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UK Politics πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ›οΈ Election July 4th (officially)


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Bernie spilled.Β :fan:


However, I am fearful that since Sturgeon is resigning the SNP will start to fall and so will any hope for independence. She has been at the forefront for so long now, first as Deputy FM and now as FM. In fact, she's been a pillar in Scottish politics since I was a kid. People really don't know the 3 candidates for the leadership except for Humza (who I think will win) and his reputation isn't exactly... great because of the dumb scandal with Rangers and that fake video. I've been having conversations about the leadership race with people.. I live in Glasgow and ******* football impacts politics a massive amount. :rip:Β The number of people I know at my job who couldn't give me a reason for voting to remain in the referendum and it was so clear it was because of the football team they support.Β :rip:Β They said they would vote for Scottish Tories if Humza gets elected just because of the scandal with Rangers.. like the idiocy.Β :biblio:

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2 hours ago, Fevesy said:

Bernie spilled.Β :fan:


However, I am fearful that since Sturgeon is resigning the SNP will start to fall and so will any hope for independence. She has been at the forefront for so long now, first as Deputy FM and now as FM. In fact, she's been a pillar in Scottish politics since I was a kid. People really don't know the 3 candidates for the leadership except for Humza (who I think will win) and his reputation isn't exactly... great because of the dumb scandal with Rangers and that fake video. I've been having conversations about the leadership race with people.. I live in Glasgow and ******* football impacts politics a massive amount. :rip:Β The number of people I know at my job who couldn't give me a reason for voting to remain in the referendum and it was so clear it was because of the football team they support.Β :rip:Β They said they would vote for Scottish Tories if Humza gets elected just because of the scandal with Rangers.. like the idiocy.Β :biblio:

It's very depressing seeing nominally-left people call him an "anti-white racist" for pointing out there is not a single senior member of the Scottish justice system right after George Floyd died. I feel like if you can't point out something so obvious with that as your background for why it's important then it really proves his point more than anything

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1 hour ago, Diarrhoea said:

It's very depressing seeing nominally-left people call him an "anti-white racist" for pointing out there is not a single senior member of the Scottish justice system right after George Floyd died. I feel like if you can't point out something so obvious with that as your background for why it's important then it really proves his point more than anything

Yeah, I have seen those attacks on him in the last week calling him anti-white and even from SNP supporters. The video they love to use isn't even bad and he didn't say anything wrong. Like use your brains for once - Ash Regan is giving TERF and Kate Forbes belongs in the Tory party. He's your best option.Β :deadbanana2:He's the only one of the 3 who supports the GRA :deadbanana2:


With Sunak as PM and Hamza as the likely FM the racism is gonna be out in full force and people are gonna expose themselves quickly.Β :rip:

Edited by Fevesy
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The Gary Lineker MOTD saga continues. Gary (rightfully) sent a tweet criticising the government’s inhumane immigration policy & the language the government are using to demonise migrants. He was then told to β€œstep down” from his presenting duties on MOTD for openly criticising the government and one-by-one fellow pundits, commentators, players and managers have all come out in solidarity and refused to participate in MOTD or BBC Sport related content this weekend.


We are bordering on state controlled propaganda. The BBC is polluted with right wing cronies who actively push the governments agenda and the second someone criticises the Tories they’re β€œtold to step down”. It’s ridiculous.Β 

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9 hours ago, tbhmatt said:

The Gary Lineker MOTD saga continues. Gary (rightfully) sent a tweet criticising the government’s inhumane immigration policy & the language the government are using to demonise migrants. He was then told to β€œstep down” from his presenting duties on MOTD for openly criticising the government and one-by-one fellow pundits, commentators, players and managers have all come out in solidarity and refused to participate in MOTD or BBC Sport related content this weekend.


