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1 minute ago, Selegend said:

Educacional links so people could learn about the situation would be the post way out of this. She could’ve hired someone to do it honestly… 


Not that i am treating Selena like a baby cuz i also didnt like her post but i really don’t get it why Selenators are the only fanbase that stay on Selena neck like her IG post could save the world? Taylor is the biggest artist of the decade and i dont see any swiftie saying anything, same goes for Miley, Ariana… i just dont get it. I dont want to talk about the girls i want to talk about Selenators. What is it about? Its cuz of her humanitarian brand? I really dont get it. And i’ve literally spent a quite few minutes searching about it and no, no other fanbase stays on their faves necks like this.  

100% agree. And worse, you see stan twitter hating on her when their fave have done nothing as well. Thats' why I think she shouldn't have post anything.

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4 minutes ago, BeingRicardo said:

100% agree. And worse, you see stan twitter hating on her when their fave have done nothing as well. Thats' why I think she shouldn't have post anything.

It doesnt make any sense. They want her active but they put an out of this world pressure on her. And her post wasn’t it, it was poorly worded to say the least, i didnt like it.

but why do selenators act like SHE HAS to post and not ANY OTHER fanbase does it? Not even the one from one of the biggest and most influentional female artist the world has ever seen? It doesnt make sense!!!! And selenators just fuel the selena hate with their whole chest like i will never get it 

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This is not me trying to share the fire with other celebs and thats why im doing this on her Base and not creating a thread about it. Im just honestly trying to understand why our fanbase have this behavior because im a selena stan since 2009 and i have seen our fanbase change a lot but i just don’t get the online behavior in 2023. We can’t even protect selena, we don’t trust selena. All i see online is selenators “””protecting””” selena attacking Hailey, Bieber, ariana… they can’t say a good thing about Selena if she’s not doing EXACTLY what they want. This fanbase has never been so messed up and the way they stayed on her neck for her to say anything while being literally the only popstar fanbase to do só it doesnt make any sense 

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3 minutes ago, Selegend said:

It doesnt make any sense. They want her active but they put an out of this world pressure on her. And her post wasn’t it, it was poorly worded to say the least, i didnt like it.

but why do selenators act like SHE HAS to post and not ANY OTHER fanbase does it? Not even the one from one of the biggest and most influentional female artist the world has ever seen? It doesnt make sense!!!! And selenators just fuel the selena hate with their whole chest like i will never get it 

TBH the post wouldn't even be that bad if she had removed the last part about sharing a post won't do anything. Just saying she is taking a break because she is terrified by the news and she is praying for all the victims would have been just OK. I think that's why people are criticising her because lowkey she does have some power, I do not know why she fell in the same trap again.


And yes, our fanbase is all day critising but never streaming or buying. It's tiring. She does not deserve this kind of fandom.

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3 minutes ago, reputaoty said:

its looking bad for her omg


Tbh i dont think so, comments on FB, Ig and Tik Tok are positive. Twitter is going on her but they are even hating she went to a match like if she needed to stop living.

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Just now, BeingRicardo said:

Tbh i dont think so, comments on FB, Ig and Tik Tok are positive. Twitter is going on her but they are even hating she went to a match like if she needed to stop living.

i just hope the lashings would open her eyes and omg i get what she said but omg one post of her could raise awareness. and thats a fact. i just hope she will stop liking misinformation posts

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Just now, reputaoty said:

i just hope the lashings would open her eyes and omg i get what she said but omg one post of her could raise awareness. and thats a fact. i just hope she will stop liking misinformation posts

She messed up (again) by saying the hashtag and post thing but she is right and about the war there is a lot of missinformation from both sides. 

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If she wasn’t gonna bother to call for a ceasefire, she should’ve just said nothing at all.

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3 hours ago, Selegend said:

It doesnt make any sense. They want her active but they put an out of this world pressure on her. And her post wasn’t it, it was poorly worded to say the least, i didnt like it.

but why do selenators act like SHE HAS to post and not ANY OTHER fanbase does it? Not even the one from one of the biggest and most influentional female artist the world has ever seen? It doesnt make sense!!!! And selenators just fuel the selena hate with their whole chest like i will never get it 

why are you people always trying to distract your fave's doings by saying the other girls are the same????? the other girls are trash too that doesn't change anything. selena liked two amy schumer post that are spreading misinformation, the other popgirls haven't so far. this is what triggered a lot of fans and they want her to speak up and clarify where she stands. and have you seen caroline's posts??? that's one of selena's best friends plus her friend amy schumer posting the most unhinged racists islamophobic things makes people think she isn't much different. she said herself you are who you hang with. there is a huge difference between a friend who has a different opinion than you and does stupid things and a friend who is a fascist. worst case scenarion selena is just like them. "best" case scenario she doesn't agree with them but she also doesn't care that they are racist and islamophobic. to me that's just as bad.

do you realise that many of these fans who are calling her out are muslims or arabs and to them it hits a little different when their fave who pretends to be a humanitarian likes a post of a woman who wants all muslims dead? and you don't get it???

