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2024 US Election Megathread ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ›๏ธ

Message added by Lee!!,

It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore.ย 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone.ย 

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26 minutes ago, Sannie said:

The problem with replacing Biden is two-fold:

  • The replacement has to be Harris or you risk pissing off black voters.
  • The replacement cannot be Harris because she would loseย in an historic landslide to Trump (America it not ready for a black, female President).

What's the answer? Messaging. Dems must get their messaging game on lock... which is a lot to ask from a party that thinks "Americans will just do the right thing". :rip:ย 


Fact is, Trump did horribly too; he lied every time he opened his mouth and made no sense, but because he was louder and there was already the belief Biden is too old, we're focused on Biden (which, tbh, is fair because he sucked lol).

Not only all of this but I just read the deadline to be on the Wisconsin ballot in November ย is done with.ย 

it would have to be the state legislature that decided wether or not to change the laws/deadline to allow it. It is GOP controlled. You think republicans will do that in a critical swing state?


no dem will win without Wisconsin.ย 

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i wonder if one strategy they may be considering is to stick with biden through the election, and then have harris take over somewhere in the first or second year of his term

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Just now, Element said:

i wonder if one possible strategy they may be considering is to stick with biden through the election, and then have kamala take over somewhere in the first or second year of his term

This is what I think as well. The second year he steps aside and she takes over.ย 

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1 hour ago, GhostBox said:

this is good ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ


If only Biden mentioned it during the debate.ย 

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Not people wanting refunds. :rip:ย 

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55 minutes ago, Sannie said:

The problem with replacing Biden is two-fold:

  • The replacement has to be Harris or you risk pissing off black voters.
  • The replacement cannot be Harris because she would loseย in an historic landslide to Trump (America it not ready for a black, female President).

What's the answer? Messaging. Dems must get their messaging game on lock... which is a lot to ask from a party that thinks "Americans will just do the right thing". :rip:ย 


Fact is, Trump did horribly too; he lied every time he opened his mouth and made no sense, but because he was louder and there was already the belief Biden is too old, we're focused on Biden (which, tbh, is fair because he sucked lol).

Is there any evidence Kamala is beloved by black voters? She could always remain VP for whoever takes over at the top of the ticket.

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2 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

Not people wanting refunds. :rip:ย 

They just raised 40 million in 3 days ๐Ÿ’€


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So the immunity case decision will finally be known soon.ย 

only took 4 months ๐Ÿ’€


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If hypothetically Biden was to be replaced by Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer, who seem to be the most popular choices.

Do you guys think they could actually beat Trump? And if not them, then who? :skull:ย 

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4 hours ago, Sannie said:

The problem with replacing Biden is two-fold:

  • The replacement has to be Harris or you risk pissing off black voters.
  • The replacement cannot be Harris because she would loseย in an historic landslide to Trump (America it not ready for a black, female President).

What's the answer? Messaging. Dems must get their messaging game on lock... which is a lot to ask from a party that thinks "Americans will just do the right thing". :rip:ย 


Fact is, Trump did horribly too; he lied every time he opened his mouth and made no sense, but because he was louder and there was already the belief Biden is too old, we're focused on Biden (which, tbh, is fair because he sucked lol).


3 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

Is there any evidence Kamala is beloved by black voters? She could always remain VP for whoever takes over at the top of the ticket.

Black people do not like Kamala like that :toofunny3:ย 

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1 hour ago, CaptainMusic said:

If hypothetically Biden was to be replaced by Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer, who seem to be the most popular choices.

Do you guys think they could actually beat Trump? And if not them, then who? :skull:ย 

Newsom is an elitist snob from California so no. Middle America would never vote for him. Whitmer would be fine, but I think she's more interested in serving her state's needs right now, and wouldn't want to step over Kamala out of concern that she'd alienate black women in doing so.


Basically, we're locked in with either Biden staying in and losing because he's too old, or Kamala losing because nobody likes her. This election seems pretty doomed.

