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Anti-LGBTQ backlash: What to do about it?


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I think the current anti-same sex discourse is just culture war nonsense. It’s not real and gay people are overwhelmingly becoming accepted across society at, frankly, an alarming speed.


However, the current anti-trans legislation is concerning mainly because it will actually have real world consequences that aren’t just symbolic.

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I think the current anti-same sex discourse is just culture war nonsense. It’s not real and gay people are overwhelmingly becoming accepted across society at, frankly, an alarming speed.


However, the current anti-trans legislation is concerning mainly because it will actually have real world consequences that aren’t just symbolic.

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Personally I don't feel violated or like my rights have been taken away where I live. I've never been insulted for being gay. I haven't been fired for being gay.  To me people around me and where I live for the most part are very open minded. Idk where the rest of yall live.

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I never get this centiment, do you ever see black people talking about antiblack backlash? Asains? The poor? In every step of every era, we have to fight. Living is a fight, loving is a fight and being proud is a fight. The great thing for us is that our fight is even less dangerous as it was before socially, the main pressure is on trans women though but that too is nothing new. Trans women have been the picked scapegoat of the rightwing new fascist wave but just like how gay men were, that was tempered by everyone confronting these bigots head on; whether it be debating, rioting or just plain shunning and shaming. The important thing is to keep socializing, check in with friends(online or off) and get outside or organize group activities every now and then. When lgbt people stop living like they're regular, that's when the anti messages really set in.


I do not endorse anyone risking their life if they live in a country or state that sanctions their deaths but the most i can ask is that you do not join in from the closet. I rather silence than condonation.

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Horizon Flame
10 hours ago, anti-***** said:

Just ignore the hate, really. Gen Z is the most accepting and liberal generation ever, and the next gen will be even more so. It's gonna take a while before they become political leaders though.

They’ve said that about every generation. Gen Z will be Right-wingers in no time. They’re already very conservative. Bring up kink at Pride to them. Their heads will explode. 

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Horizon Flame

The backlash is aimed at the trans community. It’s too new, too radical, too shocking for the public to accept. It’s also an issue that galvanizes Republicans to the polls. They’re never going to let it go. It’s the new boogie man. They did this with gay marriage for decades and it worked for them. They no longer have that to use so they’ve had to move on to something else. Now it’s trans. 

Edited by Horizon Flame
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3 hours ago, Antinemesis said:

My assumptions are solely based on the comments of yours I’ve seen in this thread. If they’re inaccurate I’d be more than thrilled to be proven wrong. But why is it that you’re allowed to share your views, but when I do it it’s a lecture?


My point is that it’s too easy to say “I’m gonna live my truth and everything will work out”, because it’s easy and it’s comfortable, as long as someone else takes that fight that you’re ignoring for you (and this is referring to “you” as a general person, not you specifically). I don’t have any suggestions on what to do, because frankly, I’m kind of the same as you. It just bothers me when people don’t realize it takes more than a mindset of “it’ll sort itself out, this just needs to pass” to actually fix things.


That said, I am glad you live in a place where you’re allowed to be you. That is not at all what I’m arguing against.

But I think you're not reading too deeply into why it is that it's important for us to live our truth and to respond to such aggression with apathy. Visibility becomes powerful currency in times like these. When I wrote that these people that have a problem with gay people can cry more, I meant it. They can get as angry as they want, they can rave, they can scream, they can get violent. It won't change anything. Gay people will continue to exist, and the more that those in our community are able to remain visible, the less power our enemies will have. I don't think it's far to equate this with "everything will work out, therefore I won't do anything." What I see at play is the last desperate gasp of air from a scared generation that is having serious problems with the fact that both they and their world standards are rapidly becoming irrelevant. When people feel they are losing that control, they will do anything they can to prove they still have it.


It's important to remember that history and society runs in a cycle. We've been in a conservative world for years now, and eventually, that tide will turn again. I remember going to rallies over Prop8, getting outraged, and fighting with staunch homophobes in endless debates. To be honest, I'm not sure that I changed many people's minds. I admit that my position stems from a place of privilege. I just don't have the time to worry about solving this problem when it's not a problem for gay people to solve. There's nothing novel that we could do to force the tide to turn right now, aside from acquiescing to the conservative mindset or disavowing transgender people. The one thing I can do is stay the course.