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7 hours ago, Selegend said:

Educational links so people could learn about the situation would be the best way out of this and it could help (HELP A LITTLE BIT!!!! She can’t save the world like some selenators apparently think.)

but yep she could’ve even hired someone to do it honestly… 


Not that i am treating Selena like a baby cuz i also didnt like her post….
but i really don’t get it why Selenators are the only fanbase that stay on Selena neck like her IG post could save the world? Taylor is the biggest artist of the decade and i dont see any swiftie saying anything, same goes for Miley, Ariana… i just dont get it. I dont want to talk about the girls i want to talk about Selenators. What is it about? Its cuz of her humanitarian brand? I really dont get it. And i’ve literally spent a quite few minutes searching about it and no, no other fanbase stays on their faves necks like this.  


The ig story should've been worded better. I wish she at least posted a donation link.

I can understand calling her out, i really do.

BUT, why only her? Is she the only celebrity of the industry?


People once again are very  hypocrite when its coming to Selena. The ones dragging her are the same ones silent about other celebrities. Mind you Dua is about to start her new era ( notice how no one is calling her insensitive. Can you imagine the outrage if It was Selena?), Taylor main concerne rn is going out with her new man, Ariana is silent as well and so is Beyoncé. And the other ones are busy getting ready to halloween parties. And yet, Selena was the only one getting dragged. Like ??????Make it make it sense.


Some selenators are her worst enemies, always setting her up, spreading rumors and  talking about her appearance. They don't even stream her music btw,they  don't like OMITB either, loves to complain about RB shoots and the cooking show too... Chile, is too much.


I really believe the sole reason some of them are still here is because of nostalgia and emotional attachment


Ughh i can't stand them anymore.


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Her main focus is her Empire. Clearly a capitalist to the core. Its impossible to reach a billionaire status without being one, let's be serious here. Selena is not this fully selfless activist that some people delusioned themselves to believe. None of these celebrities are tbh. Some of them are kind, yes, and does philanthropy, but just to some extent. 


She is not mother Teresa. She clearly lives in a privileged bubble like every celeb. Expecting her to be aware and educated about every issue is very delusional. its 2023, imagine having super high expectations for celebrities lol


Anyways, If they are going to drag her, then they should drag all the other celebrities as well.

Why some celebs get dragged while others get a free pass? Enough with the pick and choose.



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:skull: Reading some of these posts is getting...:bibliahh:

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Twitter is a place full of freaks. Most of them are a bunch of losers that like to cosplay as performative activists. They love to turn every serious issue in a stan war and take it as an opportunity to drag/ cancel celebrities they don't like. 


I can't believe that at some point i used to like that damn app.



" ugh she so selfish, so privilegied. She lives in a bubble. We need to cancel her. How dare she going on with her live." 


...says the user  at comfort of his home, sitting on the couch (purchased on Amazon), watching Netflix,  while wearing a shirt (purchased on Shein), iPhone on hands, using  twitter( owned by Elon Musk)and eating mcdonalds/ starbucks ( and many others huge corporations)


lmao pls
The call is coming  from inside the house.
Those twitter users are not the activist they think they are. 

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I think her post was not good because she made it about herself. I knew she wouldn't take a side because she got so much **** when she posted "Pray for Gaza" some years ago, besides Hamas acts of terrorism who made it hard to even Bella and Gigi to be 100% pro-Palestine, so in this case just a "Pray for the lives of the innocents" would be enough.

compl: Also the post I saw she liked on Amy's page was a delusional post about a Gaza civilians evacuations plan (it was delusional/biased because there was never a plan)

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Some people talking about boycotting RB...

hmm, i wish them an once of lucky because... damn,  its not realistic, i'm sorry, is just no realistic. Every 9 seconds a RB blush is sold. Like, How do you defeat that?


Eh, a new hate train was about to happen sooner or later tbh. Specially now that she will reach billionare status. (The eat the rich trend will hit her very soon)

She reached a new level of popularity and all eyes are at her.


