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1 hour ago, publikcitizen said:

So I have a theory about how all of this will play out for the rest of Phase 4... 


  1. So we now know that Ms. Marvel is connected to Shang Chi because of the ten rings symbol we saw in the flashback when the Clandestines found one of the bangles. We can also speculate that the blue arm could be Kree? And the post credit scene of Shang Chi shows Captain Marvel, Bruce, and Wong investigating the ten rings and the signal they sent out. In addition, it can be speculated that maybe the bangle comes from the same (kree?) technology/origin as the ten rings. This can be further supported by the new post credit scene from the finale where Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel switch places after Kamala's bangle starts glowing. One can speculate that Captain Marvel found the other bangle as part of the investigation of the ten rings. 
  2. With the revelation that Kamala is a mutant, I believe this will tie into Secret Invasion and The Marvels. Hear me out... we all have wondered about how the mutants would be introduced into the MCU. Well, this is my theory! Might be a little ridiculous but it could work if done right. So we know Secret Invasion will focus on the skrulls infiltrating Earth as shown in Far From Home and fighting the Kree army. I believe it's rumored to take place during the blip which makes sense considering Talos and his wife are Fury and Hill by the time Far From Home starts. But what if Secret Invasion is something else? Maybe the Kree Sleeper Agents or Spies Talos was talking about in FFH are Mutants/Inhumans that were experimented on and the real "Secret Invasion" is a mutant invasion. These experimented humans could be dormant mutants with the x genes. Kamala's bangle activated her mutant gene. So something in The Marvel would have to happen to activate their genes. 
  3. This is my idea of how this could all happen in the MCU: 

    Kree based on the moon, experimenting on humans and deviants. One subject escapes to earth, could be Apocalypse. He could have used the bangle to get to earth and called it a rebirth, tell the people of aqaba that he was failed by the only family he knew. Throw in some connections to the eternals and you could get Apocalypse story in full swing. The first mutant. The rest are experimented on further, eventually escaping and overthrow the Kree, inherit their technology including the ten rings and the bangles and start living there as inhumans. Technology that allows them to live on another dimension where they can remain invisible to earthlings. The once humans, now inhumans have learned to cope with their genetic mutations by seeing themselves as better than earthlings, embracing their mutations. Over generations they've learnt to see themselves as better than regular humans on earth. Clandestines are banished inhumans, teleported to the earth dimension. This could explain how both the bangle and ten rings ended up on Earth. And we see why the bangles are important to go back to their dimension, one that can't be seen. Finally, The Kree/Skrulls infiltrate earth in pursuit of the mutants as part of their war against each other. This leads to the mutants becoming known to humanity, perhaps whatever events in The Marvels will set this up for this to happen. 


  4. Shang Chi, Ms. Marvel, Secret Invasion, and The Marvels will be a quadrilogy culminating in the arrival of the mutants in the MCU. 


I think this would be a cool way to introduce mutants into the MCU with a clever twist. Of course this is a wild theory, but after watching the finale and knowing what we know about Shang Chi and its post credit scene, Secret Invasion, and The Marvels, I feel like this is building up to something significant, and that would be mutants. 

This would be an amazing show to watch. I do think Phase 4 is about to start coming together very soon now

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1 hour ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

What’s even funnier is when Kamala’s parents find a random white woman in her room. Imagine if that’s how The Marvels opens up:lmao:

I hope that's exactly how the movie starts. Carol runs downstairs and sees Kamala's parents, brother and Tyesha looking all confused :dies: that NEEDS to happen

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They let us know from the start that the "special" side of her family was maternal, through the women at every generation. Maternal side ancestors = where you get your X gene. 
This revelation and Imani confirming she is the first lead Mutant in the MCU, makes The Marvels one of the most anticipated Movies Next Year! 

The entire show is laid out to show you she has the X-Gene. First episode is even called Generation Why. It’s always been about genetics. 

Edited by Gorjesspazze9
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OH MY GOD. best MCU finale!!!

they did IT!!!!!!!!!! :msmarvel: the post credits too :msmarvel:

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1 hour ago, BadMonster said:

Holy **** that ending, the music, legendary. Best MCU series so far. Great end credit scene too.


I saw people talking about her being a mutant/inhuman/etc, but what I got from the series is that the women in her mother's line were all 'djinn' and then Bruno revealed she had a mutation on top of that, that the other people in her family, incl. her mother, didn't have?

Dijinn has been the red herring of the show. Dijinn and Gene rhyme. Bruno specifically says 

also Kevin Fiege & Imani revealed to the press that she is indeed a Mutant. As of right now she is the first Mutant that we know of. She has a X-gene.


Hope that clears it up. Marvel, Disney+ and wiki report on it as well

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What a great finale. I LOVED IT :msmarvel::msmarvel::msmarvel:




Carol's new suit is FIRE :duca:


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Who knew Inhumans actually had fans :deadbanana2:


But omg that finale :jonny5: Kamala being a mutant :msmarvel:


That post credit scene :msmarvel:


The Marvels is about to be the movie event of the century :msmarvel:


I saw her new suit and I much prefer the show's suit :skull: I actually got a little emotional when all the pieces of her suit were put together 



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I don't know why, but the scene with the crowd standing around her got me a little choked up :'( 

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4 hours ago, Desire said:

I saw her new suit and I much prefer the show's suit :skull: I actually got a little emotional when all the pieces of her suit were put together 

I saw that too and I don't like it. I'm actually a little mad we don't get to enjoy her first costume for a little longer, it's beautiful! The same thing happened to Scarlet Witch between WandaVision and Doctor Strange 2, although the changes were more subtle. I know why they do it, but it's still a little upsetting.


