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Imagine if she performs this weekend :jonny:




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4 minutes ago, Shelter said:

Buy him a seat up in the stands, way in the back! You go CR. Problem solved. 


pls :deadbanana4: i might atp…


15 minutes ago, Rotunda said:

Whats the dilemma exactly?

idk if i’ll regret not getting CR or if GC is good/close enough 

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1 minute ago, ScorpiosGroove said:

pls :deadbanana4: i might atp…


idk if i’ll regret not getting CR or if GC is good/close enough 

You know he is just going to say Gaga was better at the end. :skull:

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1 minute ago, ScorpiosGroove said:

pls :deadbanana4: i might atp…


idk if i’ll regret not getting CR or if GC is good/close enough 

If you’ve got it like that you can pay the difference between CR & GC for him :chick1:

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Kinda agree with Shelter though. I didn’t even ask my man if he’s coming cause I don’t wanna spend two hours having him ask me “which song is this?” 

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24 minutes ago, ScorpiosGroove said:

i’m in such a dilemma cause my bf used to be an OBH (he’s a LM too :ace:) and didn’t like bey a few years ago. I got him to slowly change his mind through homecoming, ST and Lemons but Renni sealed the deal. Wouldn’t say he’s a fan fan but he definitely wants to see her live with me and is pretty excited.  he’s excited enough for Golden Circle tickets but not excited enough to spend 400€ on CR, which i totally get cause i barely wanted to spend 80€ on Fad… GC will do i guess if i go early and push some of the ******* there :monkey:

No babe, get those Club Renaissance tickets and make him pay you overtime like you accept Klarna or something. :biblio:

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14 minutes ago, MrPiggyMoka said:

Not Beyoncé's tour reuniting me with my lost lover :WAP: He is coming to Barcelona and we going together :WAP:


My anxiety just tripled for the tickets :deadbanana4:




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1 minute ago, Shelter said:

You know he is just going to say Gaga was better at the end. :skull:

i trained him well, he knows who mother is (he even admits she’s the better performer, singer, artist and would love if Gag’s made an album like Ren :razzle:


2 minutes ago, Rotunda said:

If you’ve got it like that you can pay the difference between CR & GC for him :chick1:

i actually thought about it :giraffe:

i’m waiting to see what the Paris prices are cause i see 1-2k$ on one side and around 300-400€ on the other, i’m really stressed for tomorrow 

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The streaming boost already :jonny:we're about to see this tour do wonders for Rennie as well as her back catalogue 

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Ren did over 5M on Spotify yesterday! A new peak since NYE. :clap3:

Y’all think she’s ever going to push a third single?

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Alien Supersmash is an obvious 3rd choice, unless AHAP and/or Heated somehow manage to go mega viral ala Cuff Hit - the consistency on streaming speaks for itself

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26 minutes ago, swissman said:

Does anyone know if you can buy more than one ticket (VIP) at once? I never have but may need to... makes sense that you should be able to but wanted to be sure and get my plans correct.

I got 4 club renaissance tickets a couple hours ago. So you should be fine!

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So Swifties were saying switch your pre-register to the new date if they get added. I'm so scared though :deadbanana4:

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1 minute ago, ShouldersSideways said:

So Swifties were saying switch your pre-register to the new date if they get added. I'm so scared though :deadbanana4:

What if we actually wanna see the first date tho? :swan:

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is B1 and B2 Gold Circle B ? or are GC A & B the same thing ? 


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1 minute ago, Mitsouko said:

What if we actually wanna see the first date tho? :swan:

I'm fine with doing night two of Atlanta if that means I have a better chance of getting tickets. :giraffe:


I hate how confusing this all is.

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3 minutes ago, ShouldersSideways said:

So Swifties were saying switch your pre-register to the new date if they get added. I'm so scared though :deadbanana4:

I’m making my friends/family all register and just picking different dates :chick1:. Somebody‘s making it through.

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4 minutes ago, ShouldersSideways said:

So Swifties were saying switch your pre-register to the new date if they get added. I'm so scared though :deadbanana4:

I switched the dates on my second email. :rip: 

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Just now, Starshine said:

I switched the dates on my second email. :rip: 

Does that mean you have two ticketmaster accounts? Trying to decide if I should start a new one.

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Just now, ShouldersSideways said:

Does that mean you have two ticketmaster accounts? Trying to decide if I should start a new one.

Yes I do. I read that those have have bought tickets in the past have priority for presale though? Idk, I just made a new one. :rip: 

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The UK coming through! :clap3: Hopefully we'll see a good climb tomorrow, and if this holds, next week!

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No shade y’all can you not go with friends? Because my bf wasn’t willing to pay for club renaissance so I’m going without him and with my friends and if my friends weren’t willing to, I’d catch a vibe by MYSELF.


This is the last time she’s touring for awhile if not ever so don’t make a decision you’ll regret.

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