She needs to take a break from social media asap lol

Open her damn eyes and get new friends too. No because, imagine liking Amy Schumer... Ewww


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9 hours ago, reputaoty said:

its looking bad for her omg



9 hours ago, BeingRicardo said:

Tbh i dont think so, comments on FB, Ig and Tik Tok are positive. Twitter is going on her but they are even hating she went to a match like if she needed to stop living.

You guys NEEDS to stop caring for what Twitter say hahah She said exactly what GP thinks. Should we really care for some tweets with 50k likes hating on her? Do those people even stream her songs? NO. They were never fans and they won't hurt her in anyway. Stop giving online haters the importance they don't have. Look at Justin Bieber. He is probably the most hated person online, but once he drop a good song, GP eat it. Twitter means nothing.

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I don't understand were the whataboutism because all the celebrities that are making light of what Israel is doing are getting dragged, not just Selena. Of course that hers is going to make bigger noise because she is a bigger celebrity than most. Had she stayed quiet and not posted the story and liked the post she would've been fine because celebrities are not required to make statements on stuff they're not knowledgeble on, they have the priviledge to stay quiet :skull:


Also fandoms like swifities and bts army are dragged all the time for defending their faves even when they did something obviously wrong but then now y'all want us to be the same?

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49 minutes ago, VelvetCrush said:

I don't understand were the whataboutism because all the celebrities that are making light of what Israel is doing are getting dragged, not just Selena. Of course that hers is going to make bigger noise because she is a bigger celebrity than most. Had she stayed quiet and not posted the story and liked the post she would've been fine because celebrities are not required to make statements on stuff they're not knowledgeble on, they have the priviledge to stay quiet :skull:


Also fandoms like swifities and bts army are dragged all the time for defending their faves even when they did something obviously wrong but then now y'all want us to be the same?

There's a difference between defending her and attacking her. It was initially Selenators the one who where begging her to talk, haven't seen that in any other fandom.

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I ******* hate this fanbase. Selenators are truly the worst EVER. You guys deserves all the ignorance that Selena show towards us. She said nothing but good things on this post and you all go all out on Twitter and ATRL saying bullshits like ''she is ignorant'' ''she is so dumb'' ''if she didn't have anything to say, stay silent'' go **** yourselves. I TRULY HOPE she never releases anything anymore. You guys don't deserve **** of her. go **** yourselves.

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I hope she stays away even more now. Only publiposts on Instagram and i hope SG3 never see the light. She should retire and live her best life far from all this mess that is around her. She don't deserve any **** that all of you guys make her pass.

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You guys are so desperate to look like a ''wise fanbase'' that ''don't love anything Selena do'' that you guys even forget how to read and choose to believe what haters have to say about her. So pathetic.

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1 hour ago, corotinho said:

I hope she stays away even more now. Only publiposts on Instagram and i hope SG3 never see the light. She should retire and live her best life far from all this mess that is around her. She don't deserve any **** that all of you guys make her pass.

she doesn't deserve to see her fans hating her and using bad words towards her, but she messed up and she did not learn from the BLM, her statement was a choice. There was no need to point out that her posting would not save lives. She's about to be a billionaire and it looks like she has a newbie team. She made the statement to not make news (the like on that post was going viral each day more) and what she did was make it more viral and making viral old tweets of her (the BLM mess). When you do something like that you need to make a wise move, she's one if not the most followed person on the internet, everyone watches what she does so she knew what she was doing when she posted that story, she knew everyone was going to look at everything on detail, so she should have been careful.


She doesn't deserve the lash from the statement but yes from not learning from her mistakes (from the GP not her fans).

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29 minutes ago, BeingRicardo said:

she doesn't deserve to see her fans hating her and using bad words towards her, but she messed up and she did not learn from the BLM, her statement was a choice. There was no need to point out that her posting would not save lives. She's about to be a billionaire and it looks like she has a newbie team. She made the statement to not make news (the like on that post was going viral each day more) and what she did was make it more viral and making viral old tweets of her (the BLM mess). When you do something like that you need to make a wise move, she's one if not the most followed person on the internet, everyone watches what she does so she knew what she was doing when she posted that story, she knew everyone was going to look at everything on detail, so she should have been careful.


She doesn't deserve the lash from the statement but yes from not learning from her mistakes (from the GP not her fans).



Like? Wth guys… come on, lets go serious. She said anything bad?


Posts DONT SAVE LIFES. THATS A FAAAACT. What would she do for the war? Like????? This is so wrong. I cant stand with any of this. She only said good things on that post. I really hope she retires now. She dont need to face this mess over nothing.


I truly hope she retires NOW.

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