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8 minutes ago, Aston Martin said:

Non elim format (similar to All Winners but I think without the blocking) 


Top 3 is Roxxxy, Angeria, and Vanjie (all crownings were filmed) 


Plastique and Jorgeous were allegedly robbed for slots in the finale 


Nina West wins a "Queen of Queens" title (similar to Ms. C and voted on by the queens) 


Roxxxy apparently wins the most challenges/does the best 

Gottmik does the worst (apparently only wins SG) 

Plastique allegedly has 4 wins 


I think there's more tea but I'll check when I get home 

Roxxxy better get her crown, i'll just say that.

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27 minutes ago, Aston Martin said:



27 minutes ago, Aston Martin said:

robbed for slots in the finale 


27 minutes ago, Aston Martin said:

Plastique allegedly has 4 wins 

Oh, I know her fans are going to riot. Isn't she one of the very few drag queens to have 2M+ followers on IG and she wasn't even a winner or finalist in her OG season? She's huge with the base.



The cast lets me know it won't bomb as hard as AS8, we have some real talented icons here, but I'm still indifferent. 

Any tea on if there will be an All Winners 2 hon? :heart2:


Edited by GoodGuyGoneGhetto
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I can't believe MOTHER CRISTAL may get a 5th win.



The possibility of her being in the bottom hurts my soul though. She better be "low" instead or just regular "safe". 


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Eureka wont even be in the top 4? :bibliahh:

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On 3/20/2024 at 1:54 PM, AndresVanDeKamp said:

right next to gaslighting the audience by trying to convince us Jasmine Kennedie deserved to go out on a lipsyncing challenge.

Respectfully, Bosco won that lip-sync in my opinion and I loved Jasmine in S14. 

Also, Jasmine had been in the bottom 4 times by that point. 

The way Ru (or production) tries to limit queens having 3/4 challenge wins, it's the same with queens who have 3/4 bottoms before they eventually get sent home. 

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14 minutes ago, GoodGuyGoneGhetto said:



Any tea on if there will be an All Winners 2 hon? :heart2:


Nothing at the moment. 

I suspect if there's another winner season, it'll be on Global All Stars so international winners can compete again and by judged by Ru. 

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27 minutes ago, GoodGuyGoneGhetto said:

Oh, I know her fans are going to riot

Isn't she one of the very few drag queens to have 2M+ followers on IG, along with Bianca/Bob/Alaska/Trixie/Katya/Jinkx/Alyssa, and she wasn't even a winner or finalist in her OG season? She's huge with the base.

Yes, but not even Jinkx, Alaska, or Alyssa have even reached 2m (though Alyssa's at 1.9 and GAS is probably gonna push her there tbh). Plastique also has over 10m on TikTok


27 minutes ago, GoodGuyGoneGhetto said:

Any tea on if there will be an All Winners 2 hon? :heart2:

Not yet, we didn't even get the case of AS9 until after S16 finished filming last year, so we're probably not going to know until June/July who the cast is and if it's AW. 


Also, here's tea from the AS9 tea checker from various sources that matches up:

- The queens got paid 50k just to show up and a 25k runway stipend

- Lip sync smackdown challenge with Angeria and Roxxxy being the top 2

- Besides's SG, there's another challenge that requires queens to impersonate a celebrity

- They lip sync for the charity of their choice


Challenge top 2s

Snatch Game (Nina and Gottmik)

Lip sync smackdown (Angeria and Roxxxy)

Reading mini challenge (Roxxxy)



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i think we will get as9 after s16 after as9 GAS then s17 (2025)

i don'tsee all winners in 2 years . they may be calling queen for dates

i am happy that icesis want to come back, it would be nice to see her and priyanka

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I'm so ready to see my Roxxxy win her most deserved crown 

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Someone decided to ******* tag me in a spoiler on Twitter so I need to know whether it's true or not 





Someone said Marina doesn't make it to top 2 in the finale and she's apparently top 3 or top 4


just confirm that's true or not don't mention any other queens please thank you 




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3 minutes ago, Bewitched said:

Someone decided to ******* tag me in a spoiler on Twitter so I need to know whether it's true or not 


  Hide contents



Someone said Marina doesn't make it to top 2 in the finale and she's apparently top 3 or top 4


just confirm that's true or not don't mention any other queens please thank you 




It's true

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4 minutes ago, xrosup said:

It's true





I guess I'll find out in the finale 



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this episode not only pretty much confirmed saphira's win (unless something crazy happens) but she really seems like the actual Rupaul replacement :dies: 

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@Aston Martin


King, is it confirmed that Sapphira is bottoming next week? :dancehall2:

Also, is she eventually getting a 5th win and Plane her 4th? 