I do hope that you understand my position better.

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On 4/20/2022 at 4:38 PM, Horizon Flame said:

They’ve said that about every generation. Gen Z will be Right-wingers in no time. They’re already very conservative. Bring up kink at Pride to them. Their heads will explode. 

!!! I never trust the generalization that "newer generations are more accepting."


While it's possible to say newer generations are growing up in more accepting social times (as in, generally less anti-LGBTQ bullying and violence), newer generations are very very propagandized by the right all throughout social media and religious institutions.  


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On 4/20/2022 at 4:48 PM, Horizon Flame said:

The backlash is aimed at the trans community. It’s too new, too radical, too shocking for the public to accept. It’s also an issue that galvanizes Republicans to the polls. They’re never going to let it go. It’s the new boogie man. They did this with gay marriage for decades and it worked for them. They no longer have that to use so they’ve had to move on to something else. Now it’s trans. 

Sadly this is also the case. Trans people represent an even bigger upending of the current conventional wisdom regarding sex and gender (everyone thinks they're the same thing) and also of how we organize society at large around the two main sexes.


With gay relationships people who aren't accepting could just look away or not get involved at all, but with trans people you have to adjust your understanding of what a man and a woman are because you're eventually going to interact with trans people in spaces where you didn't expect to find them because of their birth sex.



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Horizon Flame
On 4/23/2022 at 2:03 PM, Eric. said:

!!! I never trust the generalization that "newer generations are more accepting."


While it's possible to say newer generations are growing up in more accepting social times (as in, generally less anti-LGBTQ bullying and violence), newer generations are very very propagandized by the right all throughout social media and religious institutions.  


They also take things for granted because they didn’t grow up in a time when certain rights were denied. They don’t understand how much worse things can get. 

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Horizon Flame
On 4/23/2022 at 2:20 PM, Eric. said:

Sadly this is also the case. Trans people represent an even bigger upending of the current conventional wisdom regarding sex and gender (everyone thinks they're the same thing) and also of how we organize society at large around the two main sexes.


With gay relationships people who aren't accepting could just look away or not get involved at all, but with trans people you have to adjust your understanding of what a man and a woman are because you're eventually going to interact with trans people in spaces where you didn't expect to find them because of their birth sex.



It’s also the pronoun thing and demanding that the English language be altered, as well non-English languages - languages which are automatically gendered. This is a very hard sell to people. People feel policed and forced. There was  always going to be an automatic pushback. Gays pretty much asked for legal recognition and to be left alone. It’s this new wave of 72 genders and 78 gender pronouns which has people all confused and exhausted. The athletics thing is also something that even the most reasonable people are split on. Basically there’s a PR problem. It was the perfect opportunity for the Right to come in and run on it, declaring that they understand people’s frustrations. 

Headlines like these don’t help matters either:



Its like Christmas Day every day for the Right now. 

LGBT organizations have really dropped the ball. It’s like they were blindsided by the backlash. Anyone who lived through or is aware of the decades and centuries of gays fighting for equal rights knew that you need to pick your battles and be strategic. These organizations lack a cohesive strategy. There’s a lot of tone-deafness going on, always giving fodder to their political opponents. It’s sad how many people are going to suffer thanks to lack of foresight. 

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1 hour ago, Horizon Flame said:

It’s also the pronoun thing and demanding that the English language be altered, as well non-English languages - languages which are automatically gendered. This is a very hard sell to people. People feel policed and forced. There was  always going to be an automatic pushback. Gays pretty much asked for legal recognition and to be left alone. It’s this new wave of 72 genders and 78 gender pronouns which has people all confused and exhausted. The athletics thing is also something that even the most reasonable people are split on. Basically there’s a PR problem. It was the perfect opportunity for the Right to come in and run on it, declaring that they understand people’s frustrations. 

Headlines like these don’t help matters either:



Its like Christmas Day every day for the Right now. 

LGBT organizations have really dropped the ball. It’s like they were blindsided by the backlash. Anyone who lived through or is aware of the decades and centuries of gays fighting for equal rights knew that you need to pick your battles and be strategic. These organizations lack a cohesive strategy. There’s a lot of tone-deafness going on, always giving fodder to their political opponents. It’s sad how many people are going to suffer thanks to lack of foresight. 

