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2 hours ago, Redstreak said:

Well you tell me, do we only listen to voices of the marginalized if they agree with us? And if not then you bringing it up when it suits you feels more like cynical weaponization to just browbeat points of view you find inconvenient to easily narrativize. It's almost like there are more dynamics to consider than just oppressor/oppressed when making meaningful analysis. And no, before you try it that does not mean calling Omar part of the "hamas caucus" isn't stupid and gross, but that's also a tweet you inserted, not me

...do you... think this logic comes off coherent to anyone reading? :deadbanana4:


I'm going to be honest with you, sis. This reads like a conservative going "oh?? you said listen to black women??? well I guess you're gonna listen to Candace Owens, RIGHT???"


It's concerning that you think a left-wing view of social justice is "inconsistent" to where you genuinely don't seem able to grasp or understand why consideration for marginalized people's material realities doesn't include then endorsing their own individual bigotry - which is what we're discussing; you shouting out someone who hoped Ilhan Omar loses her primary "cause she's a Hamas terrorist" (:biblio:). It not only makes me question your understanding of social justice but what exactly you think leftism and socialism is to begin with.


Do you genuinely think a seemingly center-right lib from Alabama exposing themselves as thinking all identity is cynical and disingenuous would convince anyone Biden is actually more progressive than anyone is giving him credit for? :rip: Am I meant to be endeared to Biden via your cheerleading while you then also think asking for policy platforms that acknowledge racialized capitalism (something you seemingly hate Briahna Joy Gray for) is the same as being a minority and calling another minority (a Muslim at that) a terrorist? I- :deadbanana4:

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1 hour ago, Communion said:

...do you... think this logic comes off coherent to anyone reading? :deadbanana4:


I'm going to be honest with you, sis. This reads like a conservative going "oh?? you said listen to black women??? well I guess you're gonna listen to Candace Owens, RIGHT???"


It's concerning that you think a left-wing view of social justice is "inconsistence" to where you genuinely don't seem able to grasp or understand why consideration for marginalized people's material realities doesn't include their own bigotry - which is what we're discussing; you shouting out someone who hoped Ilhan Omar loses her primary "cause she's a Hamas terrorist" (:biblio:). It not only makes me question your understanding of social justice but what exactly you think leftism and socialism is to begin with.


Do you genuinely think a seemingly center-right lib from Alabama exposing themselves as thinking all identity is cynical and disingenuous would convince anyone Biden is actually more progressive than anyone is giving him credit for? :rip:Am I meant to be endeared to Biden via your cheerleading while also thinking asking for policy platforms that acknowledge racialized capitalism is the same as being a minority and calling another minority (a Muslim at that) a terrorist? I- :deadbanana4:

BJGs life gives her a unique foundation on the black American experience, it doesn't mean the entirety of her political takes are somehow given extra weight by that virtue, and was certainly nowhere near the topic for the weight to be something to call up (thus yes, making your attempt at it disingenuous. Somehow your one dumb post now means I think the *entirety* of discussions on identity is cynical somehow, figure that one out.) If you can tell me how a tweet about three polls connects to the lived experience of BJG I'd be happy to understand that apparently simple connection

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1 minute ago, Communion said:

...do you... think this logic comes off coherent to anyone reading? :deadbanana4:


I'm going to be honest with you, sis. This reads like a conservative going "oh?? you said listen to black women??? well I guess you're gonna listen to Candace Owens, RIGHT???"


It's concerning that you think a left-wing view of social justice is "inconsistent" to where you genuinely don't seem able to grasp or understand why consideration for marginalized people's material realities doesn't include then endorsing their own individual bigotry - which is what we're discussing; you shouting out someone who hoped Ilhan Omar loses her primary "cause she's a Hamas terrorist" (:biblio:). It not only makes me question your understanding of social justice but what exactly you think leftism and socialism is to begin with.


