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27 minutes ago, Genius1111 said:

Apologies for keeping all of you waiting, but I can now finally launch the long awaited BL King of 2023!

In a slight departure from what touya has done in the past few years, I will expand the number of slots in the rankings, allow more actors for you guys to rank, and also significantly change the way you guys choose who will enter the Hall of Fame (since this may be the only year I'm doing it).


Basic Information: BL King rate


1. You can rank up to 30 actors in the ranking this year, and I will be presenting the top 50 actors (with a few bubbling under I guess).

2. The actor must have acted in at least 1 Asian production (TV series or movie) as an LGBTQIA+ character (which will be referred henceforth as "queer") since the advent of cinema/TV production. Asia is defined broadly, and all the countries/jurisdictions listed in the Wikipedia page for "Asia" are eligible, with the exception of Egypt and Russia. 

3. Take note that the actual citizenship(s) / ethnicity / sexual orientation / gender that an actor may possess in real life does not matter. That person just needs to have played a queer male character in an Asian production to be eligible. (To remove any ambiguity, per my understanding, for thespians like Jennie Panhan, who played female characters, will not be eligible here, but will be eligible for a GL Queen rate, should I ever consider launching it.)

4. The character that the actor has played need not have a same-gendered romantic partner at the end of the show/movie. Hence, AJ, who played Non in Dark Blue Kiss, would be eligible.

5. The character that the actor has played need not be a living human. The character may be a ghost, vampire, animal etc, so long as the character is identified as a male.

6. Actors who starred in "bromances" from mainland China are eligible, not to worry.


When you vote

1. In your ranking, you must include actors from 4 different jurisdictions in your ranking. (For the avoidance of any doubt, mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau are considered as distinct jurisdictions. The same goes for Israel/Palestine and Cyprus/Northern Cyprus.)

2. In addition, for all actors from Thailand, at least 1 Thai actor in your list must not ever have been a GMMTV artist (past/present). 

3. You're free to add any additional comments in your vote and I will post them on results day.




Scoring System

Rank Points
1 35
2 33
3 31
4 29
5 27
6 25
7 24
8 23
9 22
10 21
11 20
12 19
13 18
14 17
15 16
16 15
17 14
18 13
19 12
20 11
21 10
22 9
23 8
24 7
25 6
26 5
27 4
28 3
29 2
30 1


Breaking of Ties

1. In the event of a tie in number of points, the actor who has received more mentions from more members will be ranked higher.

2. Following which, the highest position of each actor that is tied will be compared. If necessary, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. highest position will be looked at in order to break the tie.


Deadline: October 15 2023 (Sunday - tentative, may be extended)

Expected reveal of results: October 28 - 29 2023 (Saturday and Sunday - tentative)



Ugghhhh I need to prep my Japanese BL Men FYC list!!!

The way miss Japan has been serving TABS after TABS since last year, starting with Eternal Yesterday up to My Personal Weatherman:jonny4:

Why do I have a feeling Mister Fluke PussyT is gonna be the highest rated Thai man on my list:fan: (actually top2, I forgot about the Talented Pond)

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Updated my earlier post to mention the change in the minimum number of jurisdictions that must be represented in your ranking. We should aim to have a top 50 that is "Diversely Yours". :swan:

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3 hours ago, Symmetra said:

So girls was Be My Favorite any good? I want to watch for Gawin but it also has anti-krist in it :dancehall2:

sis watch it, we all were like ill AntiKrist but he flipped da script


one of da best BLs this year 

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BL King Hall of Fame 2023


There will be significant changes to the way actors are voted and eventually inducted into the BL King Hall of Fame this year, so please read carefully. (Again, this may be my only year hosting, so...)


1. We will not be using Discord or any similar platform to debate/discuss who will be inducted. It will be a 100% vote this year.

2. In an acknowledgment of the explosion in the number of Asian BLs / queer shows since the 2020s / pandemic started, a grand total of 20 slots will be up for grabs and awarded on Results Day through this method (tentatively set on Oct 28/29). Do note that this is likely a one-off gesture. If I host again next year, I may reduce the number of slots.


3. Note that you can include up to 20 actors in your ranking. In addition to the criteria laid out in my earlier post, the actor's first BL acting credit must be in a show/movie that premiered on or before Dec 31 2020. (If a show premiered in Dec 2020, but the character that the actor played is revealed to be queer only in a 2021 episode, that is still fine, and the actor is eligible to be voted in.) 


