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2024 US Election Megathread 🇺🇸🏛️

Message added by Lee!!,

It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore. 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone. 

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The vast majority of blue-collar workers and Fox reporters at a diner covering them that are going to cite this as their reason to vote for fascists in that vote tally like Hawley going forward value cultural resentment over their own economic well-being. The neolibs are gross here, fine, but this is based on data, not just talking points. 


17 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

@Espresso The union she consulted would not be affected by this at all of this so what you've posted is just moot in defence of her. The rail union did NOT want a strike-break deal.

Wasn't trying to defend her and I'm well-aware - she's just the one engaging right now in any kind of substantial public response and ongoing discourse. To major backlash, mind you.

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1 minute ago, Espresso said:

The vast majority of blue-collar workers and Fox reporters at a diner covering them that are going to cite this as their reason to vote for fascists in that vote tally like Hawley going forward value cultural resentment over their own economic well-being. The neolibs are gross here, fine, but this is based on data, not just talking points. 


Wasn't trying to defend her and I'm well-aware - she's just the one engaging right in any kind of substantial public response and ongoing discourse. To major backlash, mind you.

Sorry but her public response is ridiculous at best and deceptive at worst. She should have never asked a NON-related union what they thought about another union's collective bargaining negotiations. She has quite frankly shown that she's either completely inept and has zero understanding of union politics or she's just a regular neolib like most of Congress.

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8 minutes ago, Mean Trees said:

Sorry but her public response is ridiculous at best and deceptive at worst. She should have never asked a NON-related union what they thought about another union's collective bargaining negotiations. She has quite frankly shown that she's either completely inept and has zero understanding of union politics or she's just a regular neolib like most of Congress.

I didn't say it wasn't that either. From a political standpoint, would've been better for her to just stay quiet as opposed to ducking and weaving on Twitter. As for framing her as a neolib, I'd just say it's more that she doesn't understand union politics. I'm not here to defend AOC.

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1 hour ago, Espresso said:


If he had more ass this would be a hit and we might root for him. But yeah, FBI do your thing… :emofish:

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1 hour ago, infrared said:

What’s the tea on Hakeem - he’s my representative @Communion  @ClashAndBurn

He has his own PAC (Team Blue) set up specifically to defend moderate incumbents from progressive challenges and to fund challengers to progressive incumbents.


Also this:



and his calling Jerusalem the 6th borough of NYC… support for anti-BDS laws… Yeah, he’s really bad, and it’s concerning that he was voted into leadership unanimously. Things are about to get a lot worse for Palestinians.

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12 minutes ago, Espresso said:

I didn't say it wasn't that either. From a political standpoint, would've been better for her to just stay quiet as opposed to ducking and weaving on Twitter. As for framing her as a neolib, I'd just say it's more that she doesn't understand union politics. I'm not here to defend AOC.

Sorry, I'm not trying to be mean (or say you were defending her in your second reply) but I just very mad at this. AOC has seemingly done this before and she has the nerve to feign ignorance when she's criticized. However, she needs to learn union politics if she's a socialist like she claims.

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4 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:


Joe Biden and those 80 Senators are evil, Union-busting pieces of ****.


This has solidified my not voting for him in 2024. Ossoff is going to lose in 2026, quite possibly to Kemp if he runs.

Just a reminder....... Hawley and the Republicans voted NO to give paid sick leave to government employees in the past.  They don't actually care about leave. They knew this vote was going to pass, and wanted faux populist cred for a presidential run.  Unfortunately, Biden was stupid enough to give them this arrow in their quiver to use against him.  I hope they use it well.   

Edited by BlueTimberwolf
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8 hours ago, BlueTimberwolf said:

Just a reminder....... Hawley and the Republicans voted NO to give paid sick leave to government employees in the past.  They don't actually care about leave. They knew this vote was going to pass, and wanted faux populist cred for a presidential run.  Unfortunately, Biden was stupid enough to give them this arrow in their quiver to use against him.  I hope they use it well.   

And RIGHT HERE is the cultural nexus regarding the white working -class and faux-populism that was studied so much post 2016. 


Hawley's posturing is much of what his (new-ish) supporters believe in (and he's not stupid about running this way either), which is putting hourly or blue-collar wage work that happens to be for the federal government in the same basket as their loathed "managerial and academic elite" - even though they love the "rich". 


And you're right, this will come back with a vengeance - the legacy of NAFTA looms large over all of this. 


The neolibs may not care about the rail unions, but the WWC workers and the vote adjacent to that that turn to the Hawley's of the world to solve it as opposed to just doing a write-in or staying home either know Hawley is posturing and lying and don't care because they like his cultural scapegoating more (which is the majority of them, again, according to the data) or they are buying what he's selling (too many of them).


The neolibs modus operandi is to present other fears of liberties to be lost to cover for these glaring, (and in some ways longer-term) fatal economic votes to win the folks back, issues dealing mostly with identity, which plays right into the alt-right faux-populists (like Hawley) hands, who weaponize those exact cultural wedges. The neolibs are left sputtering in response because they can't say in good faith that they care about the economic issues because of these votes

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9 hours ago, BlueTimberwolf said:

Just a reminder....... Hawley and the Republicans voted NO to give paid sick leave to government employees in the past.  They don't actually care about leave. They knew this vote was going to pass, and wanted faux populist cred for a presidential run.  Unfortunately, Biden was stupid enough to give them this arrow in their quiver to use against him.  I hope they use it well.   

I’m under no illusions that Hawley is benevolent or leftist in anyway. It’s just… bizarre to see that he objectively voted the right way on both measures and only four Democrats did the same. The vast majority voted with Republicans in order to help Joe Biden save face and bust the union, effectively rendering it entirely worthless.


Joe Biden has always been anti-worker, but his Scranton Joe background let him cosplay as an advocate for the blue collar/WWC voters. At least now we can be honest about what he is: a corporatist who will sell out labor in order to protect the robber barons for political expediency.

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2 hours ago, Espresso said:


Are they going to elect Trump as speaker like they talked about early last year? :fan:

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With all his offshore accounts and LLC's, I don't buy this. I mean, it's an official action, but there's so much hidden here. 



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As a reminder, local taxpayers would've on the hook for $1 billion in bond debt. State GOP Rep. Fine is crediting the ouster of Disney's CEO Bob Chapek for this, but another Rep tellingly says “We can’t let the governor look like he lost.” 

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The beltway press falling all over themselves to praise Biden for reaching across the aisle to crush workers and "save the economy." No analysis whatsoever that looks at the railway barons that are getting away with grinding their workers into dust. Still calling Biden the most pro-labor president of all time. I- :rip: 


The media is truly the most morally worthless institution of all. This is the first time they've given Biden positive coverage since the Afghanistan pullout, and it's for the worst thing he's ever done in his political career. **** this. :gaycat6: 

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