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Sex Education | Final season airing to mixed reviews


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30 minutes ago, Eóghan said:

yeah they went a bit too much on the satire

it was jarring but you get you used to it very quickly thankfully

it didn’t read as satire which made it unbearable but it already simmered down in episode two thankfully 

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"I made you this bright so that others could see in the darkness"

this line gave me chills
holy **** this show will always be LGBTQENTARY. and the fact it came out of a goddess like 'jodie turner smith' is just:jonny5:

anyway just finished the show

this final season was great. i was worried till the end but honestly they pulled it off. I liked it more than season 3 that's for sure. It didn't feel as rushed, felt organic and consistent throughout. there's definitely flaws but the good outweighs the bad.
I know that many will not like it as much as the other seasons because it's the least light-hearted and comedic. it's more moody and dark but the unique sex ed magic was still there in spades for me. i'm sad it's over, this show will always have a special place in my heart. :'(

some quick spoilery thoughts:


- Aimee MVP as usual. she made me like Isaac, that's how powerful she is. :dies: really enjoyed that new dynamic.
- Ruby was fabulous. just wish her story didn't circle so much around Otis, she deserved better but she always comes out on top. we love to see it. :heart2:
- I was happy with both Otis and Maeve as characters, they're not as annoying/cringe as season 3. i'm happy that Maeve is leading a new life far away from all the **** and trauma.
- Jean's relationship with her sister was chaotic and touching. really liked it. Joanna was a nice addition.
- i'm conflicted about Eric's storyline because as you well know the vast majority of us huntys are atheists so I can't really relate but there's some great stuff in there that I found really uplifting. Eric is still phenomenal as always and I liked the conflict with Otis near the end of the season. it made sense.
- we got a continuation of Adam + daddy groff relationship and I'm satisfied by how it turned out. they made me cry again. and Adam being his puppy self is always precious.
- i liked Cal's story way more than season 3, I think the approach was better written and less superficial.
- the new schoolmates were super irritable at first but I was pleasantly surprised by the end. still iffy about Abbi though.
- after they hired the amazing 'jemina kirke' to play a villain in season 3, i shouldn't have been surprised that they got 'dan levy' to also play a villain of some sort. oh well :toofunny2:
- the whole election plot thread is the weakest thing from this season, it's a shame because it made this season feel like there's no stake. but it didn't bother me that much, it's just background noise.


PS: I'm beyond annoyed at the ridiculous discourse and hate this season is gettin online by the otis/maeve fans or otis/ruby or whatever ship who are polluting all discussions related to the show just because they didn't get the ending they wanted and the creator didn't listen to them. the way i see them lashing out at all the new trans characters + storylines related to the topic reeks of transphobia and it's pissing me off. even if it feels like forced representation, who gives a ****? it's extremely important that it's there at all. there's also tons of other essential topic addressed this season but nooo they only care about their ships and romance.

let braindead be braindead.



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This season was excellent,  the writing was so good :clap3: So many characters got great character development, like Jean, Maeve, and Eric for example. Loved Otis & Maeve's final moment and Eric deserves the world (twist was unexpected yet... fitting for him).

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This is the most inclusive thing I’ve ever seen.

Ruby development wasn’t as good as it was in season 2. Too many problems and stories behind this season tbh…

Joanna was an excellent character, I really liked her. 

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Watched the first 2 episodes and damn, I already forgot how fun this show was, I'm really going to miss it!

Some of my thoughts:


1. So far I feel like there's a setup for Ruby's arc, I'm really excited what's going to happen next

2. The new school looks hideous

3. That new trio from the new school is not clicking with me yet

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  • ATRL Moderator

Two episodes into this season and I can't help but feel like the series has spread itself so thinly? I don't mean in terms of inclusivity, I love the representation, I mean narratively and thematically. Does anyone else think that the first season was so focused and evenly paced compared to later seasons? What ultimately keeps me coming back is the characters' charisma and energy, the chemistry is always palpable. However, I don't feel like I'm invested in the plot points so much as I just want to spend time with these well drawn people if that makes sense? 


Side note: I love Dan Levy, I think he's incredibly talented but I just cannot get into his performance and character, he kind of takes me out (but so does that whole plot line.) Still enjoying the show even if I have my criticisms, it still has magnificent comedy and a commanding cast. 

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I have 2 episodes left of season 4 but I hate this season so much. The writing is all over the place, and some storylines feel so rushed and forced. I loved the first three seasons so this is unfortunate.

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14 hours ago, Sombre said:

I have 2 episodes left of season 4 but I hate this season so much. The writing is all over the place, and some storylines feel so rushed and forced. I loved the first three seasons so this is unfortunate.

Yes its boring

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Just finished, this season was so much better than S3 and I think the creators challenged themselves with really heavy topics to really help the actors showcase themselves, which I appreciate, but overall I don’t know how to feel about this ending.