Do you genuinely think a seemingly center-right lib from Alabama exposing themselves as thinking all identity is cynical and disingenuous would convince anyone Biden is actually more progressive than anyone is giving him credit for? :rip: Am I meant to be endeared to Biden via your cheerleading while you then also think asking for policy platforms that acknowledge racialized capitalism (something you seemingly hate Briahna Joy Gray for) is the same as being a minority and calling another minority (a Muslim at that) a terrorist? I- :deadbanana4:

Don't forget that you're talking to a "socialist" whose response to Vaush exposing himself as a lolicon was that anyone who objected to his depravity has Vaush Derangement Syndrome. Vaush himself is a VBNMW sheepdog, much like Marianne Williamson and Bernie Sanders, so this stance of "but you MUST wholeheartedly support Biden and his genocide with zero complaints OR ELSE TRUMP" is really not surprising.

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Briahna Joy Gray: *votes for a left-wing 3rd party because she doesn't think Biden's right-wing economic policies address systematic suffering of black people*

Random Biden Twitter: *votes for Ilhan Omar's opponent because they think Ilhan being a Muslim makes her a terrorist and that she's married to her brother*


ATRL user Redstreak: "Hmmm?? Well I guess we have to equally respect each of these views because they're both black people!! RIGHT?? LISTEN TO BLACK VOICES!! I was told it's wrong to question when a progressive black person doesn't support Biden because they're to his left and accuse them of being a secret Trump supporter!!! I guess wanting universal healthcare and the mass expulsion of Muslims are tenets of the same ideology!! Hmm gotcha there, don't I?!??"


Sis, I'm just gonna be honest... this whole exchange has just let me thinking you're just not... that bright? @Redstreak :deadbanana4:

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1 minute ago, Communion said:

Briahna Joy Gray: *votes for a left-wing 3rd party because she doesn't think Biden's right-wing economic policies address systematic suffering of black people*

Random Biden Twitter: *votes for Ilhan Omar's opponent because they think Ilhan being a Muslim makes her a terrorist and that she's married to her brother*


ATRL user Redstreak: "Hmmm?? Well I guess we have to equally respect each of these views because they're both black people!! RIGHT?? LISTEN TO BLACK VOICES!! I was told it's wrong to question when a progressive black person doesn't support Biden because they're to his left and accuse them of being a secret Trump supporter!!! I guess wanting universal healthcare and the mass expulsion of Muslims are tenets of the same ideology!! Hmm gotcha there, don't I?!??"


Sis, I'm just gonna be honest... this whole exchange has just let me thinking you're just not... that bright? @Redstreak :deadbanana4:

Come on dude, the posts are literally on this page where people can see my words, you don't have to shadow box with your weird version of me



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4 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

BJGs life gives her a unique foundation on the black American experience, it doesn't mean the entirety of her political takes are somehow given extra weight

Of course It doesn't - her political takes are given weight because her politics are very plainly left-wing and progressive, and the tactless bit is seeing people to her right somehow suggest she as a black person is more regressive or conservative than themselves just because she rejects their right-wing Democrat candidate and votes to his left. In itself highlighting the reality that liberals - who divorce social justice from class - are the ones who approach social justice cynically.


Which is why it's.. a bit insane that your idea of a foil to all of that was to somehow present a random black Biden supporter with no argument then "look... they're black!!!".


Like in your hopes of disapproving leftist allegations against liberal cynicism, you... randomly suggested a black progressive wanting universal healthcare for everyone was akin to a random right-wing black liberal explicitly hating a black female Muslim on the virtue of themselves hating Muslims?? :deadbanana4:

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1 hour ago, ZeroSuitBritney said:

My apologies. I meant to say that last year SFUSD already committed to bringing Algebra 1 back to 8th grade, before this was on the ballot. Therefore, this measure itself was a bunch of nothing. And on top of that, this measure is non binding.



There goes your "gotcha moment"


And I don't think the resolution was all for naught. 80%+ of voters rejecting the policy of holding high achieving students back in the name of equity is a stunning rebuke of the school district.

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14 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

BJGs life gives her a unique foundation on the black American experience, it doesn't mean the entirety of her political takes are somehow given extra weight by that virtue


4 minutes ago, Communion said:

Of course It doesn't 


6 hours ago, Communion said:

Y'all lose your mind about black female progressives like Brianha not wanting to vote for Biden




literally in what other way could you be bringing her up in a completely unrelated topic if not to cynically use her as a club

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Like why should I care this such an unhinged, conservative person hopes Ilhan Omar's opponent can somehow overcome trailing by 20 points:deadbanana4:

People like this shouldn't even be Democrats? :deadbanana4:

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The Trump will be 100x worse than Biden for Gaza thing makes zero sense to me. There won't be a Gaza left in November and that is all on Biden.


