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Canada's Drag Race Canada vs The World | S2 | Trailer Out, Jul 19


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4 hours ago, manwhore said:

First they police language by banning the word fish. Then insult you for wearing a breastplate. Next the whole concept of cis men in drag will be a mockery and calls for advertiser boycotts at Viacom ensue. This is the extreme wokeness y’all wanted. Enjoy drag race hosted by Michelle visage for women by women.  No mockery. No defaming women because “women!”  



Y’all literally sound like republicans when they talk about the gay and trans agenda taking over the world :ahh: 



when does the episode come out lol 

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9 minutes ago, Bimbo said:


I was so traumatized by s1 payola that I thought,

for sure, she was going to get the win for this :dies:

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These vs. the world seasons are always so messy in a bad way :rip:

It’s cute to see everyone be supportive of each other this season, though also kinda boring. 

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I saw rumors floating around last year that Icesis was eliminated around this time, didn't believed it and her performance further burried that rumor, so I was expecting a Pangina moment if true. 


But damn, didn't saw this coming. :jonny5: We love you Icesis. 

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well... that was a gag. i wonder how all of this started. like it just came out of nowhere? i thought her mentoring session with Brad and Gary went well. Hopefully she will reveal a little bit more when she's ready. She's at the Roscoes viewing party tonight so I am curious to see if she will say anything

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Fun episode.  This season feels sorta like a nonevent but it’s nowhere near the disaster of UKVTW


Silky FTW

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Damn, sucks to lose Icesis but I get it, she probably didn't feel like she was gaining anything from being there and after last week's shenanigans, it probably just didn't feel worth it to stay. Hope she's feeling better now :heart2:


But the challenge... Rita payola... enough. Where were the jokes? 


And Victoria winning by default, you hate to see it.


Boring runway.


Boring lipsync.


Rough episode.

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So sad about Icesis. Her reaction felt sudden but it's important to take care of herself first so in that regard,  I am glad nobody was eliminated. 


Silky was the funniest and Ra'Jah should not have been bottom 2. I'd have given Silky the lipsync win though Victoria did connect with the song better and used the fingers gag as often as she could. 

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1 minute ago, Rigalo said:

Victoria destroyed this episode lol but the OVH won’t admit it 

This. Probably my favourite episode this season. These girls have such great chemistry together. It’s even making me like Rita more :rip:

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I didn’t expect to see negative comments on this one. Great episode all around for me. Victoria and Silky killed it. I could see Silky taking the crown at this point. She’s really turning it.

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Horrible episode, Icesis leaving and Borinity staying + no elimination removing the only reason to even have the lipsync and leaving the episode with no payoff at the end :pukey:

They're definitely planning on the top 3 having both UK girls, at this rate :zzz:

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I hate to say it, but yeah, VIctoria did kill this episode... makes it even more annoying that they unjustifiably gave her the win they should've given Icesis, for the ball :sick:


Raja and Silky better win this corny spin-off

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6 hours ago, Bimbo said:


Serving Alaskan Cod realness, ORH can't stand it!

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2 hours ago, Rigalo said:

Victoria destroyed this episode lol but the OVH won’t admit it 

She is toxic for the gay community with her anti cis gay culture ending agenda but she ate this episode. 

Anyone else worried about queen Raja though?!  Her looks in the preview for next week looked weak.  The hair too. Like idk if it was her competing against Kylie, but it feels as if her aesthetic got less “hot” this season.  Like idk if she’s going for more experimental looks?   Idk how to put it in words.  Her all star showing was perfection. Don’t get me wrong, all her looks are amazing but they seem a tad more rushed and unpolished for this season.  It’s almost predatory if they  pressure them so soon to come back. It’s a mind f. Look at Icesis. She really probably felt pressured to do it and knowing Canadians, she was too nice to decline. 

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Vic Snore ATE these girls up! Good for her. Icesis was head and shoulders above these girls and I am crushed to see her go so I guess I am team Silky now. Vanity is a bar queen, Ra'Jah is fake, Rita is cringy and Victoria is a Karen.

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That was a very anti-climatic ending, but the lip sync was very fun.


I'm glad Victoria and Silky are shinning. 

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I’m so sad to see Icesis go. Victoria ate all the other queens up. Idk why but this whole season seems like such a non event. The queens are good but… idk. It’s missing something. 

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Season is meh, but Silky is really turning it & is coming across so well. Her face is stunning too. Victoria’s fashion has also been great to see. 

I loved how she handled the “meet and greet” quip during the elimination chat. :bibliahh:

Icesis should’ve never been on to begin with, it was way too soon & she didn’t have anything to prove. 

Rita is a great Queen & I genuinely do find her entertaining, just not in the context of these challenges. She’ll contractually be carried to the top though. They’re not gonna have a Canada Vs the World with no Canadians. 

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