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2024 US Election Megathread ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ›๏ธ

Message added by Lee!!,

It was decided based on feedback from the spring 2023 town hall to transition this thread back to being election specific. With the Civics section being able to house specific threads on many issues, we think having a generalized politics thread is not completely necessarily anymore.ย 

With that said, please continue to be respectful and remember that you do not always need to respond to everyone.ย 

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2 minutes ago, Communion said:



Wait, Summer would be the FIRST black woman that PA sends to Congress? And THIS is the race centrists decided to try and meddle in???ย :deadbanana4:

This from the party that says "LISTEN TO BLACK WOMEN!" :ahh:ย 

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14 minutes ago, Communion said:

One has to wonder what motivations a political party could have to spend 3 Million dollars all to try and beat a black woman activist in a deep blue seat. What thought crime has she committed? Surely that money would have been better spent trying to save the seat that Lamb sacrificed by giving into ego and running a failed campaign for the senate?

My question is why do so many progressives insist on wasting money and time on races when they are knowingly fighting a losing battle and when the few politicians that do manage to win this battle still sell out... These are the very same "organizers" who are nowhere to be found when local issues happen in the community that need solving... Once they become part of the DC machine it becomes a personality cult around them locally.

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1 minute ago, Gov Hooka said:

My question is why do so many progressives insist on wasting money and time on races when they are knowingly fighting a losing battleย 

I don't think you're aware of Summer's history to understand why even the most blackpilled progressives are keeping an eye on this race.ย 

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Wait so does mess queen Kathy have no chance?ย :dancehall3:ย I feel like sheโ€™s the best shot for Fetterman to win

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6 minutes ago, Communion said:

I don't think you're aware of Summer's history to understand why even the most blackpilled progressives are keeping an eye on this race.ย 

The same was said about Cori Bush. I even worked for her campaign and here we are...ย 

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Not her lead dropping from 571 to 40:rip:


Hopefully that's the last of that though for Irwin



Edited by Armani?
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5 hours ago, ClashAndBurn said:

Question for my Bernie sistrens @Armani?ย @Blooย @Communion(And anyone else I havenโ€™t tagged): Ever hear of any Bernie phone bankers doing confrontational stuff like this while texting and phone banking? I honestly havent. This is the first Iโ€™ve seen of phonebankers actually being toxic and combative when trying to โ€œcourtโ€ voters.

Iโ€™m having flashbacks to Amy McGrathโ€™s senate race. Had so many obnoxious text conversations with staffers of hers trying to convince me she had a shot of winning. :rip:ย 

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2 minutes ago, Beyonnaise said:

Wait so does mess queen Kathy have no chance?ย :dancehall3:ย I feel like sheโ€™s the best shot for Fetterman to win

She was lol.


I'm torn on this, because I think Fetterman has a good shot to win against either Oz or McCormick, but Oz could alienete people while also having a big budget and Trump support. I think I'd rather see him lose

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9 minutes ago, nick4bty said:

She was lol.


I'm torn on this, because I think Fetterman has a good shot to win against either Oz or McCormick, but Oz could alienete people while also having a big budget and Trump support. I think I'd rather see him lose

An underrated strength for trump was the millions and millions in earned media he got simply by being (in)famous. Dr oz has high name recognition and the media would cover every stupid thing he said endlessly. I think fetterman should stay laser focused on an economic\free weed\abortion rights message and heโ€™d benefit from being the mediaโ€™s focus. (I hope heโ€™s healthy, but low key the coverage heโ€™s gotten for the stroke is good for him. Itโ€™s kind of wild that I saw neoliberal freaks on twitter attacking his health when it just makes him seem more sympathetic, but hey. thatโ€™s why their pet conor got dogwalked)

Edited by Hannah Hunt
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Irwin coming back with his Westerland votes next update I think:gaycat6:

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Haven't posted in here in forever, but I've been checking in on Wasserman's tweets and it seems like this has been a great night for progressives? Fetterman dominating, Summer Lee possibly pulling off a big upset, and McLeod-Skinner having a big early lead in Oregon.


Maybe the Democratic voting base isย finallyย waking up to the fact that 2 years of Biden's "let's all just work together and meet in the middle" is indefensible and useless in today's political climate :rip:

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2 minutes ago, shelven said:

Haven't posted in here in forever, but I've been checking in on Wasserman's tweets and it seems like this has been a great night for progressives? Fetterman dominating, Summer Lee possibly pulling off a big upset, and McLeod-Skinner having a big early lead in Oregon.


Maybe the Democratic voting base isย finallyย waking up to the fact that 2 years of Biden's "let's all just work together and meet in the middle" is indefensible and useless in today's political climate :rip:

Yeah, it does seem like a decent sign that Fetterman and Lee are doing well. I think that while this year will probably still be a disaster for Democrats, their constant blaming of the left and unwillingness to do anything meaningful will inspire the needle to move a bit more left within the party. Perhaps weโ€™ll finally inch a single increment toward progress instead of the stagnation and rot weโ€™ve been left with since 2016.

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5 minutes ago, shelven said:

Haven't posted in here in forever, but I've been checking in on Wasserman's tweets and it seems like this has been a great night for progressives? Fetterman dominating, Summer Lee possibly pulling off a big upset, and McLeod-Skinner having a big early lead in Oregon.


Maybe the Democratic voting base isย finallyย waking up to the fact that 2 years of Biden's "let's all just work together and meet in the middle" is indefensible and useless in today's political climate :rip:

I mean it's a start, considering the progressives like Nina who got annihilated in her primary. It will be very interesting to see if this primary success translates to the general election success in 2022.

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Lamb and Cawthorn losingย :heart:ย Summer Lee maybe pulling an upsetย :jonny5:


I hope this is good news for Jessica Cisneros in her primary next week. Both Cuellar and P*losi can choke.

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Fetterman winning every single county including his opponents' home counties.ย :smiley:ย At this point, being a DC consultant should be grounds for having your freedom of speech stripped and barred from ever giving political hot takes again. They tried giving the people of PA the heterosexual version of Buttigieg and lost by what could be 30 points.ย 

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6 minutes ago, Communion said:

Fetterman winning every single county including his opponents' home counties.ย :smiley:ย At this point, being a DC consultant should be grounds for having your freedom of speech stripped and barred from ever giving political hot takes again. They tried giving the people of PA the heterosexual version of Buttigieg and lost by what could be 30 points.ย 

Oh, thank god I didnโ€™t pay attention to this race, my mental health is strained enough this year. I had enough of Buttigieg when there was only one of him, and heโ€™s still testing me (the post earlier today about him saying weird **** about America being capitalist and how the government should never make baby formula or whatever)

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Her lead at around 500 votes now


Why did NY Times change the reporting from 99% to 95%?

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9 minutes ago, Cruel Summer said:

Oh, thank god I didnโ€™t pay attention to this race, my mental health is strained enough this year. I had enough of Buttigieg when there was only one of him, and heโ€™s still testing me (the post earlier today about him saying weird **** about America being capitalist and how the government should never make baby formula or whatever)

Lamb was basically a lab-engineered experiment in trying to create a candidate who appealed solely to one type of people. Despite what some KHive weirdos are saying, it needs to be reiterated that progressives saw this coming because every. single. poll. had Fetterman leading by 20-30 points and that never changed.


And every. single. poll. explicitly had Lamb fourth (in a a three-person race!) amongst black voters.


Fetterman's win is an explicit rejection of milquetoast centrism by black voters. :cm:

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