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The Boys | Season 4 | Episode 5 streaming now | Renewed for 5th and final season


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ngl i'm pretty disappointed in the finale but i did enjoy season 3 as a whole

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It was a very enyojable finale but also pointless at the same time 


As much as I love the show next season needs to be the last tbh :biblionny: the fact that homelander remains unscathed :rip:


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I agree that nothing seemed accomplished. We were so invested in Black Noir's story only for him to be killed.


I'm tired of Butcher.

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I felt so bad for Timothy the Octopus :weeps: :cries: :mazen: :biblio: I can't imagine being eaten alive... Literally crying. I wish The Deep would stand up for himself and protect his sea friends

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The finale was so boring. Nothing happened :rip: Disappointing after such a stellar season.


They need to KILL Homelander already

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i wish there were more action in the finale, it was kinda underwhelming but S3 as a whole was enjoyable


Butcher needs to go, i hate his character  and i get bored whenever he shows up

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Yeah like many people i thought the finale was 'meh'
I was ready to give the overall season 10/10 before the final episode but now im thinking more like 8.5/10 since it barely resolved anything and it basically felt like everyone made their decisions for 'plot reasons' and not because it made sense with how things developed over the season.

It definitely felt more like a mid-season finale than a season finale. Worst part was definitely Ryan getting thrown in there... i guess there was that 1 scene early in this season where Butcher made Ryan hate him but besides that Homelander really didnt earn his trust all of the sudden. IF they really wanted to make us believe that Ryan choses Homelander they should have included multiple scenes in the season where they show Homelander/Ryan interactions and their growing relationship, but this way it didnt work and basically felt thrown in so they can justify everyone being alive at the end of the season

Black Noir's arc ending like that made no sense besides for added shock value. Would have been way better if he sacrificed himself instead of Maeve.. sth like that but we definitely needed a Black Noir/SB interaction

And the scene with Starlight going Super Saiyajin just to throw Soldier Boy like 3 meters :rip:

Edited by TaylenaStan
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Incredible season and an incredible season finale.

Sorry for the long writeup.

I see a lot of people not liking the final episode but I actually thought its approach was quite loyal to the way the show is doing things since the start. I thought the fate of Black Noir was well done, he wanted to have his confrontation with Soldier Boy, while that would have interesting to see, he made a crucial mistake there. He forgot that Homelander was even worse. As soon as Homelander found out about Black Noir knowing Soldier Boy was his father it was over for Black Noir.

It is also confusing to me seeing comments criticizing Kimiko gleefully killing the guards in the lab and branding them as innocent. First off it is well established from the start of the show that once Kimiko gets an insane bloodlust when she engages in combat, even when she was powerless she still stabbed Nina's henchman dozens of times. It is something she also embraces when she mentions to Annie that she wants her powers back. The guards also were also attempting to murder them.

Annie powering up with the help of Hughie was a showcase of her not actually knowing what she is capable of when accessing that much energy. It is the first time she actually learns that with enough energy she is able to fly. While at first sight it seems underwhelming that the blast "only" knocked back Soldier Boy across the room, it is different when you think that Soldier Boy is only behind Homelander in powerlevel and it blinded him, knocked him back and managed to leave him dazed and weakened enough for Hughie, MM, Kimiko and Frenchie to grab him. It will be interesting to see how they follow up on that in the next season.

Some people are also quite confused by "the whole team turning on Soldier Boy" when in fact if you watched this season it is pretty clear from the start that the only people on board with collaborating with Soldier Boy were Butcher (a villain) and a terribly misguided temp V drugged Hughie. Soldier Boy is as bad as Homelander and that was showcased with the flashbacks to Payback betraying him and him killing innocents during his time, including MM's family.

Butcher turning on Soldier Boy also makes complete sense in the story because Butcher and Homelander are two sides of the same coin. Hypocrites and liars who will use anyone and anything for their own selfish goals. Butcher tells Soldier Boy that blood doesn't matter and that he needs to stick to the plan while at the same time betraying Soldier Boy when Butcher's "blood" (Ryan) gets involved. Homelander berates A-Train for killing another supe when he himself killed Black Noir moments before (something that even A-Train notices when he looks over to Black Noir's mask when Homelander says that).

If the team sided with Soldier Boy Homelander could have been removed, but that was not the point. If that happened Vought Tower would have been leveled and all the main characters would have died in the room. The priority for all of them (except Maeve) was removing Soldier Boy. Homelander is the endgame of the show, yes but there is a lot more to be explored with him and Ryan, especially after that final scene.

To conclude I loved the themes of this season with generational trauma and how it can lead to people repeating the mistakes of the past. I also loved the increasing showcase of parallels between Homelander and Butcher (who at this point is at least from my point of view a villain of the show).

Some characters took the right lessons:

Hughie showed some amazing character growth when he realized that Butcher saved him which knocked (literally) some sense into him. When he mentions that his father kept the lights on when his mother died only for him to end up rejecting temp V to literally keep the lights on for Annie against Soldier Boy. He decided to learn from his dad instead of following Butcher's path.

