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Survivor 47 - Wednesdays 8/7C on CBS

Chaos Angel

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Yep. This season is terrible. At least Cassidy mothered.

Idc for Karla at this point either. She’s just always going along what the guys say.

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They really said NO MORE WOMEN this season. Makes no sense to vote out Jeanine, who is a broken little puppy at this point.

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I can't believe they just gave us worst season. What a milestone, when you have to be worse than 42 other seasons...

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Not them teasing us with a girls alliance like 4 times now. This season needs to end, NOW. 

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The fact not even Cody knew how Sami got in on the vote last episode :deadbanana: This season is a mess :ahh:

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I know it’s hard to top 42 and legend Maryanne’s win/amazing story arc but my god…I don’t even know.

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Jeanine was such a non threat, um wtf? 

James/Sami/Cody remain INSUFFERABLE :redface: 


rooting for Owen, Karla (although girl is about to crossed off my rooting for list after spearheading the Geo vote out and doing nothing for Jeanine), and Cassidy.

The rest can choke! 

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What was the point? Jeanine had NO ONE?!?!?


Also is 3 women in the final 10 a record low?

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Good god this season SUCKS. Every episode is let's target the women or men of color. This Cody/Jesse/Sami core must end. It's ridiculous how threatened Jesse and Cody become by any woman who tries to play the game. I guess that right is only reserved for the men in their eyes.

Edited by Stevie
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The male domination is gross.


Sami’s entire story is about him pretending he’s like 2 years old than he actually is.

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TVLINE | Did it worry you that so many women were voted out so early?
One hundred percent! This is actually something I’m glad you asked about. It wasn’t shown, but the reason why post-merge, the votes were being thrown on James and Ryan was because Noelle and I felt this moral — and this was a moment outside the game, it was an emotional stance I had taken — I did not feel comfortable writing another woman’s name down. Other people were kind of indifferent on who we voted for on Coco, which lent itself to splitting votes on the men. It was so disappointing seeing woman after woman after woman being voted out, and post-merge, it was down to the few of us left. That was something I felt like I played emotionally in that moment. I’m glad they highlighted that with Cassidy this episode because it was something we talked about, even regardless of who was voting with you, but it was something we were really concerned about and not feeling great about with our season.


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Sami crying about being at the bottom when he's the main reason Baka became so fractured way before the merge. :zzz: He truly set the tone for this season when he started pushing for an all-guy alliance early on. Now I'm supposed to feel sorry for Sami and Owen? Lmaooo. I was hoping the vote would somehow flip to Sami after Owen won immunity. Hopefully one of them leaves in the double next week. 


The bottom players are handing the game to Jesse and Cody. I feel like the only way that duo is going to be broken up is if they turn on each other, or if Karla/Cassidy start taking control of the game. The other players are too busy going after each other. James saying they have to take out Jeanine because she's too good at challenges was just... :ace: The delusions are very real this season.

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echoing that this season sucks :rip: im very bored of this cast, especially now that we lost yet another woman. it’s gonna end up an all male final 3

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  • ATRL Moderator

Jeanine was the last truly rootable character on this season, now it’s just a complete dud.  

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Who do you guys think will win? based on the edit, the main players are Cody, Jesse, Karla and Sami.

Owen and Cassidy are just getting their story arc starting so I'm excluding them atm



I feel it's between Karla and Jesse


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40 minutes ago, Kamil24 said:

I'm just waiting for Jeff to make a comment about how it's one of the best seasons for him.

It's been reported that production hates this season. 

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Queen Karla is coming to snatch this season away from the boys watch her be voted out next 

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3 hours ago, McNulty said:

Who do you guys think will win? based on the edit, the main players are Cody, Jesse, Karla and Sami.

Owen and Cassidy are just getting their story arc starting so I'm excluding them atm



I feel it's between Karla and Jesse


I think the edit is making it seem like either Jesse or Sami. I thought Karla before but the last few episodes they are making it seem like she's just going along with the guys, so I don't think so anymore.

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Cassidy is winning, obviously

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9 hours ago, McNulty said:

Who do you guys think will win?

Going by 41 and 42’s edit, I’d say Cassidy. 

8 hours ago, dussymob said:

It's been reported that production hates this season. 

Whitney Houston GIF

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Yeah this season is officially a dud, I really can’t see any way this finishes out in the top half of seasons, dare I even say bottom quarter. 

Cassidy is mothered tho idc 

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