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29 minutes ago, Arianna Kylie said:

i made my statement and can't nobody do a **** thing about it. go touch grass and stop trying to be an imaginary A&R. thank you.

You go touch some grass outside since you seem to cry all the dam time and clean this Analise bogey you have on. Thank you. 

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Again, some of you want ppl to pacify your feelings, when you can't comprehend someone else's opinions because it doesn't reverberate your "it will be alright" stance. The entirety of this era should be seen as a wake up when you look at the events over the last 6 years. 

We are beyond talking about her being injured for doing what we all want. Of course we are sympathetic, empathetic and broken down into sorrows as God is our hope for tomorrow, and everyone knows good and well  no one here is holding their voodoo dolls and hoodoo bibles to her head. 

I stated what I wanted to state because I am sick and tired of the constant mishaps, uneventful plans we were told to wait for and disappearing acts. Besides her injury and tribute slot, what else is there? What are we waiting for? 2 videos she's holding hostage and? I apologize that there's more that she and her team can do and we keep expecting for her to do anything, sometimes I can be so insensitive. 

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16 minutes ago, Givemeyourcoat said:

You go touch some grass outside since you seem to cry all the dam time and clean this Analise bogey you have on. Thank you. 

i'm crying yet y'all are making think pieces about a mf'er who's in a boot and crutches? are y'all okay? i never said the era was going perfect but what the **** can we do rn after she just mentioned she's INJURED. lmao like i genuinely want to know what do y'all want people to do?


the most we can wait for is a video.. maybe she can do some webcam interviews, idk but other than that what else?

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like the think pieces and etc before were completely understandable but home girl literally posted herself in a boot and crutches and we're still foaming out the mouth over a promo trail. people were saying she coulda got in a wheelchair or wear a gown, like some of you are COMPLETELY insane.


i understand wanting great for her but after she literally posted the pic of her in crutches and a boot, you'd think some would lay off a little but a lot of you think she "doesn't want it enough". i keep saying a lot of her "fans" are her worst enemies and create the bandwagon effect of why she gets beat up online the way that she does.

Edited by Arianna Kylie
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Just now, Mke1979 said:


now this i can get behind and we absolutely need like tomorrow.

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Maybe being a superstar is not in the cards for her. Let's just enjoy the music cuz chiile this is a mess. It's just mishap after mishap and the fans who remain optimistic, kudos to you. Reality will hit sooner or later…. 

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The most frustrating thing for me is just the lack of common sense in the rollout. Like, RCA doesn't give af because they're letting her do what she wants, and her overthinking is only a detriment to her. I'm assuming this contract is up following this album cycle.


She's a visual artist in that people get hyped by seeing her. The video for 1:59 should've released the day of the album announcement. Candy Paint should've been out the day of the album. Nobody is gonna care about any of this stuff once it's released because the album is out and the hype is gone. Just dumb. It's so sad too, because I could totally see Lights Off and All Yours SMASHING at radio. 

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5 minutes ago, Arianna Kylie said:

i'm crying yet y'all are making think pieces about a mf'er who's in a boot and crutches? are y'all okay? i never said the era was going perfect but what the **** can we do rn after she just mentioned she's INJURED. lmao like i genuinely want to know what do y'all want people to do?


the most we can wait for is a video.. maybe she can do some webcam interviews, idk but other than that what else?

The video and a lot of social media interactive content is all I've always asked. My problem with her was always her (her social media manager) approach with social media. I don't even care about the fact that she didn't perform yesterday. I just want her to stop ONLY relying on big stages. Associate both, strong social media presence and stages/ magazines/ brand deals. The era feels empty because we get little things and even some are taken away from us. The label won't fund very much, then use your free platforms to promote your hard work. Her team had great and fun ideas why don't they continue on? I promise if her presence was strong on SM and if she perform just in a dance room, that cancelled performance wouldn't be that big of a deal for some fans. It hurts because we don't have much. Look at us being happy because she was a part of an Usher tribute just to her perform again. 

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20 minutes ago, goldenrainbow222 said:

The most frustrating thing for me is just the lack of common sense in the rollout. Like, RCA doesn't give af because they're letting her do what she wants, and her overthinking is only a detriment to her. I'm assuming this contract is up following this album cycle.


