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2024 US Election Megathread 🇺🇸🏛️

Message added by Lee!!,

It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore. 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone. 

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Can we please not share images of harmed/killed children please? We are aware it is happening/it is discussed and it is awful. We don't need to be looking at it on a pop forum. 

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Biden stans should be confronted with what they support, tbh. Joe Biden has materially backed the slaughter of children for seven months and said his support of Israel was ironclad. His delaying of weapons shipments is performative, because he's already given Israel what they want for the Rafah invasion, and he's only seeking political cover.


"Please don't show me what I'm voting for!" :doc: 

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36 minutes ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Biden stans should be confronted with what they support, tbh. Joe Biden has materially backed the slaughter of children for seven months and said his support of Israel was ironclad. His delaying of weapons shipments is performative, because he's already given Israel what they want for the Rafah invasion, and he's only seeking political cover.


"Please don't show me what I'm voting for!" :doc: 

No, you weirdos, reposting horrific images from online clouts chasers doesn't help anyone or anything. You'd rather take advantage of people and stories than do anything of significance, because you get the slightest bump of dopamine from seeing and reposting horrific images, whereas those of us who aren't chronically online have the human response of cringing at death, blood, and gore. 

no one wants to see it, period. 


there's a horrific war going on—everyone knows that. Unfortunately, most of us understand that reposting images will do nothing. All you're doing is desensitizing people with this weird war p*rn, all because you hate Joe Biden. 

not to mention, from your own speech out of both sides of your mouth, he halted shipments of more bombs to Israel that would definitely harm Palestinians in Rafah. You act as if a political action can happen in a vacuum without ramifications, when there will be severe Middle East fallout if the United States stops supporting Israel. 

But go off being a gore obsessed weirdo. Your attempts to cry wolf just doom us all

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2 minutes ago, thesegayz said:

No, you weirdos, reposting horrific images from online clouts chasers doesn't help anyone or anything. You'd rather take advantage of people and stories than do anything of significance, because you get the slightest bump of dopamine from seeing and reposting horrific images, whereas those of us who aren't chronically online have the human response of cringing at death, blood, and gore. 

no one wants to see it, period. 


there's a horrific war going on—everyone knows that. Unfortunately, most of us understand that reposting images will do nothing. All you're doing is desensitizing people with this weird war p*rn, all because you hate Joe Biden. 

not to mention, from your own speech out of both sides of your mouth, he halted shipments of more bombs to Israel that would definitely harm Palestinians in Rafah. You act as if a political action can happen in a vacuum without ramifications, when there will be severe Middle East fallout if the United States stops supporting Israel. 

But go off being a gore obsessed weirdo. Your attempts to cry wolf just doom us all

"Noooooo don't show me what I'm supporting and what Joe Biden supports. Please I'm begging you, don't confront me with the consequences of whom I enthusiastically plan on voting for."


Im not gore-obsessed. I just don't think your feelings should be spared when your guy has supplied the killing of more than 10,000 children and you have signaled that that's not a red line for you.


What he's -temporarily delayed- is just more of what he's already sent. Israel has already been given plenty of munitions with which to kill civilians by the Biden Administration. You act like Biden hasn't been fully dedicated to stocking their weapons for seven months. You act like they've run out and have no more bombs to drop even though Biden has bypassed Congressional gridlock to give Israel everything they wanted.

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22 hours ago, Kassi said:

People truly think Israel is a US client state, when in reality, we've had to bribe and/or threaten them repeatedly not to level the entire Middle East. 

  • Eisenhower with the Suez Canal Crisis
  • Reagan with the Lebanon War
  • Bush Sr. with West Bank settlements

And those are just the Republican presidents. Notwithstanding the Democratic presidents who have actively put forward peace proposals like Carter with the Camp David Accords and Clinton with the Oslo Accords. 

If I had to guess Israel's right-wing long-term strategy, I would speculate that they're trying to push the US out of the Middle East.

Their bigger plan might be to weaken the bond between Israel and the US, which could lead to the US stepping back. Eventually, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a big attack on US military bases, as a result of Israel overstepping, that makes America rethink being there at all.

This way, Israel could have more freedom to run things how they want without the US getting in the way.

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Trump will do nothing about inflation and will in fact make it worse with his planned tax cuts. Americans once again doing nothing to dispel the "dumb as dirt" perception the rest of the world has of us :ahh: 

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"dissent must never lead to disorder"

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Biden alienating everyone is apparently a sign of stellar leadership. :rip: 

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4 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Biden stans should be confronted with what they support, tbh. Joe Biden has materially backed the slaughter of children for seven months and said his support of Israel was ironclad. His delaying of weapons shipments is performative, because he's already given Israel what they want for the Rafah invasion, and he's only seeking political cover.