The victim blaming of trans people only highlighting that you're part of the oroblen. :skull:

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6 hours ago, Communion said:

The victim blaming of trans people only highlighting that you're part of the oroblen. :skull:

I know you were not replying to me, but I personally see that post as victim blaming (except maybe for the pronoun thing).


I want nothing more than for transgender people to thrive and live in peace and prosperity like every other human being deserves and that one day that fact that they're trans is as irrelevant as their eye color and I will always try to use my privileges as a cisgender man to aid in the achievement of those goals. 

However, I think we do a disservice to the cause if we do not recognize the particular set of challenges that exist when it comes to educating the rest of the world regarding transgender people because, again, it challenges the conventional wisdom that the vast majority of people have regarding sex, gender, men and women. It's not an impossible challenge, but if we do not understand the nature of the challenges we face when fighting for civil/human rights and assume people are just going to join us because we're the good ones of the story, then the fight is going to be harder because we're not aware of the blind spots and weaknesses in the cause we're advocating for that need to be addressed and fixed, specially from a narrative stand point. 


A lot of the challenges are totally about information and experiences that a lot of people do not have or aren't familiar with, either because the information it's withheld from them or because they are socialized to be averse/violent towards the information and the people it is about, therefore it makes it easier for the right to come with simple slogans like "no men in women's bathroom" and claim the narrative.

This doesn't mean that LGBTQ people have to put up with disrespectful and inhumane treatment nor explain themselves to others, but when presented with opportunities to help others understand and empathize with situations that are particular to us it's usually best to approach the interaction as if it's coming in good faith.

Edit: You know what? In many instances, we do have the responsibility of explaining ourselves or things related to LGBTQ people because if we don't do it many others are very happy to sell the public a negative view of who we are and what we represent. Again, we don't have to put up with disrespectful and inhumane treatment, get involved in every situation nor agree with points of view that detrimental to LGBTQ people, but it's appropriate to be prepared and open to dialogue for when those opportunities and inquiries come up because ours voices as LGBTQ people are the most important ones in any conversation being had about people like us.


This is an example of what I mean when I say it's appropriate to be prepared and open to dialogue should the moment present itself.

Edited by Eric.
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On 4/24/2022 at 11:55 PM, Horizon Flame said:

It’s also the pronoun thing and demanding that the English language be altered, as well non-English languages - languages which are automatically gendered. This is a very hard sell to people. People feel policed and forced. There was  always going to be an automatic pushback. Gays pretty much asked for legal recognition and to be left alone. It’s this new wave of 72 genders and 78 gender pronouns which has people all confused and exhausted. The athletics thing is also something that even the most reasonable people are split on. Basically there’s a PR problem. It was the perfect opportunity for the Right to come in and run on it, declaring that they understand people’s frustrations. 

Headlines like these don’t help matters either:



Its like Christmas Day every day for the Right now. 

LGBT organizations have really dropped the ball. It’s like they were blindsided by the backlash. Anyone who lived through or is aware of the decades and centuries of gays fighting for equal rights knew that you need to pick your battles and be strategic. These organizations lack a cohesive strategy. There’s a lot of tone-deafness going on, always giving fodder to their political opponents. It’s sad how many people are going to suffer thanks to lack of foresight. 

Definitely this. Things should've been taken more slowly, yeah everyone deserve rights, but you can't change entire societies and cultures overnight. 


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On 4/24/2022 at 4:55 PM, Horizon Flame said:

It’s also the pronoun thing and demanding that the English language be altered, as well non-English languages - languages which are automatically gendered. This is a very hard sell to people. People feel policed and forced. There was  always going to be an automatic pushback. Gays pretty much asked for legal recognition and to be left alone. It’s this new wave of 72 genders and 78 gender pronouns which has people all confused and exhausted. The athletics thing is also something that even the most reasonable people are split on. Basically there’s a PR problem. It was the perfect opportunity for the Right to come in and run on it, declaring that they understand people’s frustrations. 

Headlines like these don’t help matters either:



Its like Christmas Day every day for the Right now. 