She's a visual artist in that people get hyped by seeing her. The video for 1:59 should've released the day of the album announcement. Candy Paint should've been out the day of the album. Nobody is gonna care about any of this stuff once it's released because the album is out and the hype is gone. Just dumb. It's so sad too, because I could totally see Lights Off and All Yours SMASHING at radio. 

Insomnia too. A very relatable song but oh well… a good album getting mismanaged like that. 

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Devastated for her, so can only imagine how hard this be for her firsthand (even though I'm fairly certain her performance was going to be part of the Usher tribute rather than solo).


But this only serves to remind how messed up things are with her....everything. 


Had this happened after a "we tried as best as possible" launch campaign for the album, it wouldn't sting as much. For example, us having the Candy Paint video, VEVO performances, lots of SUSTAINED continued social engagement, etc.  But the nothingness of her campaign made everything kind of ride on one performance...which is always a risky move as is. Every act in that tribute has been out and about promoting their behinds off, flop or not.


She has done no real grassroots promotion or marketing. Sorry but the Terrell show was cute but isn't enough. And I refuse to believe it's because she's "lazy". I really think she/her team are trying to use mystery and a more "curated" approach to promo as a cover for a much bigger issue at the label. 


Was Brandon's handling of things so bad it soured the label relationship? Do Lydia and co have a master plan to throw the album out and quickly charge ahead to a new era or better yet new label? Are there legalities involved? So many questions. But SOMETHING, specifically SOMETHING she CAN'T or is perhaps politically REFUSING to say is at play.


Total conjecture, but when I hear things like "Wild Side video cost a milli" or "I recorded 150 songs", all that translates to in my mind is "the budget has been depleted". 


I probably sound like a broken record atp, but this whole "era" is giving thrown out by the label/Mani with the understanding that no further checks will be cut. Trust me, labels can be ruthless when a budget has been exhausted. Especially if there's no fiscal justification/potential for a return on investment to plunge more $$$ into things. 


Note how she keeps using terms like "hope...to tour"..."hope...to give xyz" moments. It's like there doesn't seem to be anything concrete in place.


And if there are (plans in place) and she's angling for the surprise factor, then there's a collective denseness in her camp given that she's debuting with 12k and thus needs to engineer all the hype possible with every move she has locked in. 


Do we have intel on when the injury occurred because I'm also baffled that her BET performance was never formally announced? Everyone else in the tribute lineup was confirmed ahead of time.


My working theory is that she was meant to be announced as part of that last batch of names (Coco, Summer Walker etc) and they pivoted to Childish Gambino. Notice how he was only male performer in what was otherwise an entirely female, choreography-heavy tribute segment. He also sang some slow, odd version of a song that is way more uptempo. I can't be convinced that wasn't Mani's spot. It has to be this because she doesn't wield the power to be anyone's "surprise" performer, especially if the other gworls were all announced. 


Anyway, the fight continues. 


VMAs, of course, would be great if she can book it. But, at the same time, she isn't actually isn't owed a slot. They've played in her face that last time, but in each instance (Motivation and Wild Side) she had a bigger hit on her hands than is the case now. So, I really don't think VMAs should be the be-all-end-all goalpost. "Live Performance Versions" should be a format she champions across her own channels rather than waiting for anything or anyone to book her. Like, rent a damn studio and shoot some damn performances. I keep hearing her talk about her "creative director" and "wanting to perform". Make ish happen, for goodness sake.


Edit: Way longer than intended, but I just need/want/hope that AT SOME POINT she/her team get ish together. It's joked that she has the worst luck, but this is worse than bad luck, there seem to be some foundationally off things in her setup causing a big portion of the chaos.


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38 minutes ago, Givemeyourcoat said:

The video and a lot of social media interactive content is all I've always asked. My problem with her was always her (her social media manager) approach with social media. I don't even care about the fact that she didn't perform yesterday. I just want her to stop ONLY relying on big stages. Associate both, strong social media presence and stages/ magazines/ brand deals. The era feels empty because we get little things and even some are taken away from us. The label won't fund very much, then use your free platforms to promote your hard work. Her team had great and fun ideas why don't they continue on? I promise if her presence was strong on SM and if she perform just in a dance room, that cancelled performance wouldn't be that big of a deal for some fans. It hurts because we don't have much. Look at us being happy because she was a part of an Usher tribute just to her perform again. 

i'm not mad at this. the "she doesn't want it enough" comment was gross to me. but i completely understand ur frustrations, trust me.