"Please don't show me what I'm voting for!" :doc: 

Images such as these have been prominent for some time. It is not about being confronted about who anyone votes for or supports. Trust me, everyone in the world is confronted constantly about it for months now in support of it or not. It is about mental health and not desensitizing ourselves to the slaughter of humans. Also, posting this for those in support of ceasefire hurts them mentally on a public forum also even if you want it out of malice. We should be able to discuss and argue about such a topic without being subject to horrid imagery. If anybody is happy to parade around such barbaric images for themselves and others to see that is highly disturbing and more of a sign you need a break from the internet and this issue than anything else. Truly, take care of yourself and I hope you get better soon

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Sergi91 said:

The people who are currently protesting won't care and once Trump wins in November they will be the first to protest once Trump replaces Thomas with a younger version of Thomas. 

I'm not sure what this post is trying to argue, let alone how what it is describing is negative. 


Are you... saying it's bad that progressives feel passionately enough about genocide that they're willing to withhold votes (even given the risk of Trump) to do what they can for the Palestinians that Biden is single-handedly enabling the killing of? While ALSO understanding those consequences deeply and being able and willing to also protest Trump if Biden fails to end his bloodthirst for Palestinian blood?


Your viewpoint can only be logical if one thinks Trump winning would be the fault of protests and not Biden deciding Israel was more important than saving American democracy. Biden could lock this election up right now and save his political career. It's frightening that he is willing to destroy any legacy he'll leave for Israel.


We're reaching the point where Biden's obits will be written no differently to how George W. Bush's will be written wrt to Iraq & Afghanistan - embarrassment and shame.


It's why I don't really feel sorry for people who don't want to see horrific images. Aren't you proud of Biden's hard work?

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3 hours ago, thesegayz said:

no one wants to see it, period. 


If you don't want to see the impact of Joe Biden's actions, you also then should be restricted from promoting whatever you think are his achivements.


You can't have it both ways.


This is Joe Biden's achievement. He did this. This is what his hard work pulled off:

If this was Putin or Assad or any other other enemy foreign leader to the US, you'd have no Issue demanding politicians recognize the images of their destruction.

Should the corpses of Gazan children be flown to the US and buried in the front lawn of the White House so Biden stops saying the Gazan Health Ministry death toll figures are fake?

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2 hours ago, Kassi said:

People truly think Israel is a US client state, when in reality, we've had to bribe and/or threaten them repeatedly not to level the entire Middle East.

> "Israel is not a vassal state! We actually have to bribe them!!"

*2 seconds later*

> "You can't take away the Iron Dome???? Millions would be dead in seconds!!"


Okay let's do a bet. Give us back the Iron Dome and Israel can be an independent state who can apparently hold its own. 




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23 minutes ago, If U Seek Amy said:

Images such as these have been prominent for some time. It is not about being confronted about who anyone votes for or supports. Trust me, everyone in the world is confronted constantly about it for months now in support of it or not. It is about mental health and not desensitizing ourselves to the slaughter of humans. Also, posting this for those in support of ceasefire hurts them mentally on a public forum also even if you want it out of malice. We should be able to discuss and argue about such a topic without being subject to horrid imagery. If anybody is happy to parade around such barbaric images for themselves and others to see that is highly disturbing and more of a sign you need a break from the internet and this issue than anything else. Truly, take care of yourself and I hope you get better soon

The horrid imagery is literally the result of the policy Joe Biden has embraced. Not just during his presidency, but for the full five decades of his life as a public servant. Joe Biden wanted more dead children in Lebanon in 1982. He wanted more dead children in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2002. Palestinians blown up by American bombs and sundered by American bullets? Always. This is what the people who elected him voted for, and they should be traumatized every remaining day of their lives by the consequences of their actions. That would be just a drop in the bucket compared to the suffering their vote has inflicted upon the world. "Mental health" is a luxury that the Palestinians whose mere existence Joe Biden and his bestie Bibi Netanyahu can't abide… can't even afford.

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So you guys are fine mocking protesters and think anyone who criticizes or withholds votes from Biden is responsible for any havoc that a Trump presidency could bring but draw the line at being confronted with Biden's actions?

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10 minutes ago, Communion said:

Okay let's do a bet. Give us back the Iron Dome and Israel can be an independent state who can apparently hold its own. 


This is dumb. We literally saw this in 1948, 1967, 1982, and are seeing it today. Plus the Iron Dome didn't go into service until a decade ago.

So I don't understand this thought expriment. Apart from a civilian military population, a battle tested army, and the will to fight derived from the existential threat of annihilation, Israel also has WMD. It's not good for anyone involved, least of all unarmed Palestinians. :rip:

Leftists are so outwardly destructive it's hard to comprehend sometimes.

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1 minute ago, Kassi said:

This is dumb. We literally saw this in 1948, 1967, 1982, and are seeing it today. Plus the Iron Dome didn't go into service until a decade ago.

So I don't understand this thought expriment. Apart from a civilian military population, a battle tested army, and the will to fight derived from the existential threat of annihilation, Israel also has WMD. It's not good for anyone involved, least of all unarmed Palestinians. :rip:

Leftists are so outwardly destructive it's hard to comprehend sometimes.

