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The Depression Lounge

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A thread for depressed users to share stories and tips to overcome their depression.


Tips to help with Depression:



- don't compare yourself to anybody else

- don't be too hard on yourself, the same for everyone around you (we have all our stories, don't be too judgemental)

- accept your weakness, this is who you are... And be aware of your strengths!!!

- don't be rushed, take your time

- don't rely too much on meds, it's the worst thing in life and they don't heal deeply... The biggest cure will be provide by yourself

- relax, meditate, walk through the nature, use essential oils... And give a try to self-hypnosis, there's many videos on youtube, they can help


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Surprised there's not much posts on this thread since the reset.


Idk I've been constantly on the bleh and whatever vibe since mid 2010s. I feel like I'm on cruise control almost everything and nothing significant achievement has been done and recently it feels like everything it's falling apart and driving me crazy to the point I wish I have a big reset just like ATRL did.

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i've had depression and anxiety disorder for nearly two years now, maybe even PTSD. Things got a little better when I entered uni but I'm still dealing with a lot of things. A few weeks ago I was hospitalized because I tried to hurt myself badly and was put under strong medication.

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I know I joined 2 seconds ago but I have to get this off my chest. I've really been thinking about death lately, like no joke...for the past year. I've been reading about NDE and the afterlife. Idk, it comforts me knowing that there's a way out of here if life gets too tough (which it already feels like it..) Mental illness is kicking my ass and im tired.


Probably going to regret posting this in the morning but hey! I regret a lot of **** in my life...



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I have been posting on this thread for quite a long time.

It feels good not to feel alone so I insist others hear to speak up on their issues here. :heart2:

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Just when May seemed to be a very promising month, everything came crashing down on Friday for me mentally. I do think I'm still in an overall better mental state than I was earlier in the spring but it's still difficult dealing with these relapses.

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Music is the only thing that is keeping me together at this point. So far this year, I’ve listened to 346 hours of music. I go to the record / thrift store every week to discover new music to add to my collection.


Not even sure if this is healthy at this point since I have over 2 shelves full of CDs & Vinyls but hey—it’s all I have at this point.



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I'm so numb to everything, all I want to do is sleep and be aloooone


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i need to date someone lol i’m so lonely and all guys just wanna hookup and not actually date ? and i don’t think i want to date a girl at the moment

idk i have three classes left this summer then i’ll hopefully be done with school maybe forever. i’m gonna try to perform as much as possible this summer cause singing in public takes my depression away sometimes

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How do y’all go about dating? I feel like my on and off again depression more often than not ends up ruining things :gaycat6:

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9 hours ago, Bhabylon said:

How do y’all go about dating? I feel like my on and off again depression more often than not ends up ruining things :gaycat6:

I don’t. Trying to date with depression last year only made things worse for me. I really dropped the ball with so many guys, now I can’t even find a decent one. :rip:

Maybe that’s the universe way of telling me to focus on myself.

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So, I finally decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and move on with my life. I'm pretty sure I need therapy at some point but not now. 


I went to the store and bought some healthy foods a few days ago and my mood did a full 360. It's kinda crazy how getting rid of junk food can change your mood in a matter of days!


I still have my depressive episodes but they aren't as bad as before. Gonna see how long this lasts for me.


Hopefully I can reach my weight goal before graduation.  


Just 15 more pounds.



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I got drunk last night and came to the realisation that I am SO broken. I really don't know how to fix myself but I really want to so that I can love someone and be loved in the future


I was thinking about going to therapy? But the thought of sitting in front of a stranger talking about my neuroses really scares me.


My realisation yesterday has left me feeling so bleak, is there a way forward for me or do I just feel like this for the rest of my life? 

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i took an "Extended Leave" from work 3 weeks ago without any real intention of coming back. 

i've been suffering so much anxiety since i turned 29 earlier this year and had my first panic attack in 13 years. 

i just want to do nothing but sleep all day. suicidal thoughts are more frequent but honesty the worst part is the sense of impending doom. :gaycat6:


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I feel super lonely and empty all the time and honestly it’s gotten worse. I sometimes feel guilty for the way I feel, because I don’t feel like I have a “reason” to feel this way, but on and off for the past ten years I’ve struggled.


It feels like nothing I try works. I tried going to my doctors, it didn’t help. I just feel kinda stuck atm. Idk.


Ive never felt more alone than I do right now. I find it so hard to meet people and make connections. I thought I found a genuine connection with someone and it ended terribly, he blocked me at the end of it and I feel like I have no friends to turn to. It’s really been getting me down lately because I feel like things are never going to get better. I feel like my entire life is passing by me and everyone else is living their lives whilst I just waste away and I don’t know how to snap out of it. 