Edited by GoodGuyGoneGhetto
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3 hours ago, GoodGuyGoneGhetto said:

@Aston Martin


King, is it confirmed that Sapphira is bottoming next week? :dancehall2:

Also, is she eventually getting a 5th win and Plane her 4th? 

I'm expecting that we get the spill tomorrow. But until then I'm predicting Plane gets the win next week since it's been rumored she has 4 wins + is in the bottom at top 4. 

Sapphira bottoming I'm 50/50 on tbh. Though I think that even if she does, Mother is still winning the season. Even if Nymphia wins a 3rd challenge and this episode was Sapphira's last win. I still think it's damn near a lock that she's winning. 


Edit: Also, the preview for the next episode showed Nymphia in yet another yellow look. This could be completely wrong, but I don't think the judges will give her a win for a 5th yellow look on the runway, Morphine's going home next episode, Q's not winning another challenge, and I don't think Sapphira's potential 5th win will be immediately after her last 3. So I'm calling Plane as the winner next week, one of either Sapphira or Nymphia sending Morphine home (because Q's stiff ass certainly isn't), and then either Nymphia or Sapphira is winning ep. 14 with Plane sending Q home. 

Edited by Aston Martin
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i have faith Nymphia would not just make it to the top 3/4 of an eventual All Stars season but potentially win it all , and truly she deserves to make it to the end of this season for her runway package alone which has been immaculate … i really thought going into the season she was gonna sweep but it's evident she needs to cook a little longer , but she's still a very, VERY strong queen. once she really taps into the comedic side of her drag she will be so beyond well rounded.


taking that into account, Nymphia made a lot of her costumes and that was probably really cost effective for her to say nothing of how impressive it is …. i imagine Sapphira probably bought a lot of her costumes , whether in the lead up to the show or she had and spent coin on them previous, so my thinking is that it makes more sense to give it to Sapphira bc …. it would low key be unfair to have had her spent all that money and NOT win when she's also been STOMPING in the competition and has been such a delightful motherly queen in the workroom


Sapphira all the way tbh … idk how they could give it to anyone else this season

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Unfortunately I agree that there's no way Sapphira doesn't win. I think what I've realized about what's so "boring" about her is that… she has no competition. Of course she's going to be calm and poised all the time, she knows she's heads and shoulders above the rest of the girls. On top of that, production will NOT stop driving the point home that she's the best, which is also unnecessary because it's obvious without the heavy handed edit :rip: 

Nymphia is just not fully ready to win and that's fine. Neither is Plane but I think Plane would at least feel a little closer in competition to Sapphira, so I'm interested in why they cut her. 


One thing that's kinda been happening with Drag Race in the past… 4? Seasons, the winner is so damn obvious which is a little boring. And in the case of Sasha and Sapphira, it wasn't even production making it their storyline (Symone and Willow had this edit more so than these two) it's just the fact that they casted two queens who are just leagues ahead of the rest of the girls they casted. I hope next season we get at least a handful of girls who can compete with the eventual winner, cause it's not really feeling like a competition show anymore. At least with Sasha, Anetra had absurd fan support like never seen before, Luxx had a perfect track record until close to the end, and Mistress felt like Ru's fave so she always had a chance to win. Sapphira is the Ru fave, the production fave, the contestant fave, AND the competition front runner by far. She may not be the fan's #1 fave but I think everyone knows damn well she's going to win and she deserves it nonetheless. 


I would have loved to see Sapphira on a season where she'd have more real competition because I feel she'd shine even more there. Right now she's a massive whale in a pond full of tadpoles and two frogs (Plane/Nymphia)

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2 hours ago, Relampago. said:

One thing that's kinda been happening with Drag Race in the past… 4? Seasons, the winner is so damn obvious which is a little boring.

I agree about S12 and S13; Jaida E Hall and Symone (most definitely) were always pushed as the winners albeit Gigi Goode had just as strong of a winners edit as Jaida did.

That said, I'm currently re-watching S14 and, it's not just me as I've seen similar opinions, despite Willow being Ru's favourite, I feel as though Bosco and Lady Camden had a stronger edit to be honest. I think LC winning S14 was extremely close especially with how she dominated the last few episodes. There's a point during this season where Willow fades a little. 

S15 and Sasha Colby was obvious but I always feel Anetra lost by LITERALLY a hair. If her vs. Marciax3 lip-sync was her finale lip-sync, I think she would have bodied Sasha. I remember the hype around Anetra's finale performance and fans being a little disappointed in the end. 