You don't understand it because you're a Zionist who thinks the Torah somehow indicated a point in the future where European Jewish refugees would somehow need American-built weapons of death to slaughter 2M Palestinians and this be justified on religious prophecy. 

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I'm starting to understand leftism as a political manifestation of lacking impulse control.


The pattern is evident.

  • No, we shouldn't uproot the entire US healthcare system, 16% of the US economy, in 4 years
  • No, we shouldn't shut down our entire energy sector without a scalable and reliable renewable energy option ready
  • No, universities don't need to divest their endowments from half of the US economy
  • No, we shouldn't expose the Middle East to Israel's paranoia and worst survival instincts

Everytime, I have to swat down these talking points, it feels like I'm teaching my teenage siblings how the world works. :rip:

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2 minutes ago, Communion said:

You don't understand it because you're a Zionist who thinks the Torah somehow indicated a point in the future where European Jewish refugees would somehow need American-built weapons of death to slaughter 2M Palestinians and this be justified on religious prophecy. 

Respectfully, the majority of Jews in Israel are Mizrahi Jews, not Ashkenazi. It's easy to ignore the complicated history of the Jewish Diaspora in Muslim countries, but there's a reason why there were 800,000 Jews in Muslim Countries after WW2 and now there's barely 8000. Many were forced out, they didn't chose to go to Israel. Just like many of the European Jews who fled Europe after the Holocaust. 


It seems wrong to chalk up Israel as some European settler colony when it's much more complicate than that. 


That's not to dismiss what's going on now. Just because we know why the hammer is swung doesn't negate the damage the impact creates. 

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"Israel is NOT an American vassal state"


Then why does the US president deny atrocities to defend it as a proxy colony?

Then why does the US violate its own laws to continue to send it weapons to ensure it isn't destroyed in wars it starts?

Then why does the US repeat lies perpetuated by its settler-colonial media that end up debunked like beheaded babies?

Then why does the US president and officials say Israel follow its commands and acts as its eyes and ears in the Middle East?

Then why has the US president been on record as saying the US would need to create a settler-colony if the British didn't create Israel first?


Israel is an American vassal state. There is no envisioned future where its existence is justified. 

This is no such thing as an indigenous Israeli people. You have a colony built from a mish-mash of European migrants and those indigenous to neighboring countries.


There is no such ideology that lead ones to support Israel besides fringe religious extremism, displayed by people like Joe Biden and users like Kassi. 

The end of times rapture will not come. You will not float off your coach and ascend to heaven for helping orchestrate some Biblical prophecy. You're just killing children.

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3 minutes ago, Communion said:

"Israel is NOT an American vassal state"


Then why does the US president deny atrocities to defend it as a proxy colony?

Then why does the US violate its own laws to continue to send it weapons to ensure it isn't destroyed in wars it starts?

Then why does the US repeat lies perpetuated by its settler-colonial media that end up debunked like beheaded babies?

Then why does the US president and officials say Israel follow its commands and acts as its eyes and ears in the Middle East?

Then why has the US president been on record as saying the US would need to create a settler-colony if the British didn't create Israel first?


Israel is an American vassal state. There is no envisioned future where its existence is justified. 

This is no such thing as an indigenous Israeli people. You have a colony built from a mish-mash of European migrants and those indigenous to neighboring countries.


There is no such ideology that lead ones to support Israel besides fringe religious extremism, displayed by people like Joe Biden and users like Kassi. 

The end of times rapture will not come. You will not float off your coach and ascend to heaven for helping orchestrate some Biblical prophecy. You're just killing children.

Okay, now that you've said that. 


Israel exists now. It's a state now. You can't just get rid of it, so what's the plan? 

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1 minute ago, Tovitov said:

Respectfully, the majority of Jews in Israel are Mizrahi Jews, not Ashkenazi.

Please understand that this talking point is tired and already discussed. Zionsim is an Askehnazi political movement. Israel as a nation was founded off of the desires and political advocacy of Askenazi Jews in Europe, who were even willing to first move to either the continents of Africa and South America for their aims.


There would have been no mass migration of Mizrahi Jews out of the neighboring countries in the Levant if Ashkenazi settlers had not been doing advocacy and land grabs from landlords who owned land that Palestinians lived on. The land partitioned to Israel by the UN itself would have returned to being majority Arab in 30 years time, which is why the Zionist government at the time found it necessary to facilitate mass migration of Mizrahi Jews out of other countries and "to the homeland" by whatever means necessary, even when it resulted in terrorist attacks that harmed Jewish population in other nations. 

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5 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:


You can tell Umichvoter is feeling really nervous about November. He's a Biden supporter and was an anchor of calm and positivity for many on Election Twitter in 2020 but not so this year. That said, he's currently interning at a hospital so he's probably stressed out over alot of things. 


Regardless of all that, it's a Republican pollster done for a Republican group published by a Conservative media group. I'd take it with a grain of salt. 

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