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On 6/10/2022 at 8:54 PM, tbhmatt said:

I feel super lonely and empty all the time and honestly it’s gotten worse. I sometimes feel guilty for the way I feel, because I don’t feel like I have a “reason” to feel this way, but on and off for the past ten years I’ve struggled.


It feels like nothing I try works. I tried going to my doctors, it didn’t help. I just feel kinda stuck atm. Idk.


Ive never felt more alone than I do right now. I find it so hard to meet people and make connections. I thought I found a genuine connection with someone and it ended terribly, he blocked me at the end of it and I feel like I have no friends to turn to. It’s really been getting me down lately because I feel like things are never going to get better. I feel like my entire life is passing by me and everyone else is living their lives whilst I just waste away and I don’t know how to snap out of it. 


Low key feel worse today I’ve never felt so alone 


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On 6/10/2022 at 9:54 PM, tbhmatt said:

I feel super lonely and empty all the time and honestly it’s gotten worse. I sometimes feel guilty for the way I feel, because I don’t feel like I have a “reason” to feel this way, but on and off for the past ten years I’ve struggled.


It feels like nothing I try works. I tried going to my doctors, it didn’t help. I just feel kinda stuck atm. Idk.


Ive never felt more alone than I do right now. I find it so hard to meet people and make connections. I thought I found a genuine connection with someone and it ended terribly, he blocked me at the end of it and I feel like I have no friends to turn to. It’s really been getting me down lately because I feel like things are never going to get better. I feel like my entire life is passing by me and everyone else is living their lives whilst I just waste away and I don’t know how to snap out of it. 

I also seem to struggle with the lack of friends. I have some but they are usually more nerdy chill and stress free I cannot connect deeply with them. I kinda lost most of "what I had" during past years including my ambition. How much has my life changed in the past 4 years. I would have never guessed. 



If I could go back would I warn myself? I don't know.

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On 6/13/2022 at 9:06 PM, Aristotle said:

I also seem to struggle with the lack of friends. I have some but they are usually more nerdy chill and stress free I cannot connect deeply with them. I kinda lost most of "what I had" during past years including my ambition. How much has my life changed in the past 4 years. I would have never guessed. 



If I could go back would I warn myself? I don't know.

I think I might delete social media. It’s making me feel worse. All I see is pictures of groups of friends plastered all over Instagram and it makes me feel worse.


i hope you have a good support system around you for when you need them!

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7 hours ago, tbhmatt said:

I think I might delete social media. It’s making me feel worse. All I see is pictures of groups of friends plastered all over Instagram and it makes me feel worse.

I uninstalled Twitter from my phone and it's made me feel so much better. I still go on Instagram but I muted Instagram stories that made me feel bad about myself, so now most of the stories I see are ones that I actually like.

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19 minutes ago, Jotham said:

I uninstalled Twitter from my phone and it's made me feel so much better. I still go on Instagram but I muted Instagram stories that made me feel bad about myself, so now most of the stories I see are ones that I actually like.

I think I need to do this too. The world is such a depressing place right now and I think I just need to zone out. It doesn't help that my rent is raising 35% which means I'm going to move yet again to find something more in my budget. :rip: I've just had no motivation to do anything lately. :rainy:

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Sometimes the really simple things hit me the hardest and make me feel the worst about myself. I live in the UK and we had a mini heatwave yesterday, it was really hot and social media was full of pictures of groups of friends together enjoying the sunshine and I had no one even so much as text me let alone want to spend any time with me. So I sat indoors by myself all evening. Every evening I’m by myself. 


I know people say that “you need to be comfortable and happy spending time alone” but there’s a big difference between being alone and being lonely. Being alone is something you control and do by choice, it’s different when you want to turn to someone for companionship or a connection and there’s no-one there for you. And it’s not like I haven’t tried. I try and try and try and people just leave. I’m never anyones first choice and no one ever stays.


I feel like my life is passing me by and I’m missing out on so much. I just want people in my life to connect with and share experiences with and right now it seems impossible. Meh. 

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Working on getting evaluated for a dog to help with my on and off again depression 

Lettuce pray :gaycat6:

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I tried to keep myself busy today but I still ended up feeling lonely. It’s been quite hard for me today and I’m just sad all the time. I can’t wait to go to bed tonight and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

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I don’t think I see the point in life anymore. I’m not suicidal. I just don’t see the point. Every day is a never ending cycle of the same misery and I’m exhausted. I hate feeling this way and I hate the feeling of my life wasting away in front of me whilst everyone else moves forward. I don’t see this ever changing and I don’t see the point in trying. I just don’t want to do it anymore. I will never feel at peace or truly happy, something will always be missing. Again, I’m not suicidal. Meh.

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