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Survivor: ATRL Edition (Season 12) | WINNER REVEALED!


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  • ATRL Moderator



This season, Discord was a big hit for the third time! Our viewers were loved (and hated) watching you all, forming a lot of opinions about you as players and characters in the game! From exciting character moments to strategy to personal growth, your confessionals really helped enlighten us on the journey since January. Now that the season is over, all viewers were given a chance to rank the cast from 1 to 24. It is now time to reveal the averages of all contestants this season in our annual popularity poll! Who is this season's fan fave??


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  • Element


  • rl231


  • Rotunda


  • Anvarie


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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 20.65
High: 9 / Low: 24


rl231: I mean, you had a quote, which is nice!


Element: Someone has to be #24 on the list... unfortunately you weren't too present on Discord in your 2 rounds, but you did get an iconic episode title: "The Weak Will Flutter and the True Music Stans Will Prevail". People still talk about it to this day!


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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 20.18
High: 14 / Low: 24


rl231: You were so nice for this game! Maybe too nice because you got booted but still, you're a lovely person!


Element: I was SO excited for you to play because I felt like you were going to serve a fun mess. You were robbed. Your application lives in my head rent free: "i have zero redeeming quality lmao but i guess i’m cute and smart but dumb. but smart. but dumb. my dream career is one where i get paid to look cute. " ICONIC! After all was said and done, you ended up with the highest challenge average of the season so maybe you won.


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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 20.00
High: 6 / Low: 24


rl231: I know you don't care, but what you did honestly irked me. The fact that you put in minimal effort into this game yet would constantly post in the other server was infuriating while having the gall to give us absolutely nothing while I was trying to prod you in confessionals. What's worse is that you didn't bother to put in any effort when, we as hosts, put in consistent effort to do this game. You seem nice, otherwise, but I had to get that off my chest and hopefully you come with the right approach with other games.





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1 minute ago, Element said:

rl231: I know you don't care, but what you did honestly irked me. The fact that you put in minimal effort into this game yet would constantly post in the other server was infuriating while having the gall to give us absolutely nothing while I was trying to prod you in confessionals. What's worse is that you didn't bother to put in any effort when, we as hosts, put in consistent effort to do this game. You seem nice, otherwise, but I had to get that off my chest and hopefully you come with the right approach with other games.

PLEASE not the wholesome messages for the first two and then THIS :bibliahh: :bibliahh:

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1 minute ago, shelven said:

PLEASE not the wholesome messages for the first two and then THIS :bibliahh: :bibliahh:




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  • ATRL Moderator


@Douglas Booth

Average Ranking: 19.53
High: 12 / Low: 24


rl231: While I don't think you would've been long for the game, we did like having you here! I hope that you do more Survivor research in the future along with socializing and strategizing though.


Element: Another very fun personality - we were robbed of seeing more!! You were snatched by the Glasov alliance so early :( but I appreciate you reading the finale!


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dap a king, love you as a person, wish you took it more seriously, but I gave you a decent ranking x 

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 19.06
High: 15 / Low: 24


rl231: I genuinely believe you could've made it much further had you not tried to jump the gun so early. Your alliance was ROCK solid, and you didn't need to rock the boat! Survivor 101: if you have a good thing that's sustainable, aim to keep it. I think, in the future, you could do very well. However, remember Survivor is a marathon...not a sprint.


Element: Your arc / blindside was one of those excellent and succinct Survivor stories. We met you, heard about your role in the tribe, and then saw the red flags start to pop up one round prior to your elimination. Your plans for the future backfired when the others caught wind / it leaked, and it made for a very messy tribal council so early on! I think you definitely have untapped potential. Thank you for playing!


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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 18.47
High: 11 / Low: 24


rl231: Samsom......I'm of multiple, conflicting thoughts. You provided a lot of interesting content for us. As a viewer, I was fascinated but infuriated. There was no reason to flip on your alliance when you needed numbers!! NONE!! What's worse is that you got sour grapes after getting booted, talked **** about the game in other threads, and deleted Discord entirely. It was all unnecessary when you got deservedly blindsided after transparently flipping. At least you were entertaining though!


Element: I will never be able to wrap my head around your gameplay at the merge!! The gurls clocked you as the flipper so fast. To me, it made much more sense to stick with Glazed Punani one more round, and then flip on them, since you pretty much handed Baltoro a majority for free. Oh well, you gave us a fun Sarah Lacina moment across 2 episodes. I appreciate your transparently messy villain energy, and I would have been curious to see how far you could have gotten if karma didn't catch up so quickly. I personally think you should be ranked a bit higher, but unfortunately your departure from the jury and public negativity about the game affected others' opinions of you.


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I personally think samson deserved higher too, your pettiness of not voting deserves to get lashed tho! but you had some key moments in the season. 

