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Survivor 47 - Wednesdays 8/7C on CBS

Chaos Angel

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Disgusting. Awful. Horrible.


Cassidy losing for doing nothing wrong, and a MAGA man winning for playing basically the same only worse. Yikes. Fuck everybody on the jury (sans James he's the real one).

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That was a bitter ass jury, Karla is trash and so is Noelle. And don’t get me started with Jesse ass. He wanted Cody to forgive but had a hesitation when Cassidy tried to hug him like…I disliked this season from the start and tried to give it a chance but it’s in my bottom ten. 

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That was a bitter ass jury, Karla is trash and so is Noelle. And don’t get me started with Jesse ass. He wanted Cody to forgive but had a hesitation when Cassidy tried to hug him like…I disliked this season from the start and tried to give it a chance but it’s in my bottom ten. 

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Thank god this season is over, it was a struggle to get through. 44 looks better but I am ready for pre pandemic Survivor to return.

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Gabler was my most disliked contestant all season but I never thought he had even a shot in hell at winning (based on the edit).  I was prepared for a boring predictable Jesse win or an UTR Cassidy win.  Never in my life did I expect THIS.  And 7-1-0? WTF.


This is an absolute dumpster fire, bottom 5 season.  I'd say it's above RI and Caramoan but below everything else.  Maybe tied with Worlds Apart :pukey: 


This new era of Survivor is not good.  We just got lucky with two very solid casts and winners the last two seasons.  This season shows how Jeff's idiotic twists, the shorter format, and the new editing damage the show.  


Thank god Australian and South African Survivor are so much better!

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A season of misogyny. Trash season, trash winner. Cassidy deserved better!

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The only good thing about this season is that Jeff's beloved firemaking challenge - blatantly introduced to save dominant alpha males - ended up ******* over the single most dominant alpha male of the new era :lmao: Hopefully this convinces them to finally do away with it.


Also, Karla gives very much "All my friends are guys, women are too much drama, I just get along better with men" energy, I do NOT like her.

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What the actual ****. I thought Cassidy had that in the bag.


Also, can I just say that I HATE the F4 Fire Making challenge because it's become a disservice if you don't give up your immunity and take out your target yourself. That twist is trash and we have gotten some terrible winners because of it.


If it never existed, Devon beats Ben. Taking Ben out of WAW and Michele beats Tony in WAW and I SAID THAT ****. Because Tony goes out 4th.


While we're ******* at it, idk why they ever switched to a F3 format over a F2, it literally always has one person that no one knows why they are there.


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No, but seriously, this seemed almost personal? With bitter juries you usually know why they are angry or hurt, but what did Cassidy do to them aside from outlasting them? They wanted her out for the most of the game because she was a ~threat or whatever, but now suddenly it's like she wasn't even in consideration? Something's off.


The editors dropped the ball as well, this was awful storytelling.

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What a weird ass season. I'm happy for Gabler, I think he did well for himself and I like that he's donating his winnings. But, like, what else did Cassidy need to do? She won three immunities, was responsible for Jesse losing, was in on every vote, and helped get out every person who targeted her. I feel like the deck was just stacked against her with this sausage fest of a jury and bitter ass Karla burning the bridge with her. They wouldn't let her take credit for anything!


Jesse played an amazing game but I was satisfied he lost. :shutup:


He's a smart guy, but he kind of cast a dark cloud over the season with his dour and self-serious attitude.


I think the editing this season really failed. Post-merge, we hardly got any relationship building scenes. Cassidy was very under-edited, and Gabler was touting this "Ride or Die" alliance as one of his victories, but why were we never shown that alliance? :deadbanana4:

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I really didn't see Cassidy as the clear winner and was surprised how shocked people were that she lost. the jury clearly didn't like her that much personally which speaks to her lack of social game. once Cody took credit for her 'big move' it was over for her

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Terrible ending. It’s nice Gabler donated the money but I’m sure he’s loaded already.


Also another final immunity challenge winner who didn’t win the game. I hate how it’s become a thing of where people expect them to give it up and go to fire.


Also the way Karla went from one of my faves to one of my least favourite over the season :skull:


Edited by nathanspears
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Lol at people being outraged that Cass didn’t win?? Like it was misogyny or something?? None of those three deserved the win, and basically it came down to who was the shiniest turd. I genuinely don’t remember anything about Cass’s backstory. Was she the one whose sister died of a drug overdose? Or was that someone else? She was a ghost for most of the season. 

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^^ and what exactly did Gabler do that Cass didn’t do to warrant being the ‘shiniest turd’? They both played under the radar, made the correct alliances, were generally on the right side of the vote. The only difference in my eyes is that Cassidy was an immunity beast and gabler wasn’t, and Cassidy used Gabler as an agent to get out the biggest threat, which the jury didn’t want to give her any credit for because they were so hurt hurt that golden boy Jesse lost at fire. It’s a case of a bitter, misogynistic jury, end of. 

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didnt realise this was out already and that gabler won... well, I deffo have no desire to watch the finale now :ace:

Trash season, trash players. lets have a female only season pls

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**** karla. **** jesse ******* rat. **** the jury. you cannot tell me he played a better game than cassidy this is so stupid.


gabler played one of THE most boring unseasoned games ever

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The jury was like Cass should do the firemaking against Jesse :rip: wtf is wrong with them.


She earned her spot in final 3. The editor never really try with Gabler’s edit. I swear he was so invisible last few episodes. I even forgot he was still in the game :rip:

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The editors of this show are HORRIBLE! Jeff too.


No one from the final 3 had a good edit: Cass was invisible for the first half of the season - when we know there was a lot of strategy there with Karla/James, and Owen was barely shown at all throughout the season. Gabler was shown a lot at the beginning but became invisible post merge. It's clear there was some strategy involved on his part, how he was constantly thinking about where he should place himself within multiple alliances, and how he had to stop winning challenges to stop appearing as a threat. They just made it seem like he was an old man being carried til the end.


Instead they focused so hard on Jesse... his elimination made it seem like the death of a hero. And then in the final hour how they let him talk for so long and played the sad music.... sorry but isn't literally everyone there doing it for their family? Why single him out like that. He's a good guy and likeable, but the way they went so hard for him leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

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probably the most misogynistic season since Thailand


I loved Karla but she is f*cking trash now 

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