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6 minutes ago, Communion said:

Oh my God, the internal poll by Ilhan's opponent IS the one that shows her 20 points ahead.Β :deadbanana4:




Also that literally is discussing the differences between numbers of an *initial trial heat* and the numbers given her opponents messaging?

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31 minutes ago, Communion said:

Your niche being tech bro who thinks luxury condo helps poor people still is so funny dddd.Β 


Being lectured oh progressivism as someone who grew up on Section 8 by someone whose entire politics is formed around "letting commercial housing markets do handle the problem" jfdkkdjddj.Β 

People protesting any new "luxury condos" (read: literally any new construction) are a big reason progressive cities like mine are in such an affordability crisis. People who think "supply and demand" is a conspiracy theory by economists to help real estate developers. It's infuriating to watch.

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Part of me honestly wonders if Biden is sticking by Israel so much because of blackmail. Jeffrey Epstein was for sure a Mossad agent. God knows what all they have on powerful Americans…

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5 minutes ago, Communion said:

Are you arguing Ilhan Omar can't be a black woman because she's also a Muslim??Β :deadbanana4:

I'm arguing that the person in that tweet you quoted is also black? But you pick and choose when we have to listen to black voices or not, more like firstly if they align with you *then* you grant them dignity and consideration

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57 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

given her opponents messaging

"Our internal poll shows that if we lie and tell everyone our candidate is more progressive than ilhan Omar, we then-"





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59 minutes ago, VOSS said:

People who think "supply and demand" is a conspiracy theory

So you agree there should be laws limiting how much property individual people should be allowed to own to ensure housing supply is maximized?Β 

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57 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

you quoted is also black

How do you believe their blackness impacts them arguing Ilhan Omar - another black woman - should lose her race because she's Muslim?

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15 minutes ago, Communion said:

How do you believe their blackness impacts them arguing Ilhan Omar - another black woman - should lose her race because she's Muslim?

I don't think it does, but I'm not the one that waxes poetic about "the voices we should listen to" when it suits me. It's the inconsistency again.

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1 hour ago, VOSS said:

Part of me honestly wonders if Biden is sticking by Israel so much because of blackmail. Jeffrey Epstein was for sure a Mossad agent. God knows what all they have on powerful Americans…

Yes, it's always the secret Β (Jewish) cabal – and not Biden's history of watching Israel be born Β (and why it was born) and its global standing for decades. Lmao

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10 minutes ago, Redstreak said:

"the voices we should listen to"

So you're a "socialist" but don't understand what material reality is (how someone's identity is part of their lived experiences under systems that impact that identity) and what it isn't (suggesting one identity allows another to hold hatred for an identity of a completely separate experience)?


So you're not a liberal pretending to be a socialist but a conservative pretending to be a socialist? It feels like you're 2 posts away from using language like "race card". Did you think this argument made you look progressive in your mind when making it?


Are you actually confused on the difference of a person saying they feel a politician hasn't provided for people like them and a person saying they hate a black Muslim woman because they view all Muslims as an extension of Hamas? Does a black Christian calling Ilhan Omar a member of Hamas speak to the material realities of being black?

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15 minutes ago, Communion said:

So you're a "socialist" but don't understand what material reality is (how someone's identity is part of their lived experiences under systems that impact that identity) and what it isn't (suggesting one identity allows another to hold hatred for an identity of a completely separate experience)?


So you're not a liberal pretending to be a socialist but a conservative pretending to be a socialist? It feels like you're 2 posts away from using language like "race card". Did you think this argument made you look progressive in your mind when making it?


Are you actually confused on the difference of a person saying they feel a politician hasn't provided for people like them and a person saying they hate a black Muslim woman because they view all Muslims as an extension of Hamas? Does a black Christian calling Ilhan Omar a member of Hamas speak to the material realities of being black?

Can you explain the material conditions that skin color creates on someone poking fun at Ilhan Omar? You're trying to connect two unrelated things with an essay of word salad

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4 hours ago, ZeroSuitBritney said:

Bi-daily reminder that it's Genocide JOVER for Joe in NovemberΒ :clap3:




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5 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

This country deserves Project 2025 for what it has done to the rest of the world, not just Gaza. Democrats have been complicit bystanders in every single atrocity. I have nothing but hatred for this country and its people deserve nothing but suffering and misery for what we are enabling.