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In hindsight, the Dopamine promo run was f**ked the moment she announced the album without a set date and then went ghost for a month.

Missteps and miscalculations wherever you look.

Having to drop out of the performance due to injury is just the icing on the cake.

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8 minutes ago, Cbreezy said:

Total conjecture, but when I hear things like "Wild Side video cost a milli" or "I recorded 150 songs", all that translates to in my mind is "the budget has been depleted". 

I believe this too. It seems obvious.

At the same time, it's confusing what they choose to spend money on.

The release party made no noise. That money would have been better spent getting her on Fallon, GMA, Today Show etc.

The trailer created some buzz, but a full music video would have been way more effective.


Again, missteps and miscalculations everywhere.


In the same vein, I am never impressed when artists talk about recording 100+ songs for an album. Maybe when you are super experimental, but even that is a stretch.

Recording that many songs for one project doesn't say "hard working" or "dedicated" to me. It tells me that you and your team are unfocused and unsure what you want the album to be, from the content matter to the sound and now you're wasting resources that aren't infinite.



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9 minutes ago, 40_L3VE said:

At the same time, it's confusing what they choose to spend money on.

The release party made no noise.

To be fair, the release party didn't seem like it cost much money either :toofunny2: It literally took place in a parking garage. The only real costs involved were renting a luxury car for like 3 hours, building a plastic rocket model, and paying a handful of tattoo artists and bartenders for a few hours. The average sweet sixteen party costs significantly more than that :laugh:

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24 minutes ago, Cbreezy said:

Devastated for her, so can only imagine how hard this be for her firsthand (even though I'm fairly certain her performance was going to be part of the Usher tribute rather than solo).


But this only serves to remind how messed up things are with her....everything. 


Had this happened after a "we tried as best as possible" launch campaign for the album, it wouldn't sting as much. For example, us having the Candy Paint video, VEVO performances, lots of SUSTAINED continued social engagement, etc.  But the nothingness of her campaign made everything kind of ride on one performance...which is always a risky move as is. Every act in that tribute has been out and about promoting their behinds off, flop or not.


She has done no real grassroots promotion or marketing. Sorry but the Terrell show was cute but isn't enough. And I refuse to believe it's because she's "lazy". I really think she/her team are trying to use mystery and a more "curated" approach to promo as a cover for a much bigger issue at the label. 


Was Brandon's handling of things so bad it soured the label relationship? Do Lydia and co have a master plan to throw the album out and quickly charge ahead to a new era or better yet new label? Are there legalities involved? So many questions. But SOMETHING, specifically SOMETHING she CAN'T or is perhaps politically REFUSING to say is at play.


Total conjecture, but when I hear things like "Wild Side video cost a milli" or "I recorded 150 songs", all that translates to in my mind is "the budget has been depleted". 


I probably sound like a broken record atp, but this whole "era" is giving thrown out by the label/Mani with the understanding that no further checks will be cut. Trust me, labels can be ruthless when a budget has been exhausted. Especially if there's no fiscal justification/potential for a return on investment to plunge more $$$ into things. 


Note how she keeps using terms like "hope...to tour"..."hope...to give xyz" moments. It's like there doesn't seem to be anything concrete in place.


And if there are (plans in place) and she's angling for the surprise factor, then there's a collective denseness in her camp given that she's debuting with 12k and thus needs to engineer all the hype possible with every move she has locked in. 


Do we have intel on when the injury occurred because I'm also baffled that her BET performance was never formally announced? Everyone else in the tribute lineup was confirmed ahead of time.


My working theory is that she was meant to be announced as part of that last batch of names (Coco, Summer Walker etc) and they pivoted to Childish Gambino. Notice how he was only male performer in what was otherwise an entirely female, choreography-heavy tribute segment. He also sang some slow, odd version of a song that is way more uptempo. I can't be convinced that wasn't Mani's spot. It has to be this because she doesn't wield the power to be anyone's "surprise" performer, especially if the other gworls were all announced. 


