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Pro-Wrestling: The “Triple H Era” is Official


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We don’t need to see this **** oh my GOD :deadbanana4:



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6 minutes ago, Jonathan said:

such a great start to the new WWE year :heart2:


4 minutes ago, slik said:

The women's matches got cut from the show but HHH got to ramble for 15 minutes about nothing

apparently its replaced with a tag team match :deadbanana2:


Liv and her new dike vs and the Damaged Twins chillleeeee

Edited by Bussea
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here comes the spam tag team matches until PLE’d lord does booking NOT get tired!!

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I've been over Broke Lesturd for years now, but I'm not gonna pretend like him showing up as Cody's mystery partner wasn't pretty badass booking!  :clap3: (Plus, this means no more Brock title matches*!)


*Until Cody wins, I guess.

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1 minute ago, Stardom said:

Okay so what was HHH's announcement :biblio:

Eva return 

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2 minutes ago, slik said:

I am guessing Brock turns on Cody

waiT, triple threat at Backlash probably chi-

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Jimmy’s sweat pants…bihhhhhhh :gaycat2:

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Welp. Ava Raine’s stable is over it seems :deadbanana2:


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Bad Bunny looking delish :jonny:

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1 minute ago, slik said:



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Nearly an hour in and it has been a snoozefest. 
This show is not feeling the night after WM. 

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1 minute ago, plaidarms said:


giving Vincent :deadbanana4:

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3 minutes ago, slik said:


This is also apparently his first tag match since 2006 where he teamed with Shinsuke in New Japan.

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5 minutes ago, Garrix said:

Nearly an hour in and it has been a snoozefest. 
This show is not feeling the night after WM. 

HHH sure knows how to book a show. WM was also a snooze fest

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Wait is the Rey/Austin match still going on?  I'm watching on the USA app and I randomly started getting ads just as the match started :rip: 

Edited by andresg770
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