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Eurovision Song Contest 2022 | Ukraine wins! 2. UK, 3. Spain, 4. Sweden, 5. Serbia

Queen Conchita

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Can someone explain why were the steam machines so loud during the Ronela's performance? They literally muted her song. :skull:

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Switzerland is very boring.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Ronela kinda slayed

Latvia's boring

Monika legend

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Switzerland is giving me What a Wonderful World.

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The Uk presenter calling the Swiss guy a bear pleas

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Aaagh Lithuania's song is in the top 5 of this year and that's that on that! Congrats Monika!

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Visuals could've made Switzerland's performance more interesting, but that big ugly black screen makes it impossible for any interesting visuals to shine.

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Switzerland is a fine album track. Track 12 closing the album.


But still, boring.



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This underrated gem :heart2: ahead of its time I fear

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a CUTE highschool project:heart: 11th place in the semi

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This is the tackiest worst Eurovision in years 


the tragic stage


camera work


terrible songs


bad crowd 


:rip: Sweden please win just so we aren’t subjected to torture next year 

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Slovenia's song is good, but the singer needs to work on his voice.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Switzerland was awful 

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Just now, Flomik said:

a CUTE highschool project:heart: 11th place in the semi

I was gonna say this :toofunny3: Serving prom performance.

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Slovenia is very middle of the road, but the guy is cute.

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What is this 360° failed camera work for my Kings. The sabotage! :angry:

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The camerawork...

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Did all the countries spend their 5 year budget for Eurovision last year or something? Horrible songs for a big part, although it fits the theme of this contests mess

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Slovenia :heart:

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Ukraine :heart:

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