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Hocus Pocus 2 | NOW ON D+


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10 minutes ago, Reverse Warholian said:

This was NOT good. Disney must be stopped! @Walk_Away21

Omg should I avoid it? I do not have Disney Minus so I would be sailing the high seas to watch. The first one was too good I fear. New Bette ain't it!

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4 minutes ago, Walk_Away21 said:

Omg should I avoid it? I do not have Disney Minus so I would be sailing the high seas to watch. The first one was too good I fear. New Bette ain't it!

Kinda worth a watch for the nostalgia factor alone, but it's basically a repeat of the first movie with the same gags and charisma-bypassed protagonists. Imagine a Disneyfied The Craft: Legacy, lmfao.

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Really has 0% of the magic, fun and heart of the first film. This lacked so much and felt really disjointed in parts. And this comes from someone who loves and cherishes the original film. It feels like they made this in a haste just to make a buck, rather than to honour the original 

and the fans of the original. Nene Leakes GIF

Edited by Julianna Calm Down
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I just can't with ppl complaining...


Was it perfect? No 


But i couldn't be happier we get to see another movie with these Icons 



This would have been absolutely perfect as a series 

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5 minutes ago, shark_heather said:

I just can't with ppl complaining...


Was it perfect? No 


But i couldn't be happier we get to see another movie with these Icons 



This would have been absolutely perfect as a series 

Well we might be different as people. I would rather not get a second movie if that second movie is crap. That just ruins the first movie for me.  :foxaylove2:

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This was so much fun! Obviously the original remains superior, but this was a really enjoyable and cute sequel that I can definitely see myself adding to my Halloween watching each year.

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I finally saw it! It was cute. The plot was messy and some of the scene cuts were a choice (the abrupt shot cut to Walgreens, the girls in the trolley suddenly). I could list more things that irked me but it would derive from my point that I enjoyed it. As someone else said, I am happy that it exists! The sisters stole the show, and it was amazing to see them interact with one another once again. Hocus Pocus is also a very dear movie to me. It’s the only Halloween film I bother rewatching yearly. I am happy it was made, I was entertained throughout (Young Winnie was incredible!) and I am hoping for a third :heart2:

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Also yes, the actor who played Cassie’s boyfriend was very wooden :priceless:

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The younger actors in this were terrible and lacked the charisma that child actors in the OG had. But then again, child actors in the 90s and prior were overall superior and much more compelling actors than the ones today, but that's for another convo...


The Sanderson sisters were the best part of this film, it was great to see the actresses reprise their roles, however the ending was anticlimactic. All in all, Disney could have kept this. This sequel was an obvious cash grab.


On 10/1/2022 at 10:22 AM, publikcitizen said:

After thinking about this for awhile, I think Hocus Pocus was actually more mature/darker in tone whereas Hocus Pocus 2 feels more "Disneyfied" in the vein of Maleficient where their evil is being shown as redeemable. 

MTE! HP2 felt way too cartoonish and like a caricature of the first one.

Edited by est. in 90s
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  • 3 weeks later...

This was pretty fun, though I do wish it was a bit darker. I don't like that the sisters, especially Winifred, went out as kind of good guys? :skull: All thankful to the kids who they were fighting the entire movie. If only there was a final sentence in vain of "we'll be back" :'( 


Main trio obviously carried the film. The mall scene had me cackling :deadbanana4: New kids were dull and did not care for them whatsoever. They served Disney XD acting, when I wanted a Stranger Things acting chops.


I also loved the opening showing a bit of backstory. Wouldn't mind if they open the third one with more backstory as well.

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On 10/27/2022 at 10:29 PM, MrLovett said:



The smash 



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