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@Bethenny Frankel

Average Ranking: 17.71
High: 3 / Low: 24


rl231: You did not deserve to leave so soon for being a returnee! I'm glad the season didn't end up like your boot round, but I was just heartbroken because you couldn't see how others were gunning for you.


Element: #BethennyStrong. GURL I was soooo sad for you! You didn't deserve first boot. Some of the people on your tribe were doing too much way too fast ugh. It boggles my mind that you were targeted as a returning player (even though you left early last season)... yet the most threatening returning player (Rotunda) ended up winning. Crazy! You still have plenty of fans in the viewers' lounge, as you can see from someone still ranking you in their top 3. So much impact made in such little time.


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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 16.41
High: 6 / Low: 23


rl231: I think you had a lot of untapped potential. The fact that you almost got out Red Light (who, let's be real, was a direct contributor of using his own idol) is a FEAT. I think if you committed a little bit more, you would've been dangerous.


Element: First of all, I am very appreciative of your participation and activity in the pre-jury channel on Discord! Not many people stuck around after they were eliminated, but you were always there staying in touch with the game. So thank you! At the beginning of the season, I did find that you were playing "catch up" a bit with how to socialize/strategize. By round 3-4, you had figured it out and were doing pretty well! You almost got Red Light (an eventual finalist) out of the game through a sneaky 3-2-1 vote split. Very impressive! Being idoled out is kind of fun tbh and I think you do have potential in the future.


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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 15.18
High: 5 / Low: 23


rl231: Buddy............what. You were so confusing! Your app and how you played were very different. Additionally, I was confused how you were truly unwilling to really talk that much to people and give absolutely nothing in your confessionals, even though I said multiple times that the viewers can be trusted!!


Element: BLAD sis, you did not serve what you promised in your application!!! You said that you would be two-faced and ruthless, but you were probably the most devoted to Baltoro of anyone. It was a bit frustrating to the viewers how you would keep running back to the same people + never try talking to the players from the 2 other tribes. Your ultimate elimination through rock draw was CRAZY and you should feel excited to be part of such a memorable/iconic moment in this series. Only one other person has left on rocks before! Thank you for sticking around and casting your jury vote.


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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 13.94
High: 5 / Low: 18


rl231: Your boot was sad due to circumstances, so I hope you and your family are all doing okay. I do think that the swap did kinda screw you regardless of how everything happened, but I did appreciate you being in the game and really trying it out.


Element: I really hope that everything is okay, and that your brother is doing better. I know the entire viewers chat feels the same way. You were honestly doing amazingly before the swap happened, and I had envisioned you as a contender for the merge! The center of attention and serving hard work/fun attitude... We love to see it. I do think there were additional layers to your elimination beyond personal circumstances, but I am very sorry that your ATRL Survivor experience went south like that. Hope to see you again in the future because I think you have a natural talent and drive to do well!!


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1 minute ago, Element said:

Hope to see you again in the future because I think you have a natural talent and drive to do well!!

My redemption season coming soon me thinks

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Just now, dweebz said:

My redemption season coming soon me thinks


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another gurl for redemption coming up next...

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  • ATRL Moderator



Average Ranking: 13.82
High: 5 / Low: 21


rl231: You were my highest ranked pre-juror. You were doing so well pre-swap and had strategy for DAYS. Your sass too was unparalleled, and I thought you were a total force. The swap did screw you in this case, but I also think that dweebz leaving affected you deeply. While I don't think that your tribe got rid of dweebz because of him going to be with his family, I understood your perspective. I hope that you come back again because I'd love to see how you'd do.


Element: Oh wow, you basically tied with dweebz! Besties. I loved what you were serving in the first four rounds. You were the center of Puanu's strategy and social bonds 100%, and I think you would have called the shots in this game if you guys hadn't lost as much. The swap, of course, was depressing and I was quite sad to see you get sent home so early. I do think that there was potential for you to get back in people's good graces, but doubling down and expressing your emotions can be therapuetic, so I don't blame you. You absolutely have potential to slay in the future too, so I do hope to see you again in a future season!!

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gemini icon 

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@Kayseri Mantisi

Average Ranking: 13.59
High: 7 / Low: 20


rl231: I do think that you're a pretty good person, but you were NOT for this game lol. You were entirely trusting of so many of your "friends" when you had no reason to, and I wish you saw yourself out of that. Only trust yourself always!!


Element: Kayseri, your early season energy was so fun!! I loved the sneaky vibes that you had. You were figuring out the game and making some crazy decisions. The way you shared your idol with everyone right after finding it was WILD. I was cackling all night tbh. You were chaotic and disrupted others' plans on the Glacier. We love a wildcard. I do think you started losing some interest later on, but I know with the time zone it was hard. The fact that you never went to a tribal council pre-merge was pretty cool. Not many have done that. Ultimately, loose lips sink ships, and your public prizes caught up to you!

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  • ATRL Moderator
1 minute ago, Rotunda said:

Bring TruGemini and Dweebz back!

tea tbh

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