Anyway, the fight continues. 


VMAs, of course, would be great if she can book it. But, at the same time, she isn't actually isn't owed a slot. They've played in her face that last time, but in each instance (Motivation and Wild Side) she had a bigger hit on her hands than is the case now. So, I really don't think VMAs should be the be-all-end-all goalpost. "Live Performance Versions" should be a format she champions across her own channels rather than waiting for anything or anyone to book her. Like, rent a damn studio and shoot some damn performances. I keep hearing her talk about her "creative director" and "wanting to perform". Make ish happen, for goodness sake.


Edit: Way longer than intended, but I just need/want/hope that AT SOME POINT she/her team get ish together. It's joked that she has the worst luck, but this is worse than bad luck, there seem to be some foundationally off things in her setup causing a big portion of the chaos.



It's not conjecture to say her budget has been depleted. She said she wished that the business was better. To me, it's obvious her budget with RCA is zero which is why I don't understand some people complaining about talk shows and other promo. Recording that many songs takes a lot of time and money. Her videos are always expensive. I think Normani expected Brandon to clue her in on everything but he didn't. To be fair, he might not have known himself. Brandon was a very young and inexperienced manager. I think Normani and Lydia are going to have to get creative this year and upload their own content to youtube and her socials to get people excited about her and Dopamine. Normani still seems positive about RCA so next year, the label could potentially put some money aside for promo for her if they feel she still has potential.


Just now, shelven said:

To be fair, the release party didn't seem like it cost much money either :toofunny2: It literally took place in a parking garage. The only real costs involved were renting a luxury car for like 3 hours, building a plastic rocket model, and paying a handful of tattoo artists and bartenders for a few hours. The average sweet sixteen party costs significantly more than that :laugh:


I was just about to say that wasn't really a release party at all. No idea what that user is talking about :toofunny2:

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1 hour ago, remming said:


It's not conjecture to say her budget has been depleted. She said she wished that the business was better. To me, it's obvious her budget with RCA is zero which is why I don't understand some people complaining about talk shows and other promo. Recording that many songs takes a lot of time and money. Her videos are always expensive. I think Normani expected Brandon to clue her in on everything but he didn't. To be fair, he might not have known himself. Brandon was a very young and inexperienced manager. I think Normani and Lydia are going to have to get creative this year and upload their own content to youtube and her socials to get people excited about her and Dopamine. Normani still seems positive about RCA so next year, the label could potentially put some money aside for promo for her if they feel she still has potential.


That's why I wish we had more nuanced insider tea. 


It may read geeky or boring to some, but knowing if it's a "look, Normani, all of us here at RCA love you but the budget is finished and will replenish in time for album #2" OR a mutual "f**k you" from both sides would really give better perspective.


Beyond that, there's so much that Twitter stans and haters negate. Things like label execs coming and going. We hear it all the time. Acts being signed by one exec or A&R only for them to leave before the album arrives and their projects are "inherited" by successors who themselves have their own different priority acts and favored genres to push. Or simply don't see the vision. 


Like you said, Lydia and Mani have their work cut out for them.


Staying with RCA has its pros and cons. 


Topline, the good is that it means it's theoretically the quicker root to new music. I imagine there's material in the can that can be used for anything from deluxe, EPs, or a whole new album. In anywhere from the next few months to the next year. All the departments and divisions are in place and everyone knows everyone (artist, management, and label wise).


The cons are that it's the same RCA lol. And without either a contract renegotiation or a true highly-placed champion label side, this seems poised to be another Tnashe situation. In the sense that it wasn't one project they fumbled. It was a multi-project car crash delivered increasingly diminished returns and led to the same end result: severed ties. 


A new label (indie or major) gives a fresh slate. But, not only would that take long to marinate, that's everything from scratch. From A&R to marketing to payola vendors lol. All new everything. Which, on second thought, may not be a bad thing given the 12k debut and overall current predicament.