What a horrid take. After months of (correctly) arguing that Hamas β‰  the people of Gaza, you can't even bother to apply the same principle to your own country? Do the millions of Americans who share your ideological position deserve to suffer the same kamikaze fate you've decided you deserve yourself for being an American? And even then, what makes you so confident that Project 2025 won't wreak more havoc around the world than in the US? Trump and his cronies are inherently American nationalists, and while they're more than happy to purge the system of dissidents (read: you), the people in power in such a scenario will almost certainly do everything they can to improve the American position in the world at the expense of literally anyone else. Accelerationism in the US is far more likely to look like Russia in the 90s than Russia in 1917, except the US is starting from a much wealthier and secure position with food and energy independence. An anocratic American President can sit securely in North America and do whatever the **** he wants with the parts of the global population he doesn't like, without any meaningful consequences. I can understand that you reeeeally hate Joe Biden and that what he has enabled in Gaza is a completely preventable and genocidal humanitarian disaster, but Biden is less likely to play God with hundreds of millions of lives around the world than Trump and his successors in the movement will be, especially when Trump has bloodthirsty white nationalists like Stephen Miller and Nick Fuentes acting as personal advisors. Domestically, the people who will be the first targets of a second Trump term aren't the establishment Democrats who, as you so frequently point out, are willing to roll over and do what Trump wants, it's the progressives who try to stand in his way. Even then, if Trump gets his way, their fate won't compare to the suffering and misery wrought on the rest of the world as those in countries that aren't friendly to Trump and can't feed themselves die of starvation because Trump ends food aid, or die of starvation because their food-sufficient countries are reliant on US fertilizer exports that no longer come, or die of thirst because the US engineers that maintain their water supply go home, or die in hospitals because the US stops supplying the fuel for their power generation and stops exporting vaccines and advanced prescriptions, or die because the threat of US force was the only thing stopping their more powerful neighboring country from invading theirs, or any number of other potential gruesome possibilities that Trump and his white nationalist cronies might come up with.


You don't have to like Biden or vote for him, but to claim that anyone deserves what's coming under Trump is incredibly naive to the potential global consequences.

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Just now, Redstreak said:

Can you explain the material conditions that skin color creates on someone not liking Ilhan Omar?

You're unsure of how Ilhan's material reality of being a Muslim is relevant to a non-Muslim *checks notes* referring to her as a terrorist?


Where did you expect this excusing to go and do you think defending Biden supporters effectivrly calling the only hijabi in Congress a suicide bomber was going to inspire people to change their mind on Biden?

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26 minutes ago, Communion said:

You're unsure of how Ilhan's material reality of being a Muslim is relevant to a non-Muslim *checks notes* referring to her as a terrorist?


Where did you expect this excusing to go and do you think defending Biden supporters effectivrly calling the only hijabi in Congress a suicide bomber was going to inspire people to change their mind on Biden?

Sweetie that's not what you said, you brought up why people would post those tweets about progressives being down in polls but have issues with you posting Brie Brie tweets and linked BJGs race to it. You didn't want to argue with that when I pointed out that tweet you didn't like was from a poc, so you tried to make it about Omar instead

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1 hour ago, Redstreak said:

but have issues with you posting Brie Brie tweet

Are you comparing a black woman being a progressive and tweeting about voting 3rd party to...a black non-Muslim Biden supporter saying Ilhan Omar is a member of Hamas??


You don't see why the latter should inspire a negative reaction and why It's weird you have seemingly a worse reaction over the former than the latter??

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12 minutes ago, Communion said:

Are you comparing a black woman being a progressive and tweeting about voting 3rd party to...a black non-Muslim Biden supporter saying Ilhan Omar is a member of Hamas??


You don't see why the latter should inspire a negative reaction and why It's weird you have seemingly a worse reaction over the former than the latter??

Well you tell me, do we only listen to voices of the marginalized if they agree with us? And if not then you bringing it up when it suits you feels more like cynical weaponization to just browbeat points of view you find inconvenient to easily narrativize. It's almost like there are more dynamics to consider than just oppressor/oppressed when making meaningful analysis. And no, before you try it that does not mean calling Omar part of the "hamas caucus" isn't stupid and gross, but that's also a tweet you inserted, not me

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3 hours ago, VOSS said:

Absurd local measures like allowing students whose parents can't afford private school to take algebra in eighth grade?

Did I say all of them were absurd?


Also Algebra was already offered in eight grade. That specific measure was actually quite useless and did not matter.Β 

anything for a gotcha moment, I suppose.

