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RuPaul's Drag Race | All Stars 9 | Make Your Own Kind of Rusic (f/ legendary lipsync)

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based on US winners regular and all stars this is prob my current ranking, but things change so much, i mean this season alone has led to drastic changes for some queens, so its hard to be so certain 


1. bob 

2. raja

3. jinkx

4. monet (idgaf she is so damn likable)

5. symone

6. jaida

7. alaska

8. trinity 

9. tyra

10. bebe

11. sasha

12. aquaria

13. violet

14. willow

15. shea

16. bianca

17. sharon

18. yvie

19. trixie

20. chad

21. kylie

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1 minute ago, D e v o n said:

Most of Gigi’s looks were done by her mother? Not the house.

Correct, although I think she mentioned the House being involved sometimes. The point is that the por girl was dragged for getting her looks done by someone while Symone never had the same comments thrown at her despite also getting (almost?) all of her looks done by House of Avalon that, based on someone's opinion, shouldn't be able to serve black culture inspired looks by themselves.

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1. jinkx


3. Shea

4. Bianca

5. Raja

6. Tyra

7. Alaska

8. Sasha

9. Aquaria

10. Monet

11. Trinity

12. Symone

13. Bebe

14. Violet

15. Trixie

16. Jaida

17. Chad

18. Sharon

19. Willow

20. Yvie

21. Kylie


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Nnn jinkx wasnt that funny

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Y'all keep trying to start a civil war over this season, but each FPR/Ranking round we do reminds me of how light and enjoyable All Winners has been to watch. :celestial2:

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Raja and Shea both did bad this week, tbh. Raja's character wasn't very funny, and Shea was barely "there". She had no charisma and faded in the background, Sasha bulldozing her in the Season 9 lipsync teas.. Nice to see Yvie finally doing well, he's so cute, and I was worried he was going to flop every week :dancehall:


 Vivienne did look amazing in that spiked look, maybe I'll watch the UK version someday :clap:

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Jaida also served hard on that runway :jonny4:

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Such a fun ep! The entire cast did really well, but Jynx is unmatched. :clap3:I typically hate that these challenges always end up in some messy, nonsensical “fight” scene, but it was tolerable here.


Jaida served excellence on the runway again, it was the best look. Shea & Yvie’s  looks were… not excellent. 


Monet’s mug was absolutely stunning. 


I expect some degree of mess over Shea grabbing the bunny’s ass. 

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This week was... fine.


The girls did well in the challenge, but it was still a bit corny to me.

Jinkx and Vivienne winning made sense, but it was SO telegraphed from the beginning that it felt weird.

I don't know who else I would put there though, so I guess it was correct.


Viv winning the lipsync seemed fair and her blocking Monet... I can't wait for all of Mo's pettiness after this :rip: 

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Not a great runway this week tbh. Jada and Viv were the only ones who really served for me. Yvie’s wasn’t bad, but it was hard not to compare it to Onyx on DRES2 which was a similar concept but just miles away more impressive looking.


Also the preview makes me think Viv is not playing a smart social game, like saying she was gonna block someone else but then changed to Monet last minute. Like girl you are just fully putting two targets on your back instead of one by freely volunteering that info. 

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I actually was really impressed with Shea in the challenge, it wasn’t like guffaw laugh funny, but she did a really good job of moving the scene along in the direction it needed to go with some good quips and humor in there. Like not top 2 worthy, but definitely felt like a good utility improv player.

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28 minutes ago, FOCK said:

I expect some degree of mess over Shea grabbing the bunny’s ass. 

It also happened on España S2 and no one complained, maybe it's allowed idk :michael:

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Yvie > Jinkx > Jaida >>>>>>>> Monet


They were all very good except Monet.  Monet's nose was :skull: I really enjoyed this team.


Vivienne = Trinity >> Raja >>>>>> Shea


It was also really fun. They were really good.


Runway was also better than previous episodes. 


I's prefer Viv and Yvie as winners because Yvie hasnt won yet but whatever I guess 



It was an amazing episode. It was very obvious this was winner's season :clap3:



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That wasn't the worst improv challenge they've done but... meh. I dunno, I feel like the setting was a bit convoluted. A bit scattered. The only parts that really made me laugh were the off the cuff interactions like Jinkx and Ru at the end, or Michelle and Trinity having a back and forth.

