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I may get patreon again for watchery cause I know that will be interesting lol

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Reminder that Jaida ended up as 7th/8th place after being the "frontrunner" up until the last 2 episodes



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I don't know what the hell happened since I went to work in this thread, but all I know is the minute I saw her do the dips on the first mini challenge of s10, I knew Monet was a queen I'd stan. She actually made me love Bob since I was originally Team Kim Chi until Sibling Rivalry.


The fact all these pages revolve around her, she really is THAT girl :alexz: the only C in UNTY :clap3: 




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4 minutes ago, Serendipity said:

I don't know what the hell happened since I went to work in this thread, but all I know is the minute I saw her do the dips on the first mini challenge of s10, I knew Monet was a queen I'd stan. She actually made me love Bob since I was originally Team Kim Chi until Sibling Rivalry.


The fact all these pages revolve around her, she really is THAT girl :alexz: the only C in UNTY :clap3: 




Oh thanks a lot. I can tell by you stanning Monet that Secret Celebrity Drag Race is completely spoiled now 



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12 minutes ago, Serendipity said:

since I was originally Team Kim Chi

This takes a lot of bravery to admit


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11 minutes ago, khalyan said:

This takes a lot of bravery to admit


Most of the fanbase was at the time. Bob had to deal with a lot of racist stuff (and why he calls the fanbase out all the time). Jaida, Symone, and Shea are the only queens not to have racist backlash after winning. Everyone else from Bebe to Yvie was treated like **** by the fanbase. Hell, the fanbase hate Bebe again on AS3 because they convinced themselves she was a mole. I do think the fanbase is reverting to hating on BPOC after the melanin dynasty. 

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Jaida who half the fandom said only won cause of BLM didn’t receive racist backlash after winning? :deadbanana2:

Symone who most of this thread said was talentless didn’t receive racist backlash after winning? :deadbanana2:

Shea who’s been hated on since slaying S9 and half the fandom said “Juju was robbed” didn’t receive any racist backlash after winning? Shea is easily the second most disrespected AS winner after, you guessed it, the only other black winner Monet :deadbanana2:


This thread insists on being dead wrong constantly. Of course the same girl spreading lies about me bashing Shea a page ago comes here with more incorrect nonsense 

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This is iconic for Shea and Ironheart looks promising (she can be seen in the Black Panther 2 trailer for those who don’t know) 

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WoW rigging the crown against the two most commercially viable queens :ahh:

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25 minutes ago, TheOnlyOne said:

Jaida who half the fandom said only won cause of BLM didn’t receive racist backlash after winning? :deadbanana2:

Symone who most of this thread said was talentless didn’t receive racist backlash after winning? :deadbanana2:

Shea who’s been hated on since slaying S9 and half the fandom said “Juju was robbed” didn’t receive any racist backlash after winning? Shea is easily the second most disrespected AS winner after, you guessed it, the only other black winner Monet :deadbanana2:


This thread insists on being dead wrong constantly. Of course the same girl spreading lies about me bashing Shea a page ago comes here with more incorrect nonsense 

Those three have received the most support and positivity and help from WoW and the fan base because they won after the BLM movement. They did not face the same backlash as Bob, Tyra, Bebe, Yvie or Monet. Why dont you learn to quote instead of vaguebooking. ?


In reality, everyone says Kylie and Trixie were given their wins. Chad was given his win so Ru could make him happy before he died. Shea won her As5 crown on S9 (which true) and Alaska robbed Katya (how IDK when Katya should have gone home instead of Ginger IMO). In the grand scheme of things, never has there once been an AS winner that the fanbase agreed should have won the season. So Shea is in good company.


Symone got opportunities and a fanbase not other queen got that came before her. Lets not.


Jaida got nothing and avoided a lot of backlash because we were all locked up. Add in the Sherry Pie mess, people complaining Gigi got a win for a challenge that No other queen (but Lady Camden) got a win for, and Jaida won the Lipsync. Jaida was an even 50/50. Mostly Gigi stans who supported Symone.

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2 hours ago, Hephaestus said:

See, that's a different thing though. I'm not saying Monét didn't deserve to win more challenges, what I'm saying it that up to the very last she was one of the two queens with the least amount of stars and people were still swearing up and down that she was top 4 material despite the twist not being announced yet. That's what caught the attention, not that it was Monét specifically that people chose to stan (and it never was the case, it's absurd that I have to stress this point). If this was all about racism as some people claim to be, Shea would've also been part of the discussion since she also greatly benefited from the twist, but you never see it mentioned because literally no one claimed she was top 4 material (although I'm pretty sure people who read spoilers knew about it) as much as some users did with Monét.