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1 hour ago, wastedpotential said:

What a horrid take. After months of (correctly) arguing that Hamas β‰  the people of Gaza, you can't even bother to apply the same principle to your own country? Do the millions of Americans who share your ideological position deserve to suffer the same kamikaze fate you've decided you deserve yourself for being an American? And even then, what makes you so confident that Project 2025 won't wreak more havoc around the world than in the US? Trump and his cronies are inherently American nationalists, and while they're more than happy to purge the system of dissidents (read: you), the people in power in such a scenario will almost certainly do everything they can to improve the American position in the world at the expense of literally anyone else. Accelerationism in the US is far more likely to look like Russia in the 90s than Russia in 1917, except the US is starting from a much wealthier and secure position with food and energy independence. An anocratic American President can sit securely in North America and do whatever the **** he wants with the parts of the global population he doesn't like, without any meaningful consequences. I can understand that you reeeeally hate Joe Biden and that what he has enabled in Gaza is a completely preventable and genocidal humanitarian disaster, but Biden is less likely to play God with hundreds of millions of lives around the world than Trump and his successors in the movement will be, especially when Trump has bloodthirsty white nationalists like Stephen Miller and Nick Fuentes acting as personal advisors. Domestically, the people who will be the first targets of a second Trump term aren't the establishment Democrats who, as you so frequently point out, are willing to roll over and do what Trump wants, it's the progressives who try to stand in his way. Even then, if Trump gets his way, their fate won't compare to the suffering and misery wrought on the rest of the world as those in countries that aren't friendly to Trump and can't feed themselves die of starvation because Trump ends food aid, or die of starvation because their food-sufficient countries are reliant on US fertilizer exports that no longer come, or die of thirst because the US engineers that maintain their water supply go home, or die in hospitals because the US stops supplying the fuel for their power generation and stops exporting vaccines and advanced prescriptions, or die because the threat of US force was the only thing stopping their more powerful neighboring country from invading theirs, or any number of other potential gruesome possibilities that Trump and his white nationalist cronies might come up with.


You don't have to like Biden or vote for him, but to claim that anyone deserves what's coming under Trump is incredibly naive to the potential global consequences.

I don't just hate Joe Biden. I hate everybody whose enabling him and that includes the party who is enabling him and showing him he can get away with being a genocidal freak and still run for re-election with zero pushback.Β Liberals argue that Biden is sooooo much better on Gaza because Trump would reduce all of Palestinians' homes to rubble. That has already happened. Under Joe Biden. Liberals argue that he's soooooooo good on climate, but don't care that Biden's policy of DRILL BABY DRILL has led to more oil coming out of the ground than under Trump. I could go on with how the Biden presidency has been a conservative's wish list (his only meaningful legislation being a bipartisan roads and bridges bill where the only reason Conservatives voted against it was because of partisan brinksmanship), but they only reject him because he's not Trump. However, you're not going to be convinced no matter what.


That is why, in my opinion, liberals deserve to be faced with the burn it all down approach. I'm done with them. I'm done with Biden. I'm done with this shithole of a country and all of its people. Joe Biden's presidency has amounted to showing for everyone the truth of hoping for better outcomes to be completely worthless. The neoliberal rally cry of "Better things aren't possible!” has been proven correct.


Tell me, what's the game plan for after four more years of genocide enablement abroad and complete policy stagnation at home? Because that's all you are going to see with a Biden presidency and an inevitably Republican Senate with the Dems having no path to 50 Senators ever again, especially in two more years after Jon Ossoff losing his seat to Brian Kemp (or whomever else) is basically guaranteed. The future for Democrats beyond Joe Biden also looks extremely bleak with Kamala Harris being the inevitable future mantle bearer, and she has no ability to win in a general election. She's already cooked no matter who the Republicans run against her. They have no backbench of stars, and the ones with potential are openly resented and reviled by the party's backbone of donors and establishment insiders who would never allow them anywhere near the levers of influence anyway.

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Biden sent Netanyahu a strongly worded letter and has a concerned look on his face. Hillary was right, he has a heart. /s

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34 minutes ago, ZeroSuitBritney said:

Did I say all of them were absurd?


Also Algebra was already offered in eight grade. That specific measure was actually quite useless and did not matter.Β 

anything for a gotcha moment, I suppose.

Algebra hasn't been offered in eighth grade in SF public schools for a decade.

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7 minutes ago, VOSS said:

Algebra hasn't been offered in eighth grade in SF public schools for a decade.

My apologies. I meant to say that last year SFUSD already committed to bringing Algebra 1 back to 8th grade, before this was on the ballot. Therefore, this measure itself was a bunch of nothing. And on top of that, this measure is non binding.



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