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Robert Pattinson vs. Christian Bale, Better Batman?

Severus Snape

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I finally got to watch The Batman yesterday (came out of the cinema at 1:30 am :rip:) and I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was! Gotham looked better than ever, the flood, the clubs, the funeral, enigma... everything was spot on! But I'm still not 100% team Pattinson for The Batman tbh. I loved Christian Bale's Batman, he was more cocky and playboy-ish, a bit more like iron man, just like how I imagine Bruce Wayne to be. Robert Pattinson interpretation was less frightening and much more muted, he was a more relatable Batman if you will, he doesn't fit inside Gotham's schemes and is much more of an outsider- but thats not a bad thing. 


Of course that the new Batman movies are heavily inspired by Christopher Nolans excellent trilogy from not even 10 years ago, and that the comparisons would be there no matter what, but I'm still trying to fall in love with this new take, or at least with Pattinson's take, bc the movie itself is flawless. 



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If it helps Robert Pattinson version is more similiar to batman year 2 comic series. Which is the main reason why I love him in this movie. He really brought the detective Batman alive. 

christian bale is a good Bruce Wayne but I think he is a weaker Batman. 

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Robert is the better Batman. Plus he managed to have stronger chemistry with his female lead than any of the Nolan romantic

partnerships (and he did it all while never removing his cowl.

I adore the Nolan trilogy but every time I watch any of the films I can’t help but feel that Christian Bale isn’t being pushed as an actor at all, given what he’s capable of.

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Can we wait until Battinson has a trilogy, or at least a sequel to compare? 

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I would have answered Christian Bale straightaway 10 years ago but after having found out his huge ego on set I find it hard to fangirl over him lately :gaycat6:


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It's a tough one.. 


Rob is my boo.. And I loved the whole goth depressed vibes.. The movie was epic. 


Cristian.. Well he slayed this we know. 


It's a near tie with Christian taking the lead by little. 


I want them both in my bed tbh 

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the only time i would be a pro-Christian believer :WAP: (Rob is fine tho... dont mind a threeway)

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Christian with ease.

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Bale because he's arguably the better actor, but to be fair I typically don't watch Batman movies for Batman himself, and instead I usually focus more on the villains. 

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3 hours ago, Karla Cabello said:

robert is hotter so that

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Non, Both their movies never showcase Bruce in a lighter note, always as the bat but never the man. 

Depicting him as a cold and aloof person he is when he’s a passionate and caring man. 

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Rob’s Batman>>>

Bales Batman and Bruce Wayne, and just the fact that he was in the most iconic CBM ever (The Dark Knight)>>

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Christian is way better. He had a better range of emotions and screen presence. Rob was fine, but the atmosphere of Gotham and the cinematics overshadowed him. Also there wasn’t much time for him to portray Bruce Wayne compared to the dark knight trilogy. So I can’t fault him for that, but Christian was a better actor for the role

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