- 35% of all buildings in the Gaza Strip - 88,868 structures - have been damaged or destroyed

- The entire population in the Gaza Strip (2.23 million) is facing high levels of acute food insecurity. Between mid-March and mid-July, in the most likely scenario and under the assumption of an escalation of the conflict including a ground offensive in Rafah, half of the population of the Gaza Strip (1.11 million people) is expected to face catastrophic conditions (IPC Phase 5), the most severe level in the IPC Acute Food Insecurity scale


Entire bloodlines have been wiped out. The majority of people have been displaced. All key infrastructure has been destroyed. There is an ongoing famine. Biden is complicit in ethnic cleansing.

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6 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

literally in what other way could you be bringing her up in a completely unrelated topic

It's not unrelated - you claim not voting for Biden makes someone a conservative.

Just because you won't quote text doesn't mean it's not there:

14 minutes ago, Communion said:

Of course It doesn't - her political takes are given weight because her politics are very plainly left-wing and progressive, and the tactless bit is seeing people to her right somehow suggest she as a black person is more regressive or conservative than themselves just because she rejects their right-wing Democrat candidate and votes to his left. In itself highlighting the reality that liberals - who divorce social justice from class - are the ones who approach social justice cynically.


Which is why it's.. a bit insane that your idea of a foil to all of that was to somehow present a random black Biden supporter with no argument then "look... they're black!!!".


Like in your hopes of disapproving leftist allegations against liberal cynicism, you... randomly suggested a black progressive wanting universal healthcare for everyone was akin to a random right-wing black liberal explicitly hating a black female Muslim on the virtue of themselves hating Muslims?? :deadbanana4:

Your election-rotted mind somehow views those who reject Biden as conservative while you become a reactionary and start to support liberals who are actively trying to primary and attack progressive Democrats (the only reason progressives would have to say connected to your party) BECAUSE they are ACTUAL CONSERVATIVES.


You can't accuse people of secretly supporting Trump or enabling right-wingers for being so far to Biden's left it's not reasonable to vote for him while literally then endorsing people attacking progressives in the party you're claiming still has a hope because these people are progressive-hating conservatives.


The average leftist won't vote for Biden because they don't hate poor people and think healthcare is a human right.

Apparently the average Biden twitter supporter won't vote for progressive Dems cause they think all Muslims are incest-practicing terrorists (????)/

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1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

I don't just hate Joe Biden. I hate everybody whose enabling him and that includes the party who is enabling him and showing him he can get away with being a genocidal freak and still run for re-election with zero pushback. Liberals argue that Biden is sooooo much better on Gaza because Trump would reduce all of Palestinians' homes to rubble. That has already happened. Under Joe Biden. Liberals argue that he's soooooooo good on climate, but don't care that Biden's policy of DRILL BABY DRILL has led to more oil coming out of the ground than under Trump. I could go on with how the Biden presidency has been a conservative's wish list (his only meaningful legislation being a bipartisan roads and bridges bill where the only reason Conservatives voted against it was because of partisan brinksmanship), but they only reject him because he's not Trump. However, you're not going to be convinced no matter what.


Let me take this point by point. First, under Biden, Israel has killed ~33k (according to the most recent numbers I found), or a rate of ~183 people killed per day. Considering the potentials of modern warfare, that's not even close to what it could be. Hypothetically, Trump is elected and tells Netanyahu "I want you to clear Gaza of all inhabitants so my son in law can build a beach resort, use WMDs for all I care (assuming he doesn't hand over the latest DARPA chemical weapon...)", and that rate could easily triple or quadruple. It's a horrific casualty rate up to this point, but acting as if it can't get any worse is a fundamental misunderstanding of modern warfare tactics. Scorched earth in Gaza would see thousands die per day. Now, whether the impacts of that difference are relevant to you or not is a separate conversation, but I think it's a pretty logical argument that if he wanted to, Trump could ramp that number up as high as he or Netanyahu wanted.


