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RuPaul's Drag Race

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12 hours ago, Unoriginal said:

you mentioned asia out of nowhere. confirmed for as8? spoilers????????




can you overpraise one of the all time best runs on drag race? monét owned the season from girl groups on in every aspect (challenges, runways, lipsyncs)

Uh oh, you got my gal - my spoilers come directly from God :eli:


Also the black queens appreciation post :alexz: TALENT 

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12 hours ago, karron0624 said:

Also, celebrating our great Black winners of RPDR:








And our amazing AS winners:



And our Black queens robbed of their wins:













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8 hours ago, FAN said:

Imagine an AS: Fan Favorites 












A cast even stronger than the All Winners tbh :jonny2:


Posts like this are exactly why TOO is a loud mouthed ***** about black queens and posts annoying praise essays 


A drag race season with no black queens sounds like my personal hell + atrl's dream come true



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2 minutes ago, TheOnlyOne said:

Posts like this are exactly why TOO is a loud mouthed ***** about black queens and posts annoying praise essays 


A drag race season with no black queens sounds like my personal hell + atrl's dream come true



Girl, I’ve been very supportive of your girls especially in the last week. Don’t try it with me! 

And I’m my defence, I forgot to put Shangela and she obviously deserves to be on there. 

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1 hour ago, FAN said:

Girl, I’ve been very supportive of your girls especially in the last week. Don’t try it with me! 

And I’m my defence, I forgot to put Shangela and she obviously deserves to be on there. 

Not trying it with you in particular and that's why I kept it very light, just pointing out the types of posts that *always* seem to happen here with no second glance. Wishing for an AS season with no black queens whatsoever and saying it'd be a better cast than AW, a cast half made up of black queens is not the tea for me. Especially when there's girls in here that are so racist they think saying the word racist is more offensive than racism itself.


Posts that are subliminally or discreetly anti-black, and not saying yours *purposefully* was, get ignored all the time or viewed as nothing offensive because they don't break any rules but when its pushed back against, the person speaking up is labelled the aggressive one and way more likely to get warned/banned. Your post isn't the first or even 50th one Ive seen to exclude black queens, whether intentionally or unintentionally, but things like that are precisely why I'm the loud/annoying/obnoxious one that has and will continue to post and "over" praise black queens time and time again because *very* few else do. 



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ya'll want manila back?

she's talented, but she's VERY annoying. 


glad Naomi took her out

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7 minutes ago, Shendelzare said:

ya'll want manila back?

she's talented, but she's VERY annoying. 


glad Naomi took her out

I agree, enough with Manila. A 4th season with her would be a nightmare. 

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Manila? No. Enough.

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Viv went up to J*nkx after the Shea lipsync and said right to her face “You didn’t win that lipsync, luv” 



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1 hour ago, Aelita said:

Not y'all hating on Manila and saying she's annoying when she serves FASHION everytime she comes back :rip: 


That's what happens when you try going up against a drag LEGEND like Tammie Brown



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1 hour ago, TheOnlyOne said:

Viv went up to J*nkx after the Shea lipsync and said right to her face “You didn’t win that lipsync, luv” 



Viv keeps it real, but where did she reveal she said that?



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1 minute ago, xrosup said:

Viv keeps it real, but where did she reveal she said that?



The finale episode of Race Chaser. Willam said they heard it from Viv themselves. Actually Willam went in the entire episode and was likable for the first time in years


Al*ska: Well, lipsyncs are subjective...

Willam: What's the subject, riggory?


Willam: Put the pigs in the bath cause this is hogwash


Willam: Shea wiped the floor with J*nkx. The girls ALL agreed she wiped the floor with J*nkx


Willam: As an audience member, I'm confused. As a participant of the show, I understand what's happening. 


Al*ska: I think it was very close...

Willam: *CACKLES loudly* When'd you start stand up?


Willam: (So What) was a refreshing pallet cleanser after the plate of bullsh*t we were just served


Willam: I hope we get to hear from Monet and all the girls about what ACTUALLY went down soon 


Al*ska: It's such a difficult choice to make

Willam: Was it!?


Al*ska: J*nkx was in a league of her own the whole time

Willam: Except during all the lipsyncs she "won" when she shouldn't have one 3 of them


Al*ska: I think it shouldn't all come down to a lipsync anyway

Willam: Tell Sasha that 


Al*ska was stunned, stammering, and defensive the whole time :ahh:

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Willam is insufferable af sometimes but her takes on this finale are just :ahh: 


Alaska is making her points, but does she want to avoid making WOW mad or something? I never listen to Race Chaser so idk if she’s normally this tepid or not.

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11 minutes ago, Relampago. said:

Willam is insufferable af sometimes but her takes on this finale are just :ahh: 


Alaska is making her points, but does she want to avoid making WOW mad or something? I never listen to Race Chaser so idk if she’s normally this tepid or not.

I think it is less about WOW and more about being a counterbalance to Willam when he goes super negative because I know they get a lot of reviews complaining about how negative Willam can get. Alaska has been fine saying plenty of inflammatory things about the show/WOW, so doubt it is that.

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8 hours ago, Serendipity said:




I didnt count Asia cause she self sabotaged. All she had to do was not bomb and she would win. I also believe thats why they forced an Aquaria Eureka tie, because Eureka could have legitimately lost to Kameron in the finale. Having all three means its easier to hide Kameron (which they gave her like 2 seconds in the final lipsync just so people would remember she was there. I think if Asia won, Eureka would have won solo, and then Asia would have won the crown (but in retrospect they would have given Brooke the crown in 11, or ignored Jaida even more in 12, like how they treated Angeria who could have legitimately won the first five challenges, but they gave her a forgettable edit.

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24 minutes ago, Relampago. said:

Willam is insufferable af sometimes but her takes on this finale are just :ahh: 


Alaska is making her points, but does she want to avoid making WOW mad or something? I never listen to Race Chaser so idk if she’s normally this tepid or not.

Alaska has actually been WAY more negative about WoW ever since not getting asked to be on AS7 but suddenly when the topic of Jinkx being a rigged winner comes up she’s silent.


Just like she was all those years dating openly racist Sh*ron Needles



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I totally agree with Alaska that the 4 way lip sync is a terrible way to crown a  winner in any season. First of all, WOW just crowns who they want anyway :toofunny3:

Jinkx lost those lip syncs and was still claimed the winner. So what is the point of trying to make us gag with a fake smack down we know is all for fluff??! Jinkx deserved to be the winner from that top 4 btw. They only indicator for the crown should be who won the most challenges. 

Sasha’s petals and the audience reactions must have gagged production too, so much that they had to crown her over Sheas winner edit they gave her that season. As much as I love Aquaria, it feels like Asia was the winner; another winner sabotaged by the smack down. Another example that they will crown a lip sync loser anyway, Aquaria lost to Eureka. Yvie is the only time the smackdown functioned; a top two who where both equally deserving of a crown, but one undoubtedly eclipse the other, and in result rightfully won. 12 was another blunder, Gigi had better lip sync videos than Jaida ( jaida twirling in front of her sofa :toofunny3:). Overrall I agree Jaida was the winner and totally deserving; as obviously observed in AS7. S13; let’s not even talk about it. Terrible. At least Symone (with most challenge wins) won and didn’t sabotage herself on the lip syncs. 

s14 season finale worked so well cuz the rightful top 2 were announced with no smackdown shenanigans. It felt based on track record and just, at least. 

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