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Survivor 46 - Wednesdays 8/7C on CBS

Chaos Angel

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On 3/14/2024 at 8:45 AM, genetic fail said:

Bhanu wants that Sia money so bad :skull:

“I don’t want win a million dollars, I want to win a million hearts.”



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This season is ACTUALLY horrible so far. I sorta like Tiffany. I sorta like Venus. I literally couldn’t care less or be less attached to any of these horrendous characters so far.


Banhu is WILDLY unhinged and I think I Stan.

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On 3/14/2024 at 2:36 PM, Kamil24 said:

Why all the hate on Bhanu? THIS is the type of messiness and entertainment I needed on Survivor tbh. Hopefully this cast gives that Africa season where everyone was cracked. 

I know! The way he was celebrating and say God answered his prayers when another contestant was medevac'ed and might need a surgery was peak OTT behavior.



I can't wait for an US x Australia all stars on season 50 where they cast him and Kelli to the same season and same tribe. It must be like living in hell :deadbanana2:and I am here for it

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I’m surprised we're not getting a swap next episode. Also I'm very intrigued by Venus's scorned woman edit. She seems to be the focal point of Nami. Even Randen's eviction was through her POV (reminiscent of Aubry when the ice cream guy got medevacced). I'm hoping she makes it far given that they're spending so much airtime on her. 

Also how friggin boring is Green? Last week it was the divergent naming task, and this week, they literally had no content to air other than the "Four Days Ago" idol hunt lol. Scraping the bottom of the barrel.



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Terrible episode, another annoying Bhanu edit. This season is really rough so far

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I just started watching the current AU season and it's so refreshing to have episodes that are entertaining, really showcase the cast and have innovative challenges. Bigger tribes provide so much more room for interesting votes to happen.

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Have they even started filming 47 yet??? I think they see that they desperately need to change it up with this season's reaction.

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The title still being '45' :gaycat7:


5 hours ago, Harmonizer said:

Have they even started filming 47 yet??? I think they see that they desperately need to change it up with this season's reaction.

Nope, they start in mid-april iirc. The pre-production is well under way probably - the buffs, challenge props etc, but going down to 2 tribes even if they planned out 3 shouldn't be a problem, unlike the other way around. But Probst is stubborn af, I doubt any criticism can get to him atp.

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Please god let some interesting characters develop now that camera hog Bhanu is gone :jonny:

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Good riddance!!! 


New era premerge rankings:


41: Shan-Ricard leading the chaos of the green tribe - solid A


42: Jenny, Dan, Mike, Hai TC highlight - solid A


43: Ellie the star that you are - C


44: Tika 3 chaos, the bearded gay falling and dying - B+


45: Emily's metamorphosis - A-


46: Bhanu show - C- so far

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Finally! I was so happy the moment they lost the challenge :rip:


Purple tribe - Rooting for both girls to go far, I really like them. But not Q really.

Green tribe - Finally some action is starting to show. Jem, please bring more craziness to the tribe.

Yellow tribe - Okay, they might be cracking sooner than expected. Venus should be ok I think.

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This episode shows exactly why the three small tribe format is so bad. Even though Bhanu annoyed me to no end, he had literally nowhere to go. These small tribes make it almost impossible to flip a vote without some ridiculous advantage. And the dumb advantages made it so he couldn't even play his shot in the dark. 

These small tribes make so that if you form a three or four person alliance which is common in Survivor, then the outsiders have no shot at toppling that alliance. At least with a bigger tribe, a four person alliance is strong but not game breaking because they still need more people to control a vote and there are more chances for the people at the bottom to get together and flip the game. AU Survivor is the perfect example of this, even when it doesn't work out at least that option was there to try. 

The fact that this whole episode was about Bhanu literally being a sitting duck with literally no chance of saving himself made this episode so boring, they literally didn't even have to vote, he just got up and left :skull: 

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Holy ****, now the season might get better. Time will tell. This show needs a SERIOUS revamp for 47

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2 more seasons without returning players? 


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The evil (BhaNO) is defeated :bunny2:

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This season is in the pits but at least BhanEW is gone so hopefully things will improve


Every episode so far has felt so SLOW, I never felt this way with 45, what's going on? This episode was the first time I ever thought to myself if I just skipped it I wouldn't be missing out on much

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Rooting for Kenzie, Tiffany and Venus. I kinda like Q and Hunter, too. :clack: The green tribe is everything that's wrong with this new era of Survivor. I don't want another Survivor 44 where everyone is playing Barney & Friends, so I hope they start losing some players soon. 

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Another horrible premerge :rip: 


Let's hope things get better now that Bhanu is gone. 

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once again i had to skip through every bhanu scene... very awkward/embarrassing to watch.

kinda loved the brief atrler backstory about his dad? that was actually cute.

but anyway, hopefully the game can get going a bit now :gaycat6:

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Imagine the serve if this was 2 tribes and the messy cvnty people from orange and purple got mixed with the boring af green. Hopefully the season picks up when they all get together. 


Anyway, Bhanu overstayed his welcome for 1-2 eps, but still, he's one of the most iconique premergers of the 40s for sure. 





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The devil has been defeated, hopefully the cringe swiftie is next 

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Well, I guess the Bhanu show is over :deadbanana4:


The editors did him so badly. I understand what they were trying to go for but it just didn't work. He came across annoying, tiring and it feels like these first 4 episodes have been sucked out because of the focus on him to be the 4th out :deadbanana4:


Can we now please move on and showcase the rest of the cast, most of them I still don't know a thing about them.

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Omg WE'RE FREE AT LAST :jonny5:

Banu is beyond pathetic omg begging on his knees :bibliahh:

I really hope things pick up again

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On 3/22/2024 at 1:08 AM, flower moon said:

once again i had to skip through every bhanu scene... very awkward/embarrassing to watch.

kinda loved the brief atrler backstory about his dad? that was actually cute.

but anyway, hopefully the game can get going a bit now :gaycat6:

Wait who is this atrler I keep seeing mentioned? Like what is the user 

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