Secondly, I think you misunderstand how the oil economy works. Even discounting that much of the spike in US drilling is in an effort to keep the price of internationally traded oil deflated to keep the Russians from profiting too much with the OPEC cuts, your average American is nowhere near owning an electric car (current rate of EV ownership in the US is like 1.3% of all vehicles on the road). The average electric car price is ~$50k because the batteries are expensive to manufacture (for which there aren't really any great suitable replacements yet), and because it's still at a lower production rate than CE cars and the technology is a decade old (and has only hit critical mass quite recently), there isn't a large market used EV cars. Thus, until we can increase the number of EVs on the road (which is happening through subsidization and the most recent EPA regulation changes that will still probably take 5-10 years to have a significant effect), the only thing that a reduction in drilling in the US would do is to increase purchases by US refineries of Venezuelan oil (and even if you have favorable opinion of the Maduro government, surely you can recognize that that's a near-universally unpopular opinion) to get fuel to the US market, which would still probably drive up the price of gasoline by several dollars per gallon, which would disproportionately impact lower income Americans who are probably several years off from being able to afford an EV, new or used. Additionally, replacing things like oil or natural gas power plants is a multi-billion dollar, several year project and they have a near 50% market share, and state owned power companies in places like Texas and Florida are building even more. Currently, there is no such thing as an electric farm vehicle or an electric plane or an electric cargo ship. Not to mention, petroleum (in various forms) is an integral material of life and is found in like 99% of all manufactured goods and is an input into literally every food product you consume. Thus, unless you want to make it harder for poor people to get to work, the total electricity generation capacity of this country to contract by at least 50% (though petroleum products are inputs into wind farms and solar panels and dams and nuclear plants, so lets say a 100% contraction as each of the facilities we've already built eventually get retired), the manufacturing capacity of this country to completely end overnight, the food production capacity of this country to end overnight beyond those who live in temperate regions and take up subsistence farming or gardening, an end to all long-distance transportation in this country, and probably the loss of tens of millions of jobs because the entire economy is broken and most of the consumers of any good or service are destitute or dead, you kinda have to encourage the continuation of drilling in the short term while subsidizing research into greener alternatives (which... is exactly what Biden has done across several landmark bills). Even if you want to just impose a moratorium on new drilling, an oil rig decreases in productivity after its first few months, and certainly after its first year, so we'd still see sustained declines in literally everything over the next few years. Oh yeah, and the US is one of the worlds largest food and oil exports, so there goes the rest of the global economy and probably a few billion lives, while we're at it. 


You can malign the infrastructure bill all you want, but the funding rollout literally just began, and I think like 15 of the thousands of supported projects have broken ground, so writing it off this early (while also ignoring the CHIPS act and the IRA and even the minor stuff like the RfMA and the beginnings of medicare pricing reform and the beginnings of student debt relief), really does strike me as the actions of someone not arguing in good faith (which, I know you aren't because you didn't address a single point I made except to scream again about "but the liberals are still bad!"). You can't convince me that Biden is a conservative's dream president because of his total failures to get any policies through when that's just... objectively not true. Sorry if it doesn't fit your narrative. 



1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

That is why, in my opinion, liberals deserve to be faced with the burn it all down approach. I'm done with them. I'm done with Biden. I'm done with this shithole of a country and all of its people. Joe Biden's presidency has amounted to showing for everyone the truth of hoping for better outcomes to be completely worthless. The neoliberal rally cry of "Better things aren't possible!” has been proven correct.


Again, when you "burn it down", who do you think is going to be affected? Trump will be in power and his allies will staff the government at all levels. Sure, a few top leaders might get fired or arrested or even executed, but the US "elite" class is tens of thousands of people, and the lawyers in Manhattan, entertainment execs in LA, and bankers in Chicago who influence Democrat policy in a conservative direction will sway with the wind and throw all their support behind Trump. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer may get Robespierre'd, but the rest of that ecosystem that you despise will survive and adapt. The domestic losers will be the minorities that Trump persecutes (based on his rhetoric, I don't think we can rule out citizenship-stripping and deportation or mass incarceration of "undesierable" minorities) and the low-tier progressives who get shoved out of the system entirely, assuming it doesn't devolve into civil war or mass unrest and violence, which probably condemns a few hundred thousand to a few million in the US to death. Maybe that's your idea of restitution for what's happening in Gaza, but that seems pretty sick and bleak to me.