MM could have continued to not communicate with his daughter and follow Butcher on a path of revenge, ending up as lost as his father. He didn't, he went the other way instead and told his daughter all about it in a proper way, it also ties in nicely with his OCD arc because now she understands why he is how he is.

Despite him being EVIL and what he intends to teach Ryan being EVIL I think Homelander is also doing a right approach (from his point of view) by actually being a father to Ryan instead of rejecting him.

Others took the wrong lessons:

Soldier Boy ****** up immediately when he repeated his fathers mistakes as soon as Homelander showed emotional weakness. It may have been a display of him hating himself and projecting that on Homelander but it is still repeating the cycle that was established.

Butcher is to blame for the entire events of this season, like always. If he properly communicated with Ryan and showed him love and embraced who he is, Ryan wouldn't have ever gone with Homelander and the path would have been clear for Soldier Boy to eliminate Homelander in Vought Tower. Instead he did exactly what his father did, not only did he do it with Ryan but he did it with Hughie as well through the season. He tried to fix his mistakes at the end by saving Hughie and protecting Ryan from Soldier Boy but it is already too late to go back on what he has done.

Edited by mystery
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I guess Ryan like Homelander has attention issues.


On top of it, he is a kid who has been locked up with a granny (he has no feeling for) in middle of nowhere. Also that granny was acting more of a bodyguard as oppose to someone who actually cares for him.


So it made sense to me when Homelander arrived, Ryan chose him.

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horrible finale lol

they just dumbed down every character just to keep homelander alive for another season and starlight is still as useless as ever

i'm not watching the next season

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Did the actress playing Maeve want to leave the show, or did they not know what to do with her? I'm glad she got a seemingly happy ending, but when you consider how she's barely used and disappears for parts of the season, it felt like a send-off than a conclusion to her arc :rip:


I enjoyed this season compared to Season 2, but it feels like there's barely been any plot progression since Season 1.

Edited by Khal
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F*** Homelander and f*** Ryan


Can't believe nothing happened and they're still around... and the fact we're gonna have to deal with their fanbase on S4




Such a boring finale for a great season

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  • ATRL Moderator

I have a feeling they are going to really ramp up plot progression with season 4. They were able to get away with not doing so this season because the standalone stories were so so strong. I agree with a lot of the criticism regarding the finale but I really enjoyed it regardless and am so pumped for next season 

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The character development is amazing this season, Kimiko, Frenchie, MM, Howie the way they stole hearts >>>>>>>>>>


Soldier Boy is such a masc daddy, no wonder he disgusted with HL weepy ass


Noir will come back I'm sure he survived half of his brain smashed off lmao


But I wish they keep Maeve around, SL did barely anything

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Maeve was really the best thing about the season finale. Nice that she got a happy ending and she put a good fight against HL on her own. :clap3:


Butcher is so stupid. He should have let SB laser HL and his kid. They would have lost their powers, problem solve. But I guess they still needed a big bad for S4. 


The finale was alright. What dragged it down is that they are back at the start.

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Can we get rid of Butcher, Deep, Starlight and the useless kid next season please ?


I can't believe they let Homelander live.


Maeve was amazing, she's so much stronger than I thought.

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  • ATRL Moderator

I actually love Butcher :dancehall:

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I literally don’t remember season 2 because it was so long ago so I’m gonna have to watch that again before I start this new season:rip:

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One of the worst season finales I have seen

the whole season was cute tho 

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Forget about being under utilized, Black Noir’s character was completely pointless. His absence from the entire show wouldn’t make a difference to the plot for any season whatsoever :ahh:


I’m glad Homelander killed him off!!! Starlight is cute… but again… the most she seems to be able to do is levitate a few inches and knock someone off their feet with a little blast. Girl. Is that the best you can do? If so… maybe she should just resign and join a pageant :rip:

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I love this show but my one problem with it is the random power scaling:


Maeve: In the pilot episode of the show she is shown as ridiculously strong. She basically roles a car over, jumps a hundred feet, and then lands in front of a truck stopping it instantly. Then the rest of the show she seems to have moderate strength. She should have been able to break out of the captivity room but for some reason she couldn’t. However, when going up against Homelander, she seems really strong again.


Starlight: She can blast off a heavy duty door using a single emergency light, but can’t do much more than that with an entire studio light system turned on full blast? Also, sometimes she can immediately blast while other times she has to “power up” and it seems much more to do with plot convenience than with the actual amount of electricity in the room. When she fought Noir in season 2 she blasted him once very quickly but then for some reason couldn’t anymore even though she had plenty of clear shots.

Homelander: Idk where even to begin. At one point he’s invincible and his strength can only be created through careful gene selecting in a test tube, while at another point Hughie with temp-V can hold his arm down and Butcher with temp-V can take him one on one. He can seemingly take bullets to the eye like nothing but Maeve can make him bleed by punching him and jamming something in his ear. I don’t really get it. If that is the case I don’t understand why Newman can’t just blow his head off.



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This show sucks. I thought we'd get something substantial this season but it all went to **** the last two episodes. I'm done watching it.

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this season was absolute garbage  :smiley:  it's turned into an SNL skit all season. Final straw was the animated characters :ahh:

So much potential WASTED. all the characters had GARBAGE plots.

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