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What do you think caused Christina Aguilera's downfall?


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In my opinion, she waited too long after her debut to release the follow up. Britney completely dominated in her absence and she had to fight back with Stripped. That album itself was so jarring compared to the previous, it didn't do her any favours even though it sold well. Luckily, it is a masterpiece and got the acclaim. Had she delivered another album more akin to her debut in 2000/2001, she would have solidified her fanbase, something which she failed to build which each subsequent break. 


Christina is so beautiful and talented but her career was really mismanaged. She should have been one of the biggest popstars our our generation. She literally has it all.



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47 minutes ago, dirrtydiana said:

Literally anyone who disliked Britney then and especially now are wrong by choice and are easily manipulated what’s not clicking? -I


let me put it this way, everyone who supports trump, nicki minaj, cacabello, they’re all in that same category.


it’s a known fact like the grass being green.


sure! :lmao:mustve been in 2003 when they filmed their iconic sb commercial and xtina was talking bad about both Britney and Madonna.


oh wait, it was xtina who pink didn’t like for stealing beautiful 

i rest my case 


How is it stealing when Linda Perry chose Christina over Pink? How can you steal something that was never hers to begin with? But then again, it is you that I’m talking to so ??‍♂️

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1 hour ago, hurricane326 said:

Not entirely. Back to Basics is one of the best albums of the 2000's; the 70s/80s trend might be back now, but what other main pop artist (at least at the time) has done a 50s/60s revival so well? The only one who  even did anything similar afaik is Meghan lmao. Makes Me Wanna Pray, Back in the Day, Ain't No Other Man, Slow Down Baby >>>>>>>>




Amy, sweetie.

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29 minutes ago, brainmaniac said:

Actually I do, because you know I’m right that people willingly hate Britney without being manipulated and that Pink actually did diss Britney 


But of course you’re going to be in denial of things that hurt your feelings as usual :deadbanana2:

Who brought up my feelings? I’ve been stating cold hard facts as usual. 

6 minutes ago, BionicWooHoo said:

How is it stealing when Linda Perry chose Christina over Pink? How can you steal something that was never hers to begin with? But then again, it is you that I’m talking to so ??‍♂️

point is xtina is hated by pink who was brought up as a Britney hater when she’s in fact a very vocal Britney lover 


but i wouldn’t expect you guys to grasp that.



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14 minutes ago, dirrtydiana said:

Who brought up my feelings? I’ve been stating cold hard facts as usual. 

point is xtina is hated by pink who was brought up as a Britney hater when she’s in fact a very vocal Britney lover 


but i wouldn’t expect you guys to grasp that.



Yea don’t care about that so I didn’t read the rest of your argument about Britney. 

all I really care about is you spreading falsehoods about Xtina stealing Beautiful when it never for a second belonged to Pink

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What's all of this talk about Britney and P!nk? Isn't the thread about why Xtina couldn't last for more than three eras?

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4 minutes ago, BionicWooHoo said:

spreading falsehoods

Keep that same energy towards your group in this very thread doing just that! :clap3:


ill believe pink over any random user any day.







Edited by dirrtydiana
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1 hour ago, hurricane326 said:

Not entirely. Back to Basics is one of the best albums of the 2000's; the 70s/80s trend might be back now, but what other main pop artist (at least at the time) has done a 50s/60s revival so well? The only one who  even did anything similar afaik is Meghan lmao. Makes Me Wanna Pray, Back in the Day, Ain't No Other Man, Slow Down Baby >>>>>>>>


Stripped is great for the most part as well, and Liberation has some good cuts, especially Sick of Sittin', which should've been the lead. Even the title fits lol


As far as artistic value, I'll never understand this when it comes to the public's perception. Value and integrity are things only critics and stans pay attention to, not casual listeners. That's not why she flopped at all


The real reason of course is just taking too long to release, and the mentioned constant changing of style as a contributing factor. 

Back to Basics is ok but she bought her own hype as an artistic genius or whatever she insisted on releasing a bloated double album full of filler instead of a tight one disc and everyone lost interest. I won't even mention Bionic who was supposed to be edgy and futuristic and ended up with Not Myself Tonight and WooHoo.

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25 minutes ago, dirrtydiana said:

Who brought up my feelings? I’ve been stating cold hard facts as usual. 

point is xtina is hated by pink who was brought up as a Britney hater when she’s in fact a very vocal Britney lover 


but i wouldn’t expect you guys to grasp that.




You revealed your own feelings, the way you are in denial and can’t even admit that many people disliked Britney of their own will.  Not to mention we all see the victim  act you pull and oversensitivity you have towards Britney all the time 


Once again, Pink has dissed Britney many times even during her breakdown and Britney even attacked back at Pink and said that Pink hurt her feelings. 


Pink and Xtina made up a long time ago and they even recorded an unreleased duet for Liberation. Not to mention Pink defended Christina at the 2017 AMAs


But as usual, I expect you to deny this all because you’re in your own bubble of denial 





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18 minutes ago, dirrtydiana said:

Keep that same energy towards your group in this very thread doing just that! :clap3:


ill believe pink over any random user any day.







Post a receipt of Linda Perry saying she ever at any point gave the song to Pink. 


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On 4/19/2022 at 2:02 AM, brainmaniac said:

Most people don’t find Christina “unlikeable” lol. That is literally only a complaint from Britney fans bitter about her.


Remember in the real world, it was Britney who was seen as unlikeable and Britney became the national punching bag and joke of the media and gp for like a decade, while Christina was always liked and respected for her talent.

Always liked? That sounds like wishful-thinking.


She lost likeability and respect when Bionic came out. 

She became the joke of the media for allegdly trying to keep up with Gaga and her oversexual gimmick wasn't sticking. Then came the National Anthem fiasco that was considered one of the worst due to her oversinging skills and honestly the fact that she began to FLOP before any main pop girl at the time wasn't what I call being liked and respected by everyone. :rip: 


She has gotten respect through other people's legacies these recent years with tributes to vocal legends. But her brand on its own hasn't made any noise for over a decade.



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Too much compared to Britney
Bad music

Bad videos

Bad performances

Tried to be Lady Gaga when she debuted

Known for being a diva with a bad attitude

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Several things but mainly bad music ever since 2008, starting with "Keeps Getting Worse Better".

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Simple. Her music is bad and unlistenable. Bionic is a bunch of noise and screaming. Even stripped doesn't even have catchy melody. 

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Perez Hilton (along with a certain fanbase)

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I personally believe Stripped and Back to Basics are masterpieces. But she went downhill from there musically, her albums weren't it for some reason, although she have some gems here and there. Bionic is really the album/era that made her a flop and she wasn't able to recover.

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Are Xtina stans incapable of writing more than three sentences without deflecting onto Britney?

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Long breaks are definitely the reason here. Not sure why are people saying "bad music" and "oversinging" when GP has the worst taste ever and doesn't know what "oversinging" even means

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Eh…  genie in the bottle, what a girl wants, and beautiful are memorable. She should’ve stuck to those sounds 

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