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39 minutes ago, FOCK said:

I expect some degree of mess over Shea grabbing the bunny’s ass. 

You'd have to be chemically castrated not to take a hefty handful of that fine ass, meaty rabbussy, if it's right there already basically in the palm of your hand, lbr :gaycat3:

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Yvie is so unexcellent I’m sorry. I don’t dislike her but her drag has downgraded from her season yet they keep gassing her up. 

This is what she did on the runway done to a winner’s standard. 


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Challenge was meh, I wasn't really impressed by anyone to be honest. I feel like a case can be made for all queens except Shea and Monét to be in the top.


To me, the funniest was Trinity, her physical comedy was great. Jinkx's quick wit was amazing but most of the jokes weren't particularly funny. Yvie did a really good job with the character and improv, but very little jokes. Raja's character was funny, but again not particularly funny. The Vivienne was good, but sometimes it's hard to get what she's saying when she does accents. Jaida was ok, she did better than I expected. Shea and Monét faded completely in the background in my opinion, but at least Monét had a very strong entrance.


The runway was ok, standouts were The Vivienne, Trinity and Jaida for me. I enjoyed the lip sync, The Vivienne clearly won it.


The GAG when she faked giving Jaida the plunger then turned to Monét though, I gasped. Miss thing was gooped too :lmao:

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11 minutes ago, Both Sides Now said:

This is what she did on the runway done to a winner’s standard. 


PERIOD :clap3:

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12 hours ago, brooklyndaddy said:

Upon this season airing, I rewatched Season 12 to try to build a more memorable impression of Jaida because tbh I really couldn't remember much. I was 100% sure Gigi would win and felt it was justified given a great SG, killer Rusical, and decent tasteful looks (though quite simple and costumey), plus a great track record to boot. Watching the whole season again, I feel even more strongly about these points unfortunately :rip: Jaida is a great queen but seems half asleep a lot of the time and idk why but nothing with her really connects with me. My bf watched with me (this his first time) and he felt the same way throughout the whole season. Winners like Symone, Bob, Jinkx, Raja, and even Aquaria and Willow felt very special and like THEE MOMENt. I just don't feel it with Jaida :michael: That said, I hope she proves me wrong this season - her looks this episode were nice, tbh I just don't think her aesthetic does much for me and I prefer bigger personalities.

12 hours ago, brooklyndaddy said:

That's very possible. It seems that Season 12's editing and narrative was botched because of both the SP situation and also the fact that they gave Gigi the winner's edit but seemed to have decided for numerous small reasons (the "can't breathe tweet", her political indifference, finale conduct) that she was not a safe fit. Jaida definitely has been showing some more personality.

George Floyd had died 4 days before the finale, America and the world was in peak state of shock/chaos and all there was was conversations about race inequalities.
WoW felt uncomfortable making an "apolitical" white fashion queen win, no matter her journey, no matter how many wins she deservedly had gotten, not matter her performance during the finale. They wanted to protect their ass from backlash.


Every so often there's more casual watchers that come in here talking about how that was the strangest, most random and hardest win to comprehend.

Well, there you go luvs.

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How can someone:


- Serve the best performance on the main challenge by a long shot

- Serve one of THE best looks on the herstory ever

- Serve the best lip sync of the season so far

- Put an end the kumbaya blocks

- Put an end Monet's strategy


You h*es better NOT doubt her again



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Don't mean to be unnecessarily negative but am I the only one that finds this season unwatchable? Especially since Legendary is out at the same time...

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WTF Shea was wearing by the way. Raja was a BOOT too.


Will we see anything great from Yvie? Her wolf look was better than her runway actually. I wasn't gagging at all.

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Wow the decline from the first 3 episodes to this one. Bad challenge, mediocre runway and meh lipsync. 


Someone please tell me why in the hell they would repeat the terrible Jersey Justice challenge and not the Bitchelor, especially when they had Jeffery Boyer Chapman right ******* there :rip:


Poor Yvie & Raja, a full 1/3 of the way through the competition and no star. You could tell they wanted to give them one too to make the competition for equal but they couldn't even justify either of them winning. 

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