Of course, as I said in my earlier post, this doesn't even begin to come close to the havoc Trump could wreak on the rest of the world, just in the name of making life easier for the average American. It was what, 20 years ago that the US toppled its most recent government? The people who made that happen are still around. Lets say that Trump and Lula or Boric have a trade spat over soy or copper prices or whatever, what's to say Trump doesn't reach back into the centuries of Monroe Doctrinal history to destroy their governments and devolve their respective country's back to military dictatorship so that US consumers can't get cheaper products? How is the average farmer in Nigeria or Angola supposed to feed their country when Trump withholds the export of US Nitrogen fertilizers (upon which these farmers are completely reliant because the Russians can no longer easily ship it out and no one else manufactures it at scale)? It's a pretty easy way to increase the domestic supply and reduce prices, or even just as a tactic to kill people on other continents to reduce immigrant flows, and I'm sure Stephen Miller has given it consideration. Maybe he's told Trump about it. Do you think Trump will step in when Azerbaijan and Turkey decide that the easiest way to resolve the Armenia problem is to just kill them all and split the land? It's too late to stop the genocide in Gaza, but is it worth bothering to stop another one? The lights (and hospital equipment) in Papua New Guinea go out and their oil power plants can only accept certain refinement strains only done in Louisiana, and Trump has imposed an export ban to keep US prices low, and the patients all die, en masse. Are any of these people who deserve the effects of the US government being "burned down"? Trump's isolationist tendencies could manifest themselves in any number of ways, but the one that worries me the most is one where he yanks all US exports off the market to keep prices lower domestically and leads to an heretofore unknown price shock in literally every commodity that the US produces (which is all of them). It's all fine and good to carry out a suicide mission of bringing the current governing establishment down, but we all have zero idea what the global shockwaves would be like, except extremely deadly. If you get to end the libs, is it worth risking the lives of a few hundred million people in Africa and Asia each? There's no way of knowing the scale of the damage Trump could cause, but I think any of the ripples would make the humanitarian crisis in Gaza look like your average Tuesday. Never before have the most basic essentials of human life been so globally interconnected, so we have no idea what it will look like when the country that is quite literally propping the system up and holds all the cards goes dark.



1 hour ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Tell me, what's the game plan for after four more years of genocide enablement abroad and complete policy stagnation at home? Because that's all you are going to see with a Biden presidency and an inevitably Republican Senate with the Dems having no path to 50 Senators ever again, especially in two more years after Jon Ossoff losing his seat to Brian Kemp (or whomever else) is basically guaranteed. The future for Democrats beyond Joe Biden also looks extremely bleak with Kamala Harris being the inevitable future mantle bearer, and she has no ability to win in a general election. She's already cooked no matter who the Republicans run against her. They have no backbench of stars, and the ones with potential are openly resented and reviled by the party's backbone of donors and establishment insiders who would never allow them anywhere near the levers of influence anyway.

Oh, I don't think Biden is a good option. I don't think anyone here (except maybe GhostBox) would argue that Biden is a good option. I do, however, think he is the only other option, because I'm not as naive as you are that your bluffs will work, so I don't think the DNC will pick a different candidate at the last minute, nor as developmentally stunted as some of you who are thrilled to see the end of the Biden presidency without a whit of thought given to what happens next. Is 4 years of genocide in Gaza and complete government gridlock followed by another election cycle just like this one where we have to fight this same fight, where the Democrat candidate will be just as shitty and unpopular as Biden or Harris a good thing? No. Do I look forward to doing it again in 2032 and probably 2036, too? No. The risk of backsliding seems likely to grow with each future election, and that thought scares me far more than you can imagine. I do, however, think it's a better thing than what Trump has the potential to do with his potential future term, because there is genuine cause for concern that a Trump election in 2024 will be the last election we have for a while (I mean, look at his words from last week on that...). Let's say Biden wins in 2024 and Trump dies in 2027, so the Republicans run someone like Blake Masters or Josh Hawley. They'd have a decent chance at the job because they cater to the same base and have basically none of his flaws, and are probably much more intelligent and much more capable of evil than he is. The risk of backsliding and collapse isn't going away, so the best thing that I think we can do is just delay until some other political solution is found. What that solution is, remains to be seen. 

