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2024 US Election Megathread 🇺🇸🏛️

Message added by Lee!!,

It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore. 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone. 

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9 minutes ago, Bloo said:

Saying WI is an important state because, historically, it is so reliable for Dems is different from saying it is required. Given the original conversation was about how it's not worth considering new candidates because WI is required to win and WI has already printed ballots... this just is a bad argument. That's all.

Oh I see.  Also…WI has not had the primary yet for who is running the senate.  I HIGHLY doubt the state has printed ballots prior to knowing who is going to be on the ballot.  


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43 minutes ago, Tovitov said:

Im voting for Biden to save the Republic. :gaycat:

It's a disgrace what Supreme Court did today to our Constitution. They keep teaching us that "no one is above the law" but apparently, now we have a new putin in our country that can simply do whatever he wants ... and believe me Trump will do every awful thing he promises in his hate rallies :gaycat2:

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41 minutes ago, choerry said:

I wish Biden would demonstrate some decisiveness. Give us something more than "Trump is a felon and he can't be elected." What are you willing to do about this corrupt court? 

No doubts, now it's gonna be one of the major issues for Biden camp to put in masses, so let's wait for their response. 

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Omg the media are so desperate to join the anti Biden band wagon they are putting out old stories as new ones  💀😂



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2 hours ago, itshyolee said:

Guess it's time to move to Canada:ryan3:

We're all but guaranteed to get a Trump-lite as Prime Minister next year so I wouldn't pack your bags so quickly sis :toofunny2:

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5 hours ago, bad guy said:

Interesting how nobody in media is calling them power-hungry like they did with the Trump family/GOP when this is obviously what's going on here. No rational person would be okay with putting such a feeble man with such cognitive decline out to "save democracy". So either all that fear-mongering about Trump is bullshit, or they are just as power driven and corrupt as they claim the right to be. Or they're genuinely idiots that think Biden is perfect for this job.


All horrible scenarios regardless :rip:

Remember when news anchors were crying when Bernie won the Nevada caucus (claiming they feared his win would see centrists dragged into the streets and shot) and media figures who were also DNC alumni were demanding he denounce his entire socialist worldview or step down as the frontrunner at the time?


The DNC has lost all legitimacy as an organization for the sheer double standard alone. 


The Democrats cannot be considered a legitimate political party while Biden heads their ticket. 

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33 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:



Again, she was proven right. 


The tweet was in response to an NPR article from February 2016 that cited fears over the SCOTUS as why Clinton was likelier to win and have a more energized base. 


Such claims being wrong. 


Clinton was such an awful candidate that voters simply didn't care about losing the court for decades. 


And now Biden proving himself such an awful candidate that voters will end up not caring about losing entire institutions in themselves due to his incompetence as a candidate. 

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2 hours ago, KKW said:

It actually disgusts me how successful the Trump campaign has been at increasing support in underrepresented groups like it's actually so embarrassing 

It speaks more on the Democratic Party utter failures than on Trump's campaign tbqh.

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2 hours ago, Redstreak said:


Not all the rats now scurrying in the dark trying to shift blame away from their own cohorts and allies before it's too late to get off the sinking ship. 

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Actually, if we are going to re-litigate the past..



I take no pleasure in letting those who were against Bernie know that all this suffering is... possibly sadly your fault. 


"But his socialism!!!"

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7 hours ago, Sannie said:

Well, duh. He's the nominee unless he himself chooses to step down, in which case Kamala takes over and loses in an historic landslide.


I love how Trump is a pathological liar, senile, a rapist, a fraudster, a felon, and was on Epstein's flight logs and the GOP is still like, "hell yeah, we love and support him". Meanwhile, Biden has one bad debate night and Dems are in disarray. :ahh: 


But this is what leftists want. Trump to control the gov't and kill immigrants, queer people, black people, and women.

Leftists wanted Biden to get out of the way a year ago so that what we're seeing now with Biden's dementia derailing the race wouldn't happen. Now it's too late and inevitable that Trump will win, and it's specifically the fault of centrists like you.


So… who wants Trump to win and kill immigrants, queer people, black people, and women? Seems to me it's the centrists incapable of introspection and the Biden campaign that want this.

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5 hours ago, Gesamtkunstwerk said:

Sorry, but we live in a completely different reality from 1980's US :skull:

That user also ignores that Reagan was one of the most popular presidents of all time while Joe Biden is quite literally THE most unpopular president of all time going back to when approval ratings started being tracked. He's worse off than Jimmy Carter. Not to mention, he's nearly a decade OLDER than Reagan ever was while in office. And inspires a LOT less confidence

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7 hours ago, Espresso said:

@Aston Martin Gretchen doing damage control publicly for what was said privately. Regardless, 2028 has officially started with a bang.


Track Jonathan Martin for ongoing sourcing on this.



How long do you all think it will take for Democrats to realize that there's not going to be a 2028 election? This country is over.



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56 minutes ago, Bloo said:


Their last poll H2H with learners pushed had Trump +6 this poll shows +4.the 5 way race went from +7 to +8. So not that much movement from their last poll.  🤷

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1 hour ago, Communion said:

Not all the rats now scurrying in the dark trying to shift blame away from their own cohorts and allies before it's too late to get off the sinking ship. 

While we're on that subject… :coffee2: 


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