4. Note that there is no minimum number of jurisdictions/citizenships represented in your vote of 20, but you are still encouraged to be as diverse as possible in your picks.




Additional notes:


- Note that the 1st episode of that actor's 5th show must already be on air before he can be considered. In addition, playing the same characters 3 or 4 times does not count. So Newwie, who has played Kao in Kiss The Series, Kiss Me Again, Dark Blue Kiss, Our Skyy 1, Waterboyy and The Warp Effect (being generous here, as his character Alex kissed Fluke Pusit's character Army) does not count as playing the gay 6 times, but rather, 3 times. Since Cherry Magic Thailand has not aired yet, it does not count as #4 for Newwie. He, of course, may be inducted through the regular route.


- Also, for the record, Tanaka Kei and Yoshida Kotaro played two versions of Haruta Souichi and Kurosawa Musashi, and they count as 2 different characters.


- Note that BL adjacent shows like The Shipper (from 2020) also count. I have not watched the show, but I guess this would mean that both First Kand Fluke Pusit are eligible to be inducted.


The scoring system is as follows. The tiebreaker rules are identical to what I have presented in my earlier post.


Rank Points
1 25
2 23
3 21
4 19
5 17
6 15
7 14
8 13
9 12
10 11
11 10
12 9
13 8
14 7
15 6
16 5
17 4
18 3
19 2
20 1



  • If the actor places within the top 50 of the BL King Rate and within the top 20 of the HOF rate, that actor is automatically inducted without a further vote.
  • In the unlikely event that an actor places outside of the top 50 of the BL King Rate but within the top 20 of the HOF rate, we will have a 2nd round of voting. In this case, at least 8 members must cast valid YES or NO votes to induct and the actor needs to have at least 60% of valid votes with a YES to be inducted.



Automatic Induction into the Hall of Fame


I am introducing a eligibility criteria to allow actors to be automatically inducted into the HOF without a vote (even if it may not practically matter after all). The criteria is as follows:


  • Has placed in the top 10 in 3 editions of the BL King rate
  • Has placed in the top 20 in 4 editions of the BL King rate
  • Has placed in the top 30 in 5 editions of the BL King rate [Not possible yet, since this year is the 4th edition]
  • Has placed in the top 40 in 6 editions of the BL King rate [Not possible yet, since this year is the 4th edition] 

The only person who has cleared this criteria is Tay Tawan Vihokratana, but he has already been inducted several years ago. I do not think anyone new is going to be inducted through this route this year though. This may be important later on, because if an actor inducted through this route will not be part of the 20 actor quota [or whatever the quota is] as mentioned earlier, and thus allow more actors to be inducted through the regular route.



Special Induction into the Hall of Fame [outside of the regular voting period]


This is introduced to recognize actors who have played multiple queer characters in their careers and helped to increase the visibility of the queer community. Regardless of the time when the actor starts acting in a queer role, and regardless of the prominence of the actor in the show/movie, so long as the actor has played at least 5 different queer characters to his acting credit, he is eligible to be nominated for a vote. In this vote, at least 8 members must cast valid YES or NO votes to induct and the actor needs to have at least 60% of valid votes with a YES to be inducted. 


Take note that this new rule kicks in with effect from today, so you can start nominating if you notice someone worthy is eligible. Do note that a maximum of 2 actors can be inducted this way in each calendar year. This also means that for the calendar year of 2023, we may induct up to 22 actors.

Edited by Genius1111
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4 hours ago, Symmetra said:

So girls was Be My Favorite any good? I want to watch for Gawin but it also has anti-krist in it :dancehall2:

I was hyping Be My Fave for a while before the 1st episode aired, and I was proven right about it! 


But honestly, I was slightly let down by a portion of Episode 11 and 12.


 Easily a top 3 BL of the year, alongside The Warp Effect [and I managed to convince several people to like it] and Only Friends. 

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It won't be Cooking Crush. It probably was originally slotted there but during a GMMTV live house interview, Neo revealed they actually aren't done filming. They missed 1 Q due to rain that they still have to make up. And that's why he said the delay for November. 😔


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Now that I have finally launched the voting season after much delay [perhaps intentionally??], it is time to do more promo for a few forgotten guys, like Toptap and Podd and Perth Nakhun Stuart. These 3 guys are eligible for HOF as well.

