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Poll: Only 1-in-5 young people support Biden, nearly 50-point swing since election


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2 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

OK that's just despicable. LGBTQ+ communities could possible cease to exist under his presidency. But then again you would like that

Biden is literally doing nothing to protect us right now. Our marriage rights could go away under the current SCOTUS next year and wasting my vote for Kamala Harris who doesn't have a hope or prayer of even winning the popular vote over Donald Trump, let alone DeSantis, wouldn't change that. Both Houses are run by Democrats and they could enshrine gay marriage into federal law tomorrow, but DEMOCRATS (who again, are in charge!) don't want to get rid of the filibuster.  :priceless: 

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2 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

No they could not, because of the filibuster.

They could change the filibuster right now. They won't. They have no desire to.


3 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

Only Joe Manchin doesn't. He's essentially a Republican

Manchin isn't the only one. Sinema has also made it clear that she doesn't either. And plenty of other Democrats in the Senate have said privately that they have no interest in changing the filibuster for any reason whatsoever, but they're content hiding behind the two that are most okay with going public with their unpopular (within the party at least) stance.


4 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

You are aware that we still have the Electoral College? Right? Right?

You are aware that there is no path for Kamala Harris to win the Electoral College if she can't even win the popular vote? Right? Right?

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1 hour ago, hurricane326 said:

Kamala or DeSantis? Pick one

That's not how the real world works and shows a deeply unserious desire to actually win elections.


1 hour ago, hurricane326 said:

It's truly enraging and honestly inexplicable. 

What's inexplicable is watching Joe Biden have explicit powers granted to him to get-done policies that are overwhelmingly popular amongst registered Democrats yet refusing to out of ideology and delusion. What happened to being pragmatic over ideological? I don't care if Biden thinks student debt forgiveness "makes people lazy" and is immoral - the majority of Democrats overwhelmingly want it and his ideological commitment is harming our pragmatic progress. Biden was elected on a mandate to pass common sense policies like declassifying weed and passing $50k in student debt forgiveness; no one cares about his fan fiction about "working across the aisle". 


Sounds like you should redirect your anger to Biden directly choosing to pass power to a fascist.

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1 minute ago, hurricane326 said:

It's state by state. That's what you mean, right?


No, they couldn't. To get rid of the filibuster they'd need to break the filibuster. It's a Catch-22


Again, take a SEAT

The filibuster is a Senate rule that could be changed with a simple majority. It is not coded into law or the Constitution. It is an outdated arbitration meant to prevent laws from being passed and to promote stagnation in the legislature.


Frankly, there is no path for Democrats to ever get 60 votes again, and Republicans have zero interest in bipartisan governance. By volunteering to keep the filibuster, Democrats are only harming themselves. Especially since Republicans could pretty easily have their own filibuster-proof majority in 2025 due to the Dems' entirely willful inability to govern.


Telling me to take a seat won't work. You won't silence me, liberal.


Also. The way vote distribution works. If Kamala Harris can't win the national popular vote, even with the advantage provided to her by New York and California, then she has no path to winning the state-by-state Electoral College votes. In fact, she'd probably lose the Electoral College in a landslide, given how awful a person and candidate she is.


You had better hope for your sake that Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg never get the nomination! Because they are both guaranteed to lose by historic margins purely because they are both extremely awful.

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1 hour ago, Miss Show Business said:

that's still better than literally calling for legalized genocide. :mazen:


The calls are coming from inside the house, sycophant. 

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Liberals getting what they want: a non functioning government. Then not realizing it will never motivate voters, because they never deliver even on the middling policy they run on :bibliahh:


”oh god pls let the Republicans play nice with us again. Our corporate donors dont want us to actually do anything to make progress in America” -The avg dino Democrat


”I am not voting for them again. They dont do anything!” - a random gay on a pop forum 


Definitely the big brain take is to attack, and shame the random gay on the Internet!!

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2 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

There are other options, however — tactics that tweak procedural rules and only require the support of a simple majority.


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1 minute ago, hurricane326 said:

God, arguing with proxy-Republicans is exhausting.

Being a liberal is globally a center right position. :shutup: Hate to break it to ya. Youre a lot closer to those knuckle draggers than I, sweet heart

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8 minutes ago, Communion said:


The calls are coming from inside the house, sycophant. 

tbh, a lot of liberals (and gay people sadly) agree with throwing trans people under the bus, so what JBE is doing here isn't even off-brand for Dems in 2022 :rip: 

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7 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

God, arguing with proxy-Republicans is exhausting.

I didn't vote for Joe Biden in 2020 because I spent the 2020 primaries in and out of hospitals watching my dad die of cancer, doing so while at his bedside seeing Biden sit on TV and explicitly say that not only would he not fight for M4A, but that he would explicitly veto it if a combination of Dems and Reps in Congress passed it.


Are you suggesting that someone like I - who didn't vote for Biden (or Trump but Green) because he explicitly made the outrageous claim he would veto M4A if passed - is a "proxy-Republican" because I wouldn't vote for any politician who took the explicitly Republican-driven stance that M4A is bad and must be blocked?


Do you see how your rhetoric is not only gross but literally ineffective towards convincing voters like myself and millions of others that we're somehow bad people if we don't capitulate to Democrats threatening to make our suffering worse? Do you think insults will make infrequent voters.. vote?


Please tell me to my face that not voting for Biden because he said poor people deserve to die makes me a bad person.

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14 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

tbh, a lot of liberals (and gay people sadly) agree with throwing trans people under the bus, so what JBE is doing here isn't even off-brand for Dems in 2022 :rip: 

That's the problem with liberals like @Miss Show Business and @hurricane326; they ignore the privilege innate to the position they're taking and only understand from second-hand electoral-rhetoric that "voting good" and "not voting bad" that they don't care how many marginalized and disenfranchised people they hurt and gaslight in their stanning-for-politicians thing they're doing. 


The irony too for liberals to be like "YOU NEED A CIVICS CLASS!!" when a keystone of politics is understanding that it is transactional by nature; politicians propose policy in exchange for votes. We just live in such a corrupt system that Democrats' institutional and personal biases (receiving lobbying money from corporations) drives them to push policies with ends that all end in the material suffering of the people directly likely to be their constituents. 


70%+ of Democratic voters support a single-payer healthcare system but WE'RE "proxy Republicans" for being outraged at Biden saying he'd not only not support it but openly VETO it? jnjkn ******* illiterate. The proxy Republican is the Jim Crow-styled soon-to-be octogenarian. "That little girl who was me would also vote for Joe now!!!" :skull:

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