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19 minutes ago, Communion said:

It's not unrelated - you claim not voting for Biden makes someone a conservative.

Just because you won't quote text doesn't mean it's not there:

Your election-rotted mind somehow views those who reject Biden as conservative while you become a reactionary and start to support liberals who are actively trying to primary and attack progressive Democrats (the only reason progressives would have to say connected to your party) BECAUSE they are ACTUAL CONSERVATIVES.


You can't accuse people of secretly supporting Trump or enabling right-wingers for being so far to Biden's left it's not reasonable to vote for him while literally then endorsing people attacking progressives in the party you're claiming still has a hope because these people are progressive-hating conservatives.


The average leftist won't vote for Biden because they don't hate poor people and think healthcare is a human right.

Apparently the average Biden twitter supporter won't vote for progressive Dems cause they think all Muslims are incest-practicing terrorists (????)/

And that has nothing to do with the single tweet I posted with poll numbers! I can't tell if you're just not bright or unable to carry through on any topic at hand.



You still have not said how a tweet about three polls connects to BJG, or this nonsensical lie that I said not voting for Biden makes one a conservative. You love barraging people with old posts of there's, surely you can find where I've ever said that



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2 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

And that has nothing to do with the single tweet I posted with poll numbers!

It does because anyone with common sense knows Ilhan ******* Omar isn't going to lose her seat and thus the tweet had to be made by a delusional right-wing liberal.

And look - I were right! :heart2:


I don't care if you get mad if I or others vote for left-wing 3rd parties. Go ahead. Disagreeing with our choice is totally fine! I don't care if you vote for Biden!

But just be honest with the reality that you will vote for Biden while some of us won't cause you're a right-winger and we're leftists. 


Why would I be mad or shocked over right-wingers voting for a right-wing candidate?


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On 3/22/2024 at 8:52 PM, Communion said:


Literally no one mentioned voting.


12 minutes ago, Communion said:

It's not unrelated - you claim not voting for Biden makes someone a conservative.

The consistency!

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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

It does because anyone with common sense knows Ilhan ******* Omar isn't going to lose her seat and thus the tweet had to be made by a delusional right-wing liberal.

And look - I were right! :heart2:


I don't care if you get mad if I or others vote for left-wing 3rd parties. Go ahead. Disagreeing with our choice is totally fine! I don't care if you vote for Biden!

But just be honest with the reality that you will vote for Biden while some of us won't cause you're a right-winger and we're leftists. 


Why would I be mad or shocked over right-wingers voting for a right-wing candidate?


You can't keep pivoting to Omar just because you don't like the BJG topic you boxed yourself into. Any deviation from that is you deflecting again

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8 minutes ago, wastedpotential said:

Let me take this point by point. First, under Biden, Israel has killed ~33k (according to the most recent numbers I found), or a rate of ~183 people killed per day. Considering the potentials of modern warfare, that's not even close to what it could be. Hypothetically, Trump is elected and tells Netanyahu "I want you to clear Gaza of all inhabitants so my son in law can build a beach resort, use WMDs for all I care (assuming he doesn't hand over the latest DARPA chemical weapon...)", and that rate could easily triple or quadruple. It's a horrific casualty rate up to this point, but acting as if it can't get any worse is a fundamental misunderstanding of modern warfare tactics. Scorched earth in Gaza would see thousands die per day. Now, whether the impacts of that difference are relevant to you or not is a separate conversation, but I think it's a pretty logical argument that if he wanted to, Trump could ramp that number up as high as he or Netanyahu wanted.

Biden is giving Netanyahu whatever he wants already, and a key issue facing Palestinians is famine. 33k is the extremely conservative estimate, and considering Trump wouldn't be inaugurated until January 2025 it is possible Biden will enable Netanyahu's ethnic cleansing before Trump is able to even step foot in the WH. Not sure why Biden's Zionism and support of Netanyahu, while feigning concern for Palestinians is treated as a real alternative to Trump.