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5 hours ago, Symmetra said:

So girls was Be My Favorite any good? I want to watch for Gawin but it also has anti-krist in it :dancehall2:

Yes! Sleeper hit of the year 


firstkhao is one of GM’s most talented acting duos put some respect on their name :cm: they did low key  give off bro vibes in eclipse tho :ninja:  

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I hope I will enough time in the future to launch the following. Let me know you thoughts on this.


1. A GL Queen rate or a Female Character in BL rate. In the latter, we vote on female characters (and not the actresses) and the sexual orientation of these characters are irrelevant. 

2. A Best Series rate + a Best Special rate. In the Best Special rate, we vote to see which one-off special episode, Our Skyy episode or movie sequel is the best.  

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Love in Translation ep 6 :gaycat7: I really liked the touching moment between the brothers. and that ending WOW:WAP::flame:

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4 hours ago, pearlmercury said:


I loved how improvised the scene was, it is incredible that they are both from the same musical group and they allow them to do that so explicitly, homophobic Korea could never :clap3:

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7 minutes ago, Nebur said:

Love in Translation ep 6 :gaycat7: I really liked the touching moment between the brothers. and that ending WOW:WAP::flame:

it gagged me a bit tbh i wasn't sure how far they would go but they DELIVERED. it's also very beautifully done

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good for a Hidden Gem:hug:







However, this deserves to get a number from 2gether..:coffee2:


I wish it was on Netflix WW


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tbf the first two eps of IFYLITA were little bit hard to seat thru but passing the awkward stage now i really enjoy the show especially the cinematography it is very beautiful 

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Edit; I just saw the trailer for Mr Cinderella season 2, and the truth is that it depressed me a little...... it's too dark and sad... and the first season was the complete opposite......... it reminds me a bit of a together next charapter but more crazier and dark:deadvision::deadbanana2:


I'll watch it anyway because I really like this couple:dancehall3:


However, I liked this episode but the others look pure chaos.:rip:


and the villain, what kind of psychopath does this villain ?:clap3:

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Only Friends ep 7 
I adored MEW in this episode,he  completely stole it... haha I'm here for your mess:jonnycat::flame:

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6 hours ago, Katamari said:

Dangerous romance ended 2gether :clap3:

I- Is the danger in the show for the past 2 or 3 episodes? Tine was in far more danger than Sailom, since he had to face Sarawat, Green and Mil, while Sarawat was in danger of being harassed by the Sarawat's Wives Club. 


But yeah, when I saw the cheerleading routine in the latest episode, the only thing I could think of was "TINE~~~~". 


Ep 6 also had way too many flashbacks. HELP! The first 3 episodes were brilliant and now, I fear it may be going down the gutter faster than Bad Buddy. 


I don't mind the ViewJune student-teacher romance portion (to make up for what happened in The Eclipse). It's definitely better handled than the one in Together With Me 1.

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1 hour ago, Genius1111 said:

I- Is the danger in the show for the past 2 or 3 episodes? Tine was in far more danger than Sailom, since he had to face Sarawat, Green and Mil, while Sarawat was in danger of being harassed by the Sarawat's Wives Club. 


But yeah, when I saw the cheerleading routine in the latest episode, the only thing I could think of was "TINE~~~~". 


Ep 6 also had way too many flashbacks. HELP! The first 3 episodes were brilliant and now, I fear it may be going down the gutter faster than Bad Buddy. 


I don't mind the ViewJune student-teacher romance portion (to make up for what happened in The Eclipse). It's definitely better handled than the one in Together With Me 1.

Lol yeah I got 2gether vibes from that section :dies:


but the danger isn’t in the room with us unfortunately 


those debt collectors will probably come back in the last episode I guess :thing: 

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20 hours ago, dabunique said:

I'm sorry having Mew now date Ray is ruining da greatness of this show


GMMTV always finding a way to ruin good $h!t smh 

I think it's realistic tbh


For Ray: he needs to learn that (1) Mew wasn't romantically interested in Ray and won't be and (2) Him & Mew are not that compatible .... hopefully this could make him realize the values in Sand

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