Loved that Bruno, her mother and her father contributed to create her superhero costume and name. I found it very heartwarming :chick3:

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3 hours ago, andresg770 said:

I don't know why, but the scene with the crowd standing around her got me a little choked up :'( 

Same! :chick3:

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Why did Carol look so tiny? Has she always been that small? It's why I thought it was a shape shift at first

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Amazing finale :clap3:


So excited for more of Phase 4

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When they kept talking about this person at the harbour, I thought it was going to be a reveal :skull:


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4 hours ago, BadMonster said:

I know he says she has a mutation, I mentioned that. I said what I got from the show is that she is two things. It doesn't make sense for her mother to not have that gene if her grandmother and great grandmother did have it tho, Bruno clearly says no one else in the family has that mutation

Exactly. Cuz she is the first Mutant. 

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6 minutes ago, BadMonster said:

Either she's not, or she's something else besides a mutant, cuz there were already powers in her (great)grandmother. You're still not getting my point

They literally played the X-Men 97 theme song over the moment. :skull: She's a mutant.

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17 minutes ago, BadMonster said:

Either she's not, or she's something else besides a mutant, cuz there were already powers in her (great)grandmother. You're still not getting my point

:ace:Either this or that is all speculation. Head writer said As of right now she is a Mutant. We are literally saying the same thing, she has the same genes as her grandmothers but they have Mutated, thus making her different. 

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26 minutes ago, BadMonster said:

But her grandmother also has powers, so why bother making her a mutant? She's getting more/different powers? Or it'll be totally irrelevant to her character but they just wanted to throw in a mention?

The powers don’t make Anyone a mutant. The genetics do. Her ancestors are clandestine and had the bangel, as shown in the flashbacks.
Quick breakdown:

-The Bangel just awaken her X-Mutation gene. Her actual mutant ability is to Embiggen. 
-the Bangel is a clandestine artifact and conduit to access Hard light from the Noor dimension. That’s why Najma was trying to open the Veil. She used the misdirect to “go Home” as a way to manipulate Kamala to use the Bangel to open the Viel. Granting her access to the Noor Light powers. 
-Kamhran got the powers of Hard light once the veil was open. Never before. The Mist went directly to him. Basically Kam has the power of the Noor dimension that is held within the viel, Same way Ms. marvel has access to the light power held within the bangel. 
-Ms. Marvel needed the bangel to construct light. Now she is aware that she can embiggen, because the light is an extension of her. 
-they are making her a mutant because it makes the most sense in the MCU. Why introduce the off-brand version of mutants when the General Public has been screaming for Mutants for years. From a marketing point it makes sense. Plus they can literally change it at anytime in future projects. Since it’s just a label. 

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I really don't think Kamala is the first Mutant. She's the first person in the MCU to be called that way (well, not really, but you get the gist). I believe Mutants have always been part of the MCU, they're just unaware they have powers because of the X-Gene.


For example, it was heavily hinted Wanda had powers well before she got exposed to the Mind Stone. Aisha also had powers (probably unlocked in the same way Kamala did, by wearing the bangle, and was able to use them to an extent even without wearing it).


What's weird is that Kamala is the only member of her family (excluding, of course, her father) that has a mutation. Assuming Aisha was also a Mutant, it's very weird that the gene almost skipped two generations as Sana wore the bangle and it apparently didn't unlock anything in her and Muneeba and Aamir don't show traces of mutations. It'll be interesting to see how the X-Gene is integrated in the MCU lore because, if I recall correctly, there are no instances of Mutants' offspring being powerless in the comics.

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I am one of the 14 Little Inhumasters in the world, but I am find with merging them with Mutants for the MCU. X-Men stories are so cosmic that there is still room for them to do the royal family if they want to. The cameo in MoM could also be seen as a sendoff for the character as well, but who knows.


The only thing that is important is for Kamala to meet Lockjaw while she is in space.

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1 hour ago, Hephaestus said:

if I recall correctly, there are no instances of Mutants' offspring being powerless in the comics.

I remember Mystique's child with Sabertooth being a normal human, but I can't remember if there are others

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8 minutes ago, mathekr said:

I remember Mystique's child with Sabertooth being a normal human, but I can't remember if there are others

You're right, I forgot about that. I believe it's the only exception though, or one of the very few since the common knowledge is that if one of the parents is a Mutant, the child will almost always be a Mutant too (or at least should carry a dormant X-Gene).

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there are mutant offsprings that are powerless humans in the comics. It’s more rare but The X-gene skips generations some times. Mutant’s definitely existed in the MCU world, Kamala is just the first lead Character  that we know who’s X-gene is activated. 

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Kinda funny that this show has people engaging on the topic of Who & What Kamala is more then Moonknight did. And that was a show about multiple personalities. :gaycat4:
I think this ending got viewers way more excited for The Marvels. Now that Carol is back on Earth, will she go to S.W.O.R.D to meet Monica 

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later today we will see a surge of articles about everything she reveals

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