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2024 US Election Megathread 🇺🇸🏛️

Message added by Lee!!,

It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore. 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone. 

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3 minutes ago, GoatGly said:

The reason why Roe v. Wade got overturned has nothing to do with Biden or the Democrats. Trump electing as many justices as he did during his term did irreperable damage to our country and he only scratched the surface of the Republican's long-term goals. 

But it happened when Dems had both branches of Congress + the Presidency and they didn't restore it at all. The Democratic-majority Senate could've killed the filibuster in order to codify Roe (and birth control, trans rights, ect.) but they didn't because apparently upholding Senate protocol is more important than half the country losing their reproductive rights. The argument that they're keeping it in place so that Republicans don't kill it when they have the chance doesn't hold water when Repubs are going to kill it the second they have the chance, especially to do something like passing a federal abortion ban. 

The point is Democrats can't keep campaigning on stuff like protecting abortion rights and then go on to do nothing when abortion rights get taken away. They have to actually fight to protect them, even if that being breaking various "traditions" (which are really just peer pressure from dead people). 

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Maybe Biden was sick and his medicine made him drowsy at the worst time 🤒😂



that's my story and I'm sticking with it folks 🫡

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12 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

The most believable part of this that I would take at face value is Kamala being furious, but… thoughts on the reliability of this anecdote about Obama/Klain and the fundraiser neighbor? @Espresso





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Just now, Redstreak said:





This could be Obama talking out of both sides of his mouth because he knows that Joe won't go willingly, but also… yeah, I kind of figured it was a long shot at best.

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@ClashAndBurn The neighbor anecdote seems too random to make up. Sure I guess I buy it.


The Kamala anecdote probably leaves out a lot as to who said what and when, but in principle, I also buy it.


What do you think.

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1 hour ago, Bloo said:

This would make sense if Biden were a good candidate. But he's a historically bad candidate. He has a record low approval rating for an incumbent president with most voters being notably concerned about his age, competence, and general lucidity. This debate performance was remarkably bad because it shattered the lie that Biden is sharp as hell and the concerns about his fitness to serve are misplaced.


This was not a normal bad debate performance. This is a uniquely bad showing for a candidate that barely engages with the public as is. He famously avoided the most softball interview available for an incumbent president, which is the Super Bowl interview. They're hiding him because of what we saw last night and now voters can very plainly see that.

*Facing off against a historically unpopular opponent

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6 minutes ago, Espresso said:


and what Amendment should be used to remove and prohibit Trump from the race as convicted felon? Clownery at it best :giraffe:

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35 minutes ago, GoatGly said:

The reason why Roe v. Wade got overturned has nothing to do with Biden or the Democrats. Trump electing as many justices as he did during his term did irreperable damage to our country and he only scratched the surface of the Republican's long-term goals. 

I understand the excuse. But, Biden and co. have refused to consider options to expand the court, remove the filibuster, etc. to give them a fighting chance at protecting our civil rights. They have no excuse for their lack of effort. Further, they cannot claim that electing them will protect abortion rights and then when they get what they ask for abortion rights still get stripped away with little to no pushback. The one saving grace for abortion rights across the country has been direct ballot initiatives which has nothing to do with the DNC. They've done effectively nothing to protect our rights and continually expect to be rewarded electorally on the promise of protection when they have shown they cannot provide us that.


Sorry, but they can't keep citing this excuse without action.

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Biden's performance this morning just shows how much he relies on a script in order to appear like he's not dying.

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4 minutes ago, WildAmerican said:

they still think this is a good line :khalyan:

To his credit, I'm sure it was a killer line back in 1948 when he first heard it :rip: 

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53 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

Maybe Biden was sick and his medicine made him drowsy at the worst time 🤒😂



that's my story and I'm sticking with it folks 🫡

You're starting to grow on me :hug:



OT: that check must be BIG:




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24 minutes ago, ZeroSuitBritney said:

Biden's performance this morning just shows how much he relies on a script in order to appear like he's not dying.

It feels like he must have been sundowning, which I guess is hard to cover up with meds. 

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Kamala would be the easiest replacement because she's on all the campaign paperwork and Biden getting behind her would unite the party. 


Also, shoving Whitmer or Newsom over the first black woman vice president has its own set of optic problems.


Kamala is unpopular but she's unpopular because Biden is. She arguably lost the debate against Pence back in 2020 but it wasnt a blow out and Pence won because voters love generic white guys in suits. I think she'd do fine if given the spotlight.


Would Whitmer probably be better, sure. But sometimes the best road is the easiest. 

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7 minutes ago, WildAmerican said:

just got three democratic party texts in like 10 minutes 



All from different numbers :deadbanana2:

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All I know is the Dems have only a little while longer to hang Joe up and put forward a young, likable, well-known canidate and still have a shot in November. 

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2 hours ago, GoatGly said:

The reason why Roe v. Wade got overturned has nothing to do with Biden or the Democrats. Trump electing as many justices as he did

So when are Dems going to punish the judicial branch for committing such a heinous power grab?


This man is dying in front of your eyes and with him the semblance that moderate pro-capitalist liberal ideas work and yet you're still finger-wagging about incrementally and solving every problem with a vote. 

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