LGBT organizations have really dropped the ball. It’s like they were blindsided by the backlash. Anyone who lived through or is aware of the decades and centuries of gays fighting for equal rights knew that you need to pick your battles and be strategic. These organizations lack a cohesive strategy. There’s a lot of tone-deafness going on, always giving fodder to their political opponents. It’s sad how many people are going to suffer thanks to lack of foresight. 

:clap3: it’s even difficult for us gays imagine for straight people. This was forced too fast and it’s back firing

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On 4/24/2022 at 4:55 PM, Horizon Flame said:

It’s also the pronoun thing and demanding that the English language be altered, as well non-English languages - languages which are automatically gendered. This is a very hard sell to people. People feel policed and forced. There was  always going to be an automatic pushback. Gays pretty much asked for legal recognition and to be left alone. It’s this new wave of 72 genders and 78 gender pronouns which has people all confused and exhausted. The athletics thing is also something that even the most reasonable people are split on. Basically there’s a PR problem. It was the perfect opportunity for the Right to come in and run on it, declaring that they understand people’s frustrations. 

Headlines like these don’t help matters either:



Its like Christmas Day every day for the Right now. 

LGBT organizations have really dropped the ball. It’s like they were blindsided by the backlash. Anyone who lived through or is aware of the decades and centuries of gays fighting for equal rights knew that you need to pick your battles and be strategic. These organizations lack a cohesive strategy. There’s a lot of tone-deafness going on, always giving fodder to their political opponents. It’s sad how many people are going to suffer thanks to lack of foresight. 

using pronouns is not altering the english language and using they/them to refer to a singular person isn’t even grammatically incorrect 

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Drowning conservatives clutching at a straw, Nothing more.

They're just afraid of the newer generations getting more and more liberal. But none of their antics will prevent it.

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The LGBT movement was doing so well and the approval was growing the fastest pace of any social turn around ever.


Then WOKE TWITTER happened...


The SJW left is screwing it for all of us by antagonizing everybody who doesn't agree 1000% with them on every single details. They have totalitarian ways that turns off just about EVERYBODY.


OP: I can't speak for other countries but in the US the law protects LGBT very well.

Some states are backwards but big cities (where most lgbt live) make up for it by having better policies in in conservative states. See Houston,TX.

Also, US LGBT actually have a higher standard of living than the average American.



This statistic shows the median household income of gay couples (male-male) in the United States from 2015 to 2019. In 2019, the median household income of gay couples in the U.S. amounted to 114,182 U.S. dollars.Mar 14, 2022



VS $86,000 for the average American household the same year.




But watch people deny it and tell you how horrible it is to be gay in the US and how you'll lose your job..... taking horrific examples and turning it into the norm.

Funny we always say Republicans don't believe in science, yet SJW & Woke Twitter will fight math at any chance they get.... :toofunny2:





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^blaming “woke twitter” for anti-gay backlash is insane. these people have hated gay people the entire time and they’re just vocal now because they’re the minority. like let’s be real here

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On 4/24/2022 at 5:55 PM, Horizon Flame said:


People feel policed and forced.



Its like Christmas Day every day for the Right now. 

LGBT organizations have really dropped the ball. It’s like they were blindsided by the backlash. Anyone who lived through or is aware of the decades and centuries of gays fighting for equal rights knew that you need to pick your battles and be strategic. These organizations lack a cohesive strategy. There’s a lot of tone-deafness going on, always giving fodder to their political opponents. It’s sad how many people are going to suffer thanks to lack of foresight. 

I still remember when I got banned for calling Sam Smith my favorite "Male singer". (PS: PLEASE, DON'T BAN ME AGAIN! I'M JUST USING IT AS AN EXAMPLE. I RESPECT AND UNDERSTAND THEY ARE A "THEY" )


At that time I was referring to their voice and how it compares to biologically comparable voices.


And moreover, I was declaring my love for them regardless of how they identify. If that is not the text book definition non-bias; I am not sure what is. 

Also, I am not sure how banning me and putting the stamp of trans-phobia on me was supposed to make me feel good about the whole movement tbh....


As long as the people in power treat the way same people who just need to get use to new nomenclature Vs people with hate in their heart; then the backlash will just grow worst & worst...


There has to be a just middle.

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