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RuPaul's Drag Race | All Stars 9 | Make Your Own Kind of Rusic (f/ legendary lipsync)

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The twins are a disaster :rip: 

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This was such a fun and entertaining epsiode overall.  I liked pretty much all the queens but mistress, anetra, sugar, spice, Sasha, and luxx were my faves.  

I had a good impression of aura on the MTQ but I was not living for her at all this episode.  

even tho Marsha is the weaponized BFA girl loosely really is the one with Rose / Jan energy :skull: we need her gone! Yesterday! 

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Sugar and Spice adds a really refreshing dynamic to the show. They need to cast more drag family in the same season moving forward.

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Just watching now. Omg. The ornacia reveal!! Choke-Gaggy. Why was I not expecting that?  I mean I should’ve. It’s like duh. Also Irene isn’t doing it for me with her drag but I love that she already is coming hard for the basic Instagram queens. The flat wig read at Marcia and Lux. Facts!  PeriodT. 

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The episodes were great and the queens kinda brought it. I agreed with the judging too. Jax’ runway was so good. 

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I can't believe Princess won the talent show by sticking her ears in her ears

What an icon


Geen beschrijving beschikbaar.

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Imagine having Ariana Grande stand in front of you while you perform her song and give… absolutely nothing :rip: Ariana sweetie I’m sir sorry 

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Anetra GAGGING ME LIKE THAT :jonny5::jonny5: ******* legendaric :jonny5:


It was also sooooo ******* satisfying to see one of those CORNY ASS "comedy" queens that love to think they're geniuses with those unfunny lipsyncs in the bottom. Miz Cracker if she didn't have payola.

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Anetra is so hot out of drag, like I end up staring at her face whenever she has a confessional :wanda:

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Amazing premiere, the girls BROUGHT IT :clap3: 


Was definitely not expecting Irene to be first out... but she did lose fair and square. Worst talent and lost the lipsync, so oh well.

She was doing a bit much, but it was entertaining! I'd rather see more of her than Amethyst or Salina's screeching.


The judging was actually quite spot on! Anetra DEVOURED :smitten: 

The only thing I would change, and I'm surprised that more people are not mentioning it, was Aura... I was ready to stan her, but that talent was HORRIBLE. Kinda should've been bottom 2 with Irene. Loosey wasn't great, but she def should've been safe over Aura.


Ready to see what this season brings after this promising premiere!

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This was a great premiere!

Really fun cast! But Aura needs to gtfo, she wants to be the next Milk or Kameron Michaels. Giving yourself the title of ‘trade of the season’ is cringe.


The twins are serving ENTERTAINMENT.

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Oh this was amazing episode! I really loved the cast.


But how did Irene left first, we needed her on this cast :weeps: they dhould'e put Loosey on bottom with Irene and let Loosey lose  she looks like she has nothing to add to the show

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Now this is how you do a double premiere! Despite being two hours long it felt like it was just one. Kinda sad for the second batch of girls, you can tell they once again put the queens they think will go far in the first one. Like, they literally got to meet Ariana while the others got Vivacious (who is mother, let’s not get it twisted), but you know…


The entrances were great and I loved the cattiness from the get go. Irene and Mistress were especially great, you can tell they’re drag queens and not influencers trying to make it big through drag. Can’t stand Salina, she’s loud for no reason and her drag is trash, she needs to go ASAP. Kinda warming up to Sugar and Spice, their ditziness is endearing especially because everyone fully knows it’s an act. Also, the other girls are so dumb for talking so much about and giving them so much screen time, like you’re doing them a favor. Mini challenges were fun but, once again, you can tell the first group got the better photo shoot opportunity.


Hated how many lip syncs we got for a talent show. You’re a drag queen, lip syncing should be your bread and butter not your main talent. Top and bottoms were right for once though, although I personally preferred Jax to Anetra and would’ve given her the win and would’ve probably put Aura in the bottom 3 instead of Loosey, she really thought she ate the whole episode but she was insufferable instead with that whole manly/muscly schtick and main character syndrome. Also, I didn’t live for Sasha’s performance, I expected so much more.


Lip sync was ok, but when I tell you I was gagged that Amethyst of all queens outperformed Irene… I truly didn’t see that coming. Sad to see her go because I’m sure her and Mistress would’ve let all those hoes have it and served great television, but both the placement and lip sync decision were deserved. I gotta say, of all 15 season, this was the one who would’ve benefited from a “no one goes home” situation because the chemistry with the cast is there and losing one of the most interesting queen this early will probably have an impact on the whole thing.


Excited for what’s coming next, this season looks really promising!

Edited by Hephaestus
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Maybe Irene going home first is just promo for All Stars 9: Early Outs :duca:

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that was actually one of the best premieres of the show and one of the best talent shows as well. Anetra, Mistress, Jax and Sasha slayed :jonny5:

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Did Luxx just come out in what seems to be an exact Aquaria look? :deadbanana4:
She's lowkey disappointing me n, but I love her personality

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1 minute ago, Cain said:

Did Luxx just come out in what seems to be an exact Aquaria look? :deadbanana4:
She's lowkey disappointing me n, but I love her personality





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first ep was a bored but the talent show is great, maybe even better than allstars talent show :clap3:



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Aura is so hot out of drag, but she needs to stop talking... just look pretty please


very enjoyable premiere, but there's too many of them, it was exhausting when I reached the runway part lol 


excited for Sasha to win :coffee:

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8 minutes ago, Cain said:

Did Luxx just come out in what seems to be an exact Aquaria look? :deadbanana4:

That was literally my first thought when she turned that corner :skull:

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