Edited by Cbreezy
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hopefully she gets well soon

the performance wouldn't have benefited the era since it was just a tribute so nothing really changed nnnn  :skull:


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16 minutes ago, hallucinate said:

hopefully she gets well soon

the performance wouldn't have benefited the era since it was just a tribute so nothing really changed nnnn  :skull:


FR??? jfc why


well that does at least make me feel better

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1 hour ago, shelven said:

To be fair, the release party didn't seem like it cost much money either :toofunny2: It literally took place in a parking garage. The only real costs involved were renting a luxury car for like 3 hours, building a plastic rocket model, and paying a handful of tattoo artists and bartenders for a few hours. The average sweet sixteen party costs significantly more than that :laugh:


Money that could have went towards hiring dancers, doing rehearsals and performing somewhere.

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19 minutes ago, Reginald said:

I'm gonna need Ms. Mani to drop the cashapp or something :bibliahh: lemme chip in $10 for some promo 



now THIS is funny

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My issue is what's the hold up for the mv's is she waiting for the VMA's? If I was Lydia I wouldn't bank so much on award shows. The only reason why her LL performance was so viral is because it was done in an era where dancing in performances weren't the common. Now since everybody sees that now everyone is doing it. Production for performances have actually increased since her performance at AMAs. 

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1 hour ago, Cbreezy said:

That's why I wish we had more nuanced insider tea. 


It may read geeky or boring to some, but knowing if it's a "look, Normani, all of us here at RCA love you but the budget is finished and will replenish in time for album #2" OR a mutual "f**k you" from both sides would really give better perspective.


Beyond that, there's so much that Twitter stans and haters negate. Things like label execs coming and going. We hear it all the time. Acts being signed by one exec or A&R only for them to leave before the album arrives and their projects are "inherited" by successors who themselves have their own different priority acts and favored genres to push. Or simply don't see the vision. 


Like you said, Lydia and Mani have their work cut out for them.


Staying with RCA has its pros and cons. 


Topline, the good is that it means it's theoretically the quicker root to new music. I imagine there's material in the can that can be used for anything from deluxe, EPs, or a whole new album. In anywhere from the next few months to the next year. All the departments and divisions are in place and everyone knows everyone (artist, management, and label wise).


The cons are that it's the same RCA lol. And without either a contract renegotiation or a true highly-placed champion label side, this seems poised to be another Tnashe situation. In the sense that it wasn't one project they fumbled. It was a multi-project car crash delivered increasingly diminished returns and led to the same end result: severed ties. 


A new label (indie or major) gives a fresh slate. But, not only would that take long to marinate, that's everything from scratch. From A&R to marketing to payola vendors lol. All new everything. Which, on second thought, may not be a bad thing given the 12k debut and overall current predicament.


I want to know what the next step for Normani is too but for right now I am going to say she's plans on staying with RCA because she can't hide how she feels about anything and she seems fine with RCA. :laugh: Of course that could always change but for right now... she seems like she's on board with them. I do hope they push Dopamine and don't just move onto the next album because this album is a really great first album.





Freaky Tales seems to be coming in early 2025 so it would be nice if Normani used the movie press to push her own album too. 

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16 minutes ago, remming said:


I want to know what the next step for Normani is too but for right now I am going to say she's plans on staying with RCA because she can't hide how she feels about anything and she seems fine with RCA. :laugh: Of course that could always change but for right now... she seems like she's on board with them. I do hope they push Dopamine and don't just move onto the next album because this album is a really great first album.


Freaky Tales seems to be coming in early 2025 so it would be nice if Normani used the movie press to push her own album too. 

I iono. She verbatim tweeted about "management not being the issue" during the dryest spell of the dark days and then lo and behold she's now saying it was all along.


I can appreciate that things change in general. Especially label side where one moment she may be in great standing with an exec and they go and it's not as kumbaya with the next person. 


I say that to say, I'm personally choosing not to put too much weight on what she says a) because it's ever-evolving and b) it may not be in her best interest to be as real as we want her to be given that she's actually still signed to the label in the here and now. 


My hope, outside of wanting her to succeed, is that one day we get the real tea that makes the madness of her solo run to date make way more sense. 


As for Freaky Tales, I can't lie, I don't care atm lol. Too traumatized by so many of my faves vesting themselves in non-musical ventures lol. Mani will get me to care when she's properly given her music career a big swing of the bat.

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