I don't get the point you're trying to make for Raja. Yes, people (myself included) praised her a lot and argued that she deserved to win one or two challenges, but that pretty much slowed down as soon as we figured out that she wasn't going to win the season with her lip syncing abilities. I don't think I've seen a single user claiming that Raja would win the QOSDAHH lip sync smackdown and, same as Shea, I imagine some users knew about the outcome.


I also don't agree with the point about Monét/Jaida/The Vivienne. While it's true that Monét is constantly mocked for sharing the AS4 win and didn't complain about it (same could be said about Trinity to be completely honest), it's really not comparable to what Jaida and The Vivienne went through and how it affected them entering this competition. Jaida won and was "crowned" in her living room, lost most (if not all) the opportunities all other US winners have during their reigns and had generally the least amount of time to grow from her season. The Vivienne comes from a different country and a very different drag scene, had small to no connections with the rest of the cast and ultimately won nothing from her season. In my opinion their experiences are vastly different from the rest of the cast and put them at a disadvantage as Monét got the full cash prize and got to fulfil her reign as intended even if she shared the crown with another queen. 

Monet wasn’t in last place for the talent show? She had 2 stars just like everyone except Jaida, Jinkx and Trinity. Also, top 4 material is not the same as confirming top 4. Monet stans saw her doing well in challenges that weren’t up her alley, and clocked that challenges that hadn’t happened in the 1st half of the season (girl groups, branding, dancing, roast, makeover, hosting etc) were Monet’s strong suits. There was plenty of reason, especially as a Monet stan, to believe she would be top 4. It’s just that obsessed Monet haters truly believed she was a piece of **** and it was unfathomable that anyone could believe she would actually make top 4. Monet stans are so outspoken literally because multiple people take every opportunity to **** on her in here every chance they get, so of course we’d fire back just as hard. This is a phenomenon seen across ATRL, even with stanning pop girls. The fact it’s seen only as weird when it’s Monet speaks volumes to how much people in this thread hate her. 

I’m making the point about Raja because when she was in last place with NO stars, people were screaming “robbed!!1!1! my winner!1!1! fashion icon!1!1!” every week. People even went on a crusade against Violet and Mik (which I live for cause they’re insufferable) for Raja. So why was she a fan favorite without suspicion if she was FLOPPING with NO stars, yet Monet stans can’t even claim she did great in a challenge she WON (Legends) without girls saying “JAIDA ROBBED!!!11! YVIE ROBBED!1!1!” It’s literally a double standard for Monet always even using your guys’s own logic towards other queens who had an unnatural amount of fan support given their performance in the season. (I’ll address the spoiler discussion in another post.)

And regardless of what Viv and Jaida feel and how it doesn’t stack up to what Monet has gone through (which I don’t agree with but I digress), the question was whether or not Monet feels like a winner despite being dragged for being a “half winner”. And the answer is yes. Monet stomp.  

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shea coulee booking marvel gigs but ppl in this thread/a weirdly large part of the drag race fandom would try to have u believe she’s not an amazing drag queen :toofunny3: 

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1 hour ago, TheOnlyOne said:

Oh thanks a lot. I can tell by you stanning Monet that Secret Celebrity Drag Race is completely spoiled now 



Wait until Monet also competes again on AS10 AW2 and wins - oops 





1 hour ago, khalyan said:

This takes a lot of bravery to admit


I'm happy to admit my mistakes, I was a simple person back then and gagged over Miss Fermented Cabbage



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Ready for some more unpopular takes:


Miss Fame > Violet > Season 7

I'm Team Rosè - we have a mutual friend apparently I can't not not support a Brit

DeLa  > Jinkx ---- (DeLa is one of my favourite queens along with Monet and Fame :dancehall:)

Aquaria is hot and can plough my dough

Edited by Serendipity
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Didn’t Shea already inspire a drag queen superhero? :clap3:Perched for her role. Although, she’ll probably need some acting lessons if it’s a prominent one. 

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This monet debate is TIRED. Leave the poor gal alone ffs. It’s kinda telling how none of y’all can keep her name out of your mouths though. The sponge really is supreme.



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I’d love to see an all stars with all runner ups/finalists/robbed queens, you could have:










Trinity K Bonet

Gigi Goode

Crystal Method



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22 minutes ago, CroNich said:

Gigi Goode

i really dont want to see this gal on my screen again

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Monet legend

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People confuse not liking Shea's personality with thinking she can't do drag. Visually yes she clearly can hit all the marks for a drag queen but I'm entitled to my opinion to think that she feels disingenuous to myself which makes me not interested in her.


OT: Monet should have been cast in Black Panther as one of the female warriors she would fit right in.

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