
This trial exposed her so hard.  Everyone seems to hate her now. The masses are asses, I know. But she didn’t seem likeable in the way she delivered her victim role. “Witnesses seen/heard something else? Well, they’re all lying!”
How many times has she been caught lying herself? Couple everything with the damning audio files then it’s clear she had a very toxic input in this relationship and was also abusive herself.. She’s over.


– Johnny Depp
Arrogant and rude. He tried to be charming and funny at times, but it wasn’t appropriate. And I do believe he hit Amber. That makes him automatically a LOSER.


– Dr Spiegel
Did they accidentally hire a mental patient instead of a psychiater? He was unhinged, rude and very unprofessional. Back to the cell!

– Amber Cult
For blindingly supporting her, not acknowlegding her behaviour during the toxic relationship and her lies during trial. Just supporting her because “she’s a woman!!!”...UGH please..


– Deppsters
For blindingly supporting a wife beater.


I think both won’t win their claims by the way.


The TRUTH ladies and gentlemen.

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1 hour ago, Patient Zero said:

The WINNERS and LOSERS according to me, the unbiased trial warrior :celestial2:

I’m saving y’alls time by telling you to stop reading there. 

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