- Maeve carries the season and it’s not close. I think the scene with her and Jean towards the end and her resolve in moving on from her trauma with her mother to embrace her passions is something the character deserves. The character is so multi-layered and you can see how resilient she is from nearly every scene. Tew good.


- I really love Eric’s storyline this season and think it’s interesting and resonant material that fits with the struggle he’s had in identity vs. culture from the beginning. No one could’ve embodied this role like him and I can’t wait to see where his career goes.



- I think Adam’s storyline ends well and his plot with his dad were well-executed. It felt really good to see him finally stand up for himself and have so much a voice after being silent for most of the show. Obviously I wish Adam and Eric had worked it out or we got any sort of queer endgame with one of the established characters but I completely understand why they didn’t go that route, it doesn’t make sense with their characters at the moment.


- I love the aesthetics of Cavendish and I think the representation in the new ensemble is great, I just don’t think it provides anything larger to the stories of the established characters. 



- Otis has literally no direction this season and it shows. The Maeve ship falling apart makes sense for her character but I feel like he learns absolutely nothing because he’s still doing things he shouldn’t be at this stage in his character arc. Ruby is also wasted because it’s clear they’re not rectifying their relationship (and it would be hard to at that point) so they both just seem kind of there. The O rivalry did nothing for me and it was weird finding out she was a student and not another teacher :deadbanana4: 


- Did not like them making Viv’s boyfriend a weirdo. I think her being able to free herself from the stress of wanted to be recognized solely for academic prowess would’ve been a better end for her character especially since she’s not in anything significantly important. It reeked of them shoving in a social issue for the sake of making sure they addressed it.


- Isaac as a love interest BLEGHHHH. Absolutely not. I thought Aimee’s scenes were endearing but he truly cannot be absolved in my eyes.

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I finished yesterday and I found this season to be by far the weakest of the four. 


The new characters were either uninteresting, annoying or both. The sex clinic war thing could’ve been kept. What a waste of screen time. 


What was the point in having Otis and Maeve split up, get back together for a short period of time before splitting up again? 


Not to sound conservative but I feel like they went overdrive with the gay stuff, to the point where it actually felt like a mockery at some points :rip:


I just feel like there was no closure. This felt like a completely different show. Meh. 

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on the 4th episode now


the show has always been campy and over the top, but i feel like they are missing some substance.


the simplicity of adam and his father's relationship stands out more compared to the rest of the plot. 

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Episode six made up for the first mediocre episodes. It was one of the best episodes from the entire series, imo. 


What I liked this season:


  • Maeve’s storyline. She was this season’s saving grace.
  • The character Aimee. Can she get a spinoff show, please?


What I didn’t care for:


  • Although I liked how many of the side storylines wrapped-up, I think they could’ve been more entertaining. 
  • The Otis vs O storyline didn’t exactly have me at the edge of my seat. 
  • I don’t understand why they didn't bring back Anwar, Olivia, Rahim, and Lily but kept other less interesting characters.
  • I think there were one too many social issues storylines.
  • If the annoying school was meant as satire, I thought it was an odd choice to make some of the new LGBT characters as “wacky” as the school. 


I actually didn’t mind the ending. I don’t want to post any spoilers, so I won’t elaborate on that. 

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  • ATRL Moderator

i have to watch the final two episodes still but this is definitely the weakest season for me. still great, but missing that something to make it as good as the first three seasons

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Maeve is the most selfish person ever. And this season was woke even for a gay person like me.

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The random wokeness in this season is giving Glee. Esp the elevator scene, so random :rip: 

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54 minutes ago, Monster Megamind said:

Maeve is the most selfish person ever. 

ok all comments are valid, positive or negative. everyone is entitled to have their own experience and feelings. I could let slide everything in this thread but this phrase honestly triggered me. like wtf?




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Just finished episode 6 and im finding that this season has decided to focus on so many wrong characters..


why do i care about Viv or Cal or Jackson? :deadbanana:theyre taking up so much screen time for storylines that are just not interesting

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How they went from the first 3 seasons to this is beyond me. They obviously had nothing left to say and should've wrapped all storylines in S3. This felt like a horribly stretched out epilogue to the first 3 seasons rather than actual season (with the most random yet unfunny Ryan Murphy wokeness sprinkled everywhere). It's kinda infuriating to be honest. And confusing. 



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54 minutes ago, Eóghan said:

ok all comments are valid, positive or negative. everyone is entitled to have their own experience and feelings. I could let slide everything in this thread but this phrase honestly triggered me. like wtf?




Where's the lie?

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3 hours ago, Monster Megamind said:

Where's the lie?

then elaborate in spoiler tags, so we can laugh a little

what made her selfish this season?


pursuing her dreams? work hard to have a better life than living in a trailer park? arranging a proper funeral for her dead mother to honor her memory despite everything she put her through?


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