We are bordering on state controlled propaganda. The BBC is polluted with right wing cronies who actively push the governments agenda and the second someone criticises the Tories they’re β€œtold to step down”. It’s ridiculous.Β 

I 100% agree with Simply Red, it’s so unfair that Gary can’t criticise the government whenever it’s doing such stupid and inhumane things, and then Gary is the who gets in trouble for doing it, the government are nothing but a bunch of Tory clowns, Rishi and Suella are nothing but bullies and fascists. This Tory government sickens me so much :biblio:


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Meanwhile Fiona Bruce and Laura Kuenssberg continue to be brazenly pro-tory on actual news segments of the BBC and nothing happens to themΒ :deadbanana2:

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Gary Lineker tweeted about Brexit and even getting β€œrid” of Corbyn in the past and that wasn’t a problem for the BBC but criticising the Tories is off limits. Frightening.Β 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Rishi gets his Brexit deal through Parliament with 515 voting for it and only 29 voting against. :eek:


And the 29 include Lettuce, :clown:, only a fraction of the hardline Brexiteers and the DUP. :bibliahh: LOSERS

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Congratulations to Humza Yousaf for winning the SNP election.Β :clap3:The TERF and homophobe LOST.Β :clap3:

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This country becoming more vocally transphobic every dayΒ :biblio:


Using women's rights as a red herring to push their bigoted opinions.. Hell will be hot for them.

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Labour needs to win the next election. They can't stand on these socially untested ideas because Tories will destroy them at the polls for that. And it makes sense. Once they are in power they can start adopting more pro-LGBT policies. Basically same thing that Obama did. Initially saying that he believed that a marriage was between a man and a woman and then fully supporting gay marriage from the start of his second term. Calling Keir a transphobe because he doesn't support this or that idea put forward isn't the right solution though. Same way as attacking Obama for being homophobic would have probably only cornered him in the wrong place. Corbyn was unelectable and dragged Labour down, so it's good to see him gone.Β 

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I f*cking hate politicians. They're all scum sucking roaches, whatever side of the political spectrum they sit on. Just awful.

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6 minutes ago, Brando said:

Corbyn was unelectable and dragged Labour down,


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26 minutes ago, Communion said:


Party Membership =/= ElectabilityΒ 


Yes, he increased Labour membership to all time highs because he energised a small but passionate core of progressives (and I liked many of his policies), but he lost badly to Theresa May who wasn't popular at all by the time she called an election, and then two years later Boris Johnson mopped the floor with him despite all the Brexit troubles and got the highest Tory majority in the many decades.Β 

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Why are people still talking about Jeremy Corbyn in 2023?Β :rip:Β He's not coming back

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On the trans thing, I don't agree with him but I absolutely see why he's doing it. The Tories have been using the whole "define a woman" line on labour for a while now and it was going to be a stick they could beat labour with in the next election. This will get more undecided voters/centrists onside. And lbr most progressives are going to vote labour regardless because voting for anyone else is a wasted voteΒ :gaycat6:

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What is this baffoon trying to do? Go even more right to try to get tory voters to switch?Β  I actually hate him more than I hate the tories at this point, idk. I feel for the Labour voters/MPs that are more left leaning.


What he should do for a start is at least try to win back the Scottish population who historically voted Labour/Lib Dem by default. Even though I support independence, there is still a large (and potentially, the majority) who do not and would vote for Labour instead of the SNP if they actually had solid ideas and actually tried to have a presence here. Labour got so complacent in Scotland because people would vote for them by default since we hate the tories and the SNP came in and gradually wiped them out. I know we're only ~59 seats, but come on. During election times Labour makes NO effort here.Β 


They could literally capitalise on the current uncertainty of the SNP post-Sturgeon but instead focus on trans people for cheap votes.Β :rip:



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5 minutes ago, Fevesy said:


What he should do for a start is at least try to win back the Scottish population who historically voted Labour/Lib Dem by default. Even though I support independence, there is still a large (and potentially, the majority) who do not and would vote for Labour instead of the SNP if they actually had solid ideas and actually tried to have a presence here. Labour got so complacent in Scotland because people would vote for them by default since we hate the tories and the SNP came in and gradually wiped them out. I know we're only ~59 seats, but come on. During election times Labour makes NO effort here.Β 

The new SNP leader will be quite unpopular no? A chance for Labour to claw back some seatsΒ 

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corbyn is a pathetic loser and the far lefts inability to get over him is part of why no one takes them seriouslyΒ 

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