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1 minute ago, GraceRandolph said:

Biden is giving Netanyahu whatever he wants already, and a key issue facing Palestinians is famine. 33k is the extremely conservative estimate, and considering Trump wouldn't be inaugurated until January 2025 it is possible Biden will enable Netanyahu's ethnic cleansing before Trump is able to even step foot in the WH. Not sure why Biden's Zionism and support of Netanyahu, while feigning concern for Palestinians is treated as a real alternative to Trump.

Okay, then all the Gazans are dead before the inauguration anyway, so the election would have zero influence on the outcome and thus who people vote for has no bearing on what happens in Gaza, so they should vote for who they support on other matters? I don't agree with your premise (I think even the most harsh warfare tactics in Gaza will leave several hundred thousand alive by January 2025 unless the Israeli's literally build another Auschwitz), but that's the logical conclusion to what you're arguing, yes? 

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12 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

or this nonsensical lie that I said not voting for Biden makes one a conservative. You love barraging people with old posts of there's, surely you can find where I've ever said that


Don't wish for what you don't actually want to happen. :suburban:




Leftists don't hate Muslims.

Trump does hate Muslims.

Biden Liberals apparently seemingly hate Muslims.


Leftists think poor people don't deserve to die from being too poor to see a doctor.

Trump doesn't support universal healthcare and thinks poor people deserve to die.

Biden Liberals apparently also seemingly don't support universal healthcare cause they hate poor people.


Leftists think no human is illegal and US migration law is some of the worst products of current capitalism and wealth concentration.

Trump hates undocumented people and calls them illegals.

Biden hates undocumented people and also calls them illegals, with his many supporters defense.


I have a hunch on who exactly is going to enjoy Trump winning in November. :suburban:

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Just now, wastedpotential said:

Okay, then all the Gazans are dead before the inauguration anyway, so the election would have zero influence on the outcome and thus who people vote for has no bearing on what happens in Gaza, so they should vote for who they support on other matters? I don't agree with your premise (I think even the most harsh warfare tactics in Gaza will leave several hundred thousand alive by January 2025 unless the Israeli's literally build another Auschwitz), but that's the logical conclusion to what you're arguing, yes? 

If voters are saying their votes are conditional on Biden moving on the issue of genocide, and you are saying Trump is an existential threat than why are you not willing to move heaven and Earth to get Biden to change course and save his re-election chances? You treat the deaths of thousands of people that are a consequence of US tax payer dollars as being an inconvenience.

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1 minute ago, wastedpotential said:

unless the Israeli's literally build another Auschwitz

Mama that's literally what the Gaza strip has been for decades. Israel uses the Palestinians as guinea pigs for the development of military/tech and then exports the technology abroad.

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2 minutes ago, Communion said:

Don't wish for what you don't actually want to happen. :suburban:




Leftists don't hate Muslims.

Trump does hate Muslims.

Biden Liberals apparently seemingly hate Muslims.


Leftists think poor people don't deserve to die from being too poor to see a doctor.

Trump doesn't support universal healthcare and thinks poor people deserve to die.

Biden Liberals apparently also seemingly don't support universal healthcare cause they hate poor people.


Leftists think no human is illegal and US migration law is some of the worst products of current capitalism and wealth concentration.

Trump hates undocumented people and calls them illegals.

Biden hates undocumented people and also calls them illegals, with his many supporters defense.


I have a hunch on who exactly is going to enjoy Trump winning in November. :suburban:

How do you end up posting two quotes that explicitly do not say the same thing and then pat yourself :deadbanana4:

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3 minutes ago, wastedpotential said:

Okay, then all the Gazans are dead before the inauguration anyway, so the election would have zero influence on the outcome and thus who people vote for has no bearing on what happens in Gaza, so they should vote for who they support on other matters? I don't agree with your premise (I think even the most harsh warfare tactics in Gaza will leave several hundred thousand alive by January 2025 unless the Israeli's literally build another Auschwitz), but that's the logical conclusion to what you're arguing, yes? 

Is vote for Biden because by the time of the election everyone in Gaza will be killed so a mute issue really going to convince anyone who has anything research moral conscience? 

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2 minutes ago, Thickorita said:

Mama that's literally what the Gaza strip has been for decades. Israel uses the Palestinians as guinea pigs for the development of military/tech and then exports the technology abroad.

This is holocaust denialism sis

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