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1 hour ago, CaptainMusic said:

Black people do not like Kamala like that :toofunny3:ย 

They don't, but white people think they do, so that will keep them from considering any other choice.ย 

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8 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

This is a rapid decline in ability. Communication and persuasion is key to presidency. Biden looks absolutely unfit to lead the country in a tumultuous era. Time for a new Dem to take the reins.ย 


I agree, his not only old, he LOOKS and SOUNDS old.ย 


There's plenty of people his age or older that are still very sharp and witty, the same should be expected of the man that have one the most demanding jobs in the world

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6 hours ago, GraceRandolph said:

If only Biden mentioned it during the debate.ย 

Hr won't because he's trying to court segments of voters who enjoy and want segments of Project 2025 that would benefit them.

His aim hasn't been to inspire the Democratic base since Summer 2020.ย 

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4 hours ago, CaptainMusic said:

If hypothetically Biden was to be replaced by Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer, who seem to be the most popular choices.

Do you guys think they could actually beat Trump? And if not them, then who? :skull:ย 

Ever since Roy Moore's defeat at the hand of black female turnout being 97%+ the DNC felt they owed black women at the expense of all other turn-out (read: OLDER black female turnout), but similarly to painting Latinos with a broad brush (instead of Fascist Cubans vs. everyone else), they've learned the wrong lessons from that election re: Kamala - due to numerous issues from her time both as VP (getting trashed anonymously by her current team to Politico several times) and prior (incarceration of men of color) we're now stuck with the stereotype and no subtlety from old white vanguards that Kamala will deliver a black monolith in 2028.ย 


I don't believe the allegations Gavin and Gretchen are being considered over her in 2028 - I believe that is groups of narcissistic donors with millions to throw in the fire satisfying the hunger of self-important access journalists like Maggie Haberman. The DNC is now too terrified of backlash and are overhyping its possible effects down ballot so they are stuck with Kamala and we will lose the Electoral College in a landslide in 2028.


Gavin already is cravenly and transparently angling for the gig by vetoing popular-in-state amendments in California (trans community, etc.) being attacked by Fox News in the culture wars to alleviate his abysmal numbers and perceived coastal elitism with independents and non-loyal Republicans but the sad and gross part is it won't make any difference. His consultants are throwing **** at the wall to see what sticks.


Gretchen has been trying (and struggling) to straddle both sides of the Gaza debate in interviews given her irate Arab diaspora (largest in the country) and obligatory loyalty to Biden re-election committees. An under-discussed hypothetical is a Michigan loss in November (and thus, the election) thanks to said diaspora.ย 


So who could do better at this point? Josh Shapiro doesn't have the personality or name ID of the formers mentioned but the latter can change. I always mentioned Sherrod Brown but he will lose his re-elect which will tank his chances. The typhoon of hype Wes Moore's being given is too early and superficial. So at this point, I genuinely don't know. We're ****ed.



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The implosion from the 2020 cheating tactics that the same party made is so funny to see, the clown came back to bite them after rigging the primaries and putting Kamala and Biden as the nominees and here we are in 2024, they really won in 2020 because people were exhausted from Trump not because they trusted those two.

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9 hours ago, Communion said:





It's honestly TERRIFYING. He doesn't even know his behaviour will be the #1 reason Trump will be re-elected. This compliant complacency is horrifying.ย 

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9 hours ago, Communion said:





It's honestly TERRIFYING. He doesn't even know his behaviour will be the #1 reason Trump will be re-elected. This compliant complacency is horrifying.ย 

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Just now, Dark Phoenix said:

The implosion from the 2020 cheating tactics that the same party made is so funny to see, the clown came back to bite them after rigging the primaries and putting Kamala and Biden as the nominees and here we are in 2024, they really won in 2020 because people were exhausted from Trump not because they trusted those two.

That was unpacked for about a dozen pages here at the time and got almost no press coverage because of the literal morgue trucks of thousands of bodies driving through New York City at peak Covid.


This is an over-simplification but Obama literally made a few calls to tip the scales and Biden's competition dropped out en masse, defeating Bernie. It would be great if someday Obama would be transparent about it but he knows he can't afford to anger the youth vote any further (which is already gone due to Gaza so it wouldn't make a difference).ย 

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6 minutes ago, FOCK said:





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