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2024 US Election Megathread ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ›๏ธ

Message added by Lee!!,

It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore.ย 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone.ย 

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Like WTH ย is wrong with this woman ๐Ÿ’€



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So 3 potential VP picks for trump did interviews today and lord did they go badly for each one ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’€


things what's wrong with trying to be his pick. They have to sink to trumps level and it makes them look weak and dishonestย 



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2 hours ago, 1DES said:

Well that's why election day and inauguration day are months apart because they needed time to count all states votes.ย 

Ok but of all the evil **** GOP supports - this is a perfectly reasonable request to have all votes counted on election day. We act as if it's a foreign concept. In Europe this is the case for all elections that votes are counted after election day. Americans:" Free healthcare and efficient elections are impossible. "ย 



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40 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

So 3 potential VP picks for trump did interviews today and lord did they go badly for each one ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’€


things what's wrong with trying to be his pick. They have to sink to trumps level and it makes them look weak and dishonestย 



Kristi Noem is a ******* Parks n Rec characterย 

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Liberals: The war ends TOMORROW if Hamas gives up the hostages right now with no other demands!


Israel: Actually, we're going into Rafah no matter if there's a deal or not. The Palestinians - I mean, Khamas! - must be eliminated from Gaza!


Liberals: See, what did i tell you? The war would be over tomorrow, but Hamas is standing in the way of peace and prosperity for everyone!

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AP but posting here too for posterity


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The ratio + notesย :rip:ย The fact that he became the biggest clown in congress :redface:



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4 hours ago, Chemist said:

The ratio + notesย :rip:ย The fact that he became the biggest clown in congress :redface:



It's hard to believe so many people supported him.ย :chick2:

On 6/25/2022 at 11:34 PM, Communion said:

We will be:






Thank god we stopped you centrists from destroying his campaign with smears and lies to uplift a robot centrist who lost in every single county of the great state of Pennsylvania. Centrism lost. Populism won.ย 


Centrists hate Fetterman and refuse to acknowledge that he's the future of the Democratic Party because they resent that he's someone like them - born to fairly affluent parents - yet rejects the social cues and signifiers and who simply wants to make people's lives better.ย 


That's why they loved a suit like Lamb while thinking voters would be angry about how Fetterman dressed or look down at John for ditching working in insurance in favor of helping teach kids short-changed by society. They literally mocked him for running after-school programs.


And then there's the good sis Giselle. She is what the actual Democratic base is - a working class Latina and Dreamer who wants progressive policies. Smarter than many robots centrists push for actual elected office yet who personally has little interest in the corrupt halls of Congress herself, serving as John's moral anchor for why he'll even be there in the first place. :clap3:


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@Kassiย @Communion


An assumption of an issue portfolio that would extend to foreign policy from just domestic cultural signifiers?


The gotcha is wasted energy at this point.


Would Conor Lamb have been as vociferous to the point of parody? No. But it comes down to whether it would have been worth the trade-offs in @Communion's opinion.


There's always the electoralism route on a closely divided Senate. But recent polling I thought indicated he'd handily win his primary and lose a general.


Other than AIPAC threats, I'd love to know about Giselle's withdrawal from social media.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Espresso said:


Really it's gonna be decided in 3. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. If Biden wins just those 3 out of those swing states he wins. If he loses any of those 3 he more than likely loses.ย 

luckily for him he's doing the best in those 3 (basically tied) than the others.ย 

Edited by GhostBox
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