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23 minutes ago, GoodGuyGoneGhetto said:

I agree about S12 and S13; Jaida E Hall and Symone (most definitely) were always pushed as the winners albeit Gigi Goode had just as strong of a winners edit as Jaida did.

That said, I'm currently re-watching S14 and, it's not just me as I've seen similar opinions, despite Willow being Ru's favourite, I feel as though Bosco and Lady Camden had a stronger edit to be honest. I think LC winning S14 was extremely close especially with how she dominated the last few episodes. There's a point during this season where Willow fades a little. 

S15 and Sasha Colby was obvious but I always feel Anetra lost by LITERALLY a hair. If her vs. Marciax3 lip-sync was her finale lip-sync, I think she would have bodied Sasha. I remember the hype around Anetra's finale performance and fans being a little disappointed in the end. 


I could see Lady Camden but Bosco's chances of winning were completely destroyed after the Rusical episode tbh, despite that she was also my pick to win but I knew that would never happen after everyone played hot potato with Bosco's wig that episode lol

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S16 Ep. 13 spill

Main challenge: Makeover 


WIN: Plane

HIGH: Nymphia and Q


LOW: -

BTM2: Sapphira

ELIM: Morphine


And with this, I think we can predict ep. 14 being:


WIN: Sapphira or Nymphia 


SAFE: Sapphira or Nymphia 

LOW: -

BTM2: Plane 


Edited by Aston Martin
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6 hours ago, Relampago. said:



One thing that's kinda been happening with Drag Race in the past… 4? Seasons, the winner is so damn obvious which is a little boring. And in the case of Sasha and Sapphira, it wasn't even production making it their storyline (Symone and Willow had this edit more so than these two) it's just the fact that they casted two queens who are just leagues ahead of the rest of the girls they casted. I hope next season we get at least a handful of girls who can compete with the eventual winner, cause it's not really feeling like a competition show anymore. At least with Sasha, Anetra had absurd fan support like never seen before, Luxx had a perfect track record until close to the end, and Mistress felt like Ru's fave so she always had a chance to win. Sapphira is the Ru fave, the production fave, the contestant fave, AND the competition front runner by far. She may not be the fan's #1 fave but I think everyone knows damn well she's going to win and she deserves it nonetheless. 


I would have loved to see Sapphira on a season where she'd have more real competition because I feel she'd shine even more there. Right now she's a massive whale in a pond full of tadpoles and two frogs (Plane/Nymphia)

There was no underdog storyline this season, and so the frontrunner being shoved in our face and cutting Plane and Nymph's wings seems weird and makes me like the frontrunner less as a competitor, who quite plainly hasn't had a jaw dropping moment like at least Sasha did and is just a safe bet because she's legitimately good at everything they've thrown at her. Even with the weird and unjust win last (?) week, the fan base barely bat an eye. It's so boring, I just can't get behind it, but there's more episodes so we'll see how Nymph beats Plane. I disagree that it was a casting thing though and don't think that's fair to Plane, Nymph and Plasma, they seemed like they could have done better and you just can't tell these things from audition tapes. Plasma seemed like the underdog before she reached a surprise end in her journey.

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4 minutes ago, Aston Martin said:


Win- Plane

High- Nymphia, Q

BTM- Sapphira

Elim- Morphine

Like Nymphia has gotten a few highs and they refuse to give her the win for odd critique reasons and arguably lost the premiere win, and Plane is really holding her own and is racking wins in now. I truly believe if Plasma was still in this she would have won another. It's not a casting issue imo


Edit: Also, the new criticism i'm seeing that Nymph isn't seasoned enough and will do well on all stars is BS just because she doesn't have comedic chops, when we've seen the likes of Jynx who's great at comedy but falters with design and dance performance still thrive on the show... Not well rounded? sure. But still a strong competitor.

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1 hour ago, Aston Martin said:

S16 Ep. 13 spill

Main challenge: Makeover 


WIN: Plane

HIGH: Nymphia and Q


LOW: -

BTM2: Sapphira

ELIM: Morphine

Sapphira officially serving a Sharon Needles and Bob The Drag Queen like run with the single bottom right towards the end but still the most wins in the season. :jonny2:

Come on Mother…


Get that 5th win the week after next! 

Plane. :clap3:

Edited by GoodGuyGoneGhetto
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Plane getting her 4th win and being cut at top 3 makes me ******* FUME :mad:

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Also, is this seasons live finale only going to have two queens? 

I'm assuming Plane gets cut on the episode before the reunion or will the live finale have Sapphira/Plane/Nymphia with Plane getting cut there? 




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