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What do you think caused Christina Aguilera's downfall?


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I think there is an incredibly negative public perception of Christina from interviews and behind the scenes stories. I don't see her as particularly likeable, but she has talent in abundance. Christina Vs Britney is always interesting because most find Britney talentless but likeable and Christina talented but unlikeable.


When Christina returned to begin the Bionic campaign she had a blunt platinum blonde fringe which was the style of the newly arrived and hyped up Lady Gaga. Christina instantly drew criticism for copying Gaga and there was a negative view on her new sound and image.


We will probably never know the full story of what did or didn't happen with Bionic. They are rumours RCA forced her to record more Gaga like songs while the real sound Christina was aiming for got dropped. 


I think that it's a combination of many things! I remember thinking how well taking time out between albums worked for her, being able to come back with totally different looks & sounds set her aside from her rivals. But the industry has changed allot in the last 8 years or so & artists now need to stay constantly relevant & Christina hasn't changed to reflect this!






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Times changed while she was on vacay. 
Also her forgettable music. 

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She dropped Bionic too late

Too long breaks

got confident she will be on top forever

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Waited too long and music changed drastically between each of her breaks.

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4 minutes ago, mxoonlight said:

Waited too long and music changed drastically between each of her breaks.

Pretty much this.  

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A mix: Karma, Gagamania, screaming, lackluster music.



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Didn't release Infatuation and Get Mine, Get Yours as singles


Didn't release Save Me From Myself as a single


Didn't release All I Need as a single


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Most people don’t find Christina “unlikeable” lol. That is literally only a complaint from Britney fans bitter about her.


Remember in the real world, it was Britney who was seen as unlikeable and Britney became the national punching bag and joke of the media and gp for like a decade, while Christina was always liked and respected for her talent.

Edited by brainmaniac
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Where to begin

The long breaks

Cold/unlikeable public persona 

The massive sound and image changes with each era = no established artistic identity

The product often didn’t live up to her talent 

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Changing musical climate she failed to adapt to in time, her reputation as an entitled diva and the general degradation of her voice due to over singing.

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The claims she copied Gaga were so stupid, literally the only similarity was the fact Xtina chose to have bangs in ONE performance. That was such a stretch by Perez Hilton and people were dumb enough to join that stupid hate bandwagon 

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-Too long between albums

-Switching up her sound too drastically between albums

-Not doing enough collaborations between breaks

-The Gaga stuff really hurt her.

-And not shutting down lies and rumors so people just believed stupid BS

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3 minutes ago, Iaintsorry said:

The claims she copied Gaga were so stupid, literally the only similarity was the fact Xtina chose to have bangs in ONE performance. That was such a stretch by Perez Hilton and people were dumb enough to join that stupid hate bandwagon 

Agreed. Gaga's team took it and ran with it tho. :bunny:

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2 minutes ago, Nemo said:


All of this, especially the third one- What I'm wondering though, is what it was that made her believe she would be somewhere forever that she was never once was at to begin with



She was literally the top female artist according to Billboard in 2003 but I guess your perception is what counts according to ATRL

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25 minutes ago, Rev8 said:

She dropped Bionic too late

Too long breaks

got confident she will be on top forever

The usual fan fiction. She literally never said anything like that :lmao:


In fact, she said even said that she thought Stripped would flop when it came out, because of her long breaks and shift in sound, but that she didn’t care because she wanted to release the music that she actually wanted. 


If she was concerned about being on top forever, she wouldn’t be taking long breaks, but her mental health and happiness was more important to her than releasing yearly albums and suffering 

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The breaks excuse. :rip: 


Truly successful and talented artists can survive long breaks (Adele, Whitney, Janet, Madonna) and Xtina's were only four years - she just didn't have what it took to stand the test of time. 

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8 minutes ago, Nemo said:


All of this, especially the third one- What I'm wondering though, is what it was that made her believe she would be somewhere forever that she was never once was at to begin with




She took the Janet Jackson approach by releasing every 4 years and making drastic sound and image reinvention. Bionic was her Damita Jo era without the nipplegate making it feel like an event.




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Her rotten attitude played a major part in her downfall. Plus she has no musical identity.



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Just now, suburbannature said:

The breaks excuse. :rip: 


Truly successful and talented artists can survive long breaks (Adele, Whitney, Janet, Madonna) and Xtina's were only four years - she just didn't have what it took to stand the test of time. 


The lies :rip:

Madonna literally released her first two albums back to back :rip:

Janet only took 2 years off between her first 3 albums. And the two of them released tons of singles early on too 


Whitneys took about only 2 years off between most of her early albums too 

Even Adele only took 2 years between her first 2 albums and everyone is blaming her new album not doing that well on her break anyway 

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Just now, Death On Two Legs said:

Her rotten attitude played a major part in her downfall. Plus she has no musical identity.



You spilled



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2010-2011 was SATURATED - Katy, Kesha, Rihanna, Gaga, Beyonce, Pink - there was no room for mediocrity which Xtina was serving with "Not